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From Appropedia
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This page contains our current the key metrics by February 17, 2022 alongside our goals for the end of the year. Generally speaking, we will aim for a 20% increase in all of the metrics with a few exceptions. Goals will be measured on Jan 25, 2023 (due to contaminated data the first days of 2022).

Metric 2021

(measured on Feb 17, 2022)

Goals 2022

(to be measured Jan 25, 2023)

Proposed actions
Wiki - Active users 92 with 2+ actions 110 with 2+ actions
  • Passive: Content improvement so users are compelled to contribute.
  • Indirect active: Ads and SEO strategies
  • Direct active: Email Outreach, instagram DM outreach, user retention strategies
Wiki - Content pages 9918 10,500 Improve flow for creating pages.
Wiki - Prints ~ 500 per month 600 per month Content improvement
Google analytics - Organic traffic 783,559 1,000,000 Content improvement + SEO
Google analytics - Direct traffic 502,892 600,000
Ahrefs - Organic traffic 28,800 35,000
Ahrefs - Ahrefs Rank 21,082 20,000
Ahrefs - DR 77 80
Ahrefs - Backlinks 219,000 230,000
Ahrefs - Referring domains 7,110 8,000
Ahrefs - Organic keywords 58,900 70,000 SEO analysis + Content creation
Screenshot of main Ahrefs stats by February 17, 2022
  • Global Surgical Training Challenge portal
    • Appropedia is supporting the Global Surgical Training portal. Alongside other partners, we are helping participant teams to create, curate, and share surgical skill training using tools for self-guided learning. Over 2021, ten teams from around the world developed a number of low-cost, open-source training modules that doctors and medical students can now use to develop practical abilities on Appropedia, from making simulators to practicing procedures in a low-risk environment from anywhere in the world.
  • Open Climate
    • We worked with a group of individuals and members of organizations such as Open Environmental Data, Mozilla Foundation, and Wikimedia Foundation to host a series of calls to explore the intersection between the open and the environmental movements. We invited people from organizations like Open Sustainable Technology, the Green Web Foundation, the UNDP Accelerator Labs, Climate and Development Knowledge Network, and Brazil's National Institute for Space Research.
  • Fashion Revolution Encyclopedia
    • This year, we joined forces with Fashion Revolution to create a compendium of sustainable fashion practices through The Fashion Revolution Encyclopedia. This initiative led by Fashion Revolution Argentina contains topic pages on fashion industry practices, common materials used to create garments, and practical skills related to sustainable fashion. Dozens of users from all over Latin America contributed with a list of over 115 second-hand stores in the region, as well as over 20 fashion brands focused on upcycling practices.
  • Website improvements
    • Appropedia has undergone numerous improvements over the past year. These developments include:
      1. A new look and feel for Appropedia, which we continue to tweak to deliver a new user experience focused on the creation of knowledge products.
      2. Rolled out a set of data standards and templates to classify all content on Appropedia through a layered model based on the complexity of content on Appropedia, pages that describe projects and technologies.
      3. Documenting your projects or devices is easier than ever when using our new documentation toolbox for Appropedia users.
      4. Appropedia now gives you the ability to export prettier pages to PDF. We want to make our content more portable content to use on the field or to share with everyone, online and offline.
      5. We rolled out improved support for multiple languages: automatic translations and a framework to organize multi-language translations for materials.
  • Site design
    • We have completed our work with designers, looking at how the pages look/act for users to make the site as helpful and valuable for everyone. This work has resulted in some design changes that are now live on our website and social media channels.
  • Develop a large collection of pages, covering a comprehensive range of topics.
    • 2009 target: Through creating stubs and finding quality open content, as well as students and other new contributors, greatly expand the number of articles on our site, from 14,000 to at least 40,000.
  • Develop this resource in multiple languages, starting with major languages (especially those spoken by Appropedians) then considering smaller languages. Make this knowledge understandable to as much of the world's population as possible.
    • 2009 target #1: Recruit at least 5 active contributors in at least these languages: Spanish, Indonesian, German, French (we may already have this many French speakers by merging with Ekopedia). Create ways for these new communities to communicate (mailing list, central Identica account, community portal, what else?) Each community can set targets for its work.
    • 2009 target #2: Develop translation tools to aid these communities. See Improving translation tools for MediaWiki, and set a target for this year. What is a basic tool that could be developed in coming months that would aid translators? Dictionary/translation suggestions on right click? (Or js lookup of a highlighted word with a bookmarklet - I could almost do that now. --Chriswaterguy 06:26, 12 March 2009 (UTC))[reply]
  • Have a quality review process, to give confidence to the reader and user of the content.
    • 2009 target: Develop such a process and begin to pass articles through it.
  • Distribute content in different forms, for example book and flash disk.
    • 2009 target: Have a published (e.g. lulu) a book of the best of those articles - preferably coffee table quality, with high resolution photographs; work out how anyone can successfully browse content offline (see Appropedia:Offline browsing) and how they can easily install this to flash disk or other media (CD/DVD/HD/XO-1).
  • Have a presence in the media, as a way of carrying our message and our service to a wider audience.
    • Every month, have at least one press-ready story of a useful technology or project on Appropedia, released with an extremely short press release. Distribute to mainstream and not-so-mainstream media.
  • Support appropriate technology work around the world, through holding or supporting technology workshops, jam sessions and displays.
    • 2009 target: ?
  • Partner with organizations working in areas such as sustainable design, and appropriate technology, as well as conferences/summits/camps, to serve as their documentation/ideas repository, as we did withIDDS) as well as the focal point for all their online backchannels/comunications.
  • Serve universities running courses on Appropedia, and help integrate Appropedia into their course assignments. This develops content, as well as getting students involved in knowledge sharing for sustainability and development.
  • Support an appropriate technology community mentorship program.
    • 2009 target: (First steps to setting up? Or finding existing programs and supporting them?)
  • To encourage and facilitate communication and aid community members in their work and help them connect with like-minded people.
    • 2009 target: Install and test new communication and social networking features; to publish a regular newsletter; to set up a planet (aggregated blog) for appropriate technology blogs.

See also[edit | edit source]

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