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Welcome to Step 1 of the ALL-SAFE platform. Here the learner will go through a pre-test and interactive case scenario to learn about laparoscopic management of ectopic pregnancy.

Pre-test[edit | edit source]

Learners will first take a pre-test to assess their baseline knowledge of the topic. This test is available on our interactive platform and gives real-time grading for learners to immediately assess their knowledge coming into the module. It is also copied in appropedia format below. On our platform, answer explanations are not displayed for the pre-test (but are displayed in the post-test).

1 Which of the following patient criteria would require surgical management over medical management in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy?

Patient is hemodynamically stable
Patient has a serum hCG level of 4000 IU/L
Patient has a tubal diameter of 5 cm
Patient is able to follow up reliably for continued monitoring and observation

2 Which of the following is true of laparoscopic salpingostomy compared to open salpingostomy?

Lower overall cost for the patient
Higher operative blood loss
Longer hospital stay
Lower anesthetic risk
Longer operative time

3 In which of the following situations is open salpingectomy most strongly preferred over laparoscopic salpingectomy?

Younger patient
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy
Hemorrhagic shock
History of pelvic surgery

4 An advantage of using the Veress (needle insufflation) technique over the Hasson (open) technique to enter the abdomen is:

Shorter operative time
Direct visualization of all layers of the abdominal wall
Lower risk of major vascular and viscus injury
Ease of use compared to Hasson technique in patients with significant adhesions from prior surgery

5 What is the standard pressure of pneumoperitoneum for a standard transabdominal laparoscopic procedure?

5 mmHg
10 mmHg
15 mmHg
20 mmHg

6 During entry of the abdomen with a trocar, the patient sustains a large vessel laceration. The best next step is to:

Insert a second trocar to attempt to control the bleeding laparoscopically
Request angioembolization of the vessel
Increase pneumoperitoneum to 30 mmHg
Immediately convert to open surgery

7 Which of the following options is NOT an effective port configuration for laparoscopic treatment of an ectopic pregnancy in the right tube?


8 During the surgery, you notice mild bleeding from the mesosalpinx. Of the following, the best next step is to:

Administer vitamin K
Observe the bleeding, and if it continues, convert to open surgery
Apply an atraumatic laparoscopic grasper to the site of the bleeding for hemostasis
Increase pneumoperitoneum pressure to 20 mmHg

9 After evacuating the ectopic pregnancy and inspecting for hemostasis, the best next step to remove trocars and instruments from the abdomen is:

Evacuate pneumoperitoneum by direct suction on the trocar
Remove all instruments, followed by the camera, followed by the trocars
Remove all instruments, followed by the trocars, followed by the camera

10 Which of the following is the correct method of closing 5 mm ports?

Closure of skin with tape
Closure of skin with suture
Either method is permissible

The answers, with explanations, are available for review in the post-test which is accessible here for download as a pdf.

ALL-SAFE Ectopic Pregnancy Pre & Post Test PDF


ALL-SAFE Pre-test video description

Case scenario[edit | edit source]

The psychomotor learning is embedded in the sequence of a full clinical case, allowing the learner to digest pre-, intra-, and operative concepts of ectopic pregnancy.

Learners will go through an interactive case scenario with embedded course material. The case scenario is presented in a question / answer format. As learners progress through the case, they will digest information that is presented to them as they answer case questions. It is highly recommended that the learner be familiar with this content before proceeding to the skill pages.

Case Scenario PDF


ALL-SAFE Case Scenario video description

FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Part of ALL-SAFE
Keywords ectopic pregnancy, laparoscopy
Authors ALL-SAFE Team
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Organizations Global Surgical Training Challenge
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 6 pages link here
Aliases ALL-SAFE/Step 1: Learn, Step 1: Learn
Impact 136 page views (more)
Created November 1, 2021 by ALL-SAFE Team
Last modified January 29, 2024 by Felipe Schenone
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