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Countries by HDI-rating

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World map indicating the countries' Human Development Index in 2010 (Source: 2010 Human Development Report).
> 0.784 (Very High)
0.677–0.784 (High)
0.488–0.676 (Medium)
< 0.488 (Low)
no data

This is a list of all countries by Human Development Index as included in a United Nations Development Program's Human Development Report released on 4 November 2010, compiled on the basis of estimates for 2010. It covers 168 UN member states (out of 192) and Hong Kong. Twenty four UN member states are not included due to lack of data. The average HDI of regions of the World and groups of countries are also included for comparison.

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an under-developed country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life. The index was developed in 1990 by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq and Indian economist Amartya Sen.[1]

Countries fall into four broad human development categories, each of which comprises 42 countries (except for the second category, comprising 43 countries).[2] The divisions are:

Division Comprising
Very high 42 countries
High 43 countries
Medium 42 countries
Low 42 countries

Due to the new methodology adopted in 2010 HD Report, its HDI figures appear lower than the HDI figures in previous reports.

Starting in the report for 2007, the first category is referred to as developed countries, and the last three are all grouped in developing countries. The original "high human development" category has been split into two as above in the report for 2007.

Some older groupings (high/medium/low income countries) have been removed that were based on the gross national income (GNI) in purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita, and have been replaced by another index based on the gross domestic product (GDP) in purchasing power parity per capita.

Complete list of countries[edit | edit source]

  • ▲ = increase
  • — = steady
  • ▼ = decrease
  • Similar HDI values in the current list do not lead to ranking ties, since the HDI rank is actually determined using HDI values to the sixth decimal point.
  • This revision of the index was released on 4 November 2010 and estimates the HDI of countries for 2010.
  • The number in brackets represents the number of ranks the country has climbed (up or down) relative to the revised estimates for 2007, released on 5 October 2009.

Very high human development (developed countries)[edit | edit source]

Rank Country HDI
New 2010 estimates for 2010
Change compared to old 2009 values for 2007 New 2010 estimates for 2010
Change compared to new 2010 estimates for 2009
1 Norway 0.938 ▲ 0.001
2 Australia 0.937 ▲ 0.002
3 ▲ (17) New Zealand 0.907 ▲ 0.003
4 ▲ (9) United States 0.902 ▲ 0.003
5 Ireland 0.895 ▲ 0.001
6 ▲ (13) Liechtenstein 0.891 ▲ 0.002
7 ▼ (1) Netherlands 0.890 ▲ 0.002
8 ▼ (4) Canada 0.888 ▲ 0.002
9 ▼ (2) Sweden 0.885 ▲ 0.001
10 ▲ (12) Germany 0.885 ▲ 0.002
11 ▼ (1) Japan 0.884 ▲ 0.003
12 ▲ (14) South Korea 0.877 ▲ 0.005
13 ▼ (4) Switzerland 0.874 ▲ 0.002
14 ▼ (6) France 0.872 ▲ 0.003
15 ▲ (12) Israel 0.872 ▲ 0.001
16 ▼ (4) Finland 0.871 ▲ 0.002
17 ▼ (14) Iceland 0.869
18 ▼ (1) Belgium 0.867 ▲ 0.002
19 ▼ (3) Denmark 0.866 ▲ 0.002
20 ▼ (5) Spain 0.863 ▲ 0.002
21 ▲ (3) Hong Kong 0.862 ▲ 0.005
22 ▲ (3) Greece 0.855 ▲ 0.002
23 ▼ (5) Italy 0.854 ▲ 0.003
24 ▼ (13) Luxembourg 0.852 ▲ 0.002
25 ▼ (11) Austria 0.851 ▲ 0.002
26 ▼ (5) United Kingdom 0.849 ▲ 0.002
27 ▼ (5) Singapore 0.846 ▲ 0.005
28 ▲ (8) Czech Republic 0.841
29 Slovenia 0.828 ▲ 0.002
30 ▲ (2) Andorra 0.824 ▲ 0.002
31 ▲ (11) Slovakia 0.818 ▲ 0.003
32 ▲ (3) United Arab Emirates 0.815 ▲ 0.003
33 ▲ (5) Malta 0.815 ▲ 0.002
34 ▲ (6) Estonia 0.812 ▲ 0.003
35 ▼ (3) Cyprus 0.810 ▲ 0.001
36 ▲ (7) Hungary 0.805 ▲ 0.002
37 ▼ (7) Brunei 0.805 ▲ 0.001
38 ▼ (5) Qatar 0.803 ▲ 0.005
39 Bahrain 0.801 ▲ 0.003
40 ▼ (6) Portugal 0.795 ▲ 0.004
41 Poland 0.795 ▲ 0.004
42 ▼ (5) Barbados 0.788 ▲ 0.001

High human development (developing countries)[edit | edit source]

Rank Country HDI
New 2010 estimates for 2010
Change compared to old 2009 values for 2007 New 2010 estimates for 2010
Change compared to new 2010 estimates for 2009
43 ▲ (9) Bahamas 0.784 ▲ 0.001
44 ▲ (2) Lithuania 0.783 ▲ 0.001
45 ▼ (1) Chile 0.783 ▲ 0.004
46 ▲ (3) Argentina 0.775 ▲ 0.003
47 ▼ (16) Kuwait 0.771 ▲ 0.002
48 Latvia 0.769
49 ▲ (16) Montenegro 0.769 ▲ 0.001
50 ▲ (13) Romania 0.767 ▲ 0.003
51 ▼ (6) Croatia 0.767 ▲ 0.002
52 ▼ (2) Uruguay 0.765 ▲ 0.005
53 ▲ (2) Libya 0.755 ▲ 0.006
54 ▲ (6) Panama 0.755 ▲ 0.004
55 ▲ (4) Saudi Arabia 0.752 ▲ 0.004
56 ▼ (3) Mexico 0.750 ▲ 0.005
57 ▲ (9) Malaysia 0.744 ▲ 0.005
58 ▲ (3) Bulgaria 0.743 ▲ 0.002
59 ▲ (5) Trinidad and Tobago 0.736 ▲ 0.004
60 ▲ (7) Serbia 0.735 ▲ 0.002
61 ▲ (7) Belarus 0.732 ▲ 0.003
62 ▼ (8) Costa Rica 0.725 ▲ 0.002
63 ▲ (15) Peru 0.723 ▲ 0.005
64 ▲ (6) Albania 0.719 ▲ 0.003
65 ▲ (6) Russia 0.719 ▲ 0.005
66 ▲ (16) Kazakhstan 0.714 ▲ 0.003
67 ▲ (19) Azerbaijan 0.713 ▲ 0.003
68 ▲ (8) Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.710 ▲ 0.001
69 ▲ (16) Ukraine 0.710 ▲ 0.004
70 ▲ (18) Iran 0.702 ▲ 0.005
71 ▲ (1) Macedonia 0.701 ▲ 0.004
72 ▲ (9) Mauritius 0.701 ▲ 0.004
73 ▲ (2) Brazil 0.699 ▲ 0.006
74 ▲ (15) Georgia 0.698 ▲ 0.003
75 ▼ (17) Venezuela 0.696
76 ▲ (8) Armenia 0.695 ▲ 0.002
77 ▲ (3) Ecuador 0.695 ▲ 0.003
78 ▲ (15) Belize 0.694
79 ▼ (2) Colombia 0.689 ▲ 0.004
80 ▲ (20) Jamaica 0.688 ▲ 0.002
81 ▲ (17) Tunisia 0.683 ▲ 0.006
82 ▲ (14) Jordan 0.681 ▲ 0.004
83 ▼ (4) Turkey 0.679 ▲ 0.005
84 ▲ (20) Algeria 0.677 ▲ 0.006
85 ▲ (14) Tonga 0.677 ▲ 0.002

Medium human development (developing countries)[edit | edit source]

Rank Country HDI
New 2010 estimates for 2010
Change compared to old 2009 values for 2007 New 2010 estimates for 2010
Change compared to new 2010 estimates for 2009
86 ▲ (2) Fiji 0.669 ▲ 0.002
87 ▼ (1) Turkmenistan 0.669 ▲ 0.007
88 ▼ (1) Dominican Republic 0.663 ▲ 0.003
89 ▲ (2) China 0.663[4] ▲ 0.008
90 ▼ (1) El Salvador 0.659 ▲ 0.004
91 ▲ (2) Sri Lanka 0.658 ▲ 0.005
92 ▲ (7) Thailand 0.654 ▲ 0.006
93 ▼ (3) Gabon 0.648 ▲ 0.006
94 ▲ (2) Suriname 0.646 ▲ 0.003
95 ▲ (2) Bolivia 0.643 ▲ 0.006
96 ▼ (1) Paraguay 0.640 ▲ 0.006
97 ▲ (1) Philippines 0.638 ▲ 0.003
98 ▲ (2) Botswana 0.633 ▲ 0.006
99 ▼ (5) Moldova 0.623 ▲ 0.003
100 ▼ (8) Mongolia 0.622 ▲ 0.006
101 Egypt 0.620 ▲ 0.006
102 Uzbekistan 0.617 ▲ 0.005
103 Micronesia 0.614 ▲ 0.002
104 Guyana 0.611 ▲ 0.006
105 Namibia 0.606 ▲ 0.003
106 Honduras 0.604 ▲ 0.003
107 ▲ (2) Maldives 0.602 ▲ 0.007
108 ▼ (1) Indonesia 0.600 ▲ 0.007
109 ▼ (1) Kyrgyzstan 0.598 ▲ 0.004
110 South Africa 0.597 ▲ 0.003
111 Syria 0.589 ▲ 0.003
112 Tajikistan 0.580 ▲ 0.004
113 Vietnam 0.572 ▲ 0.006
114 Morocco 0.567 ▲ 0.005
115 ▲ (1) Nicaragua 0.565 ▲ 0.003
116 ▼ (1) Guatemala 0.560 ▲ 0.004
117 Equatorial Guinea 0.538 ▲ 0.002
118 Cape Verde 0.534 ▲ 0.003
119 India 0.519 ▲ 0.007
120 Timor-Leste 0.502 ▲ 0.005
121 Swaziland 0.498 ▲ 0.006
122 ▲ (1) Laos 0.497 ▲ 0.007
123 ▼ (1) Solomon Islands 0.494 ▲ 0.002
124 Cambodia 0.494 ▲ 0.005
125 ▲ (1) Pakistan 0.490 ▲ 0.003
126 ▼ (1) Congo 0.489 ▲ 0.006
127 Sao Tome and Principe 0.488 ▲ 0.003

Low human development (developing countries)[edit | edit source]

Rank Country HDI
New 2010 estimates for 2010
Change compared to old 2009 values for 2007 New 2010 estimates for 2010
Change compared to new 2010 estimates for 2009
128 ▲ (1) Kenya 0.470 ▲ 0.006
129 ▼ (1) Bangladesh 0.469 ▲ 0.006
130 Ghana 0.467 ▲ 0.004
131 Cameroon 0.460 ▲ 0.004
132 ▲ (1) Burma 0.451 ▲ 0.007
133 ▼ (1) Yemen 0.439 ▲ 0.008
134 Benin 0.435 ▲ 0.003
135 Madagascar 0.435 ▼ 0.001
136 Mauritania 0.433 ▲ 0.004
137 Papua New Guinea 0.431 ▲ 0.005
138 Nepal 0.428 ▲ 0.005
139 Togo 0.428 ▲ 0.003
140 ▲ (1) Comoros 0.428 ▲ 0.002
141 ▲ (1) Lesotho 0.427 ▲ 0.004
142 ▼ (2) Nigeria 0.423 ▲ 0.004
143 Uganda 0.422 ▲ 0.006
144 Senegal 0.411 ▲ 0.003
145 Haiti 0.404 ▼ 0.006
146 ▲ (2) Angola 0.403 ▲ 0.004
147 Djibouti 0.402 ▲ 0.003
148 ▼ (2) Tanzania 0.398 ▲ 0.006
149 Côte d'Ivoire 0.397 ▲ 0.003
150 Zambia 0.395 ▲ 0.008
151 Gambia 0.390 ▲ 0.005
152 ▲ (2) Rwanda 0.385 ▲ 0.006
153 ▼ (1) Malawi 0.385 ▲ 0.009
154 ▼ (1) Sudan 0.379 ▲ 0.004
155 Afghanistan 0.349 ▲ 0.007
156 Guinea 0.340 ▲ 0.002
157 ▲ (1) Ethiopia 0.328 ▲ 0.004
158 ▼ (1) Sierra Leone 0.317 ▲ 0.004
159 Central African Republic 0.315 ▲ 0.004
160 ▲ (1) Mali 0.309 ▲ 0.004
161 ▼ (1) Burkina Faso 0.305 ▲ 0.002
162 Liberia 0.300 ▲ 0.006
163 Chad 0.295 ▲ 0.002
164 Guinea-Bissau 0.289 ▲ 0.003
165 Mozambique 0.284 ▲ 0.004
166 Burundi 0.282 ▲ 0.006
167 Niger 0.261 ▲ 0.003
168 Democratic Republic of Congo 0.239 ▲ 0.006
169 Zimbabwe 0.140 ▲ 0.022

References[edit | edit source]

Page data
Authors KVDP
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 1 pages link here
Aliases Less developed country
Impact 99 page views (more)
Created December 21, 2010 by KVDP
Last modified April 7, 2024 by Kathy Nativi
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