Obvious 3D printer technology based on 03. Local Quality
(Redirected from Obvious 3D printer technology based on 3. Local Quality)
Azw (talk) 07:19, 1 December 2015 (PST) Djchopp (talk) 07:19, 1 December 2015 (PST)
- adjust print settings for specified areas of object for tighter tolerances
- increase variance on some print parameters (temperature) to allow some areas to be printed faster than others.
- use lower quality materials in don't care areas of parts
- change control parameter to pressure instead of temperature for different extrusion materials in different parts of object
- include only high quality parts where precision is important, else use crap quality
- map print bed to account for non uniformity in print surface.
- add guards around some mechanical areas of printer to prevent entanglement, leave others exposed to allow open movement.
- change frame material from high quality wood to low quality trash as it isn't mechanically important
- multiple print heads that are automatically changeable for quality where its needed
- use multiple print heads of varying quality in parallel
- alert user when printing difficult sections so it can be closely monitored
- use feedback to alter print speed based on head resistance
- control environment quality around print head but leave print enclosure at ambient
- allow for localization of thermal control for print bed to conserve energy and allow for better release
- include high precision components for bed leveling, cut costs in other locations
- change infill for unimportant areas of print to cut material usage
- cool filament before it enters extruder
- bigger, sharper teeth on drive gear to allow more filament force
- self cleaning drive gear
- control environment filament is stored in when it is in use
- flash cool filament after it is extruded
- add sacrificial edge to aid in print removal
- use subtractive manufacturing where tight tolerances needed.
- auto switch filaments to use waste or recycled plastic for infill and new plastic for outer shells
- reversable print bed for multiple materials
Cjthormodson (talk) 07:04, 4 December 2018 (PST)
- Purchase an all metal hot end to better control the temperature of the filament.
- Create filament with a better tolerance
- Be able to print at the micro scale for layer heights to enhance the surface finish and allow for better tolerances to be met on the prints
- Redesign the 3D printed parts of the printer
- Constant auto bed leveling if the bed is warped
- Develop a better support method
- Allow for more materials to be printed to enhance material properties
- Control filament environment to reduce humidity and other things
- Control printer environment to to prevent swings in temperature.
- Build a bed that prevents peeling of parts
- Smaller extruder nozzle to enhance quality
- Larger drive motor for more consistent filament flow
- Self cleaning hotend
- Make a hotend that never plugs up
- Improve cooling on small parts to prevent melting
- Better stepper motors for more precise movements
- Better frames to prevent Z wobble
- Auto stop if failed print is detected
- Remote monitoring of the printer so the user can watch it print from phone or tablet
- Have the printer be controlled remotely
- Multiple extruders with different diameter nozzles for more detailed printing
- Multiple extruders for different materials
- Faster cooling on the material after extruded.
- Prevent shrinking until after the part in completed.
- Different priced materials for different sections of a print. Ex. 1 for low quality and 1 for high quality
JBailey (talk) 07:27, 4 December 2018 (PST)
- nozzle temperature gradient per layer height so there are variations in print color (wood filament)
- attachment to print head that could pre-loosen prints from bed
- attachment to bed that forces flexion to easily remove print
- attachment to print head to auto-clean print bed
- enclosure with air filtering to remove any toxins released when printing
- dual extruder so one filament can be high quality and the other can b low quality (infill)
- create filament that cleans nozzle as it is used
- add lens and laser to add etches/features in walls
Houcke (talk) 10:11 3 December 2019 (EST) Rsimpson (talk) 10:11 3 December 2019 (EST)
- Slow first layer speed to ensure adhesion
- Longer print time
- Dry your filament before use with a filament dryer
- Autoleveling the print bed
- Dual extruder (use different material on outside vs inside)
- Self cleaning hot end/extruder
- Adjust hot end temperature
- Add heated bed
- Adjust heated bed temperature
- Use different type of filament
- Use higher quality filament (spend more $)
- Longer calibration procedure
- Have less mobile limit switches
- Auto-calibration procedures
- Ensure even cooling rates
- Create your own filament
- Monitor thermal map of print in real time to ensure even cooling
- Use a single use print bed for perfect adhesion
- Use a skirt rather than a brim or raft on part
- Limit post-processing procedures
- Print in 0 gravity
- Have print auto-clear off bed and restart if a failure is detected
- Continuous printing with assembly line-like process
- Laser leveling as the print is being produced
- Laser leveling in general
Daniel Donovan (talk) 15:18, 3 December 2019 (UTC)
- Faster feeder motor
- Increased reliable hot end effector
- Clean out hot end
- Automate nozzle clean out section
- Preprocess plastic before entering printer (UV Light, pre heat, clean)
- Create a vacumn for printing
Existential-Crisis (talk) 10:26, 3 December 2019 (PST) Will Omberg (talk)
- Recycling HDPE
- Recycling PET
- Nanobots that can re-purpose materials on an atomic level
- Fission Chambers
- Maintenance Nanobots
- AI that can optimize the prints via machine learning
- Hive mind of machines that cooperate
- Printer with a variable print volume
- Variable print bed geometry in 3D space to support prints
- Having billions of nanobots to "assume" the shape of the print