Atmospheric water generators literature review
A repo of scientific articles about Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs) to help other people not have to dig for hours looking for information.
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Water Harvesting from Air: Current Passive Approaches and Outlook[edit | edit source]
Liu, Xiaoyi; Beysens, Daniel; Bourouina, Tarik (2022-05-02). "Water Harvesting from Air: Current Passive Approaches and Outlook". ACS Materials Letters 4 (5): 1003–1024. doi:10.1021/acsmaterialslett.1c00850. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
In the context of global water scarcity, water vapor available in air is a non-negligible supplementary fresh water resource. Current and potential energetically passive procedures for improving atmospheric water harvesting (AWH) capabilities involve different strategies and dedicated materials, which are reviewed in this paper, from the perspective of morphology and wettability optimization, substrate cooling, and sorbent assistance. The advantages and limitations of different AWH strategies are respectively discussed, as well as their water harvesting performance. The various applications based on advanced AWH technologies are also demonstrated. A prospective concept of multifunctional water vapor harvesting panel based on promising cooling material, inspired by silicon-based solar energy panels, is finally proposed with a brief outlook of its advantages and challenges.
Passive radiative cooling below ambient air temperature under direct sunlight[edit | edit source]
Raman, Aaswath P.; Anoma, Marc Abou; Zhu, Linxiao; Rephaeli, Eden; Fan, Shanhui (2014-11). "Passive radiative cooling below ambient air temperature under direct sunlight". Nature 515 (7528): 540–544. doi:10.1038/nature13883. ISSN 1476-4687 0028-0836, 1476-4687. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
A change in landscape: Lessons learned from abandonment of ancient Wari agricultural terraces in Southern Peru[edit | edit source]
Londoño, Ana C.; Williams, Patrick Ryan; Hart, Megan L. (2017-11). "A change in landscape: Lessons learned from abandonment of ancient Wari agricultural terraces in Southern Peru". Journal of Environmental Management 202: 532–542. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.01.012. ISSN 03014797. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
Solar-trackable super-wicking black metal panel for photothermal water sanitation[edit | edit source]
Singh, Subhash C.; ElKabbash, Mohamed; Li, Zilong; Li, Xiaohan; Regmi, Bhabesh; Madsen, Matthew; Jalil, Sohail A.; Zhan, Zhibing et al. (2020-11). "Solar-trackable super-wicking black metal panel for photothermal water sanitation". Nature Sustainability 3 (11): 938–946. doi:10.1038/s41893-020-0566-x. ISSN 2398-9629. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
Solar-based water sanitation is an environmentally friendly process for obtaining clean water that requires efficient light-to-heat-to-vapour generation. Solar-driven interfacial evaporation has potential, but the inability to control interfacial evaporators for solar tracking limits efficiency at large solar zenith angles and when using optical concentration. Furthermore, clogging affects the efficiency of the device. Here, we create a super-wicking and super-light-absorbing (SWSA) aluminium surface for efficient solar-based water sanitation. The measured evaporation rate exceeds that of an ideal device operating at 100% efficiency, which we hypothesize resulted from a reduced enthalpy of vaporization within the microcapillaries. Limited solar absorber–water contact for water transport minimizes heat losses to bulk water and maximizes heat localization at the SWSA surface. The device can be mounted at any angle on a floating platform to optimize incident solar irradiance and can readily be integrated with commercial solar-thermal systems. With a design that is analogous to bifacial photovoltaic solar panels, we show a 150% increase in efficiency compared with a single-sided SWSA. Given the open capillary channels, the device surface can be easily cleaned and reused. Using the SWSA surface to purify contaminated water, we show a decrease in the level of contaminants to well below the WHO and EPA standards for drinkable water.
Progress and Expectation of Atmospheric Water Harvesting[edit | edit source]
Tu, Yaodong; Wang, Ruzhu; Zhang, Yannan; Wang, Jiayun (2018-08). "Progress and Expectation of Atmospheric Water Harvesting". Joule 2 (8): 1452–1475. doi:10.1016/j.joule.2018.07.015. ISSN 25424351. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
Harvesting Dew with Radiation Cooled Condensers to Supplement Drinking Water Supply in Semi-arid[edit | edit source]
Sharan, Girja (2011-05-08). "Harvesting Dew with Radiation Cooled Condensers to Supplement Drinking Water Supply in Semi-arid". International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship 6 (1): 130–150. doi:10.24908/ijsle.v6i1.3188. ISSN 1555-9033. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
This paper describes the development of dew harvest systems for use in semi-arid coastal region of north-west India, chronically short of drinking water. These were developed to ameliorate drinking water problem, especially of people living near the coast where groundwater is of poor quality and surface sources scarce. Although dew is much smaller in magnitude (20-30 mm) than the rains (300 mm) it is a more reliable source. Dew occurs over a season of seven months (October to April), rain over four (June - September). Dew nights number ~ 100, rainy days 15-20. There is much greater year to year variation in rainfall than in the dew amount. A R&D program of over four years led to development of three types of systems - condenser-on-roof (CoR), condenser-on-ground (CoG) and Roof-as-Condenser (RaC). The CoR, CoGs employ condenser made of plastic film insulated on the underside. CoRs are constructed over the roof of buildings, CoGs on open ground. The RaCs use metal roof of buildings itself as condenser. The CoR and CoGs give higher output, require higher investment. The RaCs give lower output; require only a small investment in collection and storage. Examples of working installation are presented. Rain and dew seasons in the region are complementary. Although engineered specifically to harvest dew, these also harvest rain, providing varying amounts of potable water through the year. Benefits to the region, learning accrued and partnerships created in the course of work are also briefly discussed.
Review of sustainable methods for atmospheric water harvesting[edit | edit source]
Jarimi, Hasila; Powell, Richard; Riffat, Saffa (2020-05-18). "Review of sustainable methods for atmospheric water harvesting". International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 15 (2): 253–276. doi:10.1093/ijlct/ctz072. ISSN 1748-1317. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
The scope of this paper is to review different types of sustainable water harvesting methods from the atmospheric fogs and dew. In this paper, we report upon the water collection performance of various fog collectors around the world. We also review technical aspects of fog collector feasibility studies and the efficiency improvements. Modern fog harvesting innovations are often bioinspired technology. Fog harvesting technology is obviously limited by global fog occurrence. In contrast, dew water harvester is available everywhere but requires a cooled condensing surface. In this review, the dew water collection systems is divided into three categories: i) dew water harvesting using radiative cooling surface, ii) solar-regenerated desiccant system and iii) active condensation technology. The key target in all these approaches is the development of an atmospheric water collector that can produce water regardless of the humidity level, geographical location, low in cost and can be made using local materials.
Water production from air using multi-shelves solar glass pyramid system[edit | edit source]
Kabeel, A.E. (2007-01). "Water production from air using multi-shelves solar glass pyramid system". Renewable Energy 32 (1): 157–172. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2006.01.015. ISSN 09601481. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
Application of a solar desiccant/collector system for water recovery from atmospheric air[edit | edit source]
Gad, H.E; Hamed, A.M; El-Sharkawy, I.I (2001-04). "Application of a solar desiccant/collector system for water recovery from atmospheric air". Renewable Energy 22 (4): 541–556. doi:10.1016/S0960-1481(00)00112-9. ISSN 09601481. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
Nature's moisture harvesters: a comparative review[edit | edit source]
Malik, F T; Clement, R M; Gethin, D T; Krawszik, W; Parker, A R (2014-03-20). "Nature's moisture harvesters: a comparative review". Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 9 (3): 031002. doi:10.1088/1748-3182/9/3/031002. ISSN 1748-3190 1748-3182, 1748-3190. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
Hierarchical structures of cactus spines that aid in the directional movement of dew droplets[edit | edit source]
Malik, F. T.; Clement, R. M.; Gethin, D. T.; Kiernan, M.; Goral, T.; Griffiths, P.; Beynon, D.; Parker, A. R. (2016-08-06). "Hierarchical structures of cactus spines that aid in the directional movement of dew droplets". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 374 (2073): 20160110. doi:10.1098/rsta.2016.0110. ISSN 1471-2962 1364-503X, 1471-2962. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
Three species of cactus whose spines act as dew harvesters were chosen for this study: Copiapoa cinerea var. haseltoniana, Mammillaria columbiana subsp.yucatanensis and Parodia mammulosa and compared with Ferocactus wislizenii whose spines do not perform as dew harvesters. Time-lapse snapshots of C. cinerea showed movement of dew droplets from spine tips to their base, even against gravity. Spines emanating from one of the areoles of C. cinerea were submerged in water laced with fluorescent nanoparticles and this particular areole with its spines and a small area of stem was removed and imaged. These images clearly showed that fluorescent water had moved into the stem of the plant. Lines of vascular bundles radiating inwards from the surface areoles (from where the spines emanate) to the core of the stem were detected using magnetic resonance imaging, with the exception of F. wislizenii that does not harvest dew on its spines. Spine microstructures were examined using SEM images and surface roughness measurements ( Ra and Rz ) taken of the spines of C. cinerea . It was found that a roughness gradient created by tapered microgrooves existed that could potentially direct surface water from a spine tip to its base. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Bioinspired hierarchically structured surfaces for green science’.
Cactus‐Inspired Conical Spines with Oriented Microbarbs for Efficient Fog Harvesting[edit | edit source]
Yi, Shengzhu; Wang, Jian; Chen, Zhipeng; Liu, Bin; Ren, Lei; Liang, Liang; Jiang, Lelun (2019-12). "Cactus‐Inspired Conical Spines with Oriented Microbarbs for Efficient Fog Harvesting". Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (12): 1900727. doi:10.1002/admt.201900727. ISSN 2365-709X 2365-709X, 2365-709X. Retrieved 2022-09-06.
About this review[edit | edit source]
This literature review was ported from the original repo created by HydroponicTrash.