About Joey

Me in Parras, Mexico

I am a student at Humboldt State University and I'm an Environmental Resources Engineering major.
I am also currently minoring in Studio Art. After I finish my art minor, I intend to minor in math.

A page that I've worked on in the past is the the Arcata marsh overview page.

I am currently in Parras, Mexico and will be doing Appropriate Technology work here. My work will be focused on Solar Absorption Refrigerators

Pages I've (Co)Authored

Shown in order of creation date.


My current classes are:

 Math 110 - Calculus II

Engineering 215 Portfolio

  • My group, Team Just Nuts, and I designed a process for making Universal Nut Sheller molds. This is the document we created while designing our molds:Pressing Plastic
  • This Gannt Chart shows a sample of project planning software.
  • This is a sample of an Auto CAD Drawing.
  • This is a Sample Memo that was part of ENGR-115.
  • This is a Spreadsheet Sample that keeps track of the amount of time I spent working on my design project as well as in class.
  • The poster for our 215 project.


I have a wide range of interests. When I am not working or at school, I enjoy building things, traveling, photography, reading wiki's, and sleeping.


My Humboldt user ID is jth28 and I receive all e-mails sent to that address. I can also usually be found in Science D at most hours of the night.


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