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Parent Prehospital Childbirth


Prehospital Childbirth

Candidate Name: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Examiner Name and Signature: _________________________________________________________

Time Started: __________ Time Ended: __________ Points: _____/42 PASS/FAIL (Circle One)

Points Possible Points Awarded
Appropriate PPE including double glove technique 1
Determines that delivery is imminent: Last menstrual period? Due date? Bleeding or discharge? Has the bag of waters broken (color)? Are you having pain or  contractions? When did contractions begin? How far apart? How long are the contractions? Do you feel the need to push or move your bowels? How many pregnancies? How many times have you given birth?  Are you expecting any complications? Have you had any complications during your pregnancy? Are you expecting twins? As time permits gather additional targeted history: Have you had any deliveries via c-section? Prenatal care? Physician? 18
Explains the necessity of examining the patient for crowning 1
Places patient in a position that facilitates ease of delivery 1
Opens OB kit and sets it up for delivery 1
Drapes the patient for examination 1
Observes for perineal bulging,  crowning or any presenting part. 1
Cleanses patient: Wipes from top to bottom, starting at each side of the vagina and working outward laterally (from the center out) 1
Removes dirty gloves (top pair) using proper technique. 1
Apply gentle pressure on the perineum and infant’s head to prevent explosive delivery. (May use a 4x4 pad) 1
Checks for cord around infant’s neck as soon as head is delivered. If cord is visible, loosen with two fingers and slip over the infant's head; or, clamp in two places and cut. If Amniotic sac is intact, break the membrane with your fingers. 1
Apply gentle downward pressure on head to release upper shoulder. 1
Apply gentle upward pressure on head to release lower shoulder. 1
Hold the infant with a firm, but gentle, grip while delivering the infant's body. 1
Wipe infant dry of amniotic fluid without removing vernix and discard wet cloth. Place baby on their side with head slightly lowered to facilitate drainage and ease of breathing. Cover infant, including head, with a clean, dry towel/blanket. (note time of birth) 1
Assesses baby and determines need for resuscitation. Suctions baby only if necessary. (Describes when and how to suction) 1
Notes APGAR at 1 & 5 minutes (if able) 1
After the cord stops pulsating. Clamp cord, place first clamp approximately 7” from infant and place second clamp approximately 11” from infant and cut between clamps. 1
Place infant to mother’s breast (if possible), this facilitates bonding, warmth and may control uterine bleeding 1
Evaluate mother for tears of the perineum and vaginal bleeding. Perineal tears should be dressed. 1
Deliver placenta and place it in a plastic bag. (Should deliver in 5 to 20 minutes, do not delay transport). Uterine bleeding may be controlled AFTER the delivery of the placenta by fundal massage. 1
Place pad(s) between mothers legs 1
Properly dispose of contaminated equipment 1
Reassess mother and infant every five minutes 1
Performs neonatal resuscitation if appropriate 1

Points Possible: 42                      Total Points Awarded_______________

Critical Criteria

☐ Failure to identify or manage complications of childbirth (e.g. nuchal cord, unruptured bag of waters)

☐ Performs any dangerous activity during delivery (pulls on fetus, places fetus in a dangerous position, pulls on umbilical cord to deliver placenta, handles newborn inappropriately)

☐ Failure to assess need for resuscitation

☐ Failure to provide appropriate newborn care

☐ Failure to perform APGAR


FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
SDG SDG03 Good health and well-being
Authors Catherine Mohr
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 1 pages link here
Impact 181 page views (more)
Created January 10, 2022 by Catherine Mohr
Modified March 1, 2023 by Felipe Schenone
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