Spoon Multi-tool

Project developed by Theron Krapek

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  1. This is a Spoon multi-tool that was built using open-source technology. It is appropriate because it takes something relatively important and expensive (20$) range and make it easy to manufacture and cheap. It forfills the need for a cheap food multi-tool that would allow you to utilize it as a fork, spoon, can opener and bottle opener. This could be used in poor places that have
  2. Picture of completed print using your printer

Bill of Materials

  1. This print only requires the pla to complete and it used 12 grams, this comes out to 24 cents as the cost
    1. Source files[1]
    2. STLs[2]

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  1. MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer
  2. File or Xacto Knife

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

  • N/A

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions

  1. This is a rather simple print, Step 1 load STL file into Cura, Step 2 Slice it in Cura to make printable file, Step 3 put printable file into your Athena 2 and print it, Step 4 take it off the print bed carefully, Step 5 remove the supports on the fork.
  2. 50 minutes
  3. 3 minutes assembly time

Common Problems and Solutions

  • Some Common mistakes to overcome is to be careful removing the part from the plate as it could break and to be careful removing the supports from the part also.

Cost savings

  1. 24 cents
  2. Spoon Multi-tool [3]
  3. You save 19 dollars and 76 cents

Benefited Internet Communities

  1. Hiking Groups[4]
  2. Open Source Food [5]
  3. Open Source CAD [6]
  4. Survival Junkies [7]
  5. Cheap alternatives [8]




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