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Jellybox improvement based on 03. Local Quality

From Appropedia
Thebcm27 (talk) 07:00, 24 April 2017 (PDT)Forest.andresen (talk) 07:11, 24 April 2017 (PDT)
    • Improvement based on local quality**

    1. Temperature controlled room for print quality control
    2. Air-flow controlled room for print quality control
    3. Humidity controlled room for print quality control
    4. Vibration free environment
    5. Use of high quality filament
    6. Continuous printing time
    7. Monitor with intelligent system to auto-correct printer quality controls
    8. Secure the printer onto a table to avoid vibrations
    9. Matching aesthetics, ie color, box design
    10. Add another extruder for printer efficiency
    11. Laser for accurate distance measurements
    12. Implement self cleaning device
    13. More effective renewable cooling system
    14. Smaller extruder head size
    15. Upgrade to more accurate stepper motor
    16. Upgrade to non expanding belt system
    17. Upgraded to heated build plate
    18. Enable auto printing system based on queue
    19. Implement object removal device (non boxing glove method)
    20. Restart on bad print findings based upon monitoring system
    21. Print higher resolution for tighter quality
    22. Automatically reloads filament when empty
    23. Disable access filament movement with restraints
    24. Print file correcting repair tool
    25. Continuous power back up battery for power failure control
Page data
Authors Bjorn Mathisen
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 2 pages link here
Aliases Jellybox improvement based on 3. Local Quality
Impact 0 page views (more)
Created April 24, 2017 by Bjorn Mathisen
Last modified April 11, 2023 by Pedro Kracht
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