Appropedia talk:Memorandum of Understanding/Ekopedia
Add topicHello,
I'd prefer a sort of adaptable roadmap. Example:
Ekopedia and Appropedia Projects are adopting a deep but adaptable partnership. Ekopedia and Appropedia Projects share the vision of a positive collaboration witch could leads to a projects merge. Both projects will walk, step by step in the direction of the merge.
Here is our projects collaboration roadmap proposal:
- Step 1: content sharing.
- We define a compatible licensing definition (like CC-BY-SA-3.0 + FAL).
- The French pages on Appropedia are ported to Ekopedia.
- The English pages on Ekopedia are ported to Appropedia.
- Step 2: links creation & taxonomy
- Interlanguage links are established between the wikis, in both directions.
- is forwarded to Appropedia
- is forwarded to Ekopedia
- we choose what do to with other languages
- Step 3: projects merge
- develop similar taxonomy.
- Project name choice.
- Legal issues (do we keep both organizations...)
We (contributors & founder of Appropedia and Ekopedia) agree that this is our common vision and will work all together in getting this vision done with this adaptable roadmap.
--Jlhenry 15:13, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
- The adaptable roadmap looks really good. Sorry, I haven't had time to think about it more deeply. yet. --Chriswaterguy 19:48, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
Practicalities...[edit source]
Is it possible to create robots to transfer the content from Ekopedia to Appropedia and vise-versa?
What about the possible similar pages?
I am quite busy preparing a 3 month project in Israel Palestine but I am also really wishing to help so if you see anything I can do.
And I want also let you know that I am really happy that you are building so great on my small initiative to connect you.
Olivier C 11:22, 22 February 2009 (UTC)
- Transferring content is actually easy between MediaWiki sites (using Special:Export and Special:Import). I think it prompts when there are pages with the same name, but we can check that.
- An approach I'm taking with the Appropedia:Stubs from Wikipedia articles project is to edit the exported XML file, to add (from Wikipedia) to each title. Then after importing, we can do a mass move (by bot) to remove the suffixes - the pages that fail to move because of an existing page will still have that suffix in the pagename, and need to be merged. That looks to me like a good process to use for the Ekopedia/Appropedia wiki merges - it makes it easy to keep track of groups of pages that need merging.
- Your initiative to connect us was wonderful, and it has come so far! --Chriswaterguy 15:28, 24 March 2009 (UTC)
Comments from the communities[edit source]
I'd like to invite anyone in the Ekopedia and Appropedia communities to express their thoughts. So far it's been largely a discussion between the foundations, but of course it's the communities that make the sites what they are. Please share any concerns, ideas and feedback here.
(E.terHorst from Appropedia and Olivier C from Ekopedia (who made the initial connection) have been very positive, but there hasn't been an active discussion in the broader communities yet.) --Chriswaterguy 15:37, 24 March 2009 (UTC)
ENGLISH: Hey everyone! I'm not sure that both communities have been fully aware of the whole merging thing... Maybe publish an official anouncement/opinion poll to get proper feedback?
FRANCAIS: Salut tout le monde! Je me demande si les 2 communautées sont bien au courant de ce projet de fusion... Peut-être faudrait-il les relancer en publiant une annonce officielle, ou un sondage d'opinion, bien visibles?
- Sounds good to me. --Ethan (talk) 02:38, 4 March 2017 (UTC)