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This quiz is designed to test your knowledge of Blood Pressure assessment. Read each question fully and make sure you understand what the question is asking before you answer. Some questions are select all that apply, these will be marked by square check boxes. After answering all questions to the best of your ability, click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. Your score will be shown at the bottom of the page after submission. You may reset this quiz as many times as you would like.

1 A possible palpated blood pressure reading is 122/88.


2 You are called for a 31 year old male who has a stomach ache. He is HIV positive and very thin. Using a normal blood pressure cuff, his blood pressure is 72/38, auscultated. Is your patient experiencing shock?

Unable to determine

3 The systolic blood pressure is indicative of

Pressure caused by atrial contraction
Pressure caused by atrial relaxation
Pressure during ventricular contraction
Pressure during ventricular relaxation

4 The diastolic blood pressure is indicative of

Pressure caused by atrial contraction
Pressure caused by atrial relaxation
Pressure during ventricular contraction
Pressure during ventricular relaxation

5 Your patient's blood pressure is 180/120. This is classified as

None of these

6 When taking an auscultated blood pressure, movement of the pressure gauge needle is a reliable indicator of systolic blood pressure.


7 The blood pressure cuff should be slowly deflated while listening for a systolic blood pressure at a rate of a few mmHg per second.


8 Your patient has a bulky sweater on but is willing to roll it up above their elbow for you to take a blood pressure. Is a blood pressure obtained in this manner likely to be accurate?

Yes, the BP cuff can be placed over the elbow to accommodate for the sweater.
Yes, the BP cuff will work over the sweater, the pressure is all that matters.
No, the sweater will impede proper placement of the BP cuff.
No, the BP cuff cannot be inflated over a sweater.


When inflating the cuff for an adult auscultated blood pressure, you should inflate to 150 mmHg or


mmHg above a palpated systolic blood pressure.

10 Where should the bell of the stethoscope must be placed with respect to the antecubital fossa when performing an auscultated blood pressure.


FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
SDG SDG03 Good health and well-being
Authors Josh Hantke
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Translations Arabic
Related 1 subpages, 2 pages link here
Impact 157 page views (more)
Created September 8, 2021 by Josh Hantke
Last modified March 1, 2023 by Felipe Schenone
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