Here is an interactive map of all the current places that ALL-SAFE is being used. If you are an learner or educator using the site, please fill in your information below.

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Current ALL-SAFE Sites[edit | edit source]

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Mbingo Baptist Hospital, P24, Kikfuni, Belo, Boyo, Northwest, Cameroon

Mbingo Baptist Hospital, PAACS — General Surgery residents, all levels

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Sodo Christian Hospital, Sodo to Arba Minch, Sodo, Wolayita, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples, Ethiopia

Soddo Christian Hospital, PAACS — General Surgery, OBGYN, and Orthopedic Residents, all levels

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AIC Kijabe Hospital, Kijabe Road, Kijabe, Kiambu, Central Kenya, 00221, Kenya

AIC Kijabe Hospital, PAACS — General Surgery residents, all levels

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Laminga, Jos North, Plateau State, 930101, Nigeria

Jos University Teaching Hospital Jos, WACS — Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Yekatit 12 Hospital

Medical College
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Mills Center, Wamba Town, Greater Monrovia, Montserrado County, 6133, Liberia

ELWA Hospital, Liberia

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Phebe Hospital Compound, S.G. Kollie, Suakoko, Bong County, Liberia

Phebe Hospital, Liberia

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Authors ALL-SAFE Team
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Language English (en)
Related 0 subpages, 1 pages link here
Impact 57 page views (more)
Created October 25, 2022 by ALL-SAFE Team
Modified August 16, 2023 by ALL-SAFE Team
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