Aerosol pandemics/Spain
- Strategy: mitigation.
- Data for the country and autonomous communities.
- Waves data.
- Measures including vaccination.
- Seroprevalence up to that date.
- Variants.
- Scenarios.
CASE DIAGNOSTICS[edit | edit source]
- Symptoms.
- Epidemic context.
- PCR.
- Rapid tests.
- Sewage water.
CONTACT TRACING[edit | edit source]
- By hand.
- Apps.
ISOLATION AND QUARANTINE[edit | edit source]
- Criteria.
- Difficulties.
- Facilitation.
OUTDOORS[edit | edit source]
- Weather.
AIR: VENTILATION, FILTRATION, CO2[edit | edit source]
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION[edit | edit source]
- National manufacture of masks.
- National manufacture of adjusters.
BORDERS[edit | edit source]
- Plane.
- Ship.
- Road.
- Irregular.
CONFINEMENT[edit | edit source]
- History.
CONTACT REDUCTION[edit | edit source]
- Remote work, education and shopping.
- Work and school shifts.
- Food distribution.
- School decompression.
- Extreme bubbles: mini-tribes.
- Isolation centers.
POLITICS[edit | edit source]
- National governance.
- Autonomous communities.
- Municipalities.
ACTIVISM / FACILITATION[edit | edit source]
- libresdecovidESP
- Aireamos
- Other groups
- Independent advisory group: none.