FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Device data
Manufacturing files https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4018759
Hardware license CERN-OHL-S
Certifications Start OSHWA certification

Table Saw Fence Push Stick

Project developed by User:JasonBell

Template:Status Template:Status


This part solves the problem of making very thin cuts on a table saw in a safe way. All current push sticks or push blocks on the market do not allow for cuts under 1/2" while still maintaining the guards over the saw blade. This push stick rides on the fence of the saw and allows for a safer cut and makes smaller cuts possible without ruining the user's push stick.


Bill of Materials

This part can be fully printed and no other components are necessary.

Click Here for STL and Source Code

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  1. MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

Product is to be used on a table saw. Safe operation and knowledge of table saw needed for proper use.

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions

Orient STL in slicing software as seen below (supports shown):


If printer does not have vertical space required then orient like this(supports shown):


Push stick in use can be found below:


Printing / Slicing Settings

Temperature: 210C

Infill: 30% or more

Supports: Yes

Skirt: Yes

Speeds: First Layer: 40 mm/s, 70 mm/s remainder of print

Layer Height: 0.15 mm

Material: PLA

Common Problems and Solutions

Support locations may vary depending on print orientation. The supports should put themselves in the correct locations when enabled

Cost savings

Estimated Cost in PLA: $1.40

Commercial Equivalent: No standard equipment performs this specific task in this way. The closest representation is a generic push stick found here [1]

Cheapest Commercial equivalent with less functionality for $10.19

3D Printed for $1.40

Cost Savings ~ $8.79 +

% Cost Savings ~ 86% Savings +

Benefited Internet Communities

Woodworking Talk [2]

Lumberjocks [3]

The Woodworking Patriot [4]

Woodtalk [5]

Way of Wood [6]


Woodworking Catalogs

Wood Working Tool Designs

Woodworking Tools List[7]

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