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Name alana hoffmeier
Registered 2007
Impact 47,844
Contributions Thermosiphon
Environmental songs
Law of conservation of charge
Net metering

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Hello there and thank you for taking the time to check out this page.... My name's Alana and i am currently a student at Clarion University, Pa.

Please focus your attention on the cause..... but more info on me may be found here =http://www.myspace.com/ahoffster

Introduction and involvement to Appropedia was initiated by my Physics Professor, Joshua M. Pearce.https://www.appropedia.org/User:J.M.Pearce He is currently teaching a interesting, useful, and kick-ass course entitled "PH261: Physics of Energy and the Environment." https://www.appropedia.org/PH261#Target_Communities

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US Government Environmental Policies[edit | edit source]

Global Warming[edit | edit source]

The following information was obtained from the Environmental Defense Network.

S.280[edit | edit source]

Sponsors Sens. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), John McCain (R-AZ), Barack Obama (D-IL), Olympia Snowe (R-ME), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) and Susan Collins (R-ME) Main Provisions How does it work? Emissions cap and trade system First year of emissions cap 2012 How much GHG emissions would the bill cut by 2020? 15 percent How much GHG emissions would the bill cut by 2050? 65 percent What sources are covered? Electric power, industrial, commercial, transportation petroleum Can farmers participate? Yes. Agricultural offsets are limited to 30 percent of allowances. (What does this mean?) Other Provisions Establishes the Climate Change Credit Corporation to reduce costs to consumers resulting from this act.

-> Provides R&D funding for advanced coal, renewable electricity, energy efficiency, advanced technology vehicles, transportation fuels, carbon sequestration and storage, and nuclear reactor technologies.

-> Requires periodic evaluations (by Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere) to determine whether emissions targets are adequate.

S.309[edit | edit source]

  • Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act – S.309 - Introduced 1/15/2007

Sponsors Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Main Provisions How does it work? Performance standards with the option for an emissions cap and trade system First year of emissions cap 2010 How much GHG emissions would the bill cut by 2020? 15 percent How much GHG emissions would the bill cut by 2050? 83 percent What sources are covered? Electric generation, motor vehicles, fuel Can farmers participate? Not specified Other Provisions Provides funding for R&D on geologic sequestration, among other projects.

-> Includes emissions standards for new vehicles beginning in 2016 and renewable fuels requirement for gasoline beginning in 2016.

-> Includes energy efficiency and renewable portfolio standards (beginning in 2008) and low-carbon electric generation standards (beginning in 2016) for electric utilities.

-> Requires periodic evaluations (by the National Academy of Sciences) to determine whether emissions targets are adequate.

S.317[edit | edit source]

  • The Electric Utility Cap and trade Act – S.317 - Introduced 1/17/2007

Sponsors Sens. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) and Tom Carper (D-DE) Main Provisions How does it work? Emissions cap and trade system for electric utilities only First year of emissions cap 2011 How much GHG emissions would the bill cut by 2020? 8 percent (electric utilities only) How much GHG emissions would the bill cut by 2050? 41 percent (electric utilities only); Note: This bill is not structured like the others in that it pertains to electric utilities only. Total GHG emissions from all sources could increase by 62 percent by 2050 if other sectors are not phased in under the cap. What sources are covered? Electric utilities Can farmers participate? Yes Other Provisions Establishes the Climate Science Advisory Board to inform the administration and Congress of the state of climate science, and make recommendations to achieve climate stabilization.

-> Provides R&D funding for low- and zero-emitting carbon technologies, clean coal technologies, and energy efficient technologies relevant to the utilities industry.

-> Requires periodic evaluations (by Environmental Protection Agency) to determine whether emissions targets are adequate.

S.485[edit | edit source]

  • Global Warming Reduction Act – S.485 -Introduced 2/1/2007

Sponsors Sens. John Kerry (D-MA) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) Main Provisions How does it work? Emissions cap and trade system and performance standards First year of emissions cap 2010 How much GHG emissions would the bill cut by 2020? 15 percent How much GHG emissions would the bill cut by 2050? 67 percent What sources are covered? Unspecified: "Sources and sectors with the greatest [global warming] [pollutant] emissions" to be determined by the administrator. Can farmers participate? Yes Other Provisions Establishes passenger vehicle standards no less stringent than California's by 2014.

-> Gives consumer tax credits for advanced vehicle technologies (e.g., fuel cells, plug-in hybrids).

-> Mandates 60 billion gallons of renewable fuels by 2030; requires the installation of E-85 pumps at certain gas stations. (In 2006, the United States consumed 141.5 billion gallons of gasoline.)

-> Requires periodic evaluations (by the National Academy of Sciences) to determine whether emissions targets are adequate.

                                     Are You Satisified with These Bills? 
                                      Please Visit The Active Petitions

Active Petition Links: Elected Official Finder[edit | edit source]


Environment[edit | edit source]

Wildlife[edit | edit source]

Non-for-Profit Orginizations[edit | edit source]

Sea Shepherd

S.O.S. - Sumatran Orangutan Society

Buffalo Field Campaign - Yellowstone, USA

Union of Concerned Scientists

Additional Links[edit | edit source]

IUCN - World Conservation Union

Center for Biological Diversity

Environmental Defense Network

FSC - Forest Stewardship Council

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