Name: Devan Hemmings Born: May 29, 1983
Self Summery: I graduated from Cal Poly Humboldt in 2011 with a degree in Natural Resources Planning and Interpretation (NRPI) with a concentration in Appropriate technology[1]. Through the "individual design" degree option of NRPI I was able to concentrate my studies towards the technological aspect of sustainability. To see more about my academic pursuits, read my proposal to the Natural Resources Department to design my own curriculum:appropriate design.doc. After taking a break from my studies and traveling around the U.S, In early 2013 I spent time in Taos, New Mexico learning about and building Earthships through the Earthship Biotecture[2] Academy and continued my interest by volunteering at an Earthship build in Big Sky, Montana. Now as 2013 is coming to a close and the new year approaching, I am planning my next move to affect positive change in the community and promote sustainable/appropriate technologies.
Interests in Technology and the Environment[edit | edit source]
- Renewable energy technology e.g. wind energy, micro-hydro, solar
- Social sustainability through ecologically conscious community planning and sustainable farming
- Green building consultation and design and functional architecture.
- Closed loop systems and resource conservation through improved system technologies.
Experience and Resources[edit | edit source]
University[edit | edit source]
- In Engr114 Whole Earth Engineering With the help of Bart Orlando I helped build a popcorn popper powered by the sun.
- I also did a design project in this class for the CCAT kitchenette seen here: CCAT Kitchenette design
- In ENGR 305 I built a vertical axis wind turbine that can be seen here: Devan's vertical axis wind turbine
- 2009 Summer internship in natural building and organic gardening.
- Project and spreadsheet comparing Heat pumps and Solar thermal hot water heaters RCEA Solar thermal vs Heat pump
- Overall knowledge about Environmental and social issues regarding consumption and technology.
Earthsip Biotecture[edit | edit source]
- Earthship Academy in Taos, NM March 2013.
- Eartship globel model build in Big Sky, MT May 2013
Independent Studies/Projects[edit | edit source]
- Organic Gardening, composting, irrigation, and greenhouses
- Aquaponics
- Permaculture
- Solar Hot Water system
- Straw Bale Goat Barn
Favorite Sites[edit | edit source]
Wind Energy:
Natural Building:
Sustainable Living:
Appropriate Technology: