Literature review...
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Introduction[edit | edit source]
- Additive Manufacturing
- Extrusion
- Extrusion of UV-sensitive materials
- Auger-extruder
- Open-source hardware
- Part consolidation
- Integrated functions (non-assemblies)
Sources[edit | edit source]
[1] I. Gibson, D. Rosen, and B. Stucker, Additive Manufacturing Technologies. 2008.
Journal Articles_________________________________________________________________________
Additive Manufacturing
[2] S. Mellor, L. Hao, and D. Zhang, “Additive manufacturing: A framework for implementation,” vol. 149, pp. 194–201, 2014.
[3] B. P. Conner et al., “Making sense of 3-D printing: Creating a map of additive manufacturing products and services,” Addit. Manuf., vol. 1, pp. 64–76, 2014.
[4] C. Achillas, D. Aidonis, E. Iakovou, M. Thymianidis, and D. Tzetzis, “A methodological framework for the inclusion of modern additive manufacturing into the production portfolio of a focused factory,” J. Manuf. Syst., vol. 37, pp. 328–339, 2015.
[5] R. Bogue, “3D printing: the dawn of a new era in manufacturing?,” Assem. Autom., vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 307–311, 2013.
[6] I. Campbell, D. Bourell, and I. Gibson, “Additive manufacturing: rapid prototyping comes of age,” Rapid Prototyp. J., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 255–258, 2012.
Extrusion of UV-sensitive materials
[7] J. Holländer, R. Hakala, J. Suominen, N. Moritz, J. Yliruusi, and N. Sandler, “3D printed UV light cured polydimethylsiloxane devices for drug delivery,” Int. J. Pharm., 2017.
[8] “Potterbot 7 UV Paste 3D printer.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13-Nov-2017].
[9] C. Paper, “A New 3D Printing Technique Using Extrusion of Photopolymer,” no. January, 2017.
[10] M. Faes, H. Valkenaers, F. Vogeler, J. Vleugels, and E. Ferraris, “Extrusion-based 3D printing of ceramic components,” Procedia CIRP, vol. 28, pp. 76–81, 2015.
[11] J. Sun, W. Zhou, L. Yan, D. Huang, and L. ya Lin, “Extrusion-based food printing for digitalized food design and nutrition control,” J. Food Eng., vol. 220, pp. 1–11, 2016.
Open-source hardware
[12] R. Bogue, “What future for humans in assembly?,” Assem. Autom., vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 305–309, 2014.
[13] B. T. Wittbrodt et al., “Life-cycle economic analysis of distributed manufacturing with open-source 3-D printers,” Mechatronics, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 713–726, 2013.
[14] G. C. Anzalone, C. Zhang, B. Wijnen, P. G. Sanders, and J. M. Pearce, “A Low-Cost Open-Source Metal 3-D Printer,” Ieee Access, vol. 1, pp. 803–810, 2013.
[15] B. M. Tymrak, M. Kreiger, and J. M. Pearce, “Mechanical properties of components fabricated with open-source 3-D printers under realistic environmental conditions,” Mater. Des., vol. 58, pp. 242–246, 2014.
Part consolidation (Design for AM)
[16] S. Hällgren, L. Pejryd, and J. Ekengren, “(Re)Design for Additive Manufacturing,” Procedia CIRP, vol. 50, pp. 246–251, 2016.
[17] K. Salonitis, “Design for additive manufacturing based on the axiomatic design method,” Int. J. Adv. Manuf. Technol., vol. 87, no. 1–4, pp. 989–996, 2016.
Integrated functions
[18] J. Glasschroeder, E. Prager, and M. F. Zaeh, “Powder-bed-based 3D-printing of function integrated parts,” Rapid Prototyp. J., vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 207–215, 2015.
[19] X. Wei, Y. Tian, and A. Joneja, “A study on revolute joints in 3D-printed non-assembly mechanisms,” Rapid Prototyp. J., vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 901–933, 2016.
[20] X. Su, Y. Yang, D. Wang, and Y. Chen, “Digital assembly and direct fabrication of mechanism based on selective laser melting,” Rapid Prototyp. J., vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 166–172, 2013.
Searches[edit | edit source]
Google Scholar, Science Direct:
“principle of auger extruder”, “extrusion photopolymer”, “open-source hardware 3D printing”, “3D printing uv curing”, “integrated functions”, “Design for additive manufacturing”, “single screw extruder”, “non-assembly”