ETALO Simulator Layer Options
Model Layers[edit | edit source]

Bone layer Options[edit | edit source]
- PVC or PPR Pipe (or similar hollow tube - 3/4-1inch diameter)
- Bamboo
- Salt-dough or Play-dough pipe
- Animal bone (Cow, Goat, Pig, Lamb)
Periosteum/soft tissue layer[edit | edit source]
- Glycerin, Gelatin, Cassava Mixture
- Play-dough (soft, not cooked)
- Sponge
- Pipe insulation (Rubber or Poly-Foam)
- Banana/Matooke/Plantain Peels
- Foam sheets
In this layer you can generally use the same materials as you did or the skin except you will need to make the layer reach a thickness of 0.5 - 1cm. This can be achieved by making multiple layers and rolling them on each other. When you are first beginning, you will use a thicker layering (1cm), but as you get better with your drilling technique, then use a thinner layer so that there is less distance between the cortex and the plunge detector.
Plunge Detection Layer[edit | edit source]
- Buzzer
- Clay
- Light
- Light Plunge Detector
Muscle[edit | edit source]
- Play-dough (Playdough Recipe)
- Cassava flour paste (Cassava Dough Recipe)
- Gelatin with steel wool
- Foam/sponge
Skin[edit | edit source]
- Cassava/glycerin/gelatin (Skin Recipe)
- Silicone
- Upholstery/fabric/textured vinyl
- Liquid latex
Clamp/secure to table options[edit | edit source]
- Clamps
- Clay
- Pipe drilled to wood holder