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Please feel free to express your sincere opinions & suggestions. {{unsigned|Georgedappilly|17 September 2009}}
Please feel free to express your sincere opinions & suggestions. {{unsigned|Georgedappilly|17 September 2009}}

"I am from Mauritius. Have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Last reading HBA1c was 8.5. I would like to follow a natural cure. Feel very interested while reading your case but do not know where I can get the Long Wheat or Long Wheat Mash DR here in Mauritiu. Would be happy if you could advise appropriately"
==="I am from Mauritius.===
Have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Last reading HBA1c was 8.5. I would like to follow a natural cure. Feel very interested while reading your case but do not know where I can get the Long Wheat or Long Wheat Mash DR here in Mauritiu. Would be happy if you could advise appropriately"

== Suitability for Appropedia? ==
== Suitability for Appropedia? ==

Revision as of 10:34, 31 May 2014

George E M


Hi friend,

Evidently we are interested in the well being of ourself as well as our fellow people. Hence in our efforts towards realising that goal, let us share our knowledge & experiences to improve the quality of life of one and all in what ever humble way we can.

Please feel free to express your sincere opinions & suggestions. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Georgedappilly, 17 September 2009

"I am from Mauritius.

Have recently been diagnosed with diabetes. Last reading HBA1c was 8.5. I would like to follow a natural cure. Feel very interested while reading your case but do not know where I can get the Long Wheat or Long Wheat Mash DR here in Mauritiu. Would be happy if you could advise appropriately"

Suitability for Appropedia?

I'm very interested to hear more about what exactly you did - but at the same time I'm not sure it's within the scope of Appropedia. This amounts to original research in medical matters, and we don't have a lot of that expertise in our community (compared to the expertise in public health, which is quite different, and solar, composting, etc).

Another issue is that a single case might be very enlightening, but needs more analysis and questioning (e.g. about the initial diagnosis, rate of false positives in the initial test...) before lessons are drawn for the average person.

I'd like to make sure you have a place to share this, however, to encourage analysis and discussion. So I won't suggest we delete it now, but rather that we look for a suitable community where it can be shared. Anyone have any ideas?

George, I'll wait till you've finished adding details, then ask a couple of medical people for their thoughts. --Chriswaterguy 04:54, 22 September 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Already getting in touch with medical people

Hi Chris,

Thank you very much for your generosity.

I am already on the move to get the thoughts & critical opinions on this matter. Have already collected the contact details of a few. Drafting a letter is in progress. Will be back to you soon.



These persons have responded elsewhere (Blog/e-mail) & I have copied the text here. Hope they will soon join the discussion here. Some more doctors are also likely to join soon. Shooter 11:35, 7 November 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]


George Uncle,

Diabetes is a perfect example of a disease condition which you can manage and learn to live with through effective dietery regulations and exercise regime and by making a few life style changes. Well done to you for making the effort, and sharing the results and knowledge which will be an encouragement to many people with the condition. This can be further enhanced by following a few remedies and life style changes recommended by our own indigenous Ayurvedic medicine!

Happy to know that you are keeping well.


dear indu-pappu,

Shri george has claimed that he has managed to cure his diabetes and he is not now learning to live with it.

If you are a doctor , please comment on the exact point raised.


I do not think George has been 'cured' of Diabetes. Although it seems to be the case. Too early to tell. He doesnot account for the activity he did between 12.30 and 2pm ie-after the 'Sadya' until his blood test. Variations in blood sugar levels are possible in borderline cases like George's.

A longer time of study/ observation under controlled conditions where diet, activities, exercise and lifestyle changes are accounted for needs to be done to CONCLUDE that George has been 'Cured'of Diabetes.


Thank you indu-pappu.


Thank you for pushing the healthy discussion further forward. Hope it will give good result.


Hi Dr Indu-Pappu,

Thank you very much for being so clear & straight forward. I am sorry to have omitted the accounting of activity between 12.30 and 2pm. This was resorted to be brief & in fact I didn’t realize that it is so critical. Else it would not have been omitted. Here it is for every one:

The marriage & ‘Sadya’ were at RDR Auditorium, Edappazhanjinji, Trivandrum. From there walked up to the Bus Stop, probably hundred meters (100 m) away (or near!). Waited there nearly 3 -4 minutes for a bus to arrive. Got into it and traveled up to Statue bus stop in front of Govt. Secretariat. Got down there, crossed the road, after a few minutes boarded another bus via Kannanmoola - Medical College and alighted at the Medical College High School stop, ie. right in front of the lab. The lab technician asked to wait till 2pm, when I told that I had lunch at 1230 and want to have a PPBS test. Relaxed on the sofa and was called in by 2pm.

A photograph of the result sheet is placed at Kindly have a look at the next picture also, which is the lab report of a GTT done subsequently.

Please feel free to comment on these.


Hi everybody

Looks like George was only a borderline diabetic. Hence he has responded to dietary regulations and Exercise (walking).

May be he should not have been labelled a diabetic in the first place without checking for a few months.But I am afraid as a qualified physician I cannot comment whether he is cured or not without a proper controlled study, especially since Diabetes is heriditary and genetically linked. So there is a chance that he might experience variations in the blood sugar levels again in future (God forbid). Therefore it will be irresponsible of me as a physician to say that Diabetes can be cured and give the society false hope. All I can say is that diabetes certainly can be 'managed'.So , George, forgive my hesitation to say that you are cured.

But I can assure you that George's experience is not uncommon, glitches like these happen in the body. May be the initial readings have been a glitch . Maybe he should not have been labelled without confirming for a few times. This then raises the issue of how many more are being labelled as diabetics after one or two tests? Should we try dietary regulations first before labelling a person diabetic etc.

I am open for discussion.


HI, Like Ind Pappu said, the doctors should wait for a few days to see how much the blood sugar comes down. MY doctor declared me a diabetic after one test and refused to allow me to try for a few days to bring down the sugar level without drugs, with lifestyle changes.I thought this was bad. You are a good doctor. May the world aound in sensible doctors like you. God bless you!

Dr Suvy Manuel said...

Mr EM george uncles experience regarding his diabetic status is quite interesting. I know him personally and was quite amazed to see his diabetic and non diabetic blood sugar values.The diet pattern put forward by him definitely seems promising and i believe that more controlled clinical studies will be helpful in proving his point.

Dr suvy Manuel MDS,DNB,MFDS RCS(Eng),MOS RCS (Ed)

Dr Rajesh Cyriac

Dear George uncle,

Happy to hear that u r in good health now...let your case be the stepping stone for intensive research in this field and god willing be a big relief for millions of people around the globe suffering from this illnesss... keep up the good work...

Dr Joe Chirayath

Dear George uncle,

  • Happy to hear that your sugar levels are under control with the mentioned diet. Sounded interesting and maybe there's something in 'suuji gothambu' that helps.

Few things,

- Diet control as a treatment modality for diabetes mellitus is a well recognised treatment modality and the diets recommended just vary. One more thing with diabetes is - unlike some other diseases it is difficult to say that it's been cured just with a few normal values.

  • Under control might be a better terminology (as also once you go back to a normal diet it most likely will come back)

- Evidence based medicine has 5 levels of evidence - from multicentre randomised control trials(level 1) to expert opinions (level 5) (details can be obtained by a google search).

  • Single patient outcomes unfortunately don't count in evidence based studies unless a big study is done on it.

- Few more details might make this more interesting for someone to consider taking it forward as a study- what has 'suuji gothambu' in it that makes it work (an explanation as to whether it has a special role in glucose absoption/metabolism/excretion ) compared to other diet modalities.



Hi Ankil, Indu Pappu, Dr. Suvy Manuel, Dr. Joe & Dr. Rajesh,

I am glad that you all have responded to my blog-post/mail. Anticipating your permission I copied the text from blog &/or mail to the's discussion page. May I take this opportunity to invite once again you and all those interested in the cure of diabetes & well-being of our society to join hands here and scientifically prove the FACT that diabetes is curable.

One can join the discussion in different ways.

  1. As an anonymous person:

Visit any page of your choice in by entering its addeess at the address bar of your browser. {for example (eg:) click here to go to Talk/discussion page attached to the GEM_mosquito_control page. Then click the edit link (preferably the last -bottom most- one at the right margin). Then the edit window will open up. Type in or paste your text below the existing text in the white background portion. Once text entry is complete, click the show preview link below if you wish to see how your text will appear in the page. If you feel like adding or modifying some portion, scroll down to the edit window below, add or modify & go to show preview again. If you are satisfied save it by clicking save page link at the left side of the preview link. Before saving you may give a brief summary of the matter added, at the summary window. Instead, if you want to abort the session, click the cancel link on the right side of the preview link. To know more about editing (like paragraphing, adding links, pictures, Headings, bold, italics, bulletts etc, visit Help:Contents page or mail me.

2. As an appropedia user: For this one has to register (FREE) once by clicking the login/register link at the top of the screen and giving the required information (a unique user name, password & e-mail id. The mail id will be useful when one wants to watch any page of one's interest. If the watch link at the top of any page of one's interest is clicked, one will start receiving an alert e-mail containing a link to the page & a summary of the event when ever that page is modified).

  • 2a) Once you register as user, you get two (2) pages in Appropedia's site. they are User:Username and User_talk:Username. Yourself or someone else can create these pages. For creating a page, just search that page. Then these pages will not be found and you will be prompted to create the page. Click that link and there you are!
  • 2b) The Usre page can be used as your Home Page and Talk Page can be used as your discussion forum/platform.
  • 2c) Once you are a user, you can even start Main Pages on topics of your expertise/experience if they are in line with the policies & regulations of the
  • 2d) A User can easily sign the contributions by entering 4 tildas (~) at the end of text. The tildas will be translated as

Shooter 14:46, 8 November 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]


interesting page. :) Emesee

Thank you

Thank you Emesee for the encouraging remark. Georgedappilly

Further proofs of the cure of diabetes

  1. On 13th October 2009 I underwent a surgical procedure (TURP). During as well as after the procedure my blood sugar was stable.
  2. A shoe-bite of 11th November 2009 healed by itself in two days.
  • These two facts reinforce the cure of diabetes in Me.

Shooter 16:25, 15 November 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

HIS mail

Early morning there was a post in my mind's inbox. It had 2 points.

  1. Clarify with CHRIS WATKINS the grabing of my appropedia page on diabetes cure by another user.
  2. Discuss with CHRIS WATKINS the poor participation of Physicians in the discussion on diabetes cure.

Hi Chris

A very strange development is noticed in the page on diabetes cure. The TOTAL work is claimed by another User. Please see green b/g below there ... ... Based on work by Kristof Van der Poorten and anonymous users of Appropedi.

Do you think that this is a fair deal? Even if he/she has contributed anything to this page he/she should have been generous enough to (at least) include my name also there.

Could you please throw some light on the procedure to add my name there as a contributor (not as anonymous). What is the procedure for that? Is there anything to be done from my end? (DID I FALL IN A FERAMON TRAP?)

To clarify, there were no bad intentions by anyone. That automated attribution notice in the footer is just not very sophisticated, and it doesn't know who is the main editor. The poor choice of words seems to imply that the last editor was not the main editor, when really it should imply nothing either way. Anyway, it should be fixed temporarily.
I'll talk with Lonny and see if we can reword it. Probably it should say something of the form: "This page was last modified (time/date) by Kristof. Other editors include Wati, George and Mary." How does that sound?
By the way, no need to apologize for asking questions - always happy to help. --Chriswaterguy

Thank you Chris

Thank you very much Chris for clarifying things to such an extent. Now every thing is clear & fine.

Poor participation

The participation of Physicians in the discussion here on diabetes cure is very poor. Whatever is there is mostly pessimistic (as given above).

  1. The whole world believes that diabetes is incurable.
  2. Until somebody conduct a large scale study & prove otherwise, all will continue to believe so even if they become diabetic. I have seen several diabetics finding pleasure in ascertaining that diabetes is incurable!
  3. There was a time the whole world belived that earth was a FLAT DISC.
  4. There was a time the whole world belived that Earth was stationary.
  5. There was a time the whole world belived that all the celestial bodies (sun, moon,stars,...) are revolving around the earth.
  6. There was a time the whole world belived that sun & moon are flat discs.
  7. There was a time the whole world belived that stars are much smaller than moon.
  8. There was a time the whole world belived that digestion of food was taking place in the mouth.
  9. There was a time the whole world belived that there is no male & female parts in plant kingdom (to be precise in flowers).
  10. There was a time the whole world belived that plant reproduction was asexual.
  11. There was a time all professors were teaching that these things were so.
  12. Whoever came foreward with findings challenging these had been branded as foolish, mad etc. until the society grew to his/her intellectual level.
  13. Presently all Health & Medical (educational) institutions teach that Diabetes is INCURABLE!
  14. Probably (Deo Volente/Insa Allah) our grandchildren may have the fortune to be taught the right thing that DIABETES IS CURABLE.

Hi George,
It's very hard to get medical people to participate in a specific discussion online, including on a wiki. But you've got the article there, online, so people have seen it. The footer says "This page has been accessed 1,583 times." which is promising.
Also, when they say it's incurable, perhaps their medical definition would class your experience as successful ongoing treatment? After all, if you changed to your old unhealthy diet, you'd find the diabetes has not disappeared. I don't know - just speculating. This doesn't change the value of your successful treatment, but it's worth keeping in mind when reading about other treatments and management of the condition. Some people do live well with diabetes, especially if they eat a lot of low glycemic index foods such as legumes and sweet potatoes. (See Wikipedia: Glycemic index #Glycemic index of foods - if you're not familiar with it, you might find it useful. You can use Google and find more detailed lists of foods with their glycemic index).
Having said all that - to teach people that "diabetes is incurable" is to tell them they have no power to fix it, which is not true at all - as you've shown. I much prefer the way you have taken action and achieved results!
By the way, I was wondering about some kind of notice to put at the top of the page. Because it's in the mainspace, but very much focused on your experience, including your thanks to God. But instead I moved it to Diabetes mellitus cured - George's experience - the same way that project pages here mention the specifics of who or where. Hope that's okay. Another page on diabetes should at some point discuss all sides of this illness and the ways of treating it, but it makes sense to keep your page intact with the details of your experience. Does that sound fair?
Wishing you continue good health! --Chriswaterguy 08:33, 13 December 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]


George, I'm curious whether you are a very physically active person, and whether your doctor told you to exercise more. I understand that exercise and daily activity have a big impact on the way our body metabolizes sugar, and can help avoid the prevention and control of Type 2 diabetes. --Chriswaterguy 23:04, 13 January 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]


Hi Chris, Very glad about your curiosity. My wife's most frequent complaint is that I spend most of my time sitting on a chair reading ... . My policy is "DO IT WHILE YOU DO IT". While reading, I sit quiet & relaxed. I go to bed with an empty mind, spend time in court yard - watering garden plants etc etc. To any destination around 1-2 kilometers (approximately a mile) I prefer walking, provided luggage is less.

My doctor did not tell me to exercise more & I did not do more either.

Your understanding about the relation between exercise & sugar metabolism is very much correct. But what I have told is about CURE and not about control of Type 2 diabetes. As far as control is concerned, you as well as others are right. But nobody has ever cured diabetes (be it type 1 or 2) with exercise &/or food swapping with low glysaemic value diet.

Hope I am clear. If not, please do ask. I will be glad to explain. Shooter 16:22, 14 January 2010 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Why no test results these months?

Have you stoped reporting your blood test results?

Contact George for more specifics?

George, How can I contact you to get more information on your journey to your diabetes cure? I am curious to see if I too can 'cure' my high blood sugar using your method. I am unclear how use the Appropedia talk pages. Can you just email me at j3_d?

Thank you and God Bless. JanatheHat

Appropriateness of Bible Quotes

I am curious what the usefulness of Bible Quotes is to this article. Is there a Appropedia policy regarding the use of religious materials on the page? Munimortal 13:01, 24 March 2011 (PST)

There's no explicit policy, but there probably should be one. My own feeling is that if someone has a particular perspective, it's ok to mention that; or if an organization is faith-based, it's ok to explain that aspect as part of the background. For personal projects/experience/research, then I feel it's appropriate if someone wants to put it in their background section, but not as a major focus of the article. And if someone wants to put something in their userspace, they would have more leeway to write what they want.
If we go with that policy, I think this page will need to be edited, with some of the religious material removed or moved to George's userspace, and I trust that George will understand this. How does that sound? --Chriswaterguy 17:43, 3 April 2011 (PDT)
What is the religion of Appropedia? If there is none, then irrelevant Bible quotes (or irrelevant quotes from any religious text) should not be in article space. I see no evidence that any particular supernatural being had anything to do with the results claimed. Would it be possible for Hindus or Muslims or atheists to be "cured" of diabetes? Or is the "cure" only available to followers of a particular sect of Christianity? The followers of many contradictory religions make miraculous claims, suggesting that if religion is having any effect, it isn't due to the doctrinal payload of a particular religion. Unless all but one religion is lying. --Teratornis 18:34, 19 April 2011 (PDT)
Please keep this a discussion of what belongs on Appropedia main article spaces and not a religious debate. I think it makes a lot of sense to move the religious parts directly relevant to George, to George's userspace. We also need to have a clear policy that is openly discussed... hopefully without attacks on religion. Teratornis and Chris probably know the best page to carry on that discussion. George, thank you for your continued contributions and for helping us to find the best course of action that couples personal beliefs on user pages and the scientific findings, methods and procedures, criteria, materials, background, and general how to in the article spaces.
Thanks, --Lonny 23:01, 19 April 2011 (PDT)
I have also similar feelings about the inappropriate mentioning of in this forum. And I doubt that one persons diary is sufficient as basis for a medical article. However it is of course nice that George seems to becoming better. --Yeahvle 02:18, 21 June 2011 (PDT)

On Bible quotes there

Hi Chris, Lonny,.....

Thank you very much for pointing out the difference of opinion on appropriateness of Bible quotes here. I have no intentions to use the Appropedia space for religious propaganda.

I didn't know about the objections raised through the talk page because there were no email alerts from there for quite some time now. Having known, I am modifying the section.

It is true that I wanted to express my gratitude in public for having made me think differently & leave the beaten track. That is why that section title was chosen. The sentences of the body of that section were to be seen as quotations from a book that has the maximum number of copies printed ever in human history. More over it was felt that those are the sentences that could be framed in the most precise form to express the ideas in my mind. I could not make sentences crispier than these to convey those ideas. The links are given to ascertain the genuineness of the source and text.

It is felt that as much as I am happy, you also might be happy about the popularity of the page. Now a Google search of the words LONG WHEAT brings title of this page as the FIRST of the 85,400,000 results. It literally surprised me. I had never even dreamt about things going to this proportion.

Noticing this popularity I was thinking of seeking your valuable opinion on launching a pilot project to cure persons who are in very advanced stages of the disease - viz. Diabetes. I have no idea about what all are to be done and how to go about.

The findings of Dr. Roy Taylor of the Newcastle University, UK have added trustworthiness to the contents of the page.

Thank you Chris, Lonny, Munimortal, Teratornis & Yeahvle.

Shooter 06:41, 19 August 2011 (PDT)


I understand that you find bible quotes very well written, but still, you have got so much quotes and irrelevant information in your article that I find extremely difficult to read the facts, and cant seem to follow the chronological events, because they are so scattered and all over the place. I do not need to read quotes about what scientists thought about trips to the moon, or said about unrelated things. Your article is about Diabetes mellitus and long wheat, and try as hard as possible to focus on that topic. And try to write an abstract at the top of the page, that summarize the article and its results, that would help to get more understanding from other readers.
And I would really like to know how you interpret the lab results from january and february of 2007 as compared to the latest results? What was your diet at that time? --Yeahvle 00:38, 21 August 2011 (PDT)

Hi Yeahvle,

  • Thank you for alerting me on the inappropriate arrangement & content selection as well as vagueness of the article. I value your learned, experienced & expert suggestions. No efforts will be spared in implementing your view on the construction of the article.

  1. Totally excluded all food items of which sugar is a component (coffee, tea, cool drinks, snacks, biscuits, chocolates, toffees etc.)
  2. Discontinued taking fruits (including jack fruit, mango, plantain, banana, papaya (alias papaw or pawpaw), custard apple etc which are very commonly available in plenty in Kerala).
  3. Breakfast and dinner were substituted with long-wheat kanji & appropriate side dishes. (Kanji was a typical staple food of Kerala. Generally it is prepared using Rice.) To make the food supplement, take the required amount of the whole grain Long Wheat, boil it in as much volume of water as six times the grain till the grains are sufficiently cooked. Unbroken long-wheat takes ½ an hour in pressure cooker to get it sufficiently cooked.
  4. Started walking (at moderate speed) exercise for 1 hour daily.

  • Interpretation of the lab results of January & February 2007 ADE as compared to the latest results of August 2011 ADE:
  1. FBS & PPBS values remaining near the lower limits of the normal range during Jan Feb 2007 is achieved with the above listed regimen. Seeing the normal blood glucose value consistently for two months, I added sugar to my morning & evening coffee. This took the blood glucose reading beyond the upper limit of 140 mg% in just two months, in spite of continuing long wheat mash intake twice daily and avoidance of fruits & starchy vegetables completly.
  2. The latest results of FBS 75 mg% and PPBS 90 mg% are with normal diet, ie NO long wheat mash, no avoidance of fruits, NO avoidance of starchy vegetables, NO avoidance of bakery items and NO avoidance of sugar in coffee.
  3. I am on normal diet from July 2009 onwards.
  4. I have undergone Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) twice after being declared Diabetic. On both occassions the results were negative. (I have my own doubts about whether the 7 out of 11 volunteers of Dr. Roy Taylor of Newcastle University UK have been subjected to GTT before or after declaring them as CURED of Diabetes since two months according to me is too short a time to get the pancreas repaired.)
  • Hope I have answered the questions. Eager to see your comment on this.

Shooter 01:38, 25 August 2011 (PDT)

Thanks George - glad we could resolve the religion issue. Also glad to hear of your ongoing improved health! --Chriswaterguy 04:32, 1 September 2011 (PDT)

Thanks Chris. Me too glad on several counts! Glad that religion issue is resolved and more over on your positive notes. I am able to be healthy appropriate to the age by the grace of GOD and more over on your positive notes.

Shooter 01:58, 2 September 2011 (PDT)

Sorry Chris that an appropriate place could not be located in Chriswaterguy's page to paste that message.

Shooter 02:09, 2 September 2011 (PDT)


Dear Georgedappilly - I've read this page with interest. I am particularly interested in following a diet that will cure my type 2 diabetes. Could you provide information that lays out a viable regiment of foods and drinks, frequency of eating/drinking, duration, measurements, food/drink nutrition facts - guidelines/restrictions. In other words, could you provide a "detailed" how-to, which specifies: duration(s), frequency, food/drink types and allowance?

P.S. I "get" the scriptures and the history lessons that you cited. They simply stated the truth and unfortunately - the Truth offends some people.

Dear NickV

You have posed a difficult question. Food & food habits varies from country to country, region to region, sect to sect and also person to person. So I need to know lot more(about you) and learn about those facts before I answer the question. If you are a diabetic and want to get cured by harnessing this, I may need to know the patient's age, present level of illness (FBS, PPBS, HbA1C), duration of being Diabetic etc. also so that I can monitor the progress/improvement which will give me some pleasure in return.

On the other hand if your interest to know more about this and probably to UTILIZE it for the benefit of humanity by taking up further studies and/or proving it scientifically using CONTROL POPULATION, DOUBLE BLIND PLACEBO etc so that this will be acceptable to SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY, we will discuss here itself so that it can be viewed by others also.

Shooter 06:21, 27 August 2012 (PDT) Shooter 09:32, 26 August 2012 (PDT)

Problem uploading & displaying new version of an image

This problem I had encountered last year also. Then I uploaded the new version of the image in another unique name & displayed. Now same problem repeated. What happens is that when I upload a new version, the previous version appear in the place where the "CURRENT" one is to appear in the file history.

Please have a look at and HELP.

Shooter 09:33, 4 May 2013 (PDT)

People mistake me for a Long Wheat promoter

  • It is felt that many people mistake me for a Long Wheat cultivator, farmer, trader or researcher. They think that I am cunningly trying to promote the prospects of Long Wheat by misleading Diabetic patients, pretending to have cured Diabetes which is considered by modern science and medicine people as a syndrome & (hence) incurable. I pity them and feel that it is already explained in a book written twenty centuries ago; passage is there.

Shooter 07:44, 10 November 2013 (PST)

Where are the Likes etc?

Can somebody from Admin or else clarify what happened to the 100+ Likes by Facebook users & 15+ Public recommendations of Google+ users?

Shooter (talk) 05:03, 22 November 2013 (PST)

Hi George!

The likes are based upon the number of people that have shared your page on Facebook. Many/most of those shares are private so you won't know who posted it, but it does show the number of shares. That said, currently Appropedia is not showing those number, but we plan to show them again soon.
Thank you and let me know if that does not answer your question.
--Lonny (talk) 17:03, 27 November 2013 (PST)

Hi Respected Mr. Lonny!

Sorry to have disturbed a busy person like you.

You answered my question beyond my expectation/requirement.

Thank you.

Shooter (talk) 23:40, 27 November 2013 (PST)

Dear George Sir,

I am Selvakumar 48 years old from Chennai. I am very much glad that you have found out a way and being cured. Your sincere and kindness to share this with others is really great. For the past one month I have been searching remedial aspects for the Diabetics in the net. Now I got the hope, after reading your Article. Recently, I have been diagnosed with Diabetes and found that FBS 240, PPBS 329. I am taking tab from12-Oct-2013 Glimepiride 1 mg 1-0-1 , Walaphage 500 mg 1-0-1. However, 29-Oct-13 onwards, I went for a second opinion where Dr. reduced dosage as Glimepiride 1 mg 0.5-0-0 , Walaphage 500 mg 1-0-1 which I am taking now. Immediately after reading your article I have started taking Long Wheat Mash (LWMDR). I need some clarification and guidance for the cure. My e mail I.D. Please send me your e mail ID, so as to enable me to send all the details of my health history. (16 Nov 2013)

Dear Selvakumar,

Thank you for reading this article & responding. FBS 240 & PPBS 329 are very high.
I have noted your email ID. I shall use it when required. If you do not have anything very personal, private & :confidential why to go for email? More over email is not as confidential as many people think. If you look at the :advertisements on the sides of your email page, you will understand it.
As soon as you make an entry here, I will get a detailed email. Any Appropedia user will get such emails if the :WATCH option is activated for this page. If you have not activated WATCH option & included this article in the list :of articles to be watched, please do that.
Wish you a speedy recovery. Please feel free to ask me any related question; I am glad to answer.

Shooter 21:38, 17 November 2013 (PST) _________________________________________________________________________________

Dear George Sir,

Seen your favorable reply. Thank you. I don’t mind in posting my details in the forum except some very personal. However, I find some difficulty in posting a message. I have moderate knowledge in computer. Initially, I red one page which contained discussion between some friends having Diabetics and You. After that I have forgotten how I navigated to that page. Hence, I have posted my message in discussion page were some Dr’s having discussion with you. If you send me your email It will be easy to send my health history which is in excel format. I find it difficult to paste the table here.

Following is my Health History.

1. On 30-Sep-2010 I have been diagnosed with Diabetic FBS = 134, PPBS = 174, TGL=199. Since, it is a ordinary Local clinic (near my residence), I have not been advised properly and medicine prescribed for FAT only, Topid 0-0-1 which I did not consumed. I was ignorant, lack of awareness in health care and was busy with my routine.

2. Then on 15-Mar-2011, I felt some Burning Sensation in my Left Leg and Slight Numbness all over Left thigh and leg. I approached same Local Clinic. Blood tested and found FBS = 108, PPBS = 129. Also done Arterial Doppler Study and ultra sound scan to monitor blood flow in legs. Dr advised me that Diabetics is in border stage and can be reversed with regard to burning sensation, he advised me to stop smoking. Hence, started walking and followed diet control for two month. But friends said that the clinic results are not reliable and precise.

3. After two years. The burning sensation was there in left leg and also in the toe- thumb (side portion) where previously only numbness felt. On 3-Oct-2013, I voluntarily went to a private Lab named PARMS and tested my blood then received result as FBS = 240, PPBS = 329. As, I don’t like taking medicine; I took following measures with appropriate time gap. 1) Daily walking. 2) Drank one litter plain water at early morning in empty stomach 3) Two teaspoon Karela Jamun Juice 4) Fenugreek and Coriander Seeds Powder. 5) Full diet control. As a result I felt my left leg thumb has become very normal, but felt hungry and tired due to poor eating.

4. In view of my friends advise, I started taking medicine from 12-Oct-2013, Glimepiride 1 mg 1-0-1, Walaphage 500 mg 1-0-1 prescribed by the same Local Clinic. Stopped all the above measures except walking and began to take four meal patterns in moderate quantity. As a result felt hungry and tired all the day may be due to medicine effect or poor eating. I bought a Gluco Meter (One Touch-Select) self tested myself and found that before Break fast FBS = 97 on 21-Oct-2013.

5. As the Local clinic is not reliable, I went for a second opinion to Dr.Mohans on 29-Oct-2013, where all the following tests have been done.

FBS = 89, PPBS = 142, HbA1c = 6.2, BP= 110/70, Serum Cholesterol = 149, TGL = 159, HDL = , 27, LDL = 90, VLDL = 32, Height 160.50 Cms, Weight 73.40 Kgs,

Serum C – PEPTIDE ASSAY Fasting C- Peptide = 1.1 pmol/ml (Fairly good). Stimulated C- Peptide = 3.8 pmol/ml (Fairly good). (C-Peptide assay is an Index of Pancreatic Beta Cell Function)

Diabetic Kidney Test = 29 mg ( reference value below 30 mg)

Doppler Study = Normal Chest x-ray = Normal Eye = Blurred vision and Seeing Bending lines in left eye since 10 years Foot Sensation = Deformity, High Risk, Recommendation = Use Therapeutic Footwere and Off Loading Mother (Late) was Diabetic. Associated Illness = No Complication Dyslipidemia Dental= one removed 5 years back and one Deep caries and two with mobility

6. After all test as above the medicine were prescribed by reducing the dosage as under Glimepiride 1 mg = 0.5-0-0, Walaphage 500 mg = 1-0-1 Nervup Forte 0-0-1 (Vitamin for Nerve) The Doctor after observing the result of HbA1c as 6.2 said that the previous test done in private Lab PARMS on 3-Oct-13, as FBS = 240, PPBS = 329 is on doubt, because the three month average is good.

7. from 15-Nov-2013 onwards I have myself reduced the dosage of intake of tablets as follows. Glimepiride 1 mg = 0.5-0-0, Walaphage 500 mg = 0.5-0-0.5,

From 13-Nov-2013 onwards Started eating Long Wheat Mash for both Break fast and Dinner

I also request you to clarify following doubts:-

a) Can I take side dish like Vegetable Porial, Curries, Kozhambu, Chatney, along with Long Wheat Mash. b) Can I add vegetables in Long Wheat Mash which cooking it. c) Can I soak the Long Wheat in water in advance., in the night for next day cooking. d) If the same is put in Mixi , it is very easy to eat. Is it OK. e) I am not regularly take Non veg. But occasionally used to take Fish or Chicken. Please advise. f) Can I take Karela Jamun Juice or Insulin Plant leaves before taking Breakfast. g) Is there a chance for a full cure. If so how long it will take for the cure or some control. h) Please advise on the dosage of the tablets and also for stopping the same. Regards,


Dear Selvakumar,

Thank you for the desire to get Diabetes cured & the interest in LWMDR. Appropedia (or probably any wiky site's) syntax seems to be simple, for me. Here tables also are created by plain-text codes. For example:

Date FBS PPBS HbA1c TGL Medicine Event details
30-Sep-2010 134 174 199 Tab Topid 0-0-1 Diabetes detected.
15-Mar-2011 108 129 Burning Sensation Left Leg & Slight Numbness Left thigh and leg.

Arterial Doppler Study and ultra sound scan

3-Oct-2013 240 329 1) Daily walking. 2) 1 litter water therapy 3) Karela Jamun Juice

4) Fenugreek & Coriander Seeds Powder. 5) Full diet control.

12-Oct-2013, Glimepiride 1 mg 1-0-1, Walaphage 500 mg 1-0-1 Glimepiride 1 mg 1-0-1, Walaphage 500 mg 1-0-1 Medicines started
29-Oct-2013 89 142 6.2 159 Glimepiride 1mg 0.5-0-0,

Walaphage 500mg 1-0-1 Nervup Forte 0-0-1


I have understood all that you described in detail. As far as the questions are concerned, my explanations are:

  • a) Already answered in the article. Please read the article again.
  • b) Already answered in the article. If you want to do some experiment, well & good. All the best.
  • c) Already answered in the article. Please read the article again.
  • d) Already answered in the article. Please read the article again.
  • e) Already answered in the article. Please read the article again.
  • f) I have not taken any such thing. If you want to do some experiment, well & good. All the best.
  • g) What did you feel after reading my article?
  • h) Dosage of tablet you may ask your physisian or you can decide yourself. I am not legally qualified to prescribe tablets/medicines. If you keep reporting the blood sugar values (FBS, PPBS & HbA1c) regularly, I may guide/advice you at appropriate times.

Shooter (talk) 08:16, 27 November 2013 (PST) ______________________________________________________________________________

Dear George Sir,

Thank you for the response and extremely sorry for the delayed reply. I am sorry, due to my official work, I was not in station and could not reply you immediately. As you said, I have once again red the Article and understood further more. Immediately after I was diagnosed with Diabetes, I searched for a way for total cure, but I did not found any. I can say after reading your Article, I am now with full confidence in curing. But need your guidance. As I have to frequently go on my official tour. I find some irregularity in taking Long Wheat Mash. This is my only problem. I will find a solution for this. I will keep reporting the FBS, PPBS & HbA1c values regularly.



Okay dear Selvakumar. That is fine. Time & tide waits for none!

Shooter (talk) 22:50, 9 December 2013 (PST)

Hello Jayamru

Thank you for reading my article & for the interest to go for a natural cure.

This grain (Long Wheat) is available in many parts of my country (India). Most of the details gathered in connection with Long Wheat (like names in different languages, name in different states, photographs etc are in the article you read. I regret to tell you that there is very little more information with me in connection with its availability. I am placing those details published by members of HealthUnlocked. Hope it may be of use to you. Please feel free to ask more.

Regarding availability please follow these links & the links linked there:

Aurangabad Availability Naqsh Oh My My..and I searched the world for Long wheat before finding it in sholapur and than in Pune. I have relatives in Aurangabad which would make it much easier for me. Please do give me the address of the shop in Aurangabad where I can buy this. It is called jod gehunlaal gehun or khapli gehun out there ....waiting for your reply. Thx.


GUJARAT CROSS BREED " avrs: In Gujarat Lamba Gehu ( Long Wheat) verity is called "BLIYA"

HYDERABAD AVAILABILITY KERALA AVAILABILITY KOLKOTTA AVAILABILITY An ex-colleague from Calcutta (Mr S K Banerjee) said "Try at SPENCER in BASEMENT of SOUTH CITY MALL, near JADAVPUR uNIVERSITY, Prince Anwar Shah Road, Kolkotha". KOLKOTTA AVAILABILITY Kzm Calcutta Iyer Punjab waala, lambi waali ghanhu MUMBAY AVAILABILITY MUMBAY AVAILABILITY MUMBAY " anilgupta101 Hindi speaking/Rajasthani Traders in Pune also call it Jad Gehun. My sister and her whole group of friends could not source Khapli Gehun in Delhi. They had to get from Pune. Also Mr. Kashmir Singh could not get it in Punjab. We need more inputs from North based members. I understand it grows mostly in South Maharashtra and now started in Gujarat. Pls ask your suppliers where they source it from and if new crop came. Right now old stock is over in Pune and there is no new stock yet as per my suppliers. " norreal zeusinus: I too think it is between Jau and jawar. (Jau is probably barley, an item we mix with genetically manipulated wheat. Jowar is Oat). Mixing hau with wheat atta reduces its starchiness. Further, before eating I make it crisp in the oven. Could it be a variety of wheat? " gondekarbd Yes I also find same wheat as called jaou in Mumbai kashigari The shopkeeper of shop where i purchased long wheat, when asked about it's name, he said it is called as makka gehun(check with this name in your area). Whatever i purchased matches with those grains shown in pic of SG. And i purchased it in a store where one of our community member purchases(In hyderabad). So i am confident.

PUNE AVAILABILITY at above Mumb thread anilgupta101 Shah Mansukhlal ChuniLal, 1921 Blundel Road/Shivaji Market Road, Camp, Pune. Tel 020 26340470. If you come to centre Street Camp, Pune any one will guide you to Mansukhlal Dry Fruits Merchant, very famous. I am enjoying the LW as it is ery tasty and healthy. Also lost weight. Cheers, good luck and may God help and bless you. PUNE AVAILABILITY Pune City Vithal Gangaram, Kasturi Chowk, Near Ranka Jewellers, Ganesh peth is a regular stockist- His tel nos are 020 26386428/26. He sells for Rs60/kg and will grind on order- flour @ Rs 65/kg. Hindi speaking Rajastani traders in Pune Pune Availability Naqsh Oh My My..and I searched the world for Long wheat before finding it in sholapur and than in Pune. I have relatives in Aurangabad which would make it much easier for me. Please do give me the address of the shop in Aurangabad where I can buy this. It is called jod gehunlaal gehun or khapli gehun out there ....waiting for your reply. Thx.



Shooter (talk) 03:30, 31 May 2014 (PDT)

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