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Authors Alex Herbst
Years 2016
Made Yes
Cost USD 0.15
OKH Manifest Download

Calipers are a useful tool because they provide a bit more accuracy than a standard ruler. This design is 3D printable, and can be modified to change the length, and increment size. It is nowhere as accurate as a digital caliper. But it helps to get rough measurements

Bill of Materials[edit | edit source]

  1. PLA
  2. Superglue

Tools needed[edit | edit source]

  1. MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer

Skills and knowledge needed[edit | edit source]

  • Knowledge of how use openSCAD to modify the length and increment size of the caliper

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions[edit | edit source]

  1. Parts are on on this YouMagine link
  2. Print the ruler model either flat on its back or on its side opposite of the increment marks.
  3. Print the caliper pieces on either of their sides
  4. Print both left and right caliper pieces and end cap together to prevent warping.
  5. Glue left caliper to the left end of the ruler
  6. Insert right caliper
  7. Glue end cap to the right end of the ruler to prevent right caliper from falling off.
  8. 20 minute print time
  9. 1 minute assembly time
  • Ruler:
  • Caliper Parts:
  • Assembled Caliper:

Common Problems and Solutions[edit | edit source]

  • when the ruler is printed on its back it becomes slightly warped, however this does not effect the functionality of the caliper. Printing the ruler on its side solves this problem.
  • make sure to calibrate your caliper with a standard before use

Cost savings[edit | edit source]

  1. 3D printed non-digital Caliper 0.15$
  2. Digital Caliper 15$-100$
  3. Minimum savings 14.85$ (99%)

References[edit | edit source]

  • No references were used for this project.
FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Keywords 3d printing, caliper, plastic
SDG SDG04 Quality education, SDG09 Industry innovation and infrastructure
Authors Alex Herbst
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Organizations MTU, Michigan_Tech's_Open_Sustainability_Technology_Lab
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 5 pages link here
Impact 232 page views (more)
Created November 15, 2016 by Alex Herbst
Last modified June 18, 2024 by Felipe Schenone
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