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Open Source Pellet Extruder Tool Head for a Desktop 3D Printer

From Appropedia
Project data
Type Pellet extruder
Authors Jacob Franz
Status Designed
Years 2019
Made No
Replicated Yes
Cost USD 100
OKH Manifest Download

To create an open source pellet extruder for an open source desktop 3D Printer.

Background[edit | edit source]

Problem Statement[edit | edit source]

Project Significance[edit | edit source]

This tool head once complete will be the first Lulzbot compatible FPF-style extruder assembly.

Project Goals:

  1. Design a tool head that can be used on a Lulzbot Taz 6
    • Design uses components found on a standard Taz 6 tool head
  2. Cost of toolhead less than $400

Future Goals:

  1. Tool head design adopted to other open source desktop 3D Printers

Bill of Materials[edit | edit source]

This project is still in development and the final bill of materials has not been finalized.

Tools needed[edit | edit source]

  1. 3D Printer capable of printing PLA, ABS, and PETG
  2. Electric Drill
    • All drill bit sizes that will be listed in the BOM once finalized
  3. Rotary tool (Rotozip, Dremel, anything similar)
    • Sanding disks
    • Endmills (Various carbide cutter used in carving out the aluminum heater block)
  4. Digital Scale (0.01g increments and has a maximum reading of 100g)
  5. Vise (used in securing the heater block when drilling, and carving the heater block)
  6. Hammer
  7. Tap wrench
  8. Taps
    • M6x1
    • M3x0.5
  9. Metric Hex Wrenches
    • 3 mm, 2.5 mm, 2 mm, 1.5 mm
  10. Fine tip Tweezers
  11. Pliers
  12. Auxiliary Lighting
    • Any bright light that you can move around and have it focus on one area
  13. Hacksaw

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions[edit | edit source]

In Process

Page data
Keywords 3d printer modification, 3d printing, extruder, oshe, pla plastic
SDG SDG09 Industry innovation and infrastructure
Authors Jacob Franz
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Organizations MTU, Michigan_Tech's_Open_Sustainability_Technology_Lab
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 3 pages link here
Impact 380 page views (more)
Created December 13, 2019 by Jacob Franz
Last modified June 18, 2024 by Felipe Schenone
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