In 2001, 34 million children in sub-Saharan Africa were orphans, one-third of them due to AIDS. Children as young as nine years are heading households... and have little or no means of support or access to information and education. In most of the developing world, electricity is non-existent and batteries are unaffordable on an ongoing basis, especially to women and children.[1]
Summary[edit | edit source]
"Radio programming can perform the role of "surrogate teacher", helping fill the educational void. Programmes can also offer useful information that a parent or adult would normally provide. The Lifeline radio makes sustainable access to information and educational content possible. Information and education are vital to halt the spread of HIV/AIDS."[1]
John Hutchinson, the Technology Director for Freeplay, spoke at the Bridging the Divide 2005 Conference (April 2005, Berkeley CA). He was asked how the Freeplay radio might be considered appropriate if the user could neither maintain or repair the unit. His response was that their goal was to use "fire and forget" technology to create a product rugged enough to withstand frequent daily use in rural areas without the need for maintenance or repair.
Emergency use[edit | edit source]
Radio communication can be vital in emergencies. Having a wind-up radio on standby is an excellent precautionary measure.
References[edit | edit source]
This page contains content from, used with permission.