WikiGreen is a project which merged into Appropedia. For an overview of similar projects, see green wikis, or for the continuation of WikiGreen's vision see About Appropedia.
Wiki Green, at, was a green wiki that formed one of the major sources of sustainability and green living related material in Appropedia's early development. It began in 2005[verification needed] and continued until January 2007, when it merged into Appropedia. Active contributors from the two sites were committed to synergy, so it was mainly just a matter of which name to use. The decision to use Appropedia's name reflects the range of content being wider than just "green" issues, even though sustainability permeates everything in the site and the community.
Eric Blazek, the administrator and a major contributor to WikiGreen, developed a great collection of material, together with other WikiGreenians.
Former Wiki Green pages can be found in Category:Wiki Green pages (work in progress).