GTFS for the developing world

This resource might be useful, as it is interested in GTFS in an international/developing world context: Google Group - Making GTFS work for the rest of the world --Aaron 17:51, 19 July 2013 (PDT)

  • Thanks Aaron - this is an important point given Appropedia's global scope v. much including developing countries. I will add the link, and also make a note about the fact that GTFS doesn't work ideally for all systems yet, and that additions are under consideration. --PatSunter 18:38, 19 July 2013 (PDT)

GTFS vs alternative standards

Paraphrasing a comment by colleauge Carl Fredlund: GTFS isn't the only standard for transport timetable information, and has some limitations other than those commented upon with this page. Perhaps we should remain open to different approaches for different applications, e.g. long-distance bus travel?

Make this a category page?

There are so many GTFS applications, technologies, and practices out there, and no easy & collective way to track them all. Would it make sense to make this a category page? Then we could arrange various articles in that category? I'd really like to bring something back like Joe Hughes's Headway wiki (now-defunct):

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