Appendix 4 - Additional references[edit | edit source]
ATI (1987) Choosing technologies for agricultural processing technologies. Appropriate Technology International Report 1984-1987.
AXTELL, B. and FAIRMAN, R. M. (1992) Minor oil crops. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 94, Rome: FAO.
CARR M. (1989) Women and the Food Cycle. London, UK: Intermediate Technology Publications.
PRIVATE AGENCIES COLLABORATING TOGETHER (PACT) (1989) Food Oils in Africa Directory. New York, United States: PACT.
SADCC (1988) Proceedings of a Subregional Workshop on Smallscale Oilseed Expression, held in Zanzibar, November 1987. Harare, Zimbabwe: Post Production Food Industry Advisory Unit.
SIDO (undated) Information for Women's Groups Interested in Producing Cooking Oil by Using the Hand-Operated Ram Press. Arusha, Tanzania: SIDO.
UNIFEM (1987) Oil extraction. 1. Food Cycle Technology Source Book. New York, United States: United Nations Development Fund for Women.
WIEMER, H. J. and ALTES, F. W. K. (1989) Small Scale Processing of Oilfruits and Oilseeds. Eschborn, Germany: GATE/GTZ.