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{{Lang|[[Kamusi la nishati hai|Kiswahili]] - [[Renewable Energy Dictionary|English]]}}
{{Renewable energy dictionary menu}}

== How to use this Dictionary ==
== How to use this Dictionary ==

This encyclopedic dictionary is comprised of up-to-date and authoritative definitions of terms used in [[renewable energy]]. This dictionary is thoroughly cross-referenced for ease of use and to provide for the most thorough understanding of each term.
This encyclopedic dictionary is comprised of up-to-date and authoritative definitions of terms used in [[renewable energy]]. This dictionary is thoroughly cross-referenced for ease of use and to provide for the most thorough understanding of each term.

The terms are organized alphabetically. Each term is printed in bold type and capital letters. Some terms are hyperlinked to pages with more information. The term is followed by a parenthetical classification reference. Some terms have more than one reference, which helps to clarify the ways in which they can be used.  
The terms are organized alphabetically. Each term is printed in bold type and capital letters. Some terms are hyperlinked to pages with more information. The term is followed by a parenthetical classification reference. Some terms have more than one reference, which helps to clarify the ways in which they can be used.

Some words within the definition are also in capital letters. These are words that are defined elsewhere in the dictionary. Subsequent use of these words within the same definition is in lower case letters.
Some words within the definition are also in capital letters. These are words that are defined elsewhere in the dictionary. Subsequent use of these words within the same definition is in lower case letters.

Each alphabetic section and each word is followed by an edit link. Clicking this will allow editing of the definition, inclusion of a link or adding a new word that follows alphabetically the word which you edit. Make sure to follow the same format as the previous word.
Each alphabetic section and each word is followed by an edit link. Clicking this will allow editing of the definition, inclusion of a link or adding a new word that follows alphabetically the word which you edit. Make sure to follow the same format as the previous word.
At the end of each definition are translations of the term itself into French and Spanish. The preferred usage is listed first, with secondary or less common usages following. The preferred term is the one that appears in the other language section.

At the end of each definition are translations of the term itself into French and Spanish.  The preferred usage is listed first, with secondary or less common usages following. The preferred term is the one that appears in the other language section.
For example:
For example:
ABSORPTANCE (sol) (meas). The ratio between the SOLAR RADIATION absorbed by a surface and the total amount of solar radiation that strikes it.
ABSORPTANCE (sol) (meas). The ratio between the SOLAR RADIATION absorbed by a surface and the total amount of solar radiation that strikes it.
:F - absorptance; coefficient d'absorption
:F - absorptance; coefficient d'absorption
:S - coeficiente de absorcion
:S - coeficiente de absorcion
Second reference
Second reference
This is a measurement (meas) term used in the field of solar (sol) energy.  The term "Solar Radiation" is defined in the "S" section of the dictionary.  The primary translation of this term into French is "absorptance," though in some French documents, the term "coefficient d'absorption" may be found.  The translation of this term into Spanish is "coeficiente de absorcion."
==Definition of Abbreviations==
'''Agri'''    Relating to agriculture.
'''Alc'''    Alcohol production or alcohol fuels.
'''Ani'''    Relating to animal power.
'''Arc'''    Archaic.  Terms that are outdated but are still useful.
'''Auto'''    Relating to internal combustion engines or automobiles.
'''Bio'''    Relating to the field of biological science or a biological substance.
'''Biocon'''  Relating to bioconversion.  Includes methane and woodfuel.
'''Chem'''    Relating to the field of chemical science or a chemical substance.
'''Constr'''  Relating to construction methods, materials, and structures.
'''Elec'''    Relating to the production and use of electricity.
'''Fos'''    Relating to fossil fuels.
'''Gen'''    General terms, which may apply to various areas of energy, particularly renewable energy technologies.
'''Geo'''    Geothermal power concepts and applications.
'''Heat'''    Relating to heating or the use of heat for space heating and to produce other forms of energy.
'''Hydr'''    Relating to water and the application of water power.  Also closed hydraulic systems, which may use fluids other than water.
'''Impl'''    Implement.  Tools, utensils, or devices that work in conjunction with other equipment.
'''Meas'''    Measuring instruments, scales, or types of measurement.
'''Ocean'''  Methods or devices for extracting energy from the ocean.
'''Prod'''    Relating to producer gas.
'''Refrig'''  Relating to refrigerants or methods of refrigeration.
'''Sol'''    Relating to the field of solar energy.
'''Wind'''    Relating to wind power or other aspects of air movement.
(refrig).  The less [[#VOLATILE|VOLATILE]] of the two working [[#FLUIDS|FLUIDS]] used in an absorption cooling device.
:F - absorbant
:S - absorbente
(refrig).  A type of oil used in an absorption cooling device.
:F - huile absorbante
:S - aceite absorbente
(sol).  A dark surface that absorbs [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] and converts it into heat; a component of a [[#FLAT-PLATE SOLAR COLLECTOR|FLAT-PLATE SOLAR COLLECTOR]].
:F - plaque d'absorption
:S - placa de absorcion
(sol) (meas).  The ratio between the [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] absorbed by a surface and the total amount of solar radiation that strikes it.
:F - taux d'absorptivite
:S - coeficiente de absorcion
(sol).  An air conditioner designed to use a [[#SOLAR HEATED|SOLAR HEATED]] liquid.  Such a system provides space cooling through use of [[#ABSORBER PLATES|ABSORBER PLATES]], [[#VOLATILE FLUIDS|VOLATILE FLUIDS]], [[#HEAT EXCHANGERS|HEAT EXCHANGERS]], and [[#CONDENSERS|CONDENSERS]].
:F - climatiseur a absorption
:S - aire acondicionado por absorcion
(refrig).  A cooling system that uses heated liquid to activate the chilling process.
:F - refrigeration par absorption
:S - refrigeracion por absorcion
:F - CA
:S - C.A.
(impl).  A mechanism that controls the speed of a vehicle or other device.
:F - accelerateur
:S - acelerador
(gen) (elec).  The action of collecting or gathering.  In electricity, the charging of a [[#BATTERY|BATTERY]] or the storage of electric [[#POWER|POWER]].
:F - accumulation
:S - acumulacion
(gen).  [[#CELL|A CELL]], [[#SOLAR POND|SOLAR POND]], [[#THERMAL MASS|THERMAL MASS]], or other device to store [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]].  :F - accumulateur
:S - acumulador
(elec).  Pertaining to a device that will operate on either [[#ALTERNATING CURRENT|ALTERNATING CURRENT]] or [[#DIRECT CURRENT|DIRECT CURRENT]].
:F - [[#CA-CC|CA-CC]]
:S - [[#CA-CC|CA-CC]]
(chem) (sol).  A compound composed of the [[#SALTS|SALTS]] of [[#ACETIC ACID|ACETIC ACID]] or the acetylation products of acetic acid, such as [[#CELLULOSE|CELLULOSE]] acetate.  Certain acetates can be used as [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]] on [[#SOLAR COLLECTORS|SOLAR COLLECTORS]].
:F - acetate
:S - acetato
=====ACETIC ACID=====
(chem).  An important raw material in the chemical industry.  It is a by-product of the [[#DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION|DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION]] of wood.  It can also be obtained by oxidizing [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]].  The chemical make-up of acetic acid is CH<sub>3</sub>[[#COOH|COOH]].
:F - acide acetique
:S - acido acetico
(bio) (biocon).  A compound that dissociates or separates in a water solution to provide hydrogen ions.  Acid forms a [[#SALT|SALT]] when mixed with [[#ALKALI|ALKALI]], and is important in [[#ANAEROBIC DIGESTION|ANAEROBIC DIGESTION]] and [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]].
:F - acide
:S - acido
(biocon).  The "first phase" of [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]] production, in which complex molecules are broken down into smaller ones.
:F - digestion acide
:S - digestion de acido
(chem) (alc).  A chemical process that uses [[#ACID|ACID]] to convert [[#STARCH|STARCH]] to sugar.  This is the "first phase" in [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] production.
:F - hydrolysation acide
:S - hidrolisis de acido
(gen) (meas).  An instrument used to measure the density of gases.
:F - acrometre
:S - acrometro
(sol) (meas).  An instrument used to measure [[#DIRECT RADIATION|DIRECT RADIATION]] from the sun.
:F - actinometre
:S - actinometro
(alc).  [[#YEAST|YEAST]] that has been dried, but in which the yeast cells still can be activated.
:F - levure seche active
:S - levadura activa secada
(sol).  Warming an interior space with heat collected mechanically through [[#SOLAR COLLECTORS|SOLAR COLLECTORS]].  The collection and distribution of this warm air requires additional external [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] to operate pumps, motors, valves, etc.
:F - chauffage solaire actif
:S - calefaccion solar activa
=====ADAPTED SEED=====
(biocon).  [[#INOCULUM|INOCULUM]] used during the [[#START-UP|START-UP]] of a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] that has been obtained from another digester with similar [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] composition and operating under similar conditions.
:F - germe adapte
:S - semilla adaptada
(constr) (sol).  Sun-dried brick of clay and straw.  Also the clay and soil used for making such bricks.  Adobe is high in [[#THERMAL MASS|THERMAL MASS]] and is useful in low-cost building construction.
:F - adobe
:S - adobe
(chem).  The process through which carbonaceous materials are able to compress and hold on their surfaces large quantities of gas.  Also, the physical adhesion of molecules to the surfaces of solids without causing a chemical reaction.
:F - adsorption
:S - adsorcion
(wind).  (See:  [[#EOLIAN|EOLIAN]])
:F - eolien, - ienne
:S - eolico
(bio).  Pertaining to micro-organisms that require [[#FREE OXYGEN|FREE OXYGEN]] to live.
:F - aerobie
:S - aerobio
(bio) (biocon).  [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]] living on [[#FREE OXYGEN|FREE OXYGEN]] that is derived from the air.  [[Aerobic bacteria]] break down [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] during [[#COMPOSTING|COMPOSTING]].
:F - bacteries aerobies
:S - bacteria aerobia
:F - decomposition aerobie
:S - descomposicion aerobia
(gen).  Forest crops established by purposeful planting on land previously not used for tree crops.
:F - boisement
:S - conversion en bosque
(gen).  An air pollution abatement device that removes undesirable organic gases through incineration.
:F - postcombustion
:S - quemador auxiliar
=====AIR BRAKES=====
(wind) (arc).  Longitudinal [[#SHUTTERS|SHUTTERS]] that are sometimes incorporated in [[#PATENT SAILS|PATENT SAILS]] to reduce the speed of [[#SAIL|SAIL]] rotation in strong winds.
:F - freins d'ailes
:S - frenos de aire
=====AIR DIFFUSER=====
(gen).  A device that delivers air into a room to mix with the room air.
:F - diffuseur d'air
:S - difusor de aire
(wind).  A curved surface designed to create aerodynamic [[#LIFT|LIFT]] forces when air flows around it.
:F - voilure d'aile
:S - plano aerodinamico
=====AIR-GAS RATIO=====
(chem).  The ratio of the air volume to the gas volume.  It can be adjusted to change the character of combustion.
:F - rapport air-gaz
:S - relacion de aire-gas
(sol).  [[#SOLAR HEATING|A SOLAR HEATING]] system, which heats air in a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] and uses the heated air as the [[#HEAT-TRANSFER MEDIUM|HEAT-TRANSFER MEDIUM]] to the rest of the system.
:F - chauffage d'air, systeme de
:S - sistema de calefaccion del aire
:F - capteur a air
:S - colector solar tipo aire
=====AIR VELOCITY=====
:F - vitesse d'ecoulement de l'air
:S - velocidad del aire
(sol) (meas).  The ratio of the amount of light reflected by a surface to the light falling onto it.
:F - albedo
:S - albedo
(chem).  A class of compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, which occurs widely in nature and is used in solvents, antifreezes, chemical manufacture, and as a fuel.  Alcohol commonly is obtained by [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]].  (See also:  [[#BUTYL ALCOHOL|BUTYL ALCOHOL]], [[#ETHYL ALCOHOL|ETHYL ALCOHOL]], and [[#METHYL ALCOHOL|METHYL ALCOHOL]])
:F - alcool
:S - alcohol
(alc).  (See:  [[#CONDENSER|CONDENSER]])
:F - condenseur d'alcool
:S - condensador de alcohol
(alc).  (See:  [[#STILL|STILL]])
:F - alambic de distillation
:S - alambique de alcohol
(alc).  [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] in its gaseous state.
:F - vapeur d'alcool
:S - vapor de alcohol
(bio) (biocon) (gen).  Fresh and saltwater aquatic plants, usually microscopic in size, but including seaweed.  They are valuable in waste treatment, as a protein source for humans, as animal feed, and as a [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] for [[#BIOGAS DIGESTERS|BIOGAS DIGESTERS]].
:F - algues
:S - algas
(chem) (biocon).  Any of various [[#BASES|BASES]], which neutralize [[#ACIDS|ACIDS]] to form [[#SALTS|SALTS]].  Bases are important in maintaining the chemical balance in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - alcali
:S - alcali
(elec).  [[#BATTERY|A BATTERY]] that uses sodium or potassium hydroxide as an electrolyte, and nickel-oxide flakes and powdered iron or nickel-cadmium for its active plates.
:F - accumulateur alcalin
:S - pila alcalina
(chem).  A general name for hydrocarbons of the [[#METHANE|METHANE]] series.
:F - paraffine
:S - alcano
(elec).  An electric current that periodically reverses its direction.  Generally abbreviated as ac.
:F - courant alternatif
:S - courriente continua
(auto).  Alternatives to the spark ignition and the diesel combustion engines.  Among the more developed designs are the [[#GAS TURBINE|GAS TURBINE]] and [[#STIRLING ENGINES|STIRLING ENGINES]].
:F - substituts aux moteurs a combustion
:S - motores de combustion alterna
(gen).  Sources of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] different from those generally employed by a user.  The term usually refers to [[#RENEWABLE ENERGY|RENEWABLE ENERGY]] sources such as [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]], [[#WIND ENERGY|WIND ENERGY]], [[#GEOTHERMAL POWER|GEOTHERMAL POWER]], [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]], etc.  The use of alternative energy sources is attractive because of the [1] high price and limited availability of petroleum-based fuels; [2] the pollution that is associated with the burning of [[#FOSSIL FUELS|FOSSIL FUELS]]; and [3] the expense and dangers of nuclear power.
:F - sources d'energie de substitution
:S - fuentes alternas de energia
(elec).  [[#GENERATOR|A GENERATOR]] that changes mechanical [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] into electrical energy ([[#ALTERNATING CURRENT|ALTERNATING CURRENT]]) by the rotation of its [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]].  Alternators are used in motor vehicles to recharge and minimize the drain on the [[#BATTERY|BATTERY]].  They are also commonly adapted to be driven by [[#WINDMILLS|WINDMILLS]] or by [[#STEAM TURBINES|STEAM TURBINES]] and [[#WATER TURBINES|WATER TURBINES]].
:F - alternateur
:S - alternador
(constr) (sol).  A very strong, thin sheet of plastic material coated with aluminum.  Used as a reflective surface for [[#SOLAR COOKERS|SOLAR COOKERS]].
:F - Mylar aluminise
:S - Milar aluminizado
(gen).  Referring to undisturbed environmental surroundings, particularly to air and temperature.
:F - ambiant
:S - ambiente
:F - anaerobies
:S - anaerobes
(bio).  Pertaining to micro-organisms that can live in an airless environment.
:F - anaerobie
:S - anaerobio
(bio) (biocon).  [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]], known as [[#ANAEROBES|ANAEROBES]], that can live in an airless environment by obtaining oxygen through the [[#DECOMPOSITION|DECOMPOSITION]] of compounds.
:F - bacteries anaerobies
:S - bacteria anaerobia
:F - digesteur anaerobie
:S - digestor anaerobio
:F - digestion anaerobie
:S - digestion anaerobia
:F - fermentation anaerobie
:S - fermentacion anaerobia
:F - organismes anaerobies
:S - organismos anaerobios
(wind) (impl).  A rod or stake driven into the ground, to which [[#GUY WIRES|GUY WIRES]] for a [[#WINDMILL TOWER|WINDMILL TOWER]] are attached.
:F - ancrage
:S - ancla
(impl).  Raised metal bars placed on a fireplace hearth to support firewood for burning.  Andirons allow air to pass under the burning wood for more [[#EFFICIENT|EFFICIENT]] combustion.
:F - chenets
:S - morillo
(wind) (meas).  An instrument for measuring [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]].
:F - anenometre
:S - anemometro
(wind).  The angle between the [[#CHORD|CHORD]] of an [[#AIRFOIL|AIRFOIL]] and the wind.  It is considered in [[#WINDMILL ROTOR|WINDMILL ROTOR]] design.
:F - angle d'attaque
:S - angulo de ataque
:F - angle incident
:S - angulo de incidencia
:F - angle de reflexion
:S - angulo de reflexion
(alc) (biocon).  Free from moisture.  The term applies to oxides, [[#SALTS|SALTS]], and other substances that do not contain water.
:F - anhydre
:S - anhidro
(alc).  [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] that is almost completely free from water.  Alcohol must be [[#ANHYDROUS|ANHYDROUS]] to be mixed with gasoline to form [[#GASAHOL|GASAHOL]].  Alcohol and water cannot be separated beyond 199.99 [[#PROOF|PROOF]].  At that [[#CONCENTRATION|CONCENTRATION]], they form an [[#AZEOTROPE|AZEOTROPE]] and vaporize at the same temperature.
:F - alcool anhydre
:S - alcohol etilico anhidro
:F - animal de trait
:S - traccion animal
(ani).  Driven or impelled by animals.
:F - traction animale
:S - impulsado por animales
(biocon).  The process of directly burning or obtaining [[#ENERGY PRODUCTS|ENERGY PRODUCTS]] from animal wastes.
:F - conversion des dechets animaux
:S - conversion de los desechos animales
(sol) (meas).  That portion of annual heating that is supplied to a building by [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]].
:F - part de la charge annuelle
:S - fraccion de la carga anual
=====ANNULAR SAIL=====
(wind) (arc).  A ring-like [[#SAIL|SAIL]] with radial [[#SHUTTERS|SHUTTERS]].
:F - aile annulaire
:S - aspa circular
(wind) (arc).  [[#SAIL ROTOR|A SAIL ROTOR]] that runs counterclockwise when observed from the front of the [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].
:F - aile a rotation positive
:S - aspa sinistrorsa
(biocon).  [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] grown in fresh or saltwater, including [[#ALGAE|ALGAE]], seaweed, etc.
:F - biomasse aquatique
:S - biomasa acuatica
(hydr).  [[#CHANNEL|A CHANNEL]] or trough built to convey water For irrigation, to operate a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] plant, or for household use.  The water in aqueducts generally flows by means of gravity, although pumps may also be used.
:F - aqueduc
:S - acueducto
(hydr).  Any geological formation containing water, especially one that supplies the water for wells, springs, etc.
:F - aquifere
:S - acuifera
(wind) (arc).  [[#WINDMILL|A WINDMILL]] constructed to provide maximum [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]] in winds of various speeds and from different directions.
:F - eolienne articulee
:S - molino de viento articulado
=====ASH BOX=====
(heat).  A removable box below the [[#[[#GRATE|GRATE]]]] in a [[#[[#WOOD STOVE|WOOD STOVE]]]] or a [[#[[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]]]] that collects ash residue from combustion.
:F - cendrier
:S - caja de cenizas
(elec) (wind).  An electrical [[#GENERATOR|GENERATOR]] that produces [[#ALTERNATING CURRENT|ALTERNATING CURRENT]], matching an existing [[#POWER|POWER]] source so the two sources can be combined to power one [[#LOAD|LOAD]].  These generators are often used with [[#WINDMILLS|WINDMILLS]] to provide power to buildings that already receive power from an electric utility.
:F - generateur asynchrone
:S - generador asincronico
(gen).  The pressure exerted by the Earth's atmosphere at any given point, generally measured on a scale based on the pressure of air at sea level.
:F - pression atmospherique
:S - presion atmosferica
(sol).  An unroofed, partially roofed, or fully roofed courtyard or room in a dwelling, which allows sunlight to reach adjoining rooms.  It is often used for [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]].
:F - atrium
:S - atrio
(alc).  The fall in [[#SPECIFIC GRAVITY|SPECIFIC GRAVITY]] of the [[#WORT|WORT]] during [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]].  This is caused by the weakening of [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]] or [[#FUNGI|FUNGI]] in a [[#CULTURE|CULTURE]].
:F - attenuation
:S - atenuacion
(impl) (alc).  A rotating, screw-type device that moves material through a tube.  In [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] production, it is used to transfer grains from storage to the grinding site, and from the grinding site to the [[#COOKER|COOKER]].
:F - vrille d'alimentation
:S - barrena
(impl).  A device that automatically maintains the [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of hot or cold air into a room.
:F - registre automatique
:S - regulador de tiro automatico
(sol).  The use of a device that allows [[#SOLAR COLLECTORS|SOLAR COLLECTORS]] to "track" or follow the sun during the day without manual adjustment.
:F - poursuite automatique
:S - aparato de seguimiento automatico
(gen) (elec).  A small, engine-driven [[#GENERATOR|GENERATOR]] that supplements a [[#RENEWABLE ENERGY POWER|RENEWABLE ENERGY POWER]] source.
:F - generateur auxiliaire
:S - generador auxiliar
(gen) (meas).  That part of the total [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] produced by a system that can be applied usefully.  [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]] is a measure oF available energy.
:F - energie disponible
:S - energia disponible
(wind) (meas).  The most common [[#WIND VELOCITY|WIND VELOCITY]] over a specified period of time.
:F - vitesse moyenne du vent
:S - velocidad promedio del viento
(gen).  An imaginary line passing through the center of a body, about which the body rotates.  (Plural:  axes)
:F - axe de rotation
:S - axis
(gen).  A supporting member that carries a wheel.  It either rotates with the wheel to transmit mechanical [[#POWER|POWER]], or allows the wheel to rotate freely on it.
:F - essieu
:S - eje
(chem) (alc).  The chemical term for two liquids that, at a certain [[#CONCENTRATION|CONCENTRATION]], boil at the same temperature.  For example, [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] and water cannot be separated further than 199.9 [[#PROOF|PROOF]] because at this concentration they form an azeotrope and vaporize together.
:F - azeotrope
:S - azeotrope
== B ==
=====S LAW=====
(biocon).  A law stating that the [[#VAPOR PRESSURE|VAPOR PRESSURE]] of a liquid is lowered when a non-[[#VOLATILE|VOLATILE]] substance is dissolved in it.  The pressure is lowered by an amount proportional to the [[#CONCENTRATION|CONCENTRATION]] of the solution.
:F - loi de von Babo
:S - ley de Babo
(gen).  The emission of smoke through cooking holes or other openings in a wood-burning or [[#CHARCOAL|CHARCOAL]] stove.  It occurs when poor [[#DRAFT|DRAFT]] in the [[#CHIMNEY|CHIMNEY]] causes air to pass back down into the stove.
:F - retour de fumee
:S - contracorriente de humo
=====BACK STAYS=====
(wind) (arc).  Support bars across the back of the [[#SAILS|SAILS]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].
:F - galhaubans
:S - soporte posterior
(hydr).  The braking effect caused by the immersion in water of the lowest [[#BLADES|BLADES]] of an [[#OVERSHOT WATER WHEEL|OVERSHOT WATER WHEEL]].
:F - frein d'immersion
:S - remanso
(bio).  Any of numerous single-celled micro-organisms occurring in a wide variety of forms, existing either as free-living organisms or as parasites, having a wide range of biochemical properties.  Bacteria are necessary for [[#DIGESTION|DIGESTION]] and [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]].  (Singular: bacterium)
:F - bacteries
:S - bacteria
(biocon).  The chemical breakdown of [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] by micro-organisms.
:F - decomposition bacterienne
:S - descomposicion bacteriana
(gen).  A metal plate or other artificial obstruction used to check or deflect the [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of [[#FLUIDS|FLUIDS]].
:F - deflecteur
:S - desviador
(biocon).  The fibrous residue remaining after the extraction of the juice from sugar cane.  It may be used as a fuel.
:F - bagasse
:S - bagazo
(biocon).  (See:  [[#LORENA STOVE|LORENA STOVE]])
:F - banco
:S - banco
(hydr).  [[#WATER TURBINE|A WATER TURBINE]] with curved [[#BLADES|BLADES]], [[#GUIDE VANES|GUIDE VANES]], and a hallow interior.  Water passing through it propels the [[#RUNNER|RUNNER]] both on entering and leaving.  This turbine operates well under a wide [[#HEAD|HEAD]] range and [[#FLOW|FLOW]] rates.
:F - turbine de Banki
:S - turbina de Banki
(meas).  A device used to measure [[#ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE|ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE]].
:F - barometre
:S - barometro
(alc) (chem).  Compounds that dissociate in water solution to form [[#HYDROXYL|HYDROXYL]] ions.  Bases react with [[#ACIDS|ACIDS]] to form [[#SALTS|SALTS]], and can be used to maintain the proper pH ([[#POTENTIAL HYDROGEN|POTENTIAL HYDROGEN]]) balance in an [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]].
:F - bases
:S - bases
(biocon).  A process of [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]] production in which the material to be digested is loaded into the [[#DIGESTER|DIGESTER]] at the start of the process.  [[#SEED|A SEED]] may also be added at this time.  The digester is then sealed and the contents left to [[#FERMENT|FERMENT]].  At completion, the digested [[#SLUDGE|SLUDGE]] is removed and the tank reloaded.  Daily gas production varies during the process.  It is slow at the start, increases, and finally declines toward the end of the [[#DIGESTION|DIGESTION]] cycle.
:F - digestion a charge initiale
:S - digestion por tandas
(alc).  A batch [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]] process of [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] production in which the material to be distilled is loaded into a [[#STILL|STILL]] at the start of the process.  The entire volume is heated and left to distill.  At completion, the distilled [[#MASH|MASH]] is removed and the still reloaded.  Daily alcohol production varies during the process.  It is slow at the start, increases, and finally declines toward the end of the distillation cycle.
:F - distillation a charge initiale
:S - destilacion intermitente
=====BATCH FEED=====
(gen).  [[#DIGESTER|A DIGESTER]] or [[#STILL|STILL]] in which [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] is loaded, allowed to generate gas or [[#FERMENT|FERMENT]], and then removed.  The digester or still then is cleaned and prepared for a fresh load of [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]].
:F - alimentation initiale unique
:S - alimentacion por tandas
(biocon).  (See:  [[#BATCH FEED|BATCH FEED]])
:F - digesteur a chargement unique
:S - digestor de carga intermitente
(biocon).  (See:  [[#BATCH FEED|BATCH FEED]])
:F - traitement de charges uniques
:S - elaboracion por tandas
(elec).  A group of two or more [[#CELLS|CELLS]] or [[#ACCUMULATORS|ACCUMULATORS]] electrically connected in series or parallel.  Batteries are used to store electrical [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]].
:F - batterie
:S - bateria
(wind) (impl).  An automatic switch that disconnects a [[#BATTERY|BATTERY]] during its charge if the voltage of the wind charger falls below or rises above that of the battery, within certain limits.  A battery cut-out is a battery protection device.
:F - coupe-circuit de batterie
:S - interruptor de bateria
(gen).  A machine part that supports and guides a shaft, pivot, or wheel that slides, rotates, or oscillates in or on it.
:F - palier
:S - cojinete
:F - azimut
:S - marcacion
(meas) (wind).  A scale of [[#WIND VELOCITIES|WIND VELOCITIES]] ranging from 0 to 12 as follows:
|Code Number||(mph)||Description
|0||less than 1||calm
|1||1-3||light air
|2||4-7||light breeze
|3||8-12||gentle breeze
|4||13-18||moderate breeze
|5||19-24||fresh breeze
|6||25-31||strong breeze
|7||32-38||moderate gale; near gale
|9||47-54||strong gale
|10||55-63||whole gale (or storm)
|11||64-74||violent storm
|12||over 74||hurricane
:F - Beaufort, echelle de
:S - escala de Beaufort
=====BEER COLUMN=====
:F - colonne a biere
:S - columna de cerveza
(constr).  A manmade mound or small hill of earth built up against a house to stop the [[#INFILTRATION|INFILTRATION]] of hot or cold air.
:F - banquette
:S - monticulo
=====BEVEL GEAR=====
(gen).  One of a pair of gears used to connect two shafts whose [[#AXES|AXES]] intersect.
:F - engrenage conique
:S - engranaje biselado
(gen) (impl).  A device that can be attached to a bicycle to supply [[#POWER|POWER]] to pump water, generate electricity, etc.
:F - adaptateur de bicyclette
:S - adaptador de bicicleta
=====Pedal power|[[BICYCLE GENERATOR]]=====
(elec).  A small [[#GENERATOR|GENERATOR]] that produces [[#DIRECT CURRENT|DIRECT CURRENT]] (dc) electricity through [[#PEDAL POWER|PEDAL POWER]].
:F - generateur a pedalier
:S - generador accionado por bicicleta
(chem) (gen).  The conversion of [[#ORGANIC WASTE|ORGANIC WASTE]] into [[#ENERGY PRODUCTS|ENERGY PRODUCTS]] through the action of micro-organisms.  Chemically, this is the reduction of complex organic compounds into simpler, more stable forms.
:F - bioconversion
:S - bioconversion
(biocon).  The gaseous mixture produced during [[#ANAEROBIC DIGESTION|ANAEROBIC DIGESTION]], composed chiefly of [[#METHANE|METHANE]] and carbon dioxide.
:F - bio-gaz
:S - biogas
(biocon).  An airtight vessel in which [[#ANAEROBIC DIGESTION|ANAEROBIC DIGESTION]] takes place and from which [[#METHANE|METHANE]] may be drawn off.
:F - digesteur de bio-gaz
:S - digestor de biogas
:F - generateur de bio-gaz
:S - generador de biogas
=====BIOGAS PLANT=====
:F - reacteur de bio-gaz
:S - planta de biogas
(biocon).  The use of [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] to convert one form of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] into another.
:F - conversion biologique de l'energie
:S - conversion biologica de energia
(bio).  Plants and plant materials, trees, crop residues, wood and bark residues, and animal manures.  Any [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] that can be used in [[#BIOCONVERSION|BIOCONVERSION]] processes.
:F - biomasse
:S - biomasa
(biocon).  The [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] that is released from [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] when it is eaten, burned, or otherwise used as or converted into fuel.
:F - energie de la biomasse
:S - energia de biomasa
:F - biomasse d'alimentation
:S - alimento seco de la biomasa
(biocon).  Fuels, such as [[#METHANE|METHANE]], produced from [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]].
:F - combustibles de la biomasse
:S - combustibles de biomasa
(biocon) (meas).  The amount of [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] that can be produced in a given areA.  It usually is expressed in weight units per area measurement per unit of time.
:F - production de biomasse
:S - produccion de biomasa
(biocon (meas).  A pollution-control method in which living organisms are used to test the [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]] from a [[#DIGESTER|DIGESTER]] to determine whether it is safe to discharge the effluent into a body of water.  It may also be used to test the quality of waters downstream from a digester discharge point.
:F - controle biologique
:S - biocontrol
(fos).  Any naturally-occurring hydrocarbon, especially solid hydrocarbons such as asphalt, wax, pitch, and Gilsonite.
:F - bitume
:S - bitumen
(sol).  A surface that completely absorbs all [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] that strikes it.
:F - corps noir
:S - cuerpo negro
(hydr) (impl) (wind).  [1] The curved surface of certain types of [[#WATER TURBINES|WATER TURBINES]] (i.e., [[#CROSS-FLOW TURBINES|CROSS-FLOW TURBINES]]).  Water striking the blades causes the turbine to rotate.  Some turbines, such as the [[#PELTON WHEEL|PELTON WHEEL]], have cups instead of blades.  [2] A single, extended surface of a [[#WINDMILL ROTOR|WINDMILL ROTOR]].
:F - [1] aube; [2] pale
:S - [1] paleta; [2] aspa
=====BLADE ANGLE]] [1]=====
(wind).  The angle of a [[#CHORD|CHORD]] of a [[#WINDMILL BLADE|WINDMILL BLADE]] with the [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] plane of rotation.  [2] (hydr).  The [[#INCIDENT ANGLE|INCIDENT ANGLE]] of a [[#TURBINE BLADE|TURBINE BLADE]].
:F - [1] angle de pale; [2] angle d'aube
:S - [1] angulo del aspa; [2] angulo de la paleta
=====BORE HOLE=====
(gen).  A deep, vertical hole in the earth.  Usually used to describe a well.
:F - trou de sondage
:S - pozo de sondeo
:F - rechaud a vapeur solaire Brace
:S - portahornillo de vapor solar Brace
(gen).  A device used to slow or stop motion, especially by contact friction.
:F - frein
:S - freno
(gen).  A process by which two pieces of metal are joined using a nonferrous alloy with a lower melting point than either of the two metals being joined.
:F - brasage
:S - soldadura con laton
=====BREAST BEAM=====
(wind) (arc).  The main lateral beam below the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]].
:F - poutrelle maitresse
:S - viga de costado
=====BREAST WHEEL=====
(hydr).  A sophisticated type of [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]] into which water enters below the top of the wheel and is kept in the [[#BUCKETS|BUCKETS]] until being discharged at or near the lowest point on the wheel.  Breast wheels generally operate best with [[#HEADS|HEADS]] amounting to less than the diameter of the wheel.  High breast wheels (where the water enters above the center shaft) can approach 65 percent [[#ENERGY CONVERSION EFFICIENCY|ENERGY CONVERSION EFFICIENCY]].  (Syn:  breast-shot wheel)
:F - roue de poitrine
:S - rueda de costado
(wind).  In general, any light to moderate wind.  (See also:  [[#BEAUFORT SCALE|BEAUFORT SCALE]])
:F - brise
:S - brisa
=====S DRIED GRAIN=====
(alc).  (See:  [[#DISTILLER|DISTILLER]]'[[#S GRAIN|S GRAIN]]).
:F - grains secs de brasserie
:S - grano seco de destilacion
=====BREWING MASH=====
(alc).  Crushed or ground [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] mixed with warm water in preparation for [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]] during the production of [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]].
:F - mout de brassage
:S - mosto
(refrig).  A heavy [[#SALT|SALT]] solution used in [[#REFRIGERATION|REFRIGERATION]].
:F - saumure
:S - salmuera
(fos).  A type of fuel that has been finely ground and compressed in pressure molds.  It is usually made from low-grade coal, coke, [[#CHARCOAL|CHARCOAL]], or [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]], and is mixed with a binder such as [[#STARCH|STARCH]], tar, cement, pitch, or asphalt.
:F - briquette
:S - briqueta
(heat) (meas).  The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree [[#FAHRENHEIT|FAHRENHEIT]] under stated conditions of temperature and pressure.  It is a standard unit for measuring quantity of [[#HEAT ENERGY|HEAT ENERGY]].  Generally abbreviated as [[#BTU|BTU]].
:F - British thermal unit
:S - unidad termica britanica
=====BUBBLE CAP=====
(alc).  A perforated cap on the plates of a [[#DISTILLATION COLUMN|DISTILLATION COLUMN]], used to ensure that the vapor and condensed liquid mix thoroughly.
:F - cloche de barbotage
:S - casquete de burbujeo
(biocon).  A safety device attached to a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] to ensure that the gas is free of air, since an air and gas mixture would be explosive.  The gas is "bubbled" through a container of water before being used or stored.  If [[#LIMEWATER|LIMEWATER]] is used instead of water, the bubble chamber can also be used to [[#SCRUB|SCRUB]] the gas.  In addition, the bubble chamber serves as a [[#SPARK ARRESTER|SPARK ARRESTER]].
:F - chambre a bulles
:S - camara de burbujas
(hydr).  Cup-shaped containers or [[#BLADES|BLADES]] attached to a [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]].
:F - auget
:S - cangilon
=====BUCKET ANGLE=====
:F - angle d'auget
:S - angulo de los cangilones
=====BUCKET CHAIN=====
(hydr).  A chain loop with [[#BUCKETS|BUCKETS]] attached to it at regular intervals.  The chain runs over sprocket wheels.  As each bucket passes by a water source, water fills the bucket, providing [[#POWER|POWER]] and propelling the chain further along.
:F - noria a godets
:S - transportador de cangilones
(biocon) (chem).  The capacity of a solution to resist pH ([[#POTENTIAL HYDROGEN|POTENTIAL HYDROGEN]]) changes when small amounts of [[#ACID|ACID]] or [[#ALKALI|ALKALI]] are added.  In the case of [[#DIGESTED SLUDGE|DIGESTED SLUDGE]], the ammonium and bicarbonate ions are mainly responsible for buffering.
:F - pouvoir tampon
:S - capacidad amortiguadora
:F - butanol
:S - butanol
(alc) (chem).  An [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] obtained by the [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]] of sugar or cornstarch.  The chemical equivalent of butyl alcohol is C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>9</sub>OH.  (Syn:  butanol)
:F - alcool butylique
:S - alcohol butilico
== C ==
(meas).  Abbreviation for [[#CELSIUS|CELSIUS]].
:F - C
:S - C
(biocon) (chem).  A solution that is often used in [[#BUBBLE CHAMBERS|BUBBLE CHAMBERS]] to [[#SCRUB BIOGAS|SCRUB BIOGAS]].  It is commonly known as [[#LIMEWATER|LIMEWATER]].
:F - hydrate de calcium
:S - hidroxido de calcio
(gen).  The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree [[#CELSIUS|CELSIUS]] at [[#ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE|ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE]].
:F - calorie [1]
:S - caloria
(gen).  An eccentric projection on a revolving shaft, shaped to produce variable or reciprocating motion in another contacted or engaged part.
:F - came
:S - leva
(gen) (hydr).  An artificial watercourse uniting rivers, lakes, or seas for purposes of inland navigation, irrigation, or conveyance of water to a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] device.
:F - canal
:S - canal
(wind) (arc).  A piece of metal placed at the outer end of a [[#ROTOR SPAR|ROTOR SPAR]] to hold the [[#SAIL|SAIL]] in place.
:F - douille
:S - chapa de fijacion
(wind) (arc).  The revolving top of a [[#TOWER MILL|TOWER MILL]] or [[#SMOCK MILL|SMOCK MILL]].
:F - calotte
:S - cumbrera
(elec) (meas).  The total [[#KILOWATT HOURS|KILOWATT HOURS]] of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] consumed divided by the total [[#KILOWATTS|KILOWATTS]] produced by an electricity-generating plant.  Generally calculated on an annual basis.
:F - facteur de capacite
:S - factor de capacidad
(wind) (meas).  The total amount of dirt and dust particles of a given kind that can be sustained per unit volume of air by a wind of a given velocity.
:F - capacite du vent
:S - capacidad del viento
(alc) (chem).  Sugars, [[#STARCHES|STARCHES]], [[#CELLULOSE|CELLULOSE]], and other similar compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen only.  Carbohydrates are excellent [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] for an [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]].
:F  -  hydrates de carbone
:S  -  carbohidrato
(biocon).  The proportion of carbon to nitrogen in the material being placed in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].  This ratio is important for maintaining biogas production.  25:1 is the optimal C/N ratio.
|Material || Nitrogen || Carbon-Nitrogen
|Name          || Content  || Ratio
|Cow dung      ||1.7% || 25 to 1
|Poultry manure||        6.3% || No carbon
|Grass        ||          4.0% ||                  12 to 1
|Sheep manure  ||        3.75% ||            No carbon
|Urine        ||        15-18%||              8 to 1
|Wheat straw  ||          0.3% ||          128 to 1
|Potato tops  ||        1.5%  ||        25 to 1
|Tomato        ||          3.3% ||      128 to 1
:F  -  rapport carbone-azote
:S  -  proporcion de carbon a nitrogeno
(auto).  A device for mixing and controlling the amount of air and fuel supplied to a gasoline engine.
:F  -  carburateur
:S  -  carburador
(sol).  The framework housing the components of a [[#FLAT-PLATE COLLECTOR|FLAT-PLATE COLLECTOR]].  It is generally made of metal and lined with material for [[#THERMAL|THERMAL]] insulation.  Inlet and outlet openings are provided.
:F  -  enveloppe
:S  -  envoltura
(hydr).  A projecting slope on the downstream side of a [[#SLUICE|SLUICE]] or dam, which is provided to withstand the force of falling water.
:F  -  pente de captage
:S  -  plataforma colectora
(elec).  A device that generates electricity, traditionally consisting of two plates or conducting surfaces placed in an electrolytic [[#FLUID|FLUID]].
:F  -  element
:S  -  celula
(bio) (alc).  Any of several [[#ENZYMES|ENZYMES]] found in [[#FUNGI|FUNGI]], [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]], and lower animals that cause [[#CELLULOSE|CELLULOSE]] to break down in water.  These enzymes are needed for [[#ALCOHOL DISTILLATION|ALCOHOL DISTILLATION]].
:F  -  cellulase
:S  -  celulase
(chem) (alc).  The main [[#POLYSACCHARIDE|POLYSACCHARIDE]] in living plants.  Cellulose forms the skeletal structure of plant cell walls and can be [[#HYDROLYZED|HYDROLYZED]] to form [[#GLUCOSE|GLUCOSE]].
:F  -  cellulose
:S  -  celulosa
(biocon).  [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] that contains vegetable matter.
:F  -  biomasse cellulosique
:S  -  biomasa celulosica
(meas).  The international temperature scale in which water freezes at 0 [degrees] and boils at 100 [degrees].  To convert from degrees Celsius to degrees [[#FAHRENHEIT|FAHRENHEIT]], multiply the temperature in degrees Celsius by 9/5 (or 1.8) and add 32.  To convert from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature and then multiply by 5/9.  Abbreviated as C.  (Syn: centigrade)
:F  -  Celsius
:S  -  Celsio
(meas).  (See:  [[#CELSIUS|CELSIUS]]).
:F  -  centigrade
:S  -  centigrado
(gen).  The inertial force repelling a body away from the center of the curvature of a curved path along which it is moving, or away from the [[#AXIS|AXIS]] around which it rotates.  The opposite of [[#CENTRIPETAL FORCE|CENTRIPETAL FORCE]].
:F  -  force centrifuge
:S  -  centrifuga, fuerza
(gen).  A force attracting a body toward the center of the curvature of a curved path along which it is moving, or toward the [[#AXIS|AXIS]] around which it rotates.  The apposite of [[#CENTRIFUGAL FORCE|CENTRIFUGAL FORCE]].
:F  -  force centripete
:S  -  centripeta , fuerza
=====CHALK ADOBE=====
(constr).  A method of making [[#ADOBE|ADOBE]] bricks in which chalk is added to the clay, straw, and water.  Chalk  adobe is useful as a [[#THERMAL MASS|THERMAL MASS]].
:F  -  adobe a la chaux
:S  -  mezcla de adobe y creta
(hydr).  The bed of a stream or waterway.  (See also:  [[#CANAL|CANAL]])
:F  -  chenal [1]
:S  -  cauce
(fos) (gen).  A dark-colored or black porous form of [[#CARBON|CARBON]] made from vegetable or animal substances.  Charcoal commonly is made by charring wood in a [[#KILN|KILN]] or [[#RETORT|RETORT]] from which air is partially excluded.  It is used for [[#FUEL|FUEL]], and in various mechanical, artistic, and chemical processes.  By using [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]] and retorts to produce charcoal, several valuable products can be collected that would otherwise be lost, including [[#COMBUSTIBLE GASES|COMBUSTIBLE GASES]], [[#CREOSOTE OIL|CREOSOTE OIL]], [[#METHANOL|METHANOL]], soluble tar, and combustible pitch.
:F  -  charbon de bois
:S  -  carbon
=====CHARCOAL GAS=====
(prod).  (See:  [[#PRODUCER GAS|PRODUCER GAS]])
:F  -  gaz de charbon de bois
:S  -  gas de carbon
(constr).  A vertical passage or [[#FLUE|FLUE]] through which smoke and gases escape from a stove or fireplace.
:F  -  cheminee
:S  -  chimenea
=====CHIMNEY CAP=====
(constr).  A cone, usually made of sheet metal, placed pointed end up slightly above the top of a [[#CHIMNEY|CHIMNEY]].  It prevents rain and debris from falling into the chimney.
:F  -  mitre
:S  -  sombrerete de chimenea
(biocon).  [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|A BIOGAS DIGESTER]] that is primarily designed to produce fertilizer.  Usually a [[#FIXED-DOME DIGESTER|FIXED-DOME DIGESTER]].
:F  -  digesteur type chinois
:S  -  digestor de tipo chino
(wind).  The distance from the [[#LEADING EDGE|LEADING EDGE]] to the [[#TRAILING EDGE|TRAILING EDGE]] of an [[#AIRFOIL|AIRFOIL]].  The term refers to [[#WINDMILL BLADE|WINDMILL BLADE]] design.
:F  -  profondeur de l'aile
:S  -  profundidad del aspa
(biocon).  A small, wood-burning stove, usually made of mud, clay, brick, or metal.  The term is widely used in South Asia.
:F  -  chula
:S  -  chula
:F  -  capteur circulaire a concentration
:S  -  colector circular de enfoque
(hydr).  An artificial reservoir or watertight tank for storing water or other liquids.
:F  -  citerne
:S  -  cisterna
(wind) (arc).  Wooden splints bolted to the sides of the [[#STOCKS|STOCKS]], locking the [[#SAIL|SAIL]] assembly in the [[#POLL END|POLL END]].
:F  -  eclisses
:S  -  prensas
(sol) (meas).  [[#SOLAR ENERGY|A SOLAR ENERGY]] concept introduced to express the ratio of a particular hour, day, or month's [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] on a horizontal surface to the [[#EXTRATERRESTRIAL SOLAR RADIATION|EXTRATERRESTRIAL SOLAR RADIATION]] on that same surface for the same period of time.  It is useful in calculating [[#DIFFUSE RADIATION|DIFFUSE RADIATION]] and [[#RADIATION|RADIATION]] falling on a tilted surface.
:F  -  indice de clarte
:S  -  indice de claridad
(sol).  A vertical window that is placed high in a wall near the eaves for light, [[#HEAT GAIN|HEAT GAIN]], and ventilation.
:F  -  lanterneau
:S  -  claraboya
(sol).  [[#SOLAR HEATING|A SOLAR HEATING]] system in which distilled water, antifreeze, and/or corrosion inhibitors are circulated through the [[#COLLECTORS|COLLECTORS]] and storage tanks in a closed loop.  Heat picked up from the collectors by the circulating [[#FLUIDS|FLUIDS]] is transferred to the water in the storage tanks through the closed loop or other [[#HEAT EXCHANGERS|HEAT EXCHANGERS]].
:F  -  circuit ferme, systeme de
:S  -  sistema de ciclo cerrado
:F  -  C/N
:S  -  C/N
(prod).  The combustion of coal to form a gas suitable for use as a fuel.  This is usually done in a [[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]].
:F  -  gazeification du charbon
:S  -  gasificacion del carbon
=====COB ADOBE=====
(constr).  A type of [[#ADOBE|ADOBE]] in which corn cobs are added to clay, water, and straw.  Adobe bricks are reinforced by this addition of cobs during the brick-making process.  Cob adobe is a useful [[#THERMAL MASS|THERMAL MASS]].
:F  -  adobe a la rafle de mais
:S  -  mezcla de paja, arcilla, agua y mazorcas
(sol).  The act of trapping [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]].
:F  -  captation
:S  -  captacion
(sol).  A device to trap [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] and convert it into usable heat.  The term collector frequently refers to an insulated frame containing a panel made from an [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]] and [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]].  More broadly, a well-designed building with windows facing the equator may also be considered a collector, as can other solar devices that capture [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] in the form of heat.
:F  -  capteur
:S  -  colector
(sol) (meas).  The ratio of [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] absorbed by a [[#COLLECTOR|COLLECTOR]] to the [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]] falling on the collector.
:F  -  rendement d'un collecteur
:S  -  eficiencia del colector
(sol) (meas).  An index that indicates how much useful [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] is lost during the exchange of heat from the [[#COLLECTOR|COLLECTOR]] to the storage tank in [[#LIQUID-BASED SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS|LIQUID-BASED SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS]].
:F  -  coefficient de correction capteur-echangeur de chaleur
:S  -  factor de correccion del colector/termopermutador
(sol) (meas).  The ratio of actual useful [[#HEAT GAIN|HEAT GAIN]] of a [[#FLAT-PLATE SOLAR COLLECTOR|FLAT-PLATE SOLAR COLLECTOR]] to the heat gain if the entire [[#COLLECTOR PLATE|COLLECTOR PLATE]] were at the same temperature as the inlet [[#FLUID|FLUID]].
:F  -  coefficient de rendement capteur-echangeur de chaleur
:S  -  factor de eficiencia del colector-termoextractor
(sol).  A metal sheet in a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] whose primary function is to absorb as much as possible of the [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] reaching it through the [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]], while losing as little heat as possible as it transfers the retained heat to the [[#HEAT TRANSFER MEDIUM|HEAT TRANSFER MEDIUM]].
:F  -  plaque collectrice
:S  -  placa colectora
(sol) (meas).  The angle between the plane of the horizon and the surface of a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]], generally used to maximize the [[#COLLECTION|COLLECTION]] of [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]].
:F  -  inclinaison d'un capteur
:S  -  angulo de inclinacion del colector
(biocon) (prod).  Gas that will burn.  This includes [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]], [[#PRODUCER GAS|PRODUCER GAS]], and other [[#VOLATILE FLUIDS|VOLATILE FLUIDS]].
:F  -  gaz combustible
:S  -  gas combustible
(heat).  The place in a stove where fuel is burned.
:F  -  chambre de combustion
:S  -  camara de combustion
(prod).  The section in a [[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]] in which the [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] is burned.
:F  -  zone de combustion
:S  -  zona de combustion
=====COMMON SAIL=====
(wind) (arc).  [[#WINDMILL SAIL|A WINDMILL SAIL]] that is covered with a canvas cloth.
:F  -  aile de moulin
:S  -  aspa comun
(biocon).  [[#SLUDGE|SLUDGE]] that has been rendered relatively [[#PATHOGEN|PATHOGEN]]-free through [[#COMPOSTING|COMPOSTING]].  It generally can be used safely as fertilizer.
:F  -  boues compostees
:S  -  composte de lodos cloacales
(biocon).  [[#AEROBIC DECOMPOSITION|AEROBIC DECOMPOSITION]] of [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]].  The resulting material is used as a fertilizer.
:F  -  compostage
:S  -  composte
(sol).  A type of [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] using parabolic [[#REFLECTORS|REFLECTORS]].
:F  -  capteur parabolique compose
:S  -  colector parabolico compuesto
(sol).  [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|A SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that uses [[#REFLECTORS|REFLECTORS]] to concentrate [[#DIRECT RADIATION|DIRECT RADIATION]] from the sun onto a narrow [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]] to produce intense heat.
:F  -  capteur a concentration
:S  -  colector concentrador
(sol).  A series of lenses or mirrors used to concentrate [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] onto [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS|PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS]], which convert the sunlight into electricity.  The concentrated sunlight increases the output of each cell, thus reducing the total number of cells required to produce a given amount of electricity.  (See also:  [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY|PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY]])
:F  -  groupe photovoltaique de concentration
:S  -  conjunto concentrador fotovoltaico
:F  -  capteur thermique a concentration
:S  -  colector termico concentrador
(gen).  The amount of a substance contained in a [[#FLUID|FLUID]] per unit volume.
:F  -  concentration
:S  -  concentracion
(gen) (impl).  A device used to change a vapor into a liquid.  This can be done either by exposing to air a tube that contains vapor, or by passing the tube through a [[#WATER JACKET|WATER JACKET]].
:F  -  condenseur
:S  -  condensador
(heat).  Heat transfer from direct contact between a hot body and a cold body.
:F  -  conduction
:S  -  conduccion
(wind).  The practice of tilting up the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]] of a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]] at a small angle.
:F  -  fuseler
:S  -  movimiento de la pala
(biocon).  The continuous feeding of [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] into a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]], with the removal of an equivalent volume of [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]].  The process is usually started with the addition of a [[#SEED|SEED]].  It may take several [[#DETENTION TIMES|DETENTION TIMES]] before the process becomes steady.  For many purposes, this is a more [[#EFFICIENT|EFFICIENT]] and convenient process than [[#BATCH DIGESTION|BATCH DIGESTION]].  Processes involving daily addition and removal are more properly described as semi-continuous.
:F  -  digestion en continu
:S  -  digestion continua
(biocon).  [[#DIGESTER|A DIGESTER]] into which [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] may be loaded and gas and [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]] recovered without discontinuing digestion.
:F  -  digesteur a flux continu
:S  -  digestor de circulacion continua
:F  -  traitement en continu
:S  -  proceso continuo
(alc).  An [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]] into which [[#MASH|MASH]] may be loaded and [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] recovered without discontinuing alcohol production.
:F  -  alambic a distillation continue
:S  -  alambique continuo
(fos).  An atmosphere in which oil or natural gas is burned with just enough oxygen to prevent all the carbon from being consumed.  The recovered carbon may be used as a fuel.
:F  -  atmosphere a combustion controlee
:S  -  atmosfera de combustion controlada
(heat).  The transfer of heat between one location or surface and another by the motion of a heat-carrying [[#FLUID|FLUID]].  Also, the transfer of heat within a fluid by movements within the fluid.
:F  -  convection
:S  -  conveccion
(refrig).  A non-electric cooler that depends on the natural circulation of air.
:F  -  refroidisseur par convection d'air
:S  -  enfriador de aire por conveccion
(gen).  A process through which [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] is converted from one form to another, such as [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]] into heat or electric energy.
:F  -  conversion
:S  -  proceso de conversion
(alc).  A heated tank with an [[#AGITATOR|AGITATOR]] that heats the [[#MASH|MASH]] as part of the [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] production process.
:F  -  chaudiere de cuisson
:S  -  caldera de coccion
(alc).  A heating and stirring process that breaks down [[#STARCH|STARCH]] granules, thus making the starch available for the liquefaction and [[#SACCHARIFICATION|SACCHARIFICATION]] steps of the [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] manufacturing process.
:F  -  cuisson
:S  -  coccion
=====COOK STOVE=====
(biocon).  An apparatus in which fuel is burned to produce heat for cooking.
:F  -  cuisiniere
:S  -  estufa
(alc).  Substances resulting from the production of [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] by [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]].
:F  -  coproduit
:S  -  coproducto
(sol).  A type of [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that uses a corrugated metal as its [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]].  The metal is usually painted with [[#FLAT BLACK PAINT|FLAT BLACK PAINT]].
:F  -  capteur solaire en tole ondulee
:S  -  colector solar de metal corrugado
(sol).  (See:  [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]])
:F  -  revetement
:S  -  revestimiento
=====COVER PLATE=====
(sol).  The transparent material placed over a [[#COLLECTOR-ABSORBER PLATE|COLLECTOR-ABSORBER PLATE]] so that heat loss to the atmosphere is reduced and a greater fraction of the [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] is collected as useable heat.
:F  -  plaque de couverture
:S  -  placa revestidora
=====CREOSOTE OIL=====
(gen).  A by-product from [[#CHARCOAL|CHARCOAL]] production by [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]].  It may be used as a preservative to protect wood from termites, moisture, etc.
:F  -  huile de creosote
:S  -  aceite de creosota
:F  -  moulin a ailes cretois
:S  -  molino de viento con aspas cretanas
(wind).  A type of [[#HORIZONTAL AXIS SAIL ROTOR WINDMILL|HORIZONTAL AXIS SAIL ROTOR WINDMILL]] generally having four fixed, triangular [[#SAILS|SAILS]].  Cretan windmills are used primarily for low-lift water pumping.
:F  -  moulin a vent cretois
:S  -  molino de viento cretano
(wind) (arc).  A cruciform iron support for the sail assembly, used as an alternative to the [[#POLL END|POLL END]].
:F  -  croix
:S  -  aspa de hierro
:F  -  turbine a ecoulement radial
:S  -  turbina con rodete de tambor
(wind).  Winds blowing crosswise to the direction of the wind stream.
:F  -  vent de travers
:S  -  viento de costado
(bio).  A preparation containing micro-organisms that are growing on a medium.
:F  -  bouillon de culture
:S  -  cultivo
(wind) (meas).  An [[#ANEMOMETER|ANEMOMETER]] with three or four cups that rotate with the wind to measure wind speed.
:F  -  anemometre a coquilles
:S  -  anemometro de tazas
(hydr).  Bowl shaped [[#BLADES|BLADES]] found on [[#PELTON WHEELS|PELTON WHEELS]] and other types of [[#IMPULSE TURBINES|IMPULSE TURBINES]].
:F  -  godets
:S  -  tazas
(wind) (arc).  In [[#SMOCK MILLS|SMOCK MILLS]] and [[#TOWER MILLS|TOWER MILLS]], the circular timber rim or wall plate supporting the revolving cap.
:F  -  chemin de glissement
:S  -  apoyo circular
(elec).  The [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of electrons through a conductor.
:F  -  courant
:S  -  corriente
=====CUT-IN SPEED=====
(wind).  The [[#WIND VELOCITY|WIND VELOCITY]] at which a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]] is activated.
:F  -  vitesse d'enclenchement
:S  -  velocidad de accionamiento
=====CUT-OUT SPEED=====
(wind).  The [[#WIND VELOCITY|WIND VELOCITY]] at which a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]] turns out of the wind.  (See also:  [[#BATTERY CUT-OUT|BATTERY CUT-OUT]])
:F  -  vitesse de disjonction
:S  -  velocidad de interrupcion
(hydr).  In hydraulic systems, a short, hollow metal tube containing a piston, piston rod, and end seals, and fitted with a system to allow the entrance and exit of [[#FLUIDS|FLUIDS]].
:F  -  cylindre
:S  -  cilindro
== D ==
(hydr).  A structure that detains the [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of water in an open [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]] or watercourse.  [[#POWER|POWER]] dams raise the level of streams or rivers to create or concentrate [[#HEAD|HEAD]] for power purposes.
:F - barrage
:S - represa
(heat).  A movable plate or other device for regulating the air-[[#FLOW|FLOW]] and burning rate in a stove.  It is often located either inside the stove or in the [[#FLUE|FLUE]] pipe.
:F - registre
:S - regulador de tiro
(wind).  [[#VERTICAL AXIS WIND MACHINE|A VERTICAL AXIS WIND MACHINE]] that has long, thin, loop-shaped [[#BLADES|BLADES]] connected at the top and bottom of the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]].
:F - eolienne a rotor de Darrieus
:S - molino de viento de rotor Darrieus
(elec).  Abbreviation for [[#DIRECT CURRENT|DIRECT CURRENT]].
:F - CC
:S - C.C.
:F - [[#GSB|GSB]]
:S - G.S.D.
:F - G.S.B.S.
:S - G.S.D.S.
=====DEAD AIR SPACE=====
(constr) (sol).  An empty area within the walls of a building in which the air remains motionless and acts as insulation.  Dead air space may be included in a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] between the [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]] and the [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]], between glazings, and in the [[#CASING|CASING]].
:F - espace d'air inerte
:S - espacio de aire no renovado
=====DEAD CURB=====
(wind) (arc).  A ledge supporting the [[#CAP|CAP]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] without the interposition of [[#WHEELS|WHEELS]] or [[#ROLLERS|ROLLERS]].
:F - chemin dormant
:S - reborde
(wind).  A log or a mass of concrete or steel buried in the ground, to which [[#GUY WIRES|GUY WIRES]] for supporting towers and poles are attached.
:F - point fixe d'ammarage
:S - macizo de anclaje
(bio) (chem).  Decay of [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] due to the action of [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]].  Also the separation of a substance into its component parts by chemical action.
:F - decomposition
:S - descomposicion
(elec) (wind).  [[#BATTERY|A BATTERY]] that can be fully charged and discharged without shortening its life.  They are often used with [[#WIND GENERATORS|WIND GENERATORS]].
:F -  batterie a cycle profond
:S -  bateria de gran ciclo
(gen) (meas).  A measurement used to evaluate the summer cooling requirements of a given location.  Each degree that the daily temperature is above 75 [degrees] F (24 [degrees] C), one cooling degree day is counted.
:F - degre-jour de refroidissement
:S - enfriamiento de grado-dia
(gen) (meas).  A measurement used to determine the winter heating requirements of a given location.  Each degree that the daily temperature is below 65 [degrees] F (19 [degrees] C) is a heating degree day.
:F - degre-jour de chauffage
:S - calefaccion de grado-dia
(gen).  The removal of moisture from a substance.
:F - deshydratation
:S - deshidratacion
(alc).  The process of adding a substance, often [[#METHANOL|METHANOL]], to [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] to make it unfit for human consumption.
:F - denaturer
:S - desnaturalizar
:F - deflegmateur
:S - desflegmador
(heat) (meas).  The total heat loss from a building during the most severe winter conditions the building is likely to experience.
:F - charge thermique nominale
:S - carga de calefaccion prevista
(gen).  A substance with an affinity for water, used for drying purposes.
:F - dessiccatif
:S - desecante
(alc) (gen).  The heating, [[#DECOMPOSITION|DECOMPOSITION]], and subsequent [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]] of [[#FLUIDS|FLUIDS]] from [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] (e.g., [[#METHANOL|METHANOL]] production from wood).
:F - distillation destructive
:S - destilacion destructora
(biocon) (meas).  The amount of time that incoming material is retained in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - temps de retention
:S - periodo de detencion
(sol).  Indirect, scattered sunlight, which casts no shadow.  It is the opposite of [[#DIRECT RADIATION|DIRECT RADIATION]].
:F - rayonnement diffus
:S - radiacion difusa
(chem).  The process by which a substance of a greater [[#CONCENTRATION|CONCENTRATION]] mixes with a substance of a lesser concentration to produce a uniform mixture.
:F - diffusion
:S - difusion
(biocon).  The residue remaining after [[#DIGESTION|DIGESTION]].  Digested sludge contains some [[#UNDIGESTED SOLIDS|UNDIGESTED SOLIDS]] and stabilized [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]].
:F - boues digerees
:S - sedimento digerido
:F - boue digeree
:S - fango digerido
(biocon).  The tank in which [[#ANAEROBIC DIGESTION|ANAEROBIC DIGESTION]] takes place.
:F - digesteur
:S - digestor
(bio).  The reservoir area in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] in which [[#DIGESTION|DIGESTION]] of [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] takes place.  It usually has some gas holding capacity, and provides For the collection and removal of [[#SCUM|SCUM]] and [[#SLUDGE|SLUDGE]].
:F - reservoir digesteur
:S - tanque digestor
(biocon).  The process by which [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] is decomposed by the action of [[#ANAEROBIC BACTERIA|ANAEROBIC BACTERIA]], producing [[#METHANE|METHANE]] and high-grade fertilizer.
:F - digestion
:S - digestion
(biocon) (meas).  The frequency with which water is added to a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - taux de dilution
:S - tasa de dilucion
(sol).  The transformation of sunlight to electricity without an intervening thermodynamic cycle.
:F - conversion directe
:S - conversion directa
(elec).  A continuous, one-directional [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of electricity, such as that from a [[#BATTERY|BATTERY]].  Commonly abbreviated as dc.
:F - courant continu
:S - corriente continua
:F - gain direct, systeme de
:S - sistema de ganancia directa
(sol).  [[#SOLAR HEATING|SOLAR HEATING]] techniques in which [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] enters a building through windows and [[#SKYLIGHTS|SKYLIGHTS]] and is trapped inside to warm a room.
:F - chauffage solaire direct
:S - metodos directos de calefaccion solar
(sol).  Sunlight that has traveled a straight path from the sun.  It is the opposite of [[#DIFFUSED RADIATION|DIFFUSED RADIATION]].
:F - rayonnement direct
:S - radiacion directa
(sol).  [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] acquired From conversion of [[#DIRECT RADIATION|DIRECT RADIATION]].
:F - energie solaire directe
:S - energia solar directa
(sol).  [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|A PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]] system in which [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] passes through and warms a room in a dwelling before being stored in [[#THERMAL MASS|THERMAL MASS]] for longterm heating.
:F - apport solaire direct
:S - ganancia solar directa
(hydr) (biocon).  [1] The pipe through which water exits from a [[#WATER TURBINE|WATER TURBINE]].  [2] The outlet for [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]] from a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - [1] tube de decharge; [2]  tuyau d'evacuation
:S - tubo de descarga
(alc).  The portion of a liquid that is removed from a solid or semisolid as a vapor and [[#CONDENSED|CONDENSED]] during the [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]] process.  [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] is a distillate of [[#FERMENTED MASH|FERMENTED MASH]].  (See also:  [[#SOLAR DISTILLATE|SOLAR DISTILLATE]])
:F - distillat
:S - destilado
(alc).  An evaporation and recondensation process by which liquids are separated into various fractions according to their boiling points.  [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] is separated by distillation from [[#MASH|MASH]] and water.
:F - distillation
:S - destilacion
(alc).  (See:  [[#STILL COLUMN|STILL COLUMN]])
:F - colonne de distillation
:S - columna de destilacion
=====S DRIED GRAIN=====
([[#DDG|DDG]]) (alc).  (See:  [[#DISTILLER|DISTILLER]]'[[#S GRAIN|S GRAIN]])
:F - grains secs de brasserie
:S - grano seco de destilacion
=====S GRAIN=====
(alc).  A by-product of [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] production.  Once ethanol has been driven from the [[#MASH|MASH]] in an [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]], the remaining solids are known as distiller's grain.  When dried, these grains can be used as high protein animal feed.  The dried distiller's grain commonly is abbreviated as [[#DDG|DDG]].  (Syn:  [[#BREWER|BREWER]]'[[#S DRIED GRAIN|S DRIED GRAIN]])
:F - grains de distillerie
:S - grano de destilacion
=====S MASH=====
(alc).  (See:  [[#SPENT MASH|SPENT MASH]])
:F -  mout de distillateur
:S -  mezcla de destilacion
(biocon).  A type of [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] in which the [[#GASHOLDER|GASHOLDER]] is separate from the [[#DIGESTER TANK|DIGESTER TANK]].
:F -  chambre double
:S -  camara doble
(sol).  [1] A cover for a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that is made from two layers of [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]] materials.  [2] Double-glass windows designed to serve as insulation for buildings.
:F - [1] vitre double; [2] double vitrage
:S - vidriado doble
(wind) (arc).  [[#PATENT SAILS|PATENT SAILS]] or [[#SPRING SAILS|SPRING SAILS]] fitted with [[#SHUTTERS|SHUTTERS]] on both sides of the [[#WHIP|WHIP]].
:F - double volets, a
:S - doble postigo
(alc) (impl).  A component of an [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]].  When water is separated from [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] during [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]], the water falls toward the bottom of the [[#STILL COLUMN|STILL COLUMN]] through a pipe called a downcomer.
:F - deversoir
:S - tubo de descenso
(gen) (prod).  [1] A type of [[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]] in which air and gas [[#FLOWS|FLOWS]] from the top of the [[#COMBUSTION ZONE|COMBUSTION ZONE]] down through to the bottom.  [2] [[#KILNS|KILNS]] or other types of ovens and stoves in which [[#CONVECTION|CONVECTION]] or combustion air flows down through the device.
:F - [1] tirage en bas; [2] tirage inverse
:S - corriente descendiente
(wind).  On the side opposite the [[#WIND DIRECTION|WIND DIRECTION]].
:F - sous le vent
:S - con el viento
(heat).  The [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of air through a [[#KILN|KILN]], stove, oven, fireplace, [[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]], etc.  Draft affects both temperature and rate of combustion.
:F - tirage
:S - tiro de aire
(wind).  An aerodynamic force that retards the motion of lift-type [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] blades, or that causes [[#BLADE|BLADE]] motion in [[#DRAG-TYPE WIND MACHINES|DRAG-TYPE WIND MACHINES]].
:F - trainee
:S - resistencia aerodinamica
(wind).  [[#WIND MACHINES|WIND MACHINES]] that are actuated by aerodynamic [[#DRAG|DRAG]] in a [[#WIND STREAM|WIND STREAM]] (e.g., [[#SAVONIUS ROTOR|SAVONIUS ROTOR]]).
:F - type a trainee, systeme du
:S - sistema del tipo de arrastre
(wind).  [[#WIND MACHINE|A WIND MACHINE]] that rotates by being pushed by the wind instead of by being driven by [[#LIFT|LIFT]] forces.  This is generally a slow-moving device.
:F - eolienne a trainee
:S - aerogenerador del tipo de arrastre
(sol).  [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|A SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that will automatically drain itself to protect against freezing.
:F - capteur solaire a evacuation automatique
:S - colector solar con drenaje
=====DRY BIOMASS=====
(gen).  Moisture-free [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]].  It is valuable because it can be conveniently stored for long periods of time.  (See also:  [[#DRY ORGANIC WASTE|DRY ORGANIC WASTE]])
:F - biomasse seche
:S - biomasa seca
(meas).  The temperature of air as indicated by a standard thermometer, as contrasted with [[#WET-BULB TEMPERATURE|WET-BULB TEMPERATURE]] that depends on atmospheric humidity.  This measure of [[#AMBIENT|AMBIENT]] temperature is used in designing [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]] and [[#SOLAR COOLING|SOLAR COOLING]] systems.
:F - temperature au thermometre sec
:S - temperatura de bola seca
(biocon).  [[#DIGESTION|DIGESTION]] in which more than 10 percent of the [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] is solid material.
:F - digestion seche
:S - digestion seca
=====DRYING BED=====
(biocon).  An area prepared for drying [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]] after it hs been removed from a [[#METHANE DIGESTER|METHANE DIGESTER]].  Dried effluent can be used as fertilizer or as animal feed.
:F - lit de sechage
:S - lecho secador
(gen).  [[#ORGANIC WASTE|ORGANIC WASTE]] that is free from moisture.  This type of waste can be stored for long periods before being used as a fuel or fertilizer.  (See also:  [[#DRY BIOMASS|DRY BIOMASS]])
:F - dechets organiques secs
:S - desperdicios organicos secos
=====DRY SLURRY=====
(biocon).  [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] that is more than 10 percent solid material.
:F - boue seche
:S - fango seco
=====DRY STEAM=====
(geo).  An [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] source obtained when hot water boils in an underground reservoir.  As the steam rises, some of it condenses on surrounding rack.  The uncondensed steam that reaches the surface is called dry steam, and may be tapped and used in [[#STEAM TURBINES|STEAM TURBINES]].
:F - vapeur seche
:S - vapor seco
(auto) (gen).  A gasoline or diesel engine equipped to operate on an alternative fuel, either alternately or in combination (e.g., gasoline-[[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]], diesel-biogas, gasoline-[[#WOOD GAS|WOOD GAS]], diesel-wood gas).
:F - moteur polycarburant
:S - motor a doble combustible
(bio).  Manure, usually without urine.  Dried dung can be burned directly as a fuel or used as a fertilizer.
:F - fumier
:S - estiercol
=====DUNG GAS=====
(biocon).  (See: [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]])
:F - gaz de fumier
:S - gas de estiercol
(elec).  A device for converting mechanical [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] into electrical energy by electromagnetic induction.  Dynamos are often adapted to be driven by [[#WINDMILLS|WINDMILLS]].  (See also:  [[#ALTERNATOR|ALTERNATOR]])
:F - dynamo
:S - dinamo
(gen) (impl).  A pedal-operated [[#POWER|POWER]] source.  It is used to drive a variety of machines and devices.
:F - dynapod
:S - dynapod
== E ==
=====EARTH KILN=====
(heat).  A relatively inefficient [[#KILN|KILN]] made by mounding earth over the materials to be burned.  Used in traditional [[#CHARCOAL|CHARCOAL]] production.
:F - meule a charbon de bois
:S - horno de tierra
(gen).  A wheel in which the axle is not at the center point, but slightly off-center.
:F - roue excentrique
:S - rueda excentrica
(heat).  [[#HEAT EXCHANGER|A HEAT EXCHANGER]] that recovers heat from [[#FLUE|FLUE]] gases and uses it to heat feedwater or combustion air.
:F - economiseur
:S - economizador
(heat) (meas).  The ratio of actual heat transfer in a [[#HEAT EXCHANGER|HEAT EXCHANGER]] to the maximum possible heat transfer.
:F - efficacite
:S - eficacia
(gen).  The ratio of the [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] output to the energy input.  Efficiency is usually expressed as a percentage.
:F - rendement
:S - eficiencia
(biocon).  [1] [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] that has been removed from a [[#BIOGAS PLANT|BIOGAS PLANT]].  [2] Liquid sewage after having passed through any stage in its purification.
:F - effluent
:S - efluente
(sol).  The ratio of [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]] emitted by a body to that emitted by a perfect [[#BLACKBODY|BLACKBODY]].  A perfect blackbody has an emissivity of one; a perfect [[#REFLECTOR|REFLECTOR]], an emissivity of zero.
:F - emissivite
:S - emisividad
(sol) (meas).  A rating of the ability of a material to give off heat as [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]].
:F - emittance
:S - emitancia
(gen).  The capacity of a body to do work; [[#POWER|POWER]] in action.
:F - energie
:S - energia
(gen) (meas).  The maximum amount of electricity that an electricity-producing device may produce under the best conditions during a given period.  [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] capability is determined by the mechanical [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]] of the device.
:F - capacite energetique d'un dispositif produisant du courant
:S - capacidad energetica de un aparato productor de electricidad
(gen).  Practices and measures that increase the [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]] with which [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] is used or produced.
:F - conservation de l'energie
:S - conservacion de energia
(gen).  The amount of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] consumed in the form in which it is obtained by the user.  This term excludes electrical generation and distribution losses.  It also is called net energy consumption.
:F - consommation d'energie
:S - consumo de energia
(gen).  The act of changing [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] from one form to another (e.g., [[#WIND ENERGY|WIND ENERGY]] to mechanical energy).
:Mechanical -> Electrical
::Wind Generator 40%
::Water Turbine 68-93%
::Steam Power Plant 40%
:Mechanical -> Mechanical
::Windmill 20-30%
::Waterwheel 70-85%
:Solar -> Thermal
::Flat Collector 40-60%
::Concentrator 80-90%
:Chemical -> Thermal
::Wood Combustion Burner 85% maximum
:Chemical -> Electrical
::Battery 80%
:Chemical -> Chemical
::Biogas Digester 40-60%
:F - conversion de l'energie
:S - conversion de energia
(wind).  The ratio of the available [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] in all of the winds in a particular location over a certain period of time to the energy that would be available if the [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]] over that period of time were constant at the mean wind speed over that period of time.
:F - coefficient de diagramme energetique
:S - factor energetico del viento
(gen).  Fuels that can be used to produce [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]].  Also, the by-products that result when fuels are produced.
:F - combustibles energetiques
:S - productos energeticos
(gen) (meas).  The ability to convert [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] into other forms, such as heat or a chemical reaction, so that it can be retrieved for later use.  Also the development, design, construction, and operation of devices for storing energy until needed.  The technology includes devices such as batteries, pumped storage for [[hydroelectric]] generation and compressed gas.
:F - stockage de l'energie
:S - almacenamiento de energia
{|border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
|Storage Medium
|Storage Efficiency (%)
|Major Loss Characteristics
|[[#SOLAR|SOLAR]] (Heat)
|Leaks (thermal &amp; physical)
|Leaks (thermal)
|Leaks (thermal)
|Salt Hydrates
|Material Breakdown
|[[#WIND|WIND]]/[[#WATER|WATER]] (Mechanical)
|Pumped Water
|Evaporation, Friction
|Compressed Air
|Leaks, Friction
|[[#WIND|WIND]]/[[#WATER|WATER]] (Electrical)
|Internal Discharge
|Tank (compressed)
|Leaks, Evaporation
|* Relative Cost
|1 = Negligible
|2 = Intermediate
|** Degree of Mechanical Complexity
|3 = Considerable
(sol).  Increasing the amount of sunlight transmitted through the [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]] in a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] through the use of a [[#REFLECTOR|REFLECTOR]].
:F - renforcement
:S - intensificacion
(alc).  The use of [[#ENZYMES|ENZYMES]] to convert [[#STARCH|STARCH]] into simple sugars.  This is a stage in the production of [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]].
:F - saccharification enzymatique
:S - hidrolisis enzimica
(chem) (alc).  Organic substances that are produced in the cells of living organisms, and which cause specific chemical changes.  Enzymes are produced by [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]] or [[#FUNGI|FUNGI]] and are used in the liquefication and [[#SACCHARIFICATION|SACCHARIFICATION]] steps of [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] production.
:F - enzymes
:S - enzimas
(wind).  Of, relating to, formed by, or deposited by the wind or air currents.  (Syn:  Aeolian)
:F - eolien, eolienne
:S - eolico
(sol).  Either of two times of year when the sun passes over the celestial equator and when the length of day and night are almost equal.
:F - equinoxe
:S - equinoccio
(alc).  [[#F|A F]]lammable organic compound (C[H.sub.3]C[H.sub.2]OH) formed during sugar [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]].  It is also called ethyl alcohol, [[#GRAIN ALCOHOL|GRAIN ALCOHOL]], or simply [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]].
:F - ethanol
:S - etanol
(alc).  (See:  [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]])
:F - alcool ethylique
:S - alcohol etilico
(heat).  Heat storing salts that melt at a relatively low temperature.  They absorb large quantities of heat when they do melt.  Heat is released when the salts freeze.
:F - eutectiques
:S - sales eutecticos
(sol).  [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|A SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that uses a vacuum to insulate the [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]].  This [[#COLLECTOR|COLLECTOR]] is highly [[#EFFICIENT|EFFICIENT]] but very expensive.
:F - capteur a tube vide
:S - colector con tubo vaciado
(refrig).  The exchange of heat from air to a water spray or wet surface through a reversible [[#THERMODYNAMIC|THERMODYNAMIC]] process.  Air passing through the water is cooled as the water evaporates.  The process can be reversed by condensing the vapor on a cool surface.
:F - refroidissement par evaporation
:S - enfriamiento evaporante
=====EXCESS AIR=====
(heat).  Air that passes through a [[#COMBUSTION ZONE|COMBUSTION ZONE]] in excess of the quantity theoretically required for complete combustion.
:F - exces d'air
:S - aire excesivo
(sol) (meas).  The amount of [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] that would strike a surface if that surface were outside the Earth's atmosphere.  (See also: [[#CLEARNESS INDEX|CLEARNESS INDEX]])
:F - rayonnement solaire extraterrestre
:S - radiacion solar extraterrestre
== F ==
(meas).  Abbreviation for [[#FAHRENHEIT|FAHRENHEIT]].
:F - F
:S - F
(meas).  The temperature scale in which water freezes at 32 <sup>o</sup>F and boils at 212 <sup>o</sup>F.  Temperatures of the Fahrenheit scale can be converted to equivalent temperatures on the [[#CELSIUS|CELSIUS]] or Centigrade scale by first subtracting 32 degrees from the Fahrenheit temperature, then multiplying the result by 5/9 according to the formula: <math>(F-32) * 5/9 = C</math>.
:F - Fahrenheit
:S - Fahrenheit
=====FALL WIND=====
(wind).  A strong, cold, downhill wind.
:F - vent catabatique
:S - racha de viento
(wind) (arc).  A small, secondary [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] set at a right angle to the main [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] to provide the motive [[#POWER|POWER]] to turn the [[#CAP|CAP]] to face the wind.
:F - gouvernail
:S - timon
(wind).  A multi-[[#BLADED WINDMILL|BLADED WINDMILL]] that is based on an Early American design and is used primarily for water pumping.
:F - eolienne de ferme
:S - molino de viento rural
(wind).  Turning the [[#SAILS|SAILS]] or the [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] of a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]] out of the wind to protect the device from damage from high [[#WIND VELOCITIES|WIND VELOCITIES]].
:F - mettre en drapeau
:S - poner en bandolera
(wind) (impl).  A mechanism on a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] that automatically turns the [[#BLADES|BLADES]] out of the wind when winds are too strong.  This slows the windmill, protecting it from damage in high winds.
:F - mecanisme de mise en drapeau
:S - mecanismo de puesta en bandolera
(gen).  See:  [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]])
:F - alimentation
:S - alimento
(gen).  The raw [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]], such as grain, fruit, [[#DUNG|DUNG]], or other [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]], used as the [[#INFLUENT|INFLUENT]] in the [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]] or [[#DIGESTION|DIGESTION]] processes.
:F - charge d'alimentation
:S - materia prima organica
(sol).  An opening in a building that admits light and/or air.
:F - fenestration
:S - ventanaje
(biocon).  A transformation or [[#DECOMPOSITION|DECOMPOSITION]] of [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] by the catalytic effect of [[#ENZYMATIC|ENZYMATIC]] action.  To cause or undergo the action of [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]].
:F - fermenter
:S - fermentar
:F - sucre fermentable
:S - azucar fermentable
(alc) (chem).  [1] A biological sequence of [[#ENZYMATIC|ENZYMATIC]] reactions that convert sugars to carbon dioxide and [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] in the absence of [[#FREE OXYGEN|FREE OXYGEN]].  The term generally refers to metabolism in the absence of oxygen.  [2] The process by which [[#YEAST|YEAST]] changes sugar to [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] in the absence of air.  [3] The process of chemical change in [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] brought about by living organisms.
:F - fermentation
:S - fermentacion
(gen) (meas).  The length of time required for a substance to [[#FERMENT|FERMENT]].
:F - duree de fermentation
:S - periodo de fermentacion
(alc).  The container in which [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]] takes place in an [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] production operation.
:F - cuve de fermentation
:S - tanque de fermentacion
:F - fermenteur
:S - fermentador
=====FETCH AREA=====
(wind).  The geographic area over which the wind passes shortly before reaching a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]].  It is considered in the selection of a site for a wind-powered device.
:F - portee du vent
:S - extension expuesta
=====FIRE BACK=====
(constr).  A metal plate set in a [[#CHIMNEY|CHIMNEY]] to control the back [[#DRAFT|DRAFT]] of flames.
:F - contre-feu
:S - respaldo refractario
(gen).  The area in a stove, oven, or [[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]] in which combustion occurs.
:F - chambre de combustion
:S - caja refractaria
=====FIRE BRICK=====
(constr).  A type of brick with a high melting point that is used to line [[#FLUES|FLUES]], [[#CHIMNEYS|CHIMNEYS]], furnaces, and fireplaces.
:F - brique refractaire
:S - ladrillo refractario
(biocon).  [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|A BIOGAS DIGESTER]] in which the gasholder is an integral part of the digester, rather than a [[#FLOATING GAS CAP|FLOATING GAS CAP]].  This type of digester is usually used to produce fertilizer.  [[#METHANE|METHANE]] is considered a by-product.
:F - digesteur a dome fixe
:S - digestor de sombrerete fijo
(sol).  A nonglossy black paint with a relatively high [[#ABSORPTANCE|ABSORPTANCE]].
:F - peinture noire mate
:S - pintura negra uniforme
(sol).  A device that uses an [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]] to [[#COLLECT SOLAR RADIATION|COLLECT SOLAR RADIATION]] without assistance of devices to concentrate the sun's rays.
:F - capteur solaire a panneau plan
:S - colector solar de placa lisa
(hydr).  The [[#BUCKET|BUCKET]] of a [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]].
:F - aube
:S - paleta [1]
(biocon).  A lid over a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] that rises or falls with the production of [[#METHANE|METHANE]].
:F - cloche a gaz flottante
:S - sombrerete movible
(gen).  The volume of a substance passing a point per unit time (e.g., meters per second, gallons per hour, etc.)
:F - debit
:S - flujo
=====FLOW DESIGN=====
(hydr) (meas).  The [[#FLOW|FLOW]] rate at which a [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]] is designed to operate.
:F - debit nominal
:S - diseno de flujo
(const).  A passageway in a [[#CHIMNEY|CHIMNEY]] that vents gases produced during combustion.  The flue opening can be regulated to control the [[#DRAFT|DRAFT]] in the oven or stove, thus changing the rate of combustion.
:F - carneau
:S - conducto de humos
(heat).  [[#THERMAL|THERMAL]] drying using gases in a [[#FLUE|FLUE]] as the source of heat.
:F - sechage au gaz de carneau
:S - secado por gases del conducto
(gen).  Any substance that [[#FLOWS|FLOWS]], such as a liquid or gas.  Fluids differ from solids in that they cannot resist changes in their shape when acted upon by a force.
:F - fluide
:S - fluido
(prod).  A type of [[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]] in which air [[#FLOWS|FLOWS]] upward through a bed of suitably-sized fuel particles fast enough to buoy the particles and give them an appearance of great agitation.  The fuel particles generally are small.  This type of combustion reduces the sulphur-dioxide emissions when coal is burned.
:F - gazogene a lit fluidise
:S - gasificador en lecho fluidizado
(hydr).  [1] [[#HEAD RACE|A HEAD RACE]] in the form of a trough or [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]] that carries water to a [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]].  [2] A waterway, usually made of wood and often supported on a trestle, that conveys water to be used for [[#POWER|POWER]], transportation, etc.
:F - [1] coursier; [2] canal d'amenee
:S - canaleta
(gen) (impl).  A rotating element attached to the shaft of a machine to maintain uniform angular velocity and revolutions per minute.
:F - volant
:S - volante
(sol).  A type of [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that focuses the sun's rays on a sinqle point.
:F - capteur a concentration [2]
:S - colector enfocante
(sol).  A portable type of folding mirror used in [[#SOLAR COOKERS|SOLAR COOKERS]] to reflect sunlight.
:F - reflecteur pliant
:S - reflector plegable
(gen) (meas).  The amount of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] required to lift one pound of a substance one foot.
:F - pied-livre
:S - libra-pie
(heat).  The use of a pump or blower to control the [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of heat into a heated [[#FLUID|FLUID]] (e.g. circulating warm air in a room or dwelling with a pump or blower).
:F - convection forcee
:S - conveccion forzada
=====FOSSIL FUELS=====
(fos).  Nonrenewable, naturally-occurring fuels from [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]].  These include coal, crude oil, and natural gas.
:F - combustibles fossiles
:S - combustibles fosiles
(alc).  A vertical tube or column attached to an [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]] that is usually filled with packing or intersected with plates.  An internal [[#REFLUX|REFLUX]] results in a separation between the high and low boiling fractions inside the column.  Those with the lowest boiling point [[#DISTILL|DISTILL]] out.  (See also: [[#DISTILLATION COLUMN|DISTILLATION COLUMN]])
:F - colonne de fractionnement
:S - columna de fraccionar
(hydr).  [[#WATER TURBINE|A WATER TURBINE]] that operates on a low or medium [[#HEAD|HEAD]] and is often installed in large [[#HYDROELECTRIC|HYDROELECTRIC]] plants.  Water enters the turbine radially and leaves axially.
:F - turbine de Francis
:S - turbina Francis
=====FREE OXYGEN=====
(bio).  Oxygen in the atmosphere, which can be extracted at no cost.  Conversely, oxygen extracted at a cost would cause the substance from which the oxygen molecules were taken to [[#DECOMPOSE|DECOMPOSE]].
:F - oxygene libre
:S - oxigeno libre
(sol).  A type of [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] consisting of a concentric series of rings with reflecting surfaces.  These rings focus [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] onto an [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]].
:F - capteur a lentille de Fresnel
:S - colector Fresnel
=====FRESNEL LENS=====
(sol).  A type of lens built up from a number of narrow concentric segments.  It is used in [[#SOLAR CONCENTRATORS|SOLAR CONCENTRATORS]].
:F - lentille de Fresnel
:S - lente de Fresnel
(gen).  Surface resistance to relative motion, which slows down movement and causes heat.
:F - frottement
:S - friccion
(hydr).  [[#HEAD|HEAD]] or [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] lost due to [[#FRICTION|FRICTION]] created by the contact between a moving stream of water and the conduit through which it is moving.  In pipes, the friction head is also caused by bends in the pipelines, changes in the pipe diameter, valves, and couplings.
:F - perte frictionnelle
:S - perdida de carga por rozamiento
(chem).  [[#FERMENTABLE|A FERMENTABLE]] sugar commonly found in fruit.  Fructose can be used as a [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] in [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] production.
:F - fructose
:S - fructosa
(heat) (meas).  The ratio of heat produced by a fuel for doing work to the available heat of the fuel.  Fuel [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]] is determined by the nonheat-forming materials in the fuel and the nonwork-producing heat that is developed by the fuel.
:F - rendement du combustible
:S - eficiencia del combustible
(heat).  Any type of wood that can be used to fuel a fire.
:F - bois de chauffe
:S - lena
=====FULL SAIL=====
(wind) (arc).  [[#COMMON SAIL|A COMMON SAIL]] with the cloth fully spread.
:F - aile deployee
:S - aspa completamente estirada
(bio).  One of numerous plants in the division of Thallophyta characterized by a lack of chlorophyll, including [[#YEAST|YEAST]], molds, and mushrooms.  Fungi do not require [[#FREE OXYGEN|FREE OXYGEN]] to survive.  (Plural:  fungi)
:F - champignon
:S - hongo
(wind).  Rollinq up and tying back [[#SAILS|SAILS]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] to keep the [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] from turning.
:F - ferlage
:S - aferramiento
(wind).  (See:  [[#CUT-OUT SPEED|CUT-OUT SPEED]])
:F - vitesse de ferlage
:S - velocidad maxima admisible
== G ==
(alc).  A gasoline substitute or supplement derived from 10 percent [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] and 90 percent unleaded gasoline.  (Syn:  gasohol)
:F - carburol
:S - gasohol
=====GAS CAP=====
(biocon).  (See:  [[#GASHOLDER|GASHOLDER]])
:F - cloche a gaz
:S - tapa de gas
(biocon).  The second stage of [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]] generation, during which [[#METHANE|METHANE]] ([CH.sub.4]) is produced.
:F - digestion de gaz
:S - digestion de gas
(biocon).  (1) A container for holding the [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]] produced in a [[#DIGESTER|DIGESTER]].  The size of the holder depends on the rates of gas production and gas use.  (See also: [[#FLOATING GAS CAP|FLOATING GAS CAP]])
:F - gazometre
:S - gasometro
(prod).  The conversion of wood or coal to [[#COMBUSTIBLE GAS|COMBUSTIBLE GAS]] without leaving a combustible residue.
:F - gazeification
:S - gasificacion
(prod).  A special type of furnace in which the air supply to the [[#COMBUSTION ZONE|COMBUSTION ZONE]] is carefully metered.  This promotes the production of [[#COMBUSTIBLE GASES|COMBUSTIBLE GASES]] as wood or coal are burned.
:F - gazogene
:S - gasificador
(biocon) (meas).  The quantity of [[#METHANE|METHANE]] generated per unit of time.  It generally is expressed as cubic feet/day or cubic meters/day.  The figure should be quoted under standard conditions of temperature and pressure.
:F - taux de production du gaz
:S - tasa de produccion de gas
=====GAS SCRUBBER=====
(gen).  (See:  [[#SCRUBBING|SCRUBBING]])
:F - epurateur de gaz
:S - lavagases
(biocon).  The maximum amount of [[#METHANE|METHANE]] that a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] is able to store.  The amount generally is expressed in cubic feet or cubic meters.
:F - capacite de stockage de gaz
:S - capacidad de almacenamiento de gas
=====GAS TURBINE=====
(auto).  An [[#ALTERNATIVE COMBUSTION ENGINE|ALTERNATIVE COMBUSTION ENGINE]] in which a gas, under pressure or formed by combustion, is directed against the [[#BLADES|BLADES]] of a [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]].  The [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] in the expanding gas is thereby converted into useful mechanical energy.
:F - turbine a gaz
:S - turbina de gas
=====GEAR RATIO=====
(gen) (meas).  The number of revolutions required of one gear to turn another gear, which generally is of a different size.
:F - demultiplication
:S - relacion de los engranajes
(elec) (impl).  A device that converts mechanical [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] into electrical energy.
:F - generateur
:S - generador
(prod).  (See:  [[#PRODUCER GAS|PRODUCER GAS]])
:F - gaz pauvre de gazogene
:S - gengas
(geo).  [[#GEOTHERMAL RESERVOIR|A GEOTHERMAL RESERVOIR]] consisting of porous sands that contain water or [[#BRINE|BRINE]] at high temperatures and pressure.
:F - reservoir sous geopression
:S - tanque de presion geotermica
(geo).  Of or relating to the heat of the Earth's interior.
:F - geothermique
:S - geotermico
(geo).  A geographical region with known [[#GEOTHERMAL POWER|GEOTHERMAL POWER]] sources that might be tapped to produce [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]].
:F - zone geothermique
:S - zona geotermica
(geo).  [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] obtained from [[#GEOTHERMAL|GEOTHERMAL]] sources.  Geothermal power is tapped in three ways:  by using hot water, steam, or [[#DRY STEAM|DRY STEAM]].  Each may be used to drive a [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]].
:F - energie geothermique
:S - energia geotermica
(geo).  A water reserve created near a [[#HOT DRY ROCK RESERVOIR|HOT DRY ROCK RESERVOIR]] to develop a potential [[#GEOTHERMAL POWER|GEOTHERMAL POWER]] site.
:F - reservoir geothermique
:S - tanque geotermico
(geo).  Steam drawn from sources within the Earth.
:F - vapeur geothermique
:S - vapor geotermico
(geo).  Natural steam or hot water spouts in active [[#GEOTHERMAL|GEOTHERMAL]] regions.
:F - geyser
:S - geiser
=====GIN POLE=====
(wind).  A long board or pipe used to improve the leverage in lifting a [[#TOWER|TOWER]] for a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].
:F - fleche de levage
:S - mastil grua
(impl) (sol).  A transparent sheet that admits sunlight to a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] and then inhibits the escape of heat.  Commonly used glazing materials include [[#ACETATE|ACETATE]], acrylic, fiber-reinforced plastics, and glass.
:F - vitrification
:S - vidriado
:F - rayonnement global
:S - radiacion global
(chem) (alc).  The most common sugar, which is derived from [[#STARCH|STARCH]] during the [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] production process.
:F - glucose
:S - glucosa
=====GOBAR GAS=====
(biocon).  (See:  [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]])
:F - bio-gaz
:S - gas gobar
(gen) (impl).  A device that regulates the speed of an engine or other device under varying conditions of load and pressure.  Also a device for regulating the [[#FLOW|FLOW]] or pressure of a [[#FLUID|FLUID]] passing through a device.
:F - regulateur
:S - regulador
(alc).  [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] made from grain by [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]].
:F - alcool de grains
:S - alcohol de granos
=====GRAM CALORIE=====
(gen).  The amount of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] required to raise one gram of water one degree [[#CELSIUS|CELSIUS]].
:F - calorie [2]
:S - caloria-gramo
(biocon).  (See:  [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]])
:F - bio-gaz
:S - gas gramlaxmi
(impl) (heat).  A frame of metal bars that holds fuel above the floor of a firebox.  It usually is used in a boiler, [[#GASIFIER|GASIFIER]], fireplace, or stove.
:F - grille
:S - parilla
=====GRAVITY CONVECTION]] heat). =====
:F - convection par pesanteur
:S - conveccion por gravedad
=====GUIDE VANES=====
(hydr) (impl).  Surfaces that direct water to the appropriate parts of [[#TURBINE BLADES|TURBINE BLADES]] or [[#BUCKETS|BUCKETS]] so as to increase [[#POWER|POWER]] output.
:F - aubes directrices
:S - alabe director
(constr) (wind).  A triangular metal brace for reinforcing a corner or angle.  It is commonly used in [[#TOWER|TOWER]] construction.
:F - gousset
:S - esquinero
(wind).  A sudden, brief increase in [[#WIND VELOCITY|WIND VELOCITY]] that is then followed by calmer air.
:F - rafale
:S - rafaga
=====GUYED TOWER=====
(impl) (wind).  [[#WINDMILL TOWER|A WINDMILL TOWER]] that is supported by [[#GUY WIRES|GUY WIRES]].
:F - pylone haubanne
:S - torre atirantada
=====GUY WIRE=====
(wind) (impl).  A cable that stabilizes a structure and keeps it in position.  For example, wires attached to a [[#WINDMILL TOWER|WINDMILL TOWER]] so that it cannot move or shake from the force of the wind.
:F - hauban
:S - retenida de alambre
== H ==
(ani).  The gear or tackle, other than a [[#YOKE|YOKE]], used on draft animals to pull a vehicle or drive an implement.  It differs from a yoke, which joins together draft animals.
:F - harnais
:S - arnes
(hydr) (meas).  [1] The vertical distance from the point where water enters an intake to the point where the water leaves a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] device.  It is generally measured in feet or meters.  The product of the head times the [[#FLOW|FLOW]] is a measurement of potential [[#POWER|POWER]].  [2] The vertical distance a liquid must be pumped from its source to its point of use or storage.
:F - chute d'eau [1]-[2]
:S - altura
(sol).  The pipe that runs across the top of an [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]] to gather or distribute [[#HEAT TRANSFER FLUID|HEAT TRANSFER FLUID]] from or to the grid pipes that run across the absorber surface.  Some headers run along the bottom of the absorber plate.
:F - entree-sortie
:S - tubo colector
(hydr).  [[#CANAL|A CANAL]] or conduit that feeds water into a mill, [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]], or [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]].
:F - bief d'amont
:S - canal de llegada
=====HEAD WATER=====
(hydr).  The water upstream of a [[#DAM|DAM]] or a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] plant.
:F - eau d'amont
:S - aguas arriba
(heat) (meas).  The amount of heat required to raise by one degree the temperature of a unit mass of a substance.
:F - capacite thermique
:S - capacidad calorifica
=====HEAT ENERGY=====
(heat).  [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] in the form of heat.
:F - energie thermique
:S - energia calorifica
(heat) (impl).  A device, such as a coiled copper tube immersed in a tank of water which is used to transfer heat from one [[#FLUID|FLUID]] to another through a separating wall.  [[#CONDENSER|A CONDENSER]] is one type of heat exchanger.
:F - echangeur de chaleur
:S - termopermutador
=====HEAT GAIN=====
(heat).  The increase of heat in a space resulting from [[#DIRECT RADIATION|DIRECT RADIATION]] and from the heat given off by such other sources as [[#THERMAL MASS|THERMAL MASS]], a stove, a fireplace, humans, or animals.
:F - apport de chaleur
:S - ganancia calorifica
(heat) (meas).  The amount of heat produced by the complete combustion of a specific amount of fuel.  This is a measure of [[#FUEL EFFICIENCY|FUEL EFFICIENCY]].
:F - pouvoir calorifique
:S - valor calorifico
=====HEAT LOSS=====
(heat).  An unwanted decrease in the amount of heat contained in a space.  Heat is usually lost through [[#CONVECTION|CONVECTION]].
:F - perte de chaleur
:S - perdida calorifica
=====HEAT PUMP=====
(heat) (impl).  A mechanical device that transfers heat from a heat source to a [[#HEAT SINK|HEAT SINK]].  This process causes the source to cool and the sink to become warmer.
:F - pompe a chaleur
:S - bomba calorifica
(heat) (meas).  The rate at which heat is transferred per hour, per unit surface, per degree of temperature difference.
:F - coefficient de transmission de chaleur
:S - coeficiente de transferencia del consumo calorifico
(sol).  A type of glass designed to reflect [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]].
:F - verre a pouvoir reflechissant thermique
:S - vidrio reflector de calor
=====HEAT SINK=====
(sol).  A body that is capable of accepting and storing heat.  It therefore may also act as a heat source.
:F - puits de chaleur
:S - sumidor de calor
=====HEAT TAX=====
(heat).  Referring to the [[#HEAT ENERGY|HEAT ENERGY]] that becomes unavailable for further use whenever [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] is converted from one form to another.
:F - chaleur perdue
:S - gravamen calorifico
:F - fluide caloporteur
:S - fluido de termotransferencia
(sol).  The [[#FLUID|FLUID]] that is heated in a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] for conducting heat to another place or substance.
:F - caloporteur
:S - medio de termotransferencia
(wind).  The name for a particular type of [[#HORIZONTAL-AXIS|HORIZONTAL-AXIS]], [[#SAIL ROTOR WINDMILL|SAIL ROTOR WINDMILL]].  It usually is used for low-lift water pumping.
:F - eolienne a ailes helicoidales
:S - molino con aspas helicoidales
(sol).  A process by which [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES|PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES]] convert [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] into electricity.
:F - processus helioelectrique
:S - proceso helioelectrico
(sol) (impl).  A solar-focusing instrument consisting of a mirror mounted on an [[#AXIS|AXIS]] that is moved by clockwork.  The heliostat reflects sunbeams in one direction, usually to a central [[#ABSORBER|ABSORBER]] located in a [[#TOWER|TOWER]].
:F - heliostat
:S - heliostato
(sol).  [1] A process that uses [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] to produce heat.  [2] A device that absorbs [[#RADIATION|RADIATION]] on a blackened surface and converts it into heat.
:F - heliothermique
:S - heliotermico
(sol).  A process by which [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] is used to provide [[#THERMAL ENERGY|THERMAL ENERGY]] for space heating, space cooling, and domestic water heating.
:F - processus heliothermique
:S - proceso heliotermico
(sol) (meas).  An instrument that measures heat from the sun.
:F - heliothermometre
:S - heliotermometro
(sol) (impl).  Turning toward light.  It describes devices that [[#TRACK|TRACK]] the sun, following its movement across the sky.
:F - heliotropique
:S - heliotropico
:F - moulin a vent a arbre horizontal
:S - molino de aire horizontal
(wind).  [[#WIND MACHINE|A WIND MACHINE]] with cloth sails in which the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]] is situated on a horizontal plane.
:F - eolienne a ailes en toile sur axe horizontal
:S - rotor de eje horizontal
(wind).  [[#WINDMILL|A WINDMILL]] driven by a [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] on a horizontal [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]].
:F - eolienne a arbre horizontal
:S - molino de eje horizontal
(hydr).  [[#WATERMILL|A WATERMILL]] driven by a horizontal wheel mounted on a vertical shaft.  (Syn: Greek Mill; Norse Mill)
:F - moulin a eau horizontal
:S - molino hidraulico horizontal
:F - roue hydraulique horizontale
:S - rueda hidraulica horizontal
(gen).  A unit of [[#POWER|POWER]] equal to 33,000 [[#FOOT POUNDS|FOOT POUNDS]] per minute, 550 foot pounds per second, or 746 [[#WATTS|WATTS]].
:F - cheval-vapeur
:S - potencia util
=====HOT DRY ROCK=====
(geo) A system for using [[#GEOTHERMAL POWER|GEOTHERMAL POWER]].  A hole is drilled and the deep rock cracked.  This may be done hydraulically, as is done in conventional oil fields, or with explosives.  Water is injected into the fractured rock, allowed to heat, and then withdrawn as steam for use as an [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] source.
:F - roche chaude et seche
:S - roca seca caliente
:F - reservoir d'eau chaude
:S - tanque de agua caliente
=====HOUR ANGLE=====
(sol) (meas).  The angular displacement of the sun east or west of the local meridian due to the rotation of the Earth on its [[#AXIS|AXIS]] at 15 [degrees] per hour (morning [+] afternoon [-]).
:F - angle horaire
:S - angulo hora
(wind).  A piece of pipe that sticks out from the front of the hub of a [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] on a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].  It provides a place to attach [[#GUY WIRES|GUY WIRES]] to strengthen the [[#BLADES|BLADES]] or [[#SAILS|SAILS]].
:F - rallonge de moyeu
:S - extension del cubo
(gen).  A mechanical means for increasing the relative humidity in an enclosed area by injecting water vapor into the air.
:F - humidificateur
:S - humidificador
(biocon).  Well-decomposed organic soil material consisting of the residues from plant and animal matter together with the cell substances of soil organisms and various inorganic materials.
:F - humus
:S - humus
(biocon).  A two-stage [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] design consisting of a larger batch-fed, [[#ACID|ACID]]-producing, cold phase, and a smaller [[#CONTINUOUS-FEED|CONTINUOUS-FEED]], [[#METHANE|METHANE]]-producing, heated phase.  Alternatively, any digester that separates acid and methane production.
:F - generateur hybride
:S - generador hibrido
(gen).  A system, such as one might find within a home, that derives its heating, lighting, and other [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] from several interconnected sources.  One or more of these sources generally would come from [[#RENEWABLE ENERGY|RENEWABLE ENERGY]].
:F - energie heterogene, systeme d'
:S - sistema de energia hibrida
(sol).  A heating or cooling system that uses both [[#ACTIVE SOLAR HEATING|ACTIVE SOLAR HEATING]] and [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]] methods in its design.  At least one of the system's significant [[#THERMAL ENERGY FLOWS|THERMAL ENERGY FLOWS]] is by natural means, and at least one is by forced means.
:F - energie solaire heterogene, systeme d'
:S - sistema de energia solar hibrida
(chem).  A solid material resulting from the combination under pressure of a gas with water.
:F - hydrate
:S - hidrato
(hydr) (impl).  A water pump that uses the [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] of descending water to raise a part of the water to a height greater than that of the source.  It requires no other power than the energy from the descending water.
:F - belier hydraulique
:S - ariete hidraulico
(biocon) (meas).  The number of days an average volume of [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] remains in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - duree de retention hydraulique
:S - periodo de retention hidraulica
(hydr).  Relative to a system in which the potential [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] of falling water is harnessed by releasing it from [[#DAMS|DAMS]] or through a [[#PENSTOCK|PENSTOCK]] downward through [[#WATER TURBINES|WATER TURBINES]].
:F - hydro-electrique
:S - hidroelectrico
(hydr).  The cycle in which water passes through different states.  It begins as atmospheric water vapor.  It then becomes a liquid through precipitation.  Next it flows along the ground surface, where it is useful as an energy source.  Finally, it returns to its original form through evaporation and transpiration.
:F - cycle hydrologique
:S - ciclo hidrologico
(hydr).  The science of water systems on or beneath the Earth's surface.
:F - hydrologie
:S - hidrologia
(alc) (chem).  The chemical process that breaks complex organic molecules into simple molecules.  For example, [[#STARCH|STARCH]] and [[#CELLULOSE|CELLULOSE]] can be hydrolyzed by [[#ACIDS|ACIDS]] or [[#ENZYMES|ENZYMES]] to produce simple sugars, which can be [[#FERMENTED|FERMENTED]] to form [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]].
:F - hydrolyse
:S - hidrolisis
(impl) (meas).  An instrument used to determine the density or [[#SPECIFIC GRAVITY|SPECIFIC GRAVITY]] of [[#FLUIDS|FLUIDS]].
:F - hydrometre
:S - hidrometro
(hydr).  [[#POWER|POWER]] produced by falling water.  The term is used to identify a type of electricity-generating station or any energy output in which the main mover is driven by [[#FLOW|FLOW]]ing water.
:F - puissance hydraulique
:S - potencia hidraulica
(hydr).  A system in which the potential [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] of [[#FLOW|FLOW]]ing water is used to create electricity or to mechanically drive machines, by impounding it behind [[#DAMS|DAMS]] and then diverting it through a [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]] to a [[#WATER TURBINE|WATER TURBINE]].
:F - systeme de puissance hydraulique
:S - sistema de potencia hidraulica
(biocon).  A monovalent group consisting of a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom linked together.  Most [[#BASES|BASES]] contain hydroxyl groups.  (See also:  [[#BASE|BASE]])
:F - hydroxyle
:S - hidroxilo
(impl) (meas) (sol).  A device for measuring the humidity of the air.  It is used in designing [[#SOLAR HEATING|SOLAR HEATING]] and [[#SOLAR COOLING|SOLAR COOLING]] systems.
:F - hygrometre
:S - higrometro
== I ==
(geo).  Rock systems in [[#GEOTHERMAL|GEOTHERMAL]] regions where the heat is contained almost entirely in impermeable rock.
:F - roche seche impermeable
:S - roca seca impermeable
(hydr).  [[#TURBINE|A TURBINE]] driven by high velocity [[#JETS|JETS]] of water or steam that are produced by forcing the water or steam through a nozzle.
:F - turbine a action
:S - turbina de impulsion
(sol) (hydr).  [1] The angle between the sun's rays and a line perpendicular (normal) to the irradiated surface.  The incident angle determines both the intensity of the [[#DIRECT RADIATION|DIRECT RADIATION]] component striking the surface and the ability of the surface to reflect, transmit, or [[#ABSORB|ABSORB]] the sun's rays.  [2] In the case of [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] devices, the angle between the water intake and a line perpendicular to the [[#BUCKETS|BUCKETS]].
:F - angle d'incidence
:S - angulo incidente
(sol) (meas).  The quantity of [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]] striking a surface per unit time and unit area.
:F - rayonnement incident
:S - radiacion de incidencia
(biocon).  [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|A BIOGAS DIGESTER]] primarily designed to produce [[#METHANE|METHANE]].  These digesters usually have [[#FLOATING GAS CAPS|FLOATING GAS CAPS]].
:F - digesteur type indien
:S - digestor de tipo indio
(sol).  The indirect use of [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] from such sources as solar-produced winds, thermal currents in air and water, and wave action.
:F - conversion indirecte
:S - conversion indirecta
(sol).  A system in which [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] is [[#COLLECTED|COLLECTED]] and used through mechanical means.
:F - energie solaire indirecte
:S - energia solar indirecta
(sol) .  [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|A PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]] system in which heat is stored between the [[#COLLECTING|COLLECTING]] and the distributing surfaces (e.g., [[#TROMBE WALL|TROMBE WALL]]).
:F - apport solaire indirect
:S - ganancia solar indirecta
(sol).  A method of solar heating in which [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] is [[#COLLECTED|COLLECTED]] in [[#FLAT PLATE|FLAT PLATE]] or [[#CONCENTRATING COLLECTORS|CONCENTRATING COLLECTORS]] that are mounted on a roof, a wall, or apart from a building.  Pumps or fans are used to circulate [[#HEAT TRANSFER FLUIDS|HEAT TRANSFER FLUIDS]] through the collectors and then back to a heat storage medium.
:F - chauffage solaire indirect
:S - calefaccion solar indirecta
(elec) (wind).  A common type of motor, which, when modified slightly and driven by the rotary action of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] or [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]], provides [[#ALTERNATING CURRENT|ALTERNATING CURRENT]] (ac).
:F - moteur a induction
:S - motor de induccion
(heat).  The unchecked movement of outdoor air into a building through cracks around windows and doors or in walls, roofs, and floors.  Infiltration generally refers to cold air during the winter and hot air during the summer.
:F - infiltration
:S - infiltracion
(biocon).  [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] mixed with water for use in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - affluent
:S - influente
(sol).  Electromagnetic [[#RADIATION|RADIATION]] from the sun or a warm body that has wavelengths longer than the red end of the visible spectrum.  Infrared radiation is experienced as heat.
:F - radiation infrarouge
:S - radiacion infraroja
:F - inoculation
:S - inoculacion
(biocon).  A sample of partially [[#DIGESTED SLURRY|DIGESTED SLURRY]], and its associated [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]], that is added at the start of [[#DIGESTION|DIGESTION]] to a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].  It provides sufficient micro-organisms for the digestion process to proceed at a satisfactory rate.  Without this seeding, there generally is a prolonged wait before a digester begins producing gas.  (Syn:  seed)
:F - inoculum
:S - inoculum
(sol).  The rate at which [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] from the sun reaches the Earth's surface.  Insolation generally is measured in [[#BTU|BTU]]/square feet (meters)/day.
:F - insolation
:S - insolacion
(sol).  A small, insulated cooking box in which steam acts as the heating agent.  Water heated to steam by a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] flows into the box, condenses, and drips back into the [[#COLLECTOR|COLLECTOR]].
:F - rechaud a vapeur isole
:S - cocinilla aislada de vapor
(sol).  A method of [[#SOLAR HEATING|SOLAR HEATING]] in which [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] is intercepted and absorbed by a massive exterior wall or roof pond, which usually doubles as a heat storage container.  Heat flows to the rooms by [[#CONDUCTION|CONDUCTION]], or natural [[#CONVECTION|CONVECTION]].  This is a form of [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]].
:F - chauffage integre
:S - calefaccion solar integrada
(biocon).  A system in which the outputs of one activity are used as inputs in other related activities.  For example, a [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]] system in which the [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]] is used as a nutrient to enrich an aquaculture environment.  In exchange, [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] from the aquaculture may be used as [[#INFLUENT|INFLUENT]] to the [[#DIGESTER|DIGESTER]].
:F - systeme integre
:S - sistema integrado
(elec) (wind).  A device that converts [[#DIRECT CURRENT|DIRECT CURRENT]] (dc) to [[#ALTERNATING CURRENT|ALTERNATING CURRENT]] (ac).  It often is used with [[#WIND GENERATORS|WIND GENERATORS]].
:F - onduleur
:S - invertidor
(hydr).  (See:  [[#NORIA|NORIA]])
:F - roue hydraulique d'irrigation
:S - rueda de irrigacion
(sol).  [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|A PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]] system in which heat is collected in one area to be used in another.  (See also:  [[#SOLAR GREENHOUSE|SOLAR GREENHOUSE]])
:F - apport solaire isole
:S - ganancia solar aislada
== J ==
(prod) (impl).  An enclosure around a [[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]] through which cooling liquid flows.  (See also: [[#WATER JACKET|WATER JACKET]])
:F - chemise d'eau
:S - cubierta
(auto) (hydro).  A nozzle of a specific size that limits the [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of water to a [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]] or the flow of fuel in a [[#CARBURETOR|CARBURETOR]].
:F - gicleur
:S - lanza
=====JET STREAM=====
(wind).  Strong winds concentrated in a relatively narrow, shallow stream in the upper troposphere.
:F - jet-stream
:S - manga de aire
=====JIB SAILS=====
(wind) (arc).  Triangular [[#COMMON SAILS|COMMON SAILS]], set on radiating [[#SPARS|SPARS]].
:F - clinfoc
:S - aspas triangulares
(meas).  A unit of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] or work equal to one [[#WATT|WATT]] per second or 0.737 foot pounds.
:F- Joule
:S- Joule
=====S LAW=====
(gen) (heat).  The law stating that:  [1] The rate at which heat is produced by a steady current in any part of an electric circuit is jointly proportional to the resistance and to the square of the current.  [2] The internal [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] of an ideal gas depends only on its temperature regardless of volume and pressure.
:F - loi de Joule
:S - ley de Joule
(elec).  A length of wire, usually with clips on each end, for making temporary electrical connections.
:F - fil volant
:S - puente
== K ==
(hydr).  A propeller-type of [[#WATER TURBINE|WATER TURBINE]] with variable pitch [[#BLADES|BLADES]] that adjust automatically in accordance with the [[#HEAD|HEAD]].
:F - turbine de Kaplan
:S - turbina Kaplan
(biocon).  An annual East Indian plant, which may be used effectively in [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]] production.
:F - kenaf
:S - hibiscus cannabinus
(heat).  A high temperature oven, furnace, or heated enclosure used to process a substance by burning, firing, or drying.  Kilns often are described by the direction that air passes through them (i.e., [[#UPDRAFT|UPDRAFT]] or [[#DOWNDRAFT|DOWNDRAFT]]).
:F - four
:S - horno
(elec).  A unit of [[#POWER|POWER]] equal to 1,000 [[#WATTS|WATTS]] or to [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] consumption at a rate of 1,000 [[#JOULES|JOULES]] per second.  It is usually used as a measure of electrical energy.  Commonly abbreviated as kW.
:F - kilowatt
:S - kilovatios
(elec) (meas).  A unit of [[#POWER|POWER]] consumption equal to the amount of power multiplied by the amount of time the power is used.  A 100-watt light bulb burning for 10 hours uses one kilowatt-hour of power.
:F - kilowattheure
:S - kilovatio-hora
(gen).  The [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] that a body possesses by virtue of its motion.
:F - energie cinetique
:S - energia cinetica
(wind).  A measure of [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]] equal to one nautical mile per hour.  One knot equals 1.15 miles per hour.
:F - noeud
:S - nudo
== L ==
(sol) (meas).  A unit of [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] intensity, equal to 1.0 gram [[#CALORIE|CALORIE]] per square centimeter.
:F - langley
:S - langley
(gen) (meas).  An angular position north or south of the equator, measured in degrees along a meridian of a point.
:F - latitude
:S - latitud
=====LEADING EDGE=====
(wind).  The vertical edge of a [[#WINDMILL BLADE|WINDMILL BLADE]] that lies on the side towards which the blade moves.  The opposite edge is called the [[#TRAILING EDGE|TRAILING EDGE]].
:F - arete avant
:S - borde anterior
(gen) (meas).  A method for estimating the comparative costs of [[#ALTERNATIVE ENERGY|ALTERNATIVE ENERGY]] or other systems.  Life-cycle costing takes into consideration such long-term costs as [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] consumption, maintenance, and repair.
:F - evaluation du cycle de vie
:S - calculo del coste de la vida util
(wind).  The aerodynamic force that "pulls" the [[#BLADES|BLADES]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] and causes them to rotate.
:F - portance
:S - impulsion
(wind) (meas).  The ratio of [[#LIFT|LIFT]] forces to [[#FLOW|FLOW]] forces.
:F - coefficient de portance
:S - coeficiente de impulsion
(wind).  [[#WIND MACHINES|WIND MACHINES]] that provide aerodynamic [[#LIFT|LIFT]] in a wind stream.
:F - eoliennes a portance
:S - aparatos impulsores
(chem).  A white powder composed of calcium oxide that forms a highly [[#ALKALINE|ALKALINE]] solution when mixed with water.  It is used in various ways, including as a means to increase the pH ([[#POTENTIAL HYDROGEN|POTENTIAL HYDROGEN]]) of [[#MASH|MASH]] in [[#ALCOHOL STILLS|ALCOHOL STILLS]] or [[#BIOGAS DIGESTERS|BIOGAS DIGESTERS]].
:F - chaux
:S - cal
=====LIME KILN=====
(chem).  [[#KILN|A KILN]] used to make [[#LIME|LIME]] from coral or limestone.
:F - four a chaux
:S - horno de cal
(biocon) (chem).  [[#CALCIUM HYDROXIDE|A CALCIUM HYDROXIDE]] solution often used as a gas [[#SCRUBBER|SCRUBBER]].
:F - eau de chaux
:S - agua de cal
(gen).  A firebox fitted with special insulating material.
:F - chambre de combustion garnie
:S - caja de fuego revestida
(sol).  [[#SOLAR HEATING|A SOLAR HEATING]] system in which a liquid [[#HEAT TRANSFER MEDIUM|HEAT TRANSFER MEDIUM]] is heated in [[#SOLAR COLLECTORS|SOLAR COLLECTORS]].  The liquid generally is either water or an antifreeze solution.
:F - chauffage solaire a liquide, systeme de
:S - sistema de energia solar a base de liquidos
(biocon).  [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] comprising less than 10 percent solid material.
:F - boue liquide
:S - fango liquido
:F - capteur a liquide
:S - colector de tipo liquido
=====LIVE CURB=====
(wind) (arc).  The circular timber rim or wall plate supporting a [[#WINDMILL CAP|WINDMILL CAP]] that revolves on [[#ROLLERS|ROLLERS]] or [[#WHEELS|WHEELS]].
:F - chemin de roulement
:S - soporte movil
(elec) (meas).  The output of one or several electric machines or transformers.  Load also denotes the [[#POWER|POWER]] carried by a particular circuit.
:F - charge
:S - carga
=====LOADING RATE=====
(biocon) (meas).  The amount of [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] added to a [[#DIGESTER|DIGESTER]] over a specific period of time.
:F - taux de charge
:S - velocidad de carga
=====LOLLY AXIS=====
(wind).  (See:  [[#YAW AXIS|YAW AXIS]])
:F - axe de lacet
:S - eje de relingar
=====LORENA STOVE=====
(biocon).  An inexpensive, yet efficient, cook stove made of a sand, clay, and water mixture known as "lorena."
:F - cuisiniere lorena
:S - estufa lorena
(hydr).  [[#WATER TURBINE|A WATER TURBINE]] that is designed to function with a low [[#HEAD|HEAD]].
:F - turbine pour chutes faibles
:S - turbina de poco desnivel
(wind).  To turn the [[#BLADES|BLADES]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] into the wind so they will rotate.
:F - lofer
:S - cenir el viento
== M ==
(constr) (sol).  A masonry brick to which magnesium or similar material has been added to darken the color of the brick and increase its [[#THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY|THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY]] and [[#ABSORPTANCE|ABSORPTANCE]].
:F - brique a la magnesite
:S - ladrillo de magnesita
(elec).  A small, permanent-magnet, electric [[#GENERATOR|GENERATOR]] capable of producing periodic high voltage impulses.
:F - magneto
:S - magneto
(wind).  An effect whereby a spinning [[#CYLINDER|CYLINDER]] exposed to the wind produces a horizontal force.  This effect has been used to enable experimental [[#WIND MACHINES|WIND MACHINES]] to [[#POWER|POWER]] small boats.
:F - effet magnus
:S - efecto de fuerza horizontal
(alc).  Sprouted grain that contains [[#ENZYMES|ENZYMES]] to convert [[#STARCH|STARCH]] to sugar.  Special varieties of barley are frequently used to produce malt.
:F - malt
:S - malta
(biocon) (meas).  A device used to measure gas pressure.  It may be used to monitor gas pressure in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - manometre
:S - manometro
(biocon) (impl).  A cloth [[#MEMBRANE|MEMBRANE]] in which gases are collected and burned to create light through incandescence.
:F - manchon a incandescence
:S - manteleta
=====MARSH GAS=====
(biocon).  [[#METHANE|METHANE]].  Decaying [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] at the bottom of a marsh or pond will produce bubbles of methane gas when stirred.
:F - gaz des marais
:S - gas de los pantanos
(alc).  A mixture of water and crushed grains or other [[#FEEDSTOCKS|FEEDSTOCKS]] that can be [[#FERMENTED|FERMENTED]] to produce [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]].
:F - mout
:S - mezcla
(alc).  The materials making up the [[#MASH|MASH]] in an [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]].
:F - composition du mout
:S - malta empastada
(constr).  Trademark name for a thin board made of compressed wood fibers.  It is useful as a backing for [[#SOLAR REFLECTORS|SOLAR REFLECTORS]].
:F - masonite
:S - masonite
(hydr) (meas).  The maximum amount of water that can [[#FLOW|FLOW]] past a point during a given period of time.  This measurement is used to evaluate the [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] potential of a site.
:F - debit maximum
:S - velocidad maxima de flujo
=====MEADOW MILL=====
(hydr).  A small, untended [[#WATERMILL|WATERMILL]] used for drainage.
:F - moulinet de campagne
:S - molino de pradera
(gen) (meas).  The factor by which a machine multiplies any applied force.
:F - effet mecanique
:S - rendimiento mecanico
(wind).  Erratic air movement caused by such obstructions as trees or buildings.
:F - turbulence mecanique
:S - turbulencia mecanica
(elec) (meas).  One million [[#WATTS|WATTS]].
:F - megawatt
:S - megavatio
(alc).  A sheet polymer or thin biological tissue capable of separating liquid solutions.  Membranes are sometimes used in the [[#ALCOHOL DISTILLATION|ALCOHOL DISTILLATION]] process.
:F - membrane
:S - membrana
(wind).  The wind or wind component along the local meridian.
:F - vent meridien
:S - viento meridional
(biocon).  [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]] that thrive best at temperatures of 70-104 [degrees] F (21-40 [degrees] C) and are useful in producing [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]].
:F - bacteries mesophyliennes
:S - bacteria mesofilica
(biocon).  A process of converting to [[#METHANE|METHANE]] the carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide present in synthetic gas.
:F - methanisation
:S - metanacion
(biocon) (chem).  An odorless, colorless gas (C[H.sub.4]), nearly insoluble in water, which burns with a pale, faintly luminous flame to produce water and carbon dioxide (or carbon monoxide if oxygen is deficient).  (See also:  [[#MARSH GAS|MARSH GAS]]) (Syn:  [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]])
:F - methane
:S - metano
(biocon).  The production of [[#METHANE|METHANE]] through [[#BIOCONVERSION|BIOCONVERSION]].
:F - conversion du methane
:S - conversion de metano
(biocon).  A device that converts [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] into [[#METHANE|METHANE]] and Fertilizer through biological activity.  (See also:  [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]])
:F - digesteur au methane
:S - digestor de metano
=====METHANE GAS=====
(biocon) (chem).  (See:  [[#METHANE|METHANE]])
:F - gaz de methane
:S - gas de metano
:F - production du methane
:S - produccion de metano
:F - generateur a methane
:S - instalacion de metano
(bio) (biocon).  [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]] that generate [[#METHANE|METHANE]] (i.e., those that are responsible for the "second step" of [[#DIGESTION|DIGESTION]]).  (See also:  [[#ANAEROBIC DIGESTION|ANAEROBIC DIGESTION]])
:F - bacteries methanogenes
:S - bacteria metanogenica
(alc).  A light, [[#VOLATILE|VOLATILE]], flammable, poisonous liquid [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] (C[H.sub.3]OH) formed in the [[#DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION|DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION]] of wood or made synthetically.  [[#METHANOL|METHANOL]] is used especially as a solvent, antifreeze, or [[#DENATURANT|DENATURANT]] for [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]], and in the synthesis of other chemicals.  It is also used increasingly as a fuel.  (Syn:  methyl alcohol or wood alcohol)
:F - methanol
:S - metanol
(alc).  (See:  [[#METHANOL|METHANOL]])
:F - alcool methylique
:S - alcohol metilico
(bio) (biocon).  The microscopic organisms, chiefly [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]] in this context, that are responsible for [[#ANAEROBIC DIGESTION|ANAEROBIC DIGESTION]].
:F - micro-organismes de la flore microbienne
:S - microorganismos de microflora
(hydr).  Small-scale, water-powered systems that may be used to produce mechanical [[#POWER|POWER]] or less than 100 [[#KILOWATTS|KILOWATTS]] of electricity.  They commonly are used for homes, farms, or small industries.
:F - microcentrales hydrauliques
:S - microhidro
(gen) (hydr) (wind).  A device to grind grain and cereals.  Also used colloquially to describe a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]], [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]], or [[#WATER MILL|WATER MILL]].
:F - moulin
:S - molino
=====MILL RACE=====
(hydr).  [[#CHANNEL|A CHANNEL]] that carries water to a [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]].
:F - bief de moulin
:S - caz
(hydr).  [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] units that produce 100-1000 [[#KILOWATTS|KILOWATTS]].
:F - minicentrales hydrauliques
:S - minihidro
(hydr) (meas).  The least amount of water that will [[#FLOW|FLOW]] past a given point at any time.  This measurement is used to help evaluate the [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] potential of a site.
:F - debit minimum
:S - velocidad minime de flujo
(chem).  Capable of being mixed in any proportion.
:F - miscible
:S - miscible
=====MIXING TANK=====
(biocon) (impl).  A chamber in which [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] is mixed with water to form [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] for a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - reservoir de melange
:S - cuba de mezcla
(alc).  [[#STILL COLUMN|A STILL COLUMN]] that separates molecules by selectively [[#ADSORPING|ADSORPING]] them on the basis of size.
:F - tamis moleculaire
:S - criba por accion molecular
(alc).  [[#SUGAR|SUGAR]] derived from [[#STARCH|STARCH]] and [[#CELLULOSE|CELLULOSE]] that can be converted to [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]].
:F - monosaccharide
:S - monosacarido
(wind).  A system of daily winds prevailing in calm, clear weather along the width of a valley.  The winds blow uphill and upvalley by day and downhill and downvalley by night.
:F - vents des monts et des vallees
:S - vientos de las montanas y aldeas
(wind).  [[#WINDMILL|A WINDMILL]] that has a large number of [[#BLADES|BLADES]].  It generally is used to pump water.
:F - eolienne a ailes multiples
:S - molino de multiaspas
(wind).  [[#WINDMILL|A WINDMILL]] having more than one [[#TAIL|TAIL]].
:F - eolienne a empennages multiples
:S - molino de multiples puntas
== N ==
(wind).  The portion of a wind electric conversion machine that houses the electricity generating equipment.
:F - carter
:S - barquilla
(heat).  The natural [[#CONVECTION|CONVECTION]] of heat through the [[#FLUID|FLUID]] in a body that occurs when warm, less dense fluid rises and cold, dense fluid sinks under the influence of gravity.  (Syn:  gravity convection)
:F - convection naturelle
:S - conveccion natural
=====NET AREA=====
(sol) (meas).  The area of the opening of a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]], through which [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] may pass.
:F - fenetre d'entree
:S - superficie neta
:F - consommation nette d'energie
:S - consumo neto de energia
(sol).  A method of cooling through [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]] exchange.  Relatively warm surfaces are exposed directly to the colder night sky to which they radiate the heat they collected during the day.
:F - rayonnement diffus nocturne
:S - radiacion del cielo nocturno
=====NIGHT SOIL=====
(bio).  Human excreta with or without flush water, which may be used as [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] for a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - vidanges
:S - defecaciones humanas
:F - rayonnement nocturne
:S - radiaciones nocturnas
(hydr) (arc).  A vertical [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]] that is turned by water current.  Containers attached to its rim [[#LIFT|LIFT]] water for irrigation.
:F - noria
:S - noria
== O ==
(oceans).  The temperature difference between deep and surface water in the ocean.  These temperature variations may be used as an [[#ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCE|ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCE]].
:F - gradients de temperature oceaniques
:S - termogradientes oceanicos
(ocean).  [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] acquired from differences in temperatures at different depths in the ocean.
:F - energie thermique des mers
:S - termopotencia oceanica
(ocean).  The production of electricity by harnessing ocean tidal movements through the use of adjustable-[[#BLADE WATER TURBINES|BLADE WATER TURBINES]] or other devices.
:F - energie maremotrice
:S - energia oceanica
(wind).  Winds blowing seaward from the coast.
:F - vents de terre
:S - vientos terrales
=====S LAW=====
(elec).  The law stating that for any circuit the electric current is proportional to the voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance.
:F - loi d'ohm
:S - ley de ohmio
(wind).  Winds blowing shoreward from the sea.
:F - vents du large
:S - vientos del mar
(hydr) (meas).  The [[#FLOW|FLOW]] rate needed by a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] device to operate at its rated [[#LOAD|LOAD]] level.
:F - debit nominal
:S - flujo de operacion
(gen).  Materials of animal or vegetable origin.
:F - matieres organiques
:S - materia organica
(bio).  Residues derived from living organisms.  Organic wastes may be used as [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] for [[#BIOGAS DIGESTERS|BIOGAS DIGESTERS]].  (See also:  [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]])
:F - dechets organiques
:S - desperdicios organicos
(sol).  The arrangement of windows on a building or solar device along a given [[#AXIS|AXIS]] to face in a direction best suited to absorb [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]].  This is an essential element in planning [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]] systems for homes and other buildings.
:F - exposition
:S - orientacion
(gen).  The process by which a solvent is [[#DIFFUSED|DIFFUSED]] through a semipermeable [[#MEMBRANE|MEMBRANE]] into a more [[#CONCENTRATED|CONCENTRATED]] solution.
:F - osmose
:S - osmosis
(hydr).  (See:  [[#WEIR|WEIR]])
:F - deversoir de trop-plein
:S - vertedero de superficie
(hydr).  [[#WATER WHEEL|A WATER WHEEL]] powered by a [[#HEADRACE|HEADRACE]] that discharges over the outer circumference of the wheel.  (Syn:  overshot gravity wheel)
:F - roue en dessus
:S - rueda hidraulica de admision superior
== P ==
(alc).  A type of [[#STILL COLUMN|STILL COLUMN]] or pipe that is used in [[#ALCOHOL DISTILLATION|ALCOHOL DISTILLATION]].  It is filled with such material as metal filings, plastic, or glass beads.  Packed columns increase [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] yields by providing continuous redistillation of the [[#ALCOHOL VAPOR|ALCOHOL VAPOR]] as it moves up the still column.
:F - colonne garnie
:S - columna compacta
(wind).  [[#VERTICAL-AXIS WIND MACHINE|A VERTICAL-AXIS WIND MACHINE]], generally a [[#DRAG-TYPE WIND MACHINE|DRAG-TYPE WIND MACHINE]], that can react to winds from any direction.
:F - panemone
:S - molino de eje vertical
(sol). The geometrically-curved shape used in the design of [[#SOLAR COOKERS|SOLAR COOKERS]] to focus sunlight on a single point.  A parabola is based on a family of quadratic curves.
:F - parabole
:S - parabola
(sol).  [[#SOLAR COOKER|A SOLAR COOKER]] that uses a [[#PARABOLIC DISH|PARABOLIC DISH]] to focus sunlight.
:F - cuiseur solaire a miroir concave
:S - cocina parabolica concentrante
(sol).  [[#SOLAR ENERGY|A SOLAR ENERGY]] device shaped like a dish or bowl, with the characteristics of a [[#PARABOLA|PARABOLA]].  It focuses sunlight on a point or a very small area.
:F - parabolique solaire
:S - plato parabolico
(sol).  A device with a large, shiny, curved surface that focuses [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] on a specific point, such as a cooking vessel, for heating or boiling.
:F - miroir parabolique
:S - espejo parabolico
=====S LAW=====
(gen).  The law stating that pressure applied to a confined [[#FLUID|FLUID]] at any point is transmitted throughout the fluid in all directions.  The pressure acts upon every part of the confining vessel at right angles to its interior surfaces, acting equally upon equal areas.
:F - loi de Pascal
:S - ley de Pascal
(sol).  An architectural design that makes use of the structural elements of a building to heat or cool spaces in the building.
:F - systeme solaire passif
:S - diseno solar pasivo
(sol).  The [[#SOLAR HEATING|SOLAR HEATING]] of a building by use of architectural design, without the aid of mechanical equipment.
:F - chauffage solaire passif
:S - calefaccion solar pasiva
=====PATENT SAIL=====
(wind) (arc).  [[#SAIL|A SAIL]] fitted with [[#SHUTTERS|SHUTTERS]] that are controlled automatically.
:F - aile a volets
:S - aspa patente
(bio).  (See:  [[#PATHOGENS|PATHOGENS]])
:F - organisme pathogene
:S - organismos patogenicos
(bio).  Harmful micro-organisms, such as [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]] and viruses.    [[Pathogens]] may be found in human, animal, and other wastes, and help spread disease.
:F - microbes pathogenes
:S - patogenos
=====PEAK WATT=====
(sol) (meas) (elec).  Unit used for the performance rating of [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC CONVERTERS|PHOTOVOLTAIC CONVERTERS]].  A system rated at one peak watt will deliver one [[#WATT|WATT]] at the specified working voltage under peak [[#SOLAR IRRADIATION|SOLAR IRRADIATION]].
:F - watt-crete
:S - vatio maximo
(bio) (biocon).  Partially decomposed [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] formed in marshes and swamps.  Dried peat is useful as a fuel.
:F - tourbe
:S - turba
=====PEBBLE BED=====
(sol).  A large bin of uniformly-sized pebbles that is used to store heat in [[#SOLAR HEATING|SOLAR HEATING]] or [[#SOLAR COOLING|SOLAR COOLING]] systems.  A pebble bed is one type of [[#HEAT SINK|HEAT SINK]].
:F - lit de galets
:S - lecho de gravilla
=====PEDAL POWER=====
(gen).  Mechanical or electrical [[#POWER|POWER]] generated by the use of a bicycle-gearing apparatus.  Pedal power may be used for buffing, lathing, grinding grain or meat, operating a potter's wheel, driving a small [[#GENERATOR|GENERATOR]], turning a sharpening stone, operating a corn sheller, and other applications.
:F - energie par pedalier
:S - potencia generada por pedal
:F - appareil a entrainement par pedales
:S - unidad de potencia-pedal
=====PELTON WHEEL=====
(hydr).  An [[#IMPULSE WATER TURBINE|IMPULSE WATER TURBINE]] in which the pressure of the water supply is concentrated through a few stationary nozzles.  The [[#JETS|JETS]] of water strike the [[#BUCKETS|BUCKETS]], which are mounted on the [[#RUNNER|RUNNER]].  Pelton wheels usually are limited to installations with [[#HEADS|HEADS]] that exceed 500 feet, or about 160 meters.  (Syn:  Pelton turbine)
:F - roue Pelton
:S - rueda Pelton
(hydr).  A water conduit from a [[#DAM|DAM]] to a [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]] or [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]].  (See also:  [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]])
:F - conduite forcee
:S - paradera de caz
(chem) (meas).  Potential hydrogen.  The symbol that denotes a measurement of the effective hydrogen ion [[#CONCENTRATION|CONCENTRATION]].  On a scale of 0 to 14, 7 represents neutrality.  Numbers less then 7 indicate increasing [[#ACIDITY|ACIDITY]].  Numbers greater than 7 indicate increasing [[#ALKALINITY|ALKALINITY]] of a solution.
:F - pH
:S - pH
(sol) (meas).  A device that measures the intensity of light.
:F - photometre
:S - fotometro
(sol). A number of [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES|PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES]] that are electrically connected in a series and/or in parallel so as to provide the desired [[#POWER|POWER]] and voltage.  The modules are mounted on a sturdy framework that generally faces the equator.  The array may be tailored to the requirements of a particular application and location.  Such an array is valuable because it can generate electricity from sunlight without the use of moving mechanical parts.
:F - chapelet de photopiles
:S - conjunto fotovoltaico
(sol).  [[#SOLAR ENERGY|A SOLAR ENERGY]] device that changes light into electrical [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]].  The cell is a small square or circular wafer made of treated [[#SILICON|SILICON]] or other semiconductor material.
:F - cellule photovoltaique
:S - celula fotovoltaica
:F - convertisseur photovoltaique
:S - convertidor fotovoltaico
(sol).  The basic building block of a [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY|PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY]], which consists of a number of interconnected [[#SOLAR CELLS|SOLAR CELLS]].
:F - module photovoltaique
:S - modulo fotovoltaico
:F - panneau photovoltaique
:S - panel fotovoltaico
(sol).  A process by which light rays are converted directly into electrical [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]].
:F - conversion photovoltaique
:S - proceso fotovoltaico
(wind) (meas).  The angle between the [[#BLADE|BLADE]] surface and the [[#ANGLE OF ATTACK|ANGLE OF ATTACK]] in a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].
:F - pas
:S - paso
(hydr).  An [[#OVERSHOT WATER WHEEL|OVERSHOT WATER WHEEL]] in which the trough carrying water to the wheel is modified to discharge onto the near side of the wheel, thus reversing the normal direction of rotation.
:F - roue hydraulique a jet inverse
:S - rueda hidraulica de engranaje
=====PIT KILN=====
(heat).  [[#KILN|A KILN]] made from a hole that is dug in the ground.
:F - four en terre
:S - horno de foso
(biocon) (impl).  [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|A BIOGAS DIGESTER]] with no mechanical agitation through which the [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] passes along in more or less discrete "plugs," creating a cycle of "first in-first out."  The [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]] is then theoretically composed only of older slurry.  The plug flow design differs from traditional designs, in which all slurry is purposely mixed together in a single pit or tank.
:F - generateur a effet bouchon
:S - generador de flujo
=====POLL ENDS=====
(arc) (wind).  (See:  [[#CANISTER|CANISTER]])
:F - bouts de mats
:S - puntas
(chem).  (See:  [[#STARCH|STARCH]])
:F - polysaccharide
:S - polisacarido
(constr).  A very lightweight plastic or other synthetic insulating material.
:F - mousse de polyurethanne
:S - espuma de poliuretano
(chem) (sol).  A clear plastic made of [[#CELLULOSE ACETATE|CELLULOSE ACETATE]] and used as [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]] on [[#SOLAR COLLECTORS|SOLAR COLLECTORS]].
:F - acetate de polyvinyle
:S - acetato de polivinilo
(hydr).  An [[#UNDERSHOT WATER WHEEL|UNDERSHOT WATER WHEEL]] made with curved metal [[#BLADES|BLADES]].
:F - roue Poncelet
:S - rueda hidraulica Poncelet
=====POST MILL=====
(wind) (arc).  This  is the earliest type of European [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]]. The body of the windmill is balanced on a large post and trestle.  The entire body revolves to turn the [[#BLADES|BLADES]] into the wind.
:F - moulin pivot
:S - molino de poste
(chem) (meas).  (See:  pH)
:F - potentiel d'hydrogene
:S - potencial de hidrogeno
(meas).  A measurement of gas pressure.  Commonly abbreviated as psi.
:F - livres par pouce carre
:S - libras/[pulgada.sup.2]
(gen).  The rate at which [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] is consumed or produced.
:F - puissance
:S - potencia
(wind) (meas).  The ratio of the [[#POWER|POWER]] extracted by a [[#WIND MACHINE ROTOR|WIND MACHINE ROTOR]] to the power available in a wind stream.
:F - coefficient de puissance
:S - coeficiente de potencia
(wind) (meas).  The amount of [[#POWER|POWER]] per unit of a cross-sectional area of a wind stream.
:F - puissance volumique
:S - densidad de potencia
(alc).  A method for reducing the time and increasing the [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]] of [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]].  The preculture process involves [[#CONCENTRATING|CONCENTRATING]] the [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]]-producing [[#YEAST|YEAST]] before introducing it into the [[#FERMENTATION TANK|FERMENTATION TANK]].
:F - preculture
:S - precultivo
(biocon).  [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] mixed with water for use in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].  (Syn:  [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]])
:F - dechets organiques prepares
:S - desperdicio organico preparado
(wind).  The direction from which the wind blows most often. This is an important consideration in selecting a site for a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].
:F - vent dominant
:S - viento dominante
=====PRODUCER GAS=====
(prod).  A combination of [[#COMBUSTIBLE GASES|COMBUSTIBLE GASES]] created through the combustion of wood or coal in a controlled-air environment.  Producer gas may be used to drive gasoline or diesel engines.
:F - gaz de gazogene
:S - gas pobre
(gen).  A furnace in which [[#COMBUSTIBLE GASES|COMBUSTIBLE GASES]] are produced for use as a fuel.
:F - gazogene
:S - generador de gas pobre
(alc) (meas).  A unit measurement of the strength of [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]].  The proof is twice the percentage of the alcohol in the liquid.  Alcohol that is 90 proof contains 45 percent alcohol.  (See also:  [[#PROOF-GALLON|PROOF-GALLON]])
:F - degre en alcool
:S - graduacion normal
(alc) (meas).  A standard U.S. gallon of a mixture that is 50 percent [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] and 50 percent water (i.e., that is 100 proof).  An alcohol/water mixture that contains a different ratio of each may be translated into proof-gallons by moving the decimal point of the proof two places to the left and multiplying by the total number of gallons of the mixture.
:F - proof-gallon
:S - proof-gallon
:F - psi
:S - lb/[pulg.sup.2]
(meas) (sol).  A device that measures total [[#GLOBAL RADIATION|GLOBAL RADIATION]].
:F - pyranometre
:S - piranometro
(meas) (sol).  An instrument that measures [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] from the sun, or from a small portion of the sky that surrounds the sun.
:F - pyroheliometre
:S - piroheliometro
(chem).  The [[#DECOMPOSITION|DECOMPOSITION]] of a substance subjected to very high heat.
:F - pyrolyse
:S - pirolisis
== Q ==
(meas).  One quadrillion [[#BTU|BTU]]s.  It is expressed as either [10.sup.15] or 1,000,000,000,000,000 BTus.  A quad is used to measure any large unit of energy such as wood, gasoline, coal, etc.  For example, a quad can be used to describe the amount of [[#THERMAL ENERGY|THERMAL ENERGY]] that is potentially available from burning a certain acreage of trees in [[#WOODSTOVES|WOODSTOVES]].
:F - quad
:S - cuad
(wind).  The action of turning a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] broadside to the [[#WIND|WIND]].
:F - larguage
:S - venteo
== R ==
(hydr).  An [[#AQUEDUCT|AQUEDUCT]] or [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]] that carries water to and from the place where it is used to drive a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] device.
:F - chenal
:S - canal de trabajo
=====RADIAL FLOW=====
(hydr).  A type of [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] device in which the water flows out radially from the power shaft.  (See also: [[#FRANCIS TURBINE|FRANCIS TURBINE]])
:F - ecoulement radial
:S - flujo radial
(sol).  [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] in the form of electromagnetic waves that travels outward in all directions from its source.
:F - energie rayonnante
:S - energia radiante
(sol).  [[#SOLAR COLLECTORS|SOLAR COLLECTORS]] with integral passages for the [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of [[#HEAT TRANSFER FLUID|HEAT TRANSFER FLUID]].  Heat from the fluid is conducted into a room or building by [[#THERMAL RADIATION|THERMAL RADIATION]].
:F - panneaux rayonnants
:S - paneles radiantes
(sol).  Electromagnetic waves that directly transport [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] through space.  Sunlight is a form of radiation.
:F - rayonnement
:S - radiacion
(wind) (meas).  The expected [[#POWER|POWER]] output of a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]]. It is equal to either the maximum power of the machine or to an output at some [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]] less than the maximum speed, but at which [[#GOVERNING|GOVERNING]] controls start to reduce the power.
:F - puissance nominale
:S - capacidad de potencia tasada
:F - vitesse nominale du vent
:S - velocidad eolica tasada
(biocon). Whichever stage in the [[#ANAERIOBIC|ANAERIOBIC]] process that is slowest. Since each step in the digestion process requires the preceeding one to be completed before it can begin, the overall gas production rate is limited by the slowest step.
:F - stage limitant la cadence
:S - etapa de velocidad limitadora
=====RAW SLUDGE=====
(biocon).  Fresh, undried, uncomposted [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]] from a [[#DIGESTER|DIGESTER]].  Also residue in the same condition from the bottom of a digester.
:F - boues brutes
:S - cienos sin tratar
(wind).  Standard [[#WIND SPEED DISTRIBUTION|WIND SPEED DISTRIBUTION]] that is useful in wind site analysis.  It is a probability density function that allows one to model the wind speed distribution based on a single input parameter.  (See also:  [[#WEIBULL DISTRIBUTION|WEIBULL DISTRIBUTION]])
:F - distribution de Rayleigh
:S - distribucion de Rayleigh
(hydr).  [[#WATER TURBINE|A WATER TURBINE]] that uses the mass or weight of water hitting the [[#RUNNER|RUNNER]] as opposed to being driven by the velocity of the water.
:F - turbine a reaction
:S - turbina a reaccion
(hydr).  [[#WATER WHEEL|A WATER WHEEL]] that uses the mass or weight of water falling onto it rather than the [[#FLOW|FLOW]].
:F - roue hydraulique a reaction
:S - rueda hidraulica reactiva
(hydr).  A device that converts the potential [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] in a [[#FLUID|FLUID]] to mechanical energy by expanding the [[#FLUID|FLUID]] against a piston.
:F - moteur a pistons
:S - maquina alternativa
(wind).  A type of water pump commonly used with [[#WINDMILLS|WINDMILLS]].  Motion and pressure are applied to the water by a piston moving up and down in a [[#CYLINDER|CYLINDER]].  The piston is powered by the [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].
:F - pompe alternative
:S - bomba aspirante e impelente
(heat).  (See:  [[#USED OIL|USED OIL]])
:F - huile de recuperation
:S - aceite recuperado
(gen).  Heat or other [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] that normally would be lost during a process, but instead is captured and reused.  For example, [[#FLUE|FLUE]] gases may be used for drying purposes.
:F - energie recuperee
:S - energia recobrada
=====RECTIFIER]] [1]=====
(alc) (impl).  A second column on an [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]] that is used to further remove water from the [[#ALCOHOL VAPOR|ALCOHOL VAPOR]], thus increasing the [[#PROOF|PROOF]] of the alcohol.  This increase in [[#CONCENTRATION|CONCENTRATION]] is achieved by the repeated interaction of the rising vapor with the liquid [[#DISTILLATE|DISTILLATE]].  [2] (elec).  A device that converts [[#ALTERNATING CURRENT|ALTERNATING CURRENT]] (ac) into [[#DIRECT CURRENT|DIRECT CURRENT]] (dc).
:F - [1] colonne de rectification; [2] redresseur
:S - [1] rectificadora; [2] rectificador
(alc) (impl).  [See:  [[#RECTIFIER|RECTIFIER]] (alc)]
:F - colonne de rectification
:S - columna de rectificar
:F - sucre reducteur
:S - azucar reductora
(wind).  Rolling and tying down a portion of a [[#WINDMILL SAIL|WINDMILL SAIL]] to reduce the area exposed to the wind.
:F - prendre les ris
:S - recoger las velas
(sol).  The ratio of [[#RADIATION|RADIATION]] reflected from a surface to that incident on the surface.  [See also: [[#REFLECTIVITY|REFLECTIVITY]] (2)].
:F - facteur de reflexion
:S - reflectancia
(sol).  [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] that has been reflected from such surfaces as the ground or buildings, and which ultimately becomes [[#INCIDENT RADIATION|INCIDENT RADIATION]].
:F - rayonnement reflechi
:S - radiacion reflejada
(sol) (meas).  [1] The ability to reflect [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]], which is possessed to some degree by all materials.  It is called the [[#ALBEDO|ALBEDO]] in atmospheric references.  [2] The ratio of [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]] reflected by a body to that falling upon it.
:F - pouvoir reflecteur
:S - reflectividad
(sol) (meas).  [[#PHOTOMETER|A PHOTOMETER]] or other electronic device that measures [[#REFLECTANCE|REFLECTANCE]] or [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]].
:F - reflectometre
:S - reflectometro
(sol).  A device that can be used to reflect and focus [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]].
:F - reflecteur
:S - reflector
(sol).  The material used on the rear part of a [[#SOLAR REFLECTOR|SOLAR REFLECTOR]].  (See also:  [[#MASONITE|MASONITE]])
:F - renfort de reflecteur
:S - revestimiento reflector
:F - cuiseur a reflecteur
:S - hornillo reflector
(sol).  [[#SOLAR COOKER|A SOLAR COOKER]] in which a [[#REFLECTOR|REFLECTOR]] concentrates the sun's rays on a cooking device.
:F - cuiseur solaire a reflecteur
:S - hornillo solar reflector
(alc).  Liquid [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] that is condensed in a [[#DISTILLATION COLUMN|DISTILLATION COLUMN]], and then reintroduced into the column to increase its [[#CONCENTRATION|CONCENTRATION]].
:F - reflux
:S - reflujo
(refrig).  [[#VOLATILE|A VOLATILE]] substance that  can be used as a working [[#FLUID|FLUID]] in a cooling system.
:F - refrigerant
:S - refrigerante
(refrig).  The act or process of making or keeping something cool or cold.  It especially applies to the use of artificial means for cooling.
:F - refrigeration
:S - refrigeracion
(gen).  [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] produced from regenerative or virtually inexhaustible resources such as [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]], [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]], the wind, water, or heat from the Earth's interior.
:F - energie renouvelable
:S - energia renovable
:F - ressources renouvelables
:S - recursos renovables
(constr) (meas).  A rating of a substance's thermal resistance to summer [[#HEAT GAIN|HEAT GAIN]] or winter heat loss.  It is used as a measure of insulation efficiency.  (Syn:  [[#R-VALUE|R-VALUE]]) (See also:  [[#U-VALUE|U-VALUE]])
:F - resistance thermique
:S - valor de resistencia
(alc) (gen).  [1] A vessel in which substances are subjected to heat for the purpose of [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]] or [[#DECOMPOSITION|DECOMPOSITION]].  A retort is distinguished from a [[#STILL|STILL]] in that it is more often used for the treatment of solid or semisolid substances.  [2] A closed container used in [[#CHARCOAL|CHARCOAL]] production in which [[#COMBUSTIBLE GASES|COMBUSTIBLE GASES]] are captured and made into liquids, generally through [[#CONDENSATION|CONDENSATION]].
:F - cornue
:S - retorta
(sol).  The installation of [[#SOLAR HEATING|SOLAR HEATING]] or [[#SOLAR COOLING|SOLAR COOLING]] systems in existing structures.
:F - readaptation
:S - modificacion retroactiva
=====RETURN TIME=====
(wind) (meas).  The length of time during which low winds prevent a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] from reaching its [[#CUT-IN SPEED|CUT-IN SPEED]] or [[#START-UP SPEED|START-UP SPEED]].  The "down time" or time period when the wind is too low to enable a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] to reach its cut-in speed or start-up speed.
:F - temps mort
:S - tiempo de restablecimiento
(meas) (sol) (wind).  The ratio of material forces to [[#VISCOUS|VISCOUS]] forces in any [[#FLUID FLOW|FLUID FLOW]].  The Reynolds' number is determined through the following equation:  ([[#PVD|PVD]])/U where:
::P (rho) = density
::V = velocity
::D = length of flow distance
::U (mu) = viscosity.
:F - nombre de Reynolds
:S - numero de Reynolds
(biocon).  A stove designed to use rice husks as its primary fuel.
:F - poele a paille de riz
:S - estufa de cascaras de arroz
(wind) (impl).  Collectively, all the ropes and cords used to support the mast of the [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]], and to [[#FURL|FURL]] or unfurl the [[#SAILS|SAILS]].
:F - haubanage
:S - cordaje
(hydr).  The right of a landowner to the water on or bordering his or her property, including the right to prevent diversion or misuse of upstream water.
:F - droits de riverainete
:S - derechos riberenos
(alc).  A tube that penetrates a plate in a [[#STILL COLUMN|STILL COLUMN]], allowing [[#ALCOHOL VAPORS|ALCOHOL VAPORS]] to move up the column.  A perforated cap or cup is placed on top of each riser to distribute the vapor into the column section and to prevent water from dripping into the riser.
:F - colonne montante
:S - tubo de subida
(elec) (hydr).  [[#HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR|A HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR]] that gets its power from a river or other [[#FLOWING|FLOWING]] water.
:F - generateur riverain
:S - generador fluvial
(sol).  A heat storage container filled with rocks or pebbles that is used in [[#SOLAR HEATING|SOLAR HEATING]] and [[#SOLAR COOLING|SOLAR COOLING]] systems.
:F - lit de pierres
:S - fondo de roca
(sol).  A passive air-conditioning system that circulates a building's air through a bed of rocks that has cooled during the night or early morning.
:F - refroidissement par lit de pierres, systeme de
:S - sistema de enfriamiento con lecho de roca
=====ROCKER ARM=====
(wind) (impl).  A support mechanism that rotates on a shaft at one end while moving up and down at the other.  It is used to convert the rotating motion of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] to an up-and-down motion, usually for pumping.
:F - culbuteur
:S - balancin
(wind) (arc).  [[#ROTOR BLADE|A ROTOR BLADE]] that is fitted with canvas strips ([[#SAILS|SAILS]]) wound on [[#ROLLERS|ROLLERS]].  The rollers are used for [[#REEFING|REEFING]] the sails.
:F - aile a rouleaux de prise de ris
:S - aspa con rodillos
(wind) (arc).  [[#BEARINGS|BEARINGS]] between the [[#CURB|CURB]] and the [[#CAP|CAP]] of a [[#TOWER MILL|TOWER MILL]] or [[#SMOCK MILL|SMOCK MILL]].  The rollers allow the top of the [[#MILL|MILL]] to turn into the wind.
:F - rouleaux
:S - rodillos
(wind).  The assembly of [[#SAILS|SAILS]] or [[#BLADES|BLADES]] that rotate about an [[#AXIS|AXIS]] created by the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].
:F - rotor
:S - rotor
=====ROTOR SHAFT=====
(wind).  (See:  [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]])
:F - arbre de rotor
:S - eje del rotor
(hydr) (wind).  [1] The [[#BLADES|BLADES]] of a [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]].  [2] The transverse iron rods that hold the [[#SAIL CLOTHS|SAIL CLOTHS]] in a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].
:F - [1] palette; [2] barreau
:S - paleta
(hydr).  The [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]] wheel.
:F - roue de turbine
:S - rueda movil
:F - resistance thermique
:S - valor R
== S ==
(alc).  A conversion process using [[#ACIDS|ACIDS]], [[#BASES|BASES]], or [[#ENZYMES|ENZYMES]] in which [[#CARBOHYDRATES|CARBOHYDRATES]] are broken down into [[#FERMENTABLE SUGARS|FERMENTABLE SUGARS]].  (See also:  [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]])
:F - saccharification
:S - sacarificacion
(wind).  A piece of cloth attached between each of the [[#SPARS|SPARS]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] for the purpose of catching the wind.  Also used to define windmill sails collectively.
:F - aile
:S - vela
=====SAIL BACK=====
(wind) (arc).  A single [[#SPAR|SPAR]] that replaces the [[#STOCK|STOCK]] and [[#WHIP|WHIP]] in [[#WINDMILLS|WINDMILLS]] that are fitted with iron crosses instead of [[#POLL ENDS|POLL ENDS]].
:F - bras d'aile
:S - barra del aspa
(wind).  Very strong cotton or canvas that may be used for [[#SAILS|SAILS]] on [[#WINDMILLS|WINDMILLS]].
:F - toile a voile
:S - lona
(wind).  [[#WINDMILL|A WINDMILL]] that has a small number of cloth [[#SAILS|SAILS]].  Sailwing windmills are usually simple designs, and are most commonly used for water pumping.
:F - moulin a volants
:S - molino de viento con vela de lona
(chem).  A product formed by the neutralization of an [[#ACID|ACID]] by a [[#BASE|BASE]].
:F - sel
:S - sal
(biocon).  [[#BIOGAS|A BIOGAS]] system that combines [[#METHANE|METHANE]] production with facilities to dispose of human excreta.  This also is an effective way to eliminate dangerous [[#PATHOGENS|PATHOGENS]].
:F - systeme sanitaire/digesteur
:S - sistema de saneamiento/digestor
(wind).  [[#WIND MACHINE|A WIND MACHINE]] with a [[#VERTICAL AXIS|VERTICAL AXIS]], often made from split oil drums.  It is a [[#DRAG-TYPE|DRAG-TYPE]] device with relatively low [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]], but with high starting [[#TORQUE|TORQUE]].
:F - rotor de Savonius
:S - rotor Savonius
(biocon).  A stove designed to use sawdust as its primary fuel.
:F - poele a sciure de bois
:S - estufa de aserrin
=====SCOOP WHEEL=====
(wind) (arc).  A vertical, cast-iron wheel with wooden [[#BLADES|BLADES]] or scoops that lift water from one level to another.  Scoop wheels usually are driven by [[#WINDMILLS|WINDMILLS]].
:F - roue a godets
:S - rueda de cangilones
(biocon).  [1] Removing unwanted gases from [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]] or [[#PRODUCER GAS|PRODUCER GAS]].  [2] The process of removing an undesirable, and usually corrosive, component or components from a [[#COMBUSTIBLE GAS|COMBUSTIBLE GAS]] mixture.  This is done by passing the mixture upwards and counter to a stream of liquid that is capable of selectively [[#ADSORBING|ADSORBING]] the undesirable components.  Gases can also be scrubbed by passing them through iron filings.
:F - epuration
:S - proceso de lavado
(biocon).  In [[#BIOGAS DIGESTION|BIOGAS DIGESTION]], a mixture of coarse, fibrous material floating on the surface of the [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]].  The accumulation of scum may inhibit [[#METHANE|METHANE]] production.
:F - ecume
:S - nata espumosa
(biocon) (impl).  A mechanism, usually some type of [[#STIRRING|STIRRING]] device, that is used to break up the layer of [[#SCUM|SCUM]] that rises to the surface in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - dispositif pour le controle de l'ecume
:S - aparato controlador de la nata
(gen).  The law stating that [[#ENERGY FLOWS|ENERGY FLOWS]] from a higher [[#CONCENTRATION|CONCENTRATION]] to a lower concentration.
:F - seconde loi de la thermodynamique
:S - segunda ley termodinamica
(biocon).  (See:  [[#INOCULUM|INOCULUM]])
:F - germe
:S - semilla
(sol).  A specially adapted surface coating for a [[#COLLECTOR|COLLECTOR]] that has high [[#SOLAR RADIATION ABSORPTANCE|SOLAR RADIATION ABSORPTANCE]] and low [[#THERMAL EMITTANCE|THERMAL EMITTANCE]].  It is used on the surface of [[#ABSORBER PLATES|ABSORBER PLATES]] to increase collector [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]].
:F - vitrage selectif
:S - superficie selectiva
(wind).  [[#TOWER|A TOWER]], usually made of steel, which supports a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] without the use of [[#GUY WIRES|GUY WIRES]].
:F - pylone autoporteur
:S - torre autoportante
(heat).  That heat, which, when added or subtracted, results only in a temperature change (as opposed to a chemical or other reaction).
:F - chaleur sensible
:S - calefaccion termosensible
(heat).  A heat storage medium in which the addition or removal of heat results only in a temperature change (as opposed to a chemical or other reaction).  The storage medium often consists of water or gravel.
:F - stockage de chaleur sensible
:S - almacenaje termosensible
(sol) (meas).  A method for determining reductions in solar [[#HEAT GAIN|HEAT GAIN]] caused by certain kinds of [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]].  It is determined by dividing the solar heat gain through a sheet of glazing under specific conditions by the solar gain through a single-color [[#DOUBLE-GLAZING|DOUBLE-GLAZING]] under the same conditions.  The lower the number, the greater the reduction in solar heat gain.
:F - coefficient de vitrage
:S - coeficiente de sombra
(wind).  Variations in horizontal [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]] due to the distance of the wind from the ground.  The higher the wind is above the ground, the  faster it moves because of the reduced friction.
:F - cisaillement
:S - gradiente transversal de la velocidad del viento
=====SHOT CURB=====
(wind) (arc).  (See:  [[#LIVE CURB|LIVE CURB]])
:F - chemin de roulement
:S - reborde movil
(wind) (arc) (hydr).  [1] A structure used to concentrate or deflect a stream of wind.  [2] A deep rim partially enclosing the [[#BUCKETS|BUCKETS]] in [[#OVERSHOT WATER WHEELS|OVERSHOT WATER WHEELS]] or [[#BREAST WHEELS|BREAST WHEELS]].
:F - [1] carenage; [2] bache
:S - refuerzo
(wind) (arc).  [[#WINDMILL|A WINDMILL]] with a funnel-like structure around the outside edge of the [[#SWEPT AREA|SWEPT AREA]] that forces wind from a larger area to pass through the [[#BLADES|BLADES]].
:F - eolienne carenee
:S - molino de viento reforzado
(wind) (arc).  Pivoting slats that are used instead of [[#SAILCLOTH|SAILCLOTH]] in [[#SPRING SAILS|SPRING SAILS]] and [[#PATENT SAILS|PATENT SAILS]].
:F - volets
:S - hojas basculantes
=====SIEVE PLATE=====
(alc).  A component of an [[#ALCOHOL STILL COLUMN|ALCOHOL STILL COLUMN]].  It is one of a series of perforated plates that is used to promote the contact of liquid with vapor in the column.
:F - plateau perfore
:S - placa perforada
(sol).  [[#SOLAR CELL|A SOLAR CELL]] made with the crystalline element [[#SILICON|SILICON]] as part of its conductor.
:F - cellule solaire a la silicone
:S - celula solar de silicio
(biocon).  [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] from trees.
:F - biomasse de sylviculture
:S - biomasa de silvicultura
(sol).  [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|A SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that follows the path of the sun on only one [[#AXIS|AXIS]].
:F - capteur a poursuite du soleil autour d'un seul axe
:S - colector de seguimiento monoaxial
(wind) (arc).  [[#SAIL|A SAIL]] having [[#SHUTTERS|SHUTTERS]] on only one side of the [[#WHIP|WHIP]].
:F - a obturation simple
:S - aspa de monohoja
(gen).  The process of locating the best available site to build or place a Wl[[#ND MACHINE|ND MACHINE]], [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] device, or [[#SOLAR POWER|SOLAR POWER]] device.
:F - choix du site
:S - seleccion del emplazamiento
=====SKY DOME=====
(sol).  The sky above the horizon in all directions, as seen from a particular area.
:F - dome du ciel
:S - domo aereo
(sol).  A roof opening that is covered with [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]] and that allows sunlight to enter a house or room.
:F - lucarne
:S - tragaluz
(wind) (arc).  (See:  [[#AIR BRAKES|AIR BRAKES]])
:F - freins a vent
:S - rascacielos
(hydr) (meas).  [[#CHANNEL FLOW|A CHANNEL FLOW]] calculation equal to the number of feet a surface "drops" or inclines downward per 1,000 feet of horizontal distance; also expressed in meters of drop per kilometer.
:F - pente
:S - pendiente
(biocon).  Solid material that collects at the bottom of a [[#DIGESTER|DIGESTER]].
:F - boues
:S - sedimentos
=====SLUDGE GAS=====
(biocon).  An alternative name used for [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]], particularly when the gas is produced by sewage.
:F - gaz de vidange
:S - gas de lodo
(hydr).  A manmade [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]] or waterway to conduct water to a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] device.  It generally has one or more adjustable gates to regulate the [[#FLOW|FLOW]] of water.
:F - canal a vannes
:S - esclusa
(hydr).  (See:  [[#SLUICE|SLUICE]])
:F - chenal d'ecluse
:S - saetin
(biocon).  The semisolid material in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] consisting of [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]] mixed with water.
:F - boue
:S - fango
=====SMOCK MILL=====
(wind) (arc).  The timber-framed counterpart to the [[#TOWER MILL|TOWER MILL]].  The smock mill frame generally is covered with boarding to protect it from the weather.
:F - moulin a calotte pivotante
:S - molino a la holandesa
(heat).  The section in a fireplace [[#FLUE|FLUE]] that is directly above the [[#DAMPER|DAMPER]].
:F - conduite de fumee
:S - camara de humo
(biocon).  [[#BASE|A BASE]] used to control pH ([[#POTENTIAL HYDROGEN|POTENTIAL HYDROGEN]]).  It is useful in maintaining the pH balance in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]], and to a somewhat lesser degree in [[#ALCOHOL STILLS|ALCOHOL STILLS]].
:F - carbonate de sodium
:S - carbonato de sodio
(sol).  A sheet of material, usually copper, aluminum, or steel that forms the surface of a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]].  It collects and retains [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]], which is passed to a [[#HEAT TRANSFER MEDIUM|HEAT TRANSFER MEDIUM]].
:F - absorbeur solaire
:S - absorbente solar
(sol).  The absorption of [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] by a material.
:F - absorption solaire
:S - absorcion solar
(sol).  The sun's angle above the horizon, as measured in a vertical plane.
:F- hauteur du soleil
:S- altura solar
:F - architecture solaire
:S - arquitectura solar
=====SOLAR ARRAY=====
:F - panneau solaire
:S - conjunto solar
(sol).  The horizontal angle between the sun and due south in the northern hemisphere, or between the sun and due north in the southern hemisphere.  (Syn: bearing angle)
:F - azimut du soleil
:S - azimut solar
(sol).  [[#BATTERY|A BATTERY]] that is charged through [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS|PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS]].
:F - pile solaire
:S - bateria solar
:F - chambre de sechage solaire
:S - secador solar de gabinete
=====SOLAR CELL=====
:F - cellule solaire
:S - celula solar
(sol).  [[#FLAT BLACK PAINT|FLAT BLACK PAINT]] or some other [[#ABSORPTIVE|ABSORPTIVE]] substance that is applied to the [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]] of a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] to help it absorb, rather than reflect, sunlight.
:F - couche antireflet
:S - revestimiento solar
(sol).  A device that gathers and accumulates [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] to produce heat.  Nearly all solar collectors have a layer of [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]] on top to trap heat that has passed into the collector.  Beneath the glazing is a solar [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]], which transfers heat to a [[#HEAT TRANSFER MEDIUM|HEAT TRANSFER MEDIUM]].  The medium may be air, water, an antifreeze solution, or other substance(s).
:F - capteur solaire
:S - colector de radiacion solar
(sol).  Inlets and outlets leading to and from [[#SOLAR COLLECTORS|SOLAR COLLECTORS]] and connecting the collectors with related apparatus.  In the case of water tanks that run water through collectors, there will be an outlet near the bottom of the tank and an inlet near the top of the tank.  Likewise, there will be an inlet near the bottom of the collector and an outlet near the top of the collector.
:F - raccordements pour capteurs
:S - conexiones del colector solar
(sol) (meas).  The total [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] that is incident on a [[#COLLECTOR|COLLECTOR]] during a specific time period.
:F - rendement radiatif
:S - rendimiento del colector solar
(sol).  The part of a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that focuses sunlight onto an [[#ABSORBER|ABSORBER]] surface.
:F - concentrateur solaire
:S - concentrador solar
=====SOLAR COOKER=====
(sol).  A general term for the many types of [[#SOLAR-POWERED|SOLAR-POWERED]] cooking devices.
:F - cuiseur solaire
:S - cocina por calor solar
(sol).  [[#SOLAR SYSTEM|A SOLAR SYSTEM]] used to lower the temperature in a room or a device.
:F - refroidissement solaire
:S - enfriamiento solar
(sol).  An apparatus that uses [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] to dry rice, grain, fruit, vegetables, or other foods.
:F - sechoir solaire pour recoltes
:S - secador solar para alimentos
(sol).  An apparatus that uses [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] to dry rice, grain, fruit, vegetables, or other foods.
:F - sechoir solaire pour recoltes
:S - secador solar para alimentos
(sol).  The angle of the sun north or south of the equatorial plane.  It is plus if north of the plane, and minus if south of the plane.
:F - declinaison solaire
:S - declinacion solar
=====SOLAR DISH=====
:F - miroir solaire
:S - reflector parabolico
(sol).  The product resulting from [[#SOLAR DISTILLATION|SOLAR DISTILLATION]].
:F - distillat solaire
:S - destilado solar
(sol).  A process in which [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] is trapped and used to evaporate impure or salty water.  The water vapor [[#CONDENSES|CONDENSES]] as distilled water that can be used for drinking or for other uses.
:F - distillation solaire
:S - destilacion solar
=====SOLAR DRYER=====
(sol).  Any device that uses [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] to remove moisture from a substance.  (See also:  [[#SOLAR CROP DRYER|SOLAR CROP DRYER]])
:F - sechoir solaire
:S - secador solar
=====SOLAR DRYING=====
(sol).  (See:  [[#SOLAR DRYER|SOLAR DRYER]])
:F - sechage par energie solaire
:S - secado por energia solar
:F - electricite solaire
:S - electricidad solar
=====SOLAR ENERGY=====
(sol).  The electromagnetic [[#RADIATION|RADIATION]] generated by the sun.  Solar energy may be converted to useful forms of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] through the [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC PROCESS|PHOTOVOLTAIC PROCESS]], [[#THERMAL CONVERSION|THERMAL CONVERSION]], or through high temperature concentrators and [[#COLLECTORS|COLLECTORS]].  Solar energy initially is usually captured in the form of heat, and is therefore best used for a variety of heating purposes.  This may be done through the use of [[#SOLAR COLLECTORS|SOLAR COLLECTORS]] and [[#SOLAR COOKERS|SOLAR COOKERS]].  [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] may also be converted directly into electrical energy through the use of [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS|PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS]].
:F - energie solaire
:S - energia solar
:F - bulbe solaire
:S - foco solar
(sol).  [[#SOLAR CONCENTRATOR|A SOLAR CONCENTRATOR]] used to produce very  high  temperatures.  Also  a solar device used to obtain high temperatures by focusing the sun's rays onto a small receiver.
:F - four solaire
:S - horno solar
=====SOLAR GAIN=====
(sol).  The part of a building's heat supply, or an additional load for cooling, that  is provided by [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] that strikes the building or passes into it through windows. 
:F - apport solaire
:S - ganancia por la energia solar
:F - sechoir solaire pour cereales
:S - secador solar de granos
(sol).  Specific greenhouse designs that take into account basic principles of [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]].  Increasingly, solar greenhouses are being attached to dwellings.  Excess heat from the greenhouse passes into the dwelling through air [[#CONVECTION|CONVECTION]] and [[#THERMAL CONDUCTANCE|THERMAL CONDUCTANCE]] from a mutual wall.
:F - serre solaire
:S - invernadero solar
(sol).  The use of a [[#SOLAR SYSTEM|SOLAR SYSTEM]] to raise the temperature in a room or a device.
:F - chauffage solaire
:S - calefaccion solar
(sol).  The total amount of [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] striking a given area.
:F - irradiation solaire
:S - irradiancia solar
=====SOLAR OVEN=====
(sol).  An oven that relies on [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] as its source of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]].
:F - four solaire
:S - horno solar
=====SOLAR POND=====
(sol).  A shallow body of salt water with a black or dark bottom.  When incident [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] penetrates the water, some of it is absorbed by the water.  However, a large proportion of the radiation reaches the bottom of the pond.  There it is absorbed, heating the bottom surface.  The bottom surface in turn heats the water next to it, which then can be used as an [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] source through the use of [[#HEAT EXCHANGERS|HEAT EXCHANGERS]].  The pond's salinity should increase with its depth.
:F - bassin solaire
:S - charca solar
(sol).  The location of the sun in the sky during the [[#EQUINOXES|EQUINOXES]], based on the latitude of the observer.  Solar position is determined by the value of the [[#SOLAR ALTITUDE|SOLAR ALTITUDE]] and the [[#SOLAR AZIMUTH|SOLAR AZIMUTH]].
:F - position du soleil
:S - posicion solar
=====SOLAR POWER=====
(sol).  The rate at which [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] falls on an area.  The area is usually given in terms of the whole Earth.
:F - puissance solaire
:S - potencia solar
=====SOLAR PUMP=====
(sol).  A pump that operates on [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]], either by a [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC|PHOTOVOLTAIC]] process or by a thermal system in which a [[#FLUID|FLUID]] heated by the sun drives a [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]] or piston that powers the pump.
:F - pompe solaire
:S - bomba solar
(sol).  [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]] received from the sun, from both direct exposure and diffuse or reflected sunlight.
:F - rayonnement solaire
:S - radiacion solar
(sol).  A device that reflects [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]].
:F - reflecteur solaire
:S - reflector solar
(sol).  A process in which [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] is used to provide [[#HEAT ENERGY|HEAT ENERGY]] to activate a cooling process.
:F - refrigeration solaire
:S - refrigeracion solar
=====SOLAR SALT=====
(sol).  [[#SALT|SALT]] obtained by [[#SOLAR DISTILLATION|SOLAR DISTILLATION]] of salt water.
:F - sel solaire
:S - sal solar
=====SOLAR SHOWER=====
(sol).  A shower bath that uses a [[#SOLAR WATER HEATER|SOLAR WATER HEATER]] to provide hot water.
:F - douche solaire
:S - ducha solar
(sol) (meas).  A circular transparency, similar to a map, that is used to determine solar positions and calculate shading.
:F - dispositif de selection de l'emplacement solaire
:S - selector del emplazamiento solar
(sol).  [[#SOLAR HEATING|A SOLAR HEATING]] system that heats [[#FLUID|FLUID]] on a black metal surface that is under [[#GLAZING|GLAZING]].  The heated fluid may be circulated during the day and stored at night.
:F - appareil de chauffage solaire individuel
:S - calentador espacial solar
(sol).  The total distribution of electromagnetic [[#RADIATION|RADIATION]] emitted from the sun.  It is usually listed minus those wavelengths that are absorbed by the atmosphere.  On Earth, this amounts to about 420 trillion [[#KILOWATT HOURS|KILOWATT HOURS]] of [[#SOLAR POWER|SOLAR POWER]] annually.
:F - spectre solaire
:S - espectro solar
:F - autoclave solaire
:S - horno de vapor solar
=====SOLAR STILL=====
:F - alambic solaire
:S - alambique solar
=====SOLAR SYSTEM=====
(sol).  Any heating, cooling, or [[#POWER|POWER]] system that uses [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] generated by the sun.
:F - systeme solaire
:S - sistema solar
(sol).  A water heater that depends on [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]] from the sun as its source of power.
:F - chauffage-eau solaire
:S - calentador de agua solar
(wind) (meas).  The ratio of the [[#BLADE|BLADE]] surface area to the [[#SWEPT AREA|SWEPT AREA]] of a [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]].
:F - coefficient de solidite
:S - solidez
(biocon) (meas).  (See:  [[#DETENTION TIME|DETENTION TIME]])
:F - temps de retention des solides
:S - periodo de retencion de los solidos
=====SOLID WASTE=====
(biocon).  Waste material in a solid state, such as is found in households, commercial activities, municipal plants, etc.  Many solid wastes are useful in [[#BIOCONVERSION|BIOCONVERSION]] processes.
:F - dechets solides
:S - desperdicios solidos
(biocon).  The first of three stages in the [[#ANAEROBIC DIGESTION|ANAEROBIC DIGESTION]] of [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]], in which the complex proteins, [[#CARBOHYDRATES|CARBOHYDRATES]], [[#CELLULOSE|CELLULOSE]], fats, and oils are dissolved by [[#ENZYMES|ENZYMES]].  This [[#HYDROLYSIS|HYDROLYSIS]] transforms the complex compounds into simple amino [[#ACIDS|ACIDS]], simple sugars, fatty acids, and glycerol.  The simple compounds are rendered into a form that is dissolved easily and can pass through the cell walls of the acid-forming [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]] to be [[#FERMENTED|FERMENTED]].
:F - solubilisation
:S - solubilizacion
(impl).  Screening, steel wool, or other porous substance(s) that is placed in the distribution pipes from a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] or [[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]].  They prevent a spark or flame from passing back up the pipe and causing an explosion.
:F - pare-etincelle
:S - parachispas
(wind).  The frames extending from the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]] of a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]] to support the [[#SAILS|SAILS]].
:F - bras [1]
:S - [1] largueros; [2] varillaje
(gen).  The ratio of the weight of a given volume of a substance to an equal volume of air or water at a given temperature and pressure.  The specific gravity, which may be measured by a [[#HYDROMETER|HYDROMETER]], indicates the [[#CONCENTRATION|CONCENTRATION]] of a substance in a solution.  (See also:  [[#PROOF|PROOF]]).
:F - densite
:S - gravedad especifica
(hydr) (meas).  The speed at which a given type of [[#RUNNER|RUNNER]] in a [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]] would operate if it were reduced proportionately in size to produce one [[#HORSE-POWER|HORSE-POWER]] under a one-foot (30.48 centimeter) [[#HEAD|HEAD]].  This speed or velocity is expressed in revolutions per minute.  It is used to determine the proper type of turbine to install at a [[#HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT|HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT]] under given conditions.
:F - vitesse specifique
:S - velocidad especifica
=====SPENT MASH=====
(alc).  The semisolid [[#MASH|MASH]], without the [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]], following [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]] and [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]].
:F - residu de distillation
:S - vinazas
=====SPENT SLURRY=====
(biocon).  (See:  [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]])
:F - boue epuisee
:S - fango usado
(hydr).  A passage over or around a [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]] or [[#DAM|DAM]] through which excess water may escape.
:F - deversoir
:S - vertedero
(hydr).  (See:  [[#SPILLWAY|SPILLWAY]])
:F - chenal du deversoir
:S - paramento del vertedero
(hydr).  (See:  [[#SPILLWAY|SPILLWAY]])
:F - canal du deversoir
:S - canal vertedor
=====SPRING SAIL=====
(wind) (arc).  [[#WINDMILL BLADE|A WINDMILL BLADE]] fitted with [[#SHUTTERS|SHUTTERS]] that are controlled by springs.
:F - aile a ressorts
:S - aspa de resorte
=====SQUARE WAVE=====
(wind).  A type of [[#ALTERNATING CURRENT|ALTERNATING CURRENT]] (ac), produced by low-cost, solid-state [[#INVERTERS|INVERTERS]], which may be used for most, but not all, ac appliances.
:F - onde rectangulaire
:S - onda cuadrada
:F - rotor de Savonius
:S - rotor S
(constr).  [[#CHIMNEY|A CHIMNEY]] or other passageway designed to vent smoke from a stove, oven, furnace, etc.
:F - corps de cheminee
:S - canon
=====STACK EFFECT=====
(heat).  The impulse of a heated gas to rise through a vertical passage, such as a [[#CHIMNEY|CHIMNEY]].
:F - effet de cheminee
:S - efecto de humero
=====STACK GAS=====
(heat).  Gases resulting from combustion, which pass up a [[#CHIMNEY|CHIMNEY]].
:F - gaz de cheminee
:S - gases de la chimenea
(sol).  The condition that may be reached in a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] when the sun is shining on the device and no [[#FLUID|FLUID]] is flowing through it.  The resulting high temperatures may damage the [[#COLLECTOR|COLLECTOR]].
:F - stagnation
:S - estancacion
(alc) (chem).  A white, tasteless, solid [[#CARBOHYDRATE|CARBOHYDRATE]] ([C.sub.6][H.sub.10][O.sub.5]).  Starch is a major component of many agricultural crops, such as potatoes, grains, etc., that are used to produce [[#GLUCOSE|GLUCOSE]].
:F - amidon
:S - almidon
(biocon).  The process of adding [[#INOCULUM|INOCULUM]] to a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] so that the digester will begin to function.
:F - mise en marche
:S - puesta en marcha
=====START-UP SPEED=====
(wind) (meas).  The [[#WIND VELOCITY|WIND VELOCITY]] at which a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]] begins to rotate.
:F - vitesse de mise en marche
:S - velocidad de puesta en marcha
=====STATIC HEAD=====
(hydr).  The vertical height from the surface of a body of water to the water outlet of the [[#DISCHARGE PIPE|DISCHARGE PIPE]] of a [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]].
:F - hauteur d'elevation
:S - altura de elevacion
(gen).  (See:  [[#PEDAL POWER|PEDAL POWER]])
:F - appareil stationnaire d'entrainement par pedales
:S - unidad de rendimiento del pedal inmovil
=====STEAM ENGINE=====
(geo) (auto).  An engine in which the mechanical force of steam is used as a motive [[#POWER|POWER]] to drive machinery, etc.
:F - moteur A vapeur
:S - motor de vapor de agua
=====STEAM GAS=====
(geo).  Superheated steam that is used as an [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] source.  Steam gas is usually obtained from [[#GEOTHERMAL|GEOTHERMAL]] sources.
:F - vapeur surchauffee
:S - gas de agua
(gen) (geo).  [[#TURBINE|A TURBINE]] that is driven by expanding steam or gas rather then by the velocity or weight of water.
:F - turbine a vapeur
:S - turbina de vapor
(gen) (alc).  [1] An apparatus for [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]] that consists primarily of a closed vessel in which the solution to be distilled is heated.  It also includes mechanisms to condense the vapor that is produced.  [2] An [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] distillation unit that consists of a container to heat [[#MASH|MASH]], a [[#DISTILLATION COLUMN|DISTILLATION COLUMN]] to separate the water from the alcohol, and a [[#CONDENSER|CONDENSER]] to convert [[#ALCOHOL VAPORS|ALCOHOL VAPORS]] into liquid.
:F - alambic
:S - alambique
(alc).  A mixture of non-[[#FERMENTABLE SOLID WASTES|FERMENTABLE SOLID WASTES]] and water that remains in a [[#STILL|STILL]] after the [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] is removed by [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]].  Stillage may be used as an animal feed.
:F - residus de distillation non-fermentable
:S - residuos
=====STILL CAP=====
(alc).  (See:  [[#BUBBLE CAP|BUBBLE CAP]])
:F - calotte de barbotage
:S - casquete de alambique
=====STILL COLUMN=====
(alc) (impl).  A component of an [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]] that is used to separate [[#ALCOHOL|ALCOHOL]] from the [[#MASH|MASH]] and water.  The still column consists of [[#SIEVE PLATES|SIEVE PLATES]], [[#BUBBLE CAPS|BUBBLE CAPS]], and a [[#DOWNCOMER|DOWNCOMER]].
:F - colonne de distillation
:S - columna de alambique
(auto).  An external combustion engine in which air is alternately heated and cooled to drive a piston up and down.  Hydrogen is used instead of air in some newer models.  The Stirling engine may in some cases be nonpolluting and more efficient than the internal combustion engine.
:F - moteur de Stirling
:S - motor Stirling
(biocon).  Agitating or mixing the [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].  Stirring helps prevent [[#SCUM|SCUM]] buildup and promotes [[#METHANE|METHANE]] production.
:F - vaguage
:S - agitacion
(wind) (arc).  [1] A bar that is used to support a [[#WINDMILL SAIL|WINDMILL SAIL]].  [2] A tapered [[#SPAR|SPAR]] that passes through the [[#POLL END|POLL END]] of a windmill, supporting a pair of sails.  (Syn:  sailstock)
:F - fut
:S - barra
:F - stockage
:S - almacenado
(gen).  The total amount of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] that a system is capable of holding for use at a later time.  (See also:  [[#ENERGY STORAGE|ENERGY STORAGE]])
:F - capacite de stockage
:S - capacidad de almacenado
(sol).  In [[#SOLAR HEATING|SOLAR HEATING]], temperature variations that occur in a substance or an area.  The highest temperatures are found higher up and cooler temperatures are found lower down.
:F - stratification
:S - estratificacion
(wind) (arc).  The mechanism used with [[#PATENT SAILS|PATENT SAILS]] to apply pressure to [[#SHUTTERS|SHUTTERS]].  It consists of a striking rod that passes through the length of the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]].  The rod is operated by an endless chain upon which weights are hung.  The number of weights is determined by the force of the wind.
:F - embrayage
:S - engranaje de contacto
(alc).  The section of the [[#STILL COLUMN|STILL COLUMN]] in which the [[#ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION|ALCOHOL CONCENTRATION]] in the [[#DISTILLATE|DISTILLATE]] is increased and the starting solution is decreased.  (Syn: beer column)
:F - colonne a desessencier
:S - columna de destilacion
(hydr).  An underwater obstruction that diverts water into a [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]].
:F - barrage immerge
:S - vertedero sumergido
(bio) (biocon).  [1] The particular [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] component that is used by bacteria to promote their growth and metabolism.  The component often is one particular compound.  [2] [[#ORGANIC MATTER|ORGANIC MATTER]] that is used to generate [[#METHANE|METHANE]] in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].  (See:  [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]])
:F - substrat
:S - subestrato
(alc) (chem).  [[#FERMENTABLE SUGAR|A FERMENTABLE SUGAR]] ([C.sub.12][H.sub.22][O.sub.11]) that is commonly found in nature.
:F - sucrose
:S - sucrosa
(wind) (meas).  A device that measures [[#WIND VELOCITY|WIND VELOCITY]] according to the degree of exhaust caused when the wind is blown through or across a tube.
:F - anemometre a aspiration
:S - anemometro de succion
(alc) (chem).  A strong [[#ACID|ACID]] that is used to increase the acidity, and thus lower the pH ([[#POTENTIAL HYDROGEN|POTENTIAL HYDROGEN]]), in an [[#ALCOHOL STILL|ALCOHOL STILL]].
:F - acide sulfurique
:S - acido sulfurico
(sol) (meas).  A set of transparent curves and overlays that tells where the sun is in the sky and that gives other [[#SOLAR ALTITUDES|SOLAR ALTITUDES]].  (See:  [[#SOLAR SITE SELECTOR|SOLAR SITE SELECTOR]])
:F - calculateur d'angle solaire
:S - calculador del angulo solar
=====SUN BASKET=====
(sol).  [[#SOLAR COOKER|A SOLAR COOKER]] in the shape of a deep [[#PARABOLA|PARABOLA]].  This cooker may be a woven basket lined with a reflective material.
:F - panier solaire
:S - cesto solar
=====SUN EFFECT=====
(sol) (meas).  The amount of heat from the sun that tends to heat an enclosed space.
:F - effet solaire
:S - efecto solar
(sol).  A heating system that involves a significant daytime [[#SOLAR GAIN|SOLAR GAIN]] and an effective distribution system, but which generally lacks a [[#STORAGE|STORAGE]] function.
:F - dispositif de repartition de l'energie solaire
:S - atemperacion solar
(sol) (impl).  A device attached to a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that automatically turns the face of the collector towards the sun.
:F - dispositif de poursuite du soleil
:S - dispositivo de seguimiento solar
(biocon).  The liquid portion of the [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] that floats above the [[#SLUDGE|SLUDGE]] in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - fraction surnageante
:S - sobrenatatil
=====SWASH PLATE=====
(wind).  A disk set obliquely on a rotating [[#AXIS|AXIS]].  It acts as a [[#CAM|CAM]] to convert rotational movement into up-and-down movement.
:F - plateau oscillant
:S - plato oscilante
(wind) (arc).  (See:  [[#SAIL|SAIL]])
:F - balayage
:S - barrer
=====SWEPT AREA=====
(wind) (meas).  The area in a plane that is perpendicular to the wind through which a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]]'s [[#BLADES|BLADES]] pass.  The area is defined by the circumference of the circle formed by the rotating blades, and is one factor in determining the amount of [[#WIND POWER|WIND POWER]] available from the wind.
:F - zone balayee
:S - area barrida
=====SWING POT=====
(wind) (arc).  A pivoting bearing that is sometimes used to support the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].
:F - palier pivotant
:S - cojinete pivotante
=====SWORD POINT=====
(wind) (arc).  The amount that a [[#SAILCLOTH|SAILCLOTH]] is rolled up or [[#REEFED|REEFED]] to reduce its exposure to the wind.  This term refers to the pointed end on a reefed [[#SAIL|SAIL]].  (See also:  [[#REEFING|REEFING]])
:F - prise de ris
:S - punto de recogida
(elec) (wind).  An electronic device that can be used with a [[#WIND GENERATOR|WIND GENERATOR]], to convert [[#DIRECT CURRENT|DIRECT CURRENT]] (dc) to [[#ALTERNATING CURRENT|ALTERNATING CURRENT]] (ac), but which must be powered by another ac source.
:F - inverseur synchrone
:S - convertidor sincronico
== T ==
(sol).  A black nickel [[#SELECTIVE SURFACE|SELECTIVE SURFACE]] coating that typically absorbs 90 percent of the incoming [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]] but which radiates only about 10 percent as much radiation as would be emitted by a coat of [[#FLAT BLACK PAINT|FLAT BLACK PAINT]].
:F - surface de tabor
:S - superficie tabor
(wind).  A flat piece of sheet metal that is attached to the extension of the [[#WINDSHAFT|WINDSHAFT]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]].  The plane of the tail is normally perpendicular to the wind so the tail may intercept changes in wind direction and turn the [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] around to face the wind.  (Syn:  vane)
:F - empennage
:S - punta del aspa
=====TAIL POLE=====
(wind) (arc).  The projecting [[#SPAR|SPAR]] used to turn a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] that is not equipped with automatic [[#WINDING|WINDING]] gear.
:F - barre de queue
:S - saliente del aspa
(hydr).  The discharging [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]] of a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] system.  It is that section of a [[#RACE|RACE]] that is downstream of a hydropower device.
:F - bief d'aval
:S - canal de descarga
(hydr).  Water passing back into a discharging [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]] after being applied to a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] device.
:F - eau d'aval
:S - agua de descarga
(hydr) (meas).  The depth of the [[#TAILWATER|TAILWATER]] as measured at a reference point on its surface.
:F - niveau de l'eau d'aval
:S - nivel de la descarga
(wind).  The condition when a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] is caught by a sudden change in wind direction, which exerts pressure on the wrong side of the [[#SAIL|SAIL]] assembly.
:F - a vent arriere
:S - con viento de cola
(gen).  Having to do with the use or production of heat.  Also any reaction caused by heat.
:F - thermique
:S - termico
(heat) (meas).  The total amount of [[#BTU|BTU]]s that a square foot (929 square centimenters) of a surface will admit in one hour.
:F - admittance thermique
:S - admision termica
(sol).  (See:  [[#COLLECTOR|COLLECTOR]])
:F - capteur thermique
:S - colector termico
(heat) (meas).  The amount of heat that will pass through a given amount of material in a given amount of time, and with a unit temperature difference maintained between the surfaces of the material under uniform and steady conditions.
:F - conductance thermique
:S - termoconductancia
(heat).  Heat transfer by direct contact from one substance to another of a lower temperature.
:F - transmission de chaleur
:S - termotransmision
(heat) (meas).  The ability of a material to conduct heat.  It is commonly measured in units of [[#THERMAL CONDUCTANCE|THERMAL CONDUCTANCE]].
:F - conductivite thermique
:S - termoconductibilidad
(heat) (meas).  A percentage that indicates the available heat that is converted to useful purposes.  Thermal efficiency is used to evaluate wood-conserving stoves and numerous other devices.
:F - rendement thermique
:S - termorendimiento
(heat).  [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] from heat.
:F - energie thermique
:S - termoenergia
=====THERMAL LAG=====
(meas).  The time required for the temperature of an area to reach that of an adjacent area, either by heating or cooling.  For example, the time required for indoor air temperature to reach the cooler outside air temperature when there is no additional heat added to the house; or the time required for the inside surface of a [[#TROMBE WALL|TROMBE WALL]] to reach the temperature of the outside surface, which is exposed to the sun.
:F - retard thermique
:S - retardo termico
=====THERMAL MASS=====
(gen).  Material or mass of sufficient size and density to store heat.  Thermal mass walls are often used in buildings that use [[#PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING|PASSIVE SOLAR HEATING]] techniques and [[#NIGHT SKY RADIATION|NIGHT SKY RADIATION]].  (See also:  [[#TROMBE WALL|TROMBE WALL]])
:F - masse thermique
:S - masa termica
(gen).  Any type of [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] generated or developed through the use of [[#HEAT ENERGY|HEAT ENERGY]].
:F - puissance thermique
:S - termopotencia
(wind).  Winds that are caused by the heating of the ground by [[#SOLAR RADIATION|SOLAR RADIATION]].
:F - vents thermiques
:S - vientos termicos
(meas) (impl).  A device used to measure temperature.  It is based on the principle that an electrical current is produced when two dissimilar wires are joined together and the junction is heated.  Thermocouples are often used to measure temperatures at different levels in [[#BIOGAS DIGESTERS|BIOGAS DIGESTERS]], [[#WOOD STOVES|WOOD STOVES]], [[#KILNS|KILNS]], or other devices where use of a conventional thermometer would be difficult.
:F - thermocouple
:S - termopar
(biocon).  [[#BACTERIA|BACTERIA]] that grow best in a temperature range between 122-131 [degrees] F (50-55 [degrees] C).
:F - bacteries thermophiles
:S - bacteria termofilica
(sol).  [[#CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM|A CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM]] in which water automatically circulates between a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] and a water storage tank above it.  A solar collector based on the [[#THERMOSYPHON PRINCIPLE|THERMOSYPHON PRINCIPLE]] uses the natural difference in density between the warmer and cooler portions of a liquid.
:F - thermosiphon
:S - termosifon
:F - circulation de thermosiphon
:S - circulacion por termosifon
:F - effet thermosiphon
:S - efecto de termosifon
(gen) (sol).  The tendency of heated liquids to rise.  In a [[#SOLAR WATER HEATER|SOLAR WATER HEATER]], this principle is used to lift water from a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] to a storage tank above it without the use of a pump.
:F - principe du thermosiphon
:S - principio de termosifon
(biocon).  The water soluble fraction of [[#FERMENTED MASH|FERMENTED MASH]] plus the mash water.
:F - residu dilue de distillation
:S - residuos liquidos
=====TIDAL ENERGY=====
(ocean).  The [[#KINETIC ENERGY|KINETIC ENERGY]] existing in the tides by virtue of the moving mass of water.
:F - energie des marees
:S - energia mareal
=====TIDAL POWER=====
(ocean).  Mechanical [[#POWER|POWER]] generated by the rise and fall of ocean tides, which may be converted into electricity.
:F - puissance maremotrice
:S - fuerza mareal
=====TILT ANGLE=====
(sol).  The angle at which a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] is tilted upward from the horizon for maximum solar exposure and maximum heat collection.
:F - angle d'inclination
:S - angulo de inclinacion
=====TIME LAG=====
(sol) (meas).  (See:  [[#THERMAL LAG|THERMAL LAG]])
:F - retard
:S - tiempo de retardo
=====TIP SPEED=====
(wind) (meas).  The speed of the outer end or tip of a [[#BLADE|BLADE]] of a [[#WINDMILL ROTOR|WINDMILL ROTOR]].  This speed may be faster than the rotation rate of the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]], and may be faster or slower than the actual [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]].
:F - vitesse peripherique
:S - velocidad de giro de las aspas
(wind) (meas).  The quotient of the [[#TIP SPEED|TIP SPEED]] and the actual [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]].
:F - quotient de vitesse peripherique
:S - relacion de las velocidades de giro
(gen).  Any force that acts to produce rotation.  The measured ability of a rotating part, such as a gear or shaft.
:F - couple
:S - par
(gen).  A house that is heated, cooled, and  receives its cooking and lighting [[#POWER|POWER]], completely from [[#ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES|ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES]].
:F - maison a energie integrale
:S - casa energetica total
=====TOTAL SOLIDS=====
(biocon) (meas).  The proportion in weight of solids in a sample of [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] or other [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]] (e.g.  [[#MASH|MASH]]).
:F - fraction solide
:S - solidos totales
(wind).  The main supporting structure of a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]].  Towers are usually made of wood or steel, and are suitably braced to withstand the stress to which they are subjected.
:F - pylone
:S - torre
=====TOWER MILL=====
(wind) (arc).  [[#WINDMILL|A WINDMILL]] made of masonry or brickwork, and usually fitted with a [[#REVOLVING CAP|REVOLVING CAP]].
:F - eolienne sur pylone
:S - molino de torre
(bio) (biocon).  A material that inhibits the growth and metabolism of or kills micro-organisms, often by interfering with the normal chemical or biochemical processes.  A toxin may cause a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]] to stop producing gas.
:F - toxine
:S - toxina
(sol).  [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY|A PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAY]] that follows the path of the sun across the sky.
:F - dispositif photovoltaique a poursuite solaire
:S - conjunto fotovoltaico de seguimiento
(sol).  Referring to adjustments that cause a [[#SOLAR COOKER|SOLAR COOKER]] or a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] to "track" or follow the sun's path across the sky.  Tracking is done either automatically or manually.
:F - poursuite du soleil
:S - seguimiento
:F - controle de la poursuite
:S - control del seguimiento
(wind).  The edge of a [[#WINDMILL BLADE|WINDMILL BLADE]] that lies on the side opposite the direction of rotation.
:F - arete arriere
:S - borde posterior
(gen).  A device that converts [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] from one form into another (e.g., [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL|PHOTOVOLTAIC CELL]]).
:F - transducteur
:S - transductor
(sol).  A substance that carries heat From a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] to a storage area or from a storage area to be warmed in a collector.  Transfer mediums are usually either air, water, or antifreeze solutions.
:F - agent de transfert
:S - medio de transferencia
(sol) (meas).  The ratio of the [[#RADIANT ENERGY|RADIANT ENERGY]] transmitted through a substance to the total radiant energy falling on its surface.  Transmittance is always affected by the thickness and composition of the substance, as well as by the [[#INCIDENT ANGLE|INCIDENT ANGLE]].
:F - facteur de transmission
:S - transmision
=====TRASH RACK=====
(hydr).  A protective "screen" made of vertical bars that catches leaves, grass, and debris, keeping clear the intake of a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] device.
:F - grille pare-bois
:S - parrilla colectora
:F - mecanisme a pedale
:S - mecanismo de pedal
(gen).  A use of foot [[#POWER|POWER]] in which an up-and-down motion of the foot on a pedal produces a rotating motion on a machine.
:F - puissance de pedale
:S - energia producida por pedal
(biocon).  Discharge from a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]]  that has been rendered harmless by reducing the number of [[#PATHOGENS|PATHOGENS]] in it.  The treatment often consists of either drying or [[#COMPOSTING|COMPOSTING]] the [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]].
:F - effluent traite
:S - efluente tratado
=====TROMBE WALL=====
(constr) (heat) (sol).  A masonry wall located directly inside windows that face the equator.  The wall functions simultaneously as a structural element of the building and as a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] and [[#HEAT STORAGE|HEAT STORAGE]] unit.  (See also:  [[#THERMAL MASS|THERMAL MASS]])
:F - mur de trombe
:S - pared de trombe
(impl) (wind).  A pin or pivot that is mounted on [[#BEARINGS|BEARINGS]] to rotate or turn something.  It usually is used as a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] component.  (See also:  [[#TURNTABLE|TURNTABLE]])
:F - tourillon
:S - munon
(sol).  A metal [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]] with passages through which [[#HEAT TRANSFER FLUID|HEAT TRANSFER FLUID]] flows.
:F - absorbeur a tubes internes
:S - absorbedor con placa de tubos
(sol).  [[#COLLECTOR|A COLLECTOR]] in which the [[#TRANSFER MEDIUM FLOWS|TRANSFER MEDIUM FLOWS]] through metal tubes fastened to an [[#ABSORBER PLATE|ABSORBER PLATE]].
:F - capteur a tubes solidaires
:S - colector con tubos
(gen).  A device that converts the [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] in a stream of [[#FLUID|FLUID]] into mechanical energy.  By passing the stream through a system of fixed and/or moving [[#BLADES|BLADES]], a drive shaft is rotated.
:F - turbine
:S - turbina
(hydr).  The part of a [[#WATER TURBINE|WATER TURBINE]] that is attached to a drive shaft, and which holds the [[#BLADES|BLADES]] or [[#CUPS|CUPS]] that cause the wheel to rotate when struck by a stream of steam or water.  The wheel rotates the shaft to produce mechanical or electrical [[#POWER|POWER]].  (Syn:  [[#RUNNER|RUNNER]])
:F - roue de turbine
:S - rueda turbina
(wind).  Irregular motion and [[#GUSTS|GUSTS]] in the [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]].  (See also:  [[#MECHANICAL TURBULENCE|MECHANICAL TURBULENCE]])
:F - turbulence
:S - turbulencia
(hydr).  An improved version of the [[#PELTON WHEEL|PELTON WHEEL]] in which the [[#JET|JET]] is set at an angle to the face of the [[#RUNNER|RUNNER]].  Water strikes the front of the [[#BUCKETS|BUCKETS]] and discharges at the opposite side.
:F - turbine a impulsion turgo
:S - turbina de impulsion turgo
(gen) (meas).  The resulting [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]] when [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] is converted from one form to another and then changed back again into its original form or state.
:F - rendement aller-retour
:S - eficiencia resultante
(wind).  A rotating platform on which the [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]], [[#ROTOR SHAFT|ROTOR SHAFT]], and [[#TAIL|TAIL]] of a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] may move to orient the [[#BLADES|BLADES]] or [[#SAILS|SAILS]] into the wind.
:F - plaque tournante
:S - plataforma giratoria
== U ==
(sol).  Electromagnetic [[#RADIATION|RADIATION]], usually from the sun, that consists of wavelengths that are shorter than the violet end of the visible spectrum.
:F - rayons ultra-violet
:S - radiacion ultravioleta
(hydr).  [[#WATER WHEEL|A WATER WHEEL]] driven by water that strikes the underside of the wheel.
:F - roue en dessous
:S - rueda hidraulica de admision inferior
(biocon).  Heterogenous [[#BIOMASS|BIOMASS]], contained in either the [[#SLURRY|SLURRY]] or [[#EFFLUENT|EFFLUENT]], which has not [[#DECOMPOSED|DECOMPOSED]] in a [[#BIOGAS DIGESTER|BIOGAS DIGESTER]].
:F - solides non-digeres
:S - solidos sin digerir
(sol).  [[#COLLECTOR|A COLLECTOR]] without a cover.
:F - capteur non-vitre
:S - colector no vidriado
(prod) (gen).  [1] Referring to a [[#PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR|PRODUCER GAS GENERATOR]] in which the air-gas mixture flows upward to the engine.  [2] Any cooking or heating device (e.g., a [[#KILN|KILN]]) in which air for [[#CONVECTION|CONVECTION]] or combustion flows upward through the device.
:F - tirage vers le haut
:S - corriente aerea ascendente
(wind) (arc).  A longitudinal bar in the [[#BACKSTAY|BACKSTAY]] of a [[#SAIL|SAIL]].
:F - barre longitudinale
:S - varilla longitudinal
(wind).  [1] On the same side as the direction from which the wind is blowing (i.e. , in the path of the oncoming wind).  [2] A type of [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] in which the [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] remains between the oncoming wind and the [[#TOWER|TOWER]].
:F - vent de proue
:S - viento contrario
=====USED OIL=====
(heat).  Automotive or other lubrication oil, which is "used up" or no longer useful for its original purpose.  If mixed with water at a ratio of five to one, and then dripped onto a heated metal sheet, used oil will burst into flames.  This makes it useful as a fuel.  (Syn:  waste oil)
:F - huile epuisee
:S - aceite usado
(sol).  The [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] absorbed by a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that is not lost to the surrounding atmosphere and which may be used for space or water heating.
:F - gain energetique utile
:S - ganancia de energia util
(sol).  Heat delivered by a [[#SOLAR COLLECTOR|SOLAR COLLECTOR]] that can be applied for cooking, heating, or other purposes.
:F - chaleur solaire utile
:S - calor solar util
(hydr) (meas).  The volume of water that a reservoir can hold and usefully exploit, and which lies between the lowest and highest levels normally contained in the reservoir.
:F - capacite utile en eau
:S - capacidad aprovechable de agua
(heat) (meas).  The amount of heat that [[#FLOWS|FLOWS]] in or out of a substance under constant conditions, in one hour, when there is a one degree difference in temperature between the air inside and outside the building.  U-value is the inverse of [[#RESISTANCE-VALUE|RESISTANCE-VALUE]].
:F - valeur U
:S - valor U
== V ==
(gen).  [[#DISTILLATION|DISTILLATION]] under reduced pressure.  This lowers the boiling point of the distilled material so that it will not crack or decompose.
:F - distillation sous vide
:S - vacuodestilacion
(gen).  The assembled parts of a valve.
:F - garniture de soupape
:S - montaje de valvula
=====VANE]] [1]=====
(hydr) (See:  [[#GUIDE VANE|GUIDE VANE]]); [2] (wind) (See:  [[#TAIL|TAIL]])
:F - aube
:S - aspa
=====VAPOR LOCK=====
(auto).  A blockage in a fuel line that is caused when the fuel vaporizes.
:F - tampon de vapeur
:S - obstruccion por vapor
(chem) (meas).  The pressure of a vapor while in contact with its solid or liquid form.  This is also referred to as saturated vapor pressure.  The pressure rises with any increase in temperature.
:F - tension de vapeur
:S - presion del vapor
(hydr).  [[#WATER WHEEL|A WATER WHEEL]] that drives a vertical axis instead of the more common horizontal axis
:F - roue hydraulique a axe vertical
:S - rueda hidraulica de eje vertical
(wind).  [[#WIND MACHINE|A WIND MACHINE]] in which the [[#WINDSHAFT|WINDSHAFT]] is on a vertical axis.  This type of device may accept wind from any direction.  (See also:  [[#DARRIEUS ROTOR|DARRIEUS ROTOR]]; [[#SAVONIUS ROTOR|SAVONIUS ROTOR]])
:F - eolienne axe vertical
:S - generador eolico de eje vertical
=====VIOLET CELL=====
(sol).  A type of [[#SILICON SOLAR CELL|SILICON SOLAR CELL]] that is more effective than conventional [[#PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS|PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS]] in converting sunlight to electricity from the violet and [[#ULTRA-VIOLET|ULTRA-VIOLET]] range of the light spectrum.
:F - cellule violette
:S - celula violeta
(chem).  The resistance to [[#FLOW|FLOW]] or change of shape due to molecular cohesion and internal friction in [[#FLUIDS|FLUIDS]].  Viscosity varies inversely with temperature.
:F - viscosite
:S - viscosidad
(gen) (refrig).  [1] Easily burned, unstable, or explosive.  [2] Liquids that are readily evaporated at a relatively low temperature.
:F - volatile
:S - volatil
(biocon).  Fatty [[#ACIDS|ACIDS]] of a low molecular weight.  These acids are very [[#SOLUBLE|SOLUBLE]].
:F - acides volatiles
:S - acidos volatiles
== W ==
:F - conversion des dechets en energie
:S - conversion energetica de desperdicios
=====WASTE HEAT=====
(heat).  Heat that is left after useful [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] generation.
:F - chaleur perdue [1]
:S - calor perdido
(heat).  [[#HEAT EXCHANGER|A HEAT EXCHANGER]] in which [[#FLUIDS|FLUIDS]] may either be heated or cooled by water or air.
:F - echangeur de chaleur eau/air
:S - termopermutador de agua-aire
=====WATER BED=====
(sol).  Shallow plastic bags that are filled with water and placed on roofs of homes or buildings.  In cooler climates, the bags collect [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] during the day, and radiate heat to the building during the day and radiate this heat to the sky at night, thus cooling the building.  In warmer climates, panels are placed over the bags during the day and removed at night so the bags can draw off heat from the building and keep it cool.
:F - lit d'eau
:S - lecho de agua
=====WATER CHUTE=====
(hydr).  A steep [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]] by which water descends in force.  Water chutes are used to create or increase the [[#HEAD|HEAD]] for a [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]] system.
:F - chute d'eau
:S - caida de agua
(biocon).  A type of water plant with a high carbon content, which makes it very useful as [[#FEEDSTOCK|FEEDSTOCK]] for [[#BIOGAS|BIOGAS]] production.
:F - eichornia
:S - jacinto de agua
=====WATER JACKET=====
(auto) (prod).  A casing or compartment containing water that is placed around all or part of a device to keep it cool, as around the cylinders or cylinder head of an internal combustion engine.
:F - chemise a eau
:S - envuelta de agua
=====WATER MILL=====
(hydr).  [[#MILL|A MILL]] driven by a [[#WATER WHEEL|WATER WHEEL]].
:F - moulin hydraulique
:S - molino hidraulico
(hydr).  The [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] in water as derived from its weight or momentum, and which may be used to drive machinery, generate electricity, or for other purposes.  (Syn:  [[#HYDROPOWER|HYDROPOWER]])
:F - energie hydraulique
:S - energia hidraulica
:F - eoliennes de pompage
:S - molinos de viento con bombas hidraulicas
=====WATER SEAL=====
(biocon).  The part of a [[#GASHOLDER|GASHOLDER]] designed to prevent the [[#METHANE|METHANE]] from mixing with air and becoming potentially explosive.  It generally is created by submerging a portion of the holder in water.
:F - joint hydraulique
:S - junta hidraulica
(hydr).  [1] the divide or crestline dividing two drainage areas.  [2] The area draining into a river, stream etc.
:F - [1]  ligne de partage des eaux;  [2]  bassin hydrographique
:S - divisoria de aguas
(hydr).  A device that converts the [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] of falling water into rotating mechanical energy.  Water turbines are usually smaller than [[#WATER WHEELS|WATER WHEELS]] and operate at the higher speeds required to generate electricity.
:F - turbine hydraulique
:S - turbina hidraulica
=====WATER WHEEL=====
(hydr).  A wheel with [[#BUCKETS|BUCKETS]] or [[#BLADES|BLADES]] that allow it to be turned by the weight or velocity of falling water or by water moving underneath it.
:F - roue hydraulique
:S - rueda hidraulica
(elec) (meas).  The unit rate at which work is done in an electrical circuit.  One watt equals one [[#JOULE|JOULE]] of work per second.
:F - watt
:S - vatio
=====WAVE POWER=====
(ocean).  The production of electricity by harnessing ocean wave movements through the use of specialized [[#TURBINES|TURBINES]] or other devices.
:F - energie des vagues
:S - energia de las olas
(wind) (arc).  [[#SAILS|SAILS]] with variable pitch from the inner to the outer edge.
:F - ailes a airage
:S - velas inclinadas
(gen).  Narrow strips of rubber, felt, metal or other material that are used to conserve [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] by preventing air [[#INFILTRATION|INFILTRATION]] around doors or windows.
:F - bourrelets d'etancheite
:S - moldura
=====W.E.C.S. or [[WECS=====
:F - S.C.E.E. ou [[#SCEE|SCEE]]
:S - S.C.E.E. o [[#SCEE|SCEE]]
(wind) (meas).  A probability density function that allows one to model the [[#WIND SPEED DISTRIBUTION|WIND SPEED DISTRIBUTION]] for a given site, based on certain input parameters.  A mathematical application of the Weibull probability density function gives the wind speed distribution.  The Weibull distribution is a two-parameter function, whereas the [[#RAYLEIGH DISTRIBUTION|RAYLEIGH DISTRIBUTION]] is a simplified Weibull that only uses one parameter.  (See also: [[#RAYLEIGH DISTRIBUTION|RAYLEIGH DISTRIBUTION]])
:F - distribution de Weibull
:S - distribucion de Weibull
(hydr).  An obstruction placed across a stream to divert the water to make it [[#FLOW|FLOW]] through a desired [[#CHANNEL|CHANNEL]], which may be a notch or opening in the weir itself.  A weir also is that part of a dam, embankment, [[#CANAL|CANAL]], etc. that contains gates, and over which surplus water flows.  A calibrated rod can be placed before the opening in a weir to measure flow.  Weirs are sometimes set up exclusively as flow-measuring devices.  (Syn: waterweir)
:F - deversoir
:S - presa de aforo
(meas).  A measure of the relative humidity in a room.  It is taken by a special thermometer whose bulb is kept wet.
:F - temperature de bulbe humide
:S - temperatura de bola humeda
=====WET SLURRY=====
(biocon).  (See:  [[#LIQUID SLURRY|LIQUID SLURRY]])
:F - boue humide
:S - fango mojado
=====WET STEAM=====
(geo).  Underground water that is hotter than the boiling point, but which remains liquid because of high surrounding pressures.  Reservoirs of this superheated water may be tapped, producing a mixture of water and steam that flows to the surface and which may provide power for a [[#TURBINE|TURBINE]] or other machinery.
:F - vapeur humide
:S - vapor saturado
(wind) (arc).  (See:  [[#ROLLERS|ROLLERS]])
:F - roues
:S - muelas
(wind) (arc).  The principal longitudinal frame for the individual [[#WINDMILL SAIL|WINDMILL SAIL]].  It is strapped and bolted to the face of the [[#BLADE|BLADE]].
:F - bras [2]
:S - varillaje
(wind).  A device or structure that is used to concentrate a wind stream.
:F - concentrateur du vent
:S - concentrador de viento
(wind).  The forward course along which the wind is blowing.
:F - direction du vent
:S - direccion del viento
(wind).  A system in which a [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] is used to generate electricity.  A windmill can either be used with an [[#ALTERNATOR|ALTERNATOR]] or [[#DYNAMO|DYNAMO]] to provide electricity, which is either stored in batteries or used directly to run appliances.
:F -  electricite eolienne, systeme de
:S -  sistema electrogeno eolico
=====WIND ENERGY=====
(wind).  [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] that is tapped from the natural movement of the air.  Wind energy is considered a form of [[#SOLAR ENERGY|SOLAR ENERGY]] because wind is caused by variations in the amount of heat that the sun sends to different parts of the earth.  It may be converted into electrical or mechanical [[#POWER|POWER]] through the use of a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]].
:F - energie du vent
:S - energia eolica
(wind).  The conversion of [[#WIND ENERGY|WIND ENERGY]] into electrical, mechanical, or thermal energy through the use of [[#WIND MACHINES|WIND MACHINES]].  Commonly abbreviated as W.E.C.S. or [[#WECS|WECS]].
:F - conversion de l'energie eolienne, systeme de
:S - sistema de conversion de la energia eolica
=====WIND FURNACE=====
:F - four eolien
:S - horno eolico
=====WIND GAUGE=====
(wind) (meas).  Any instrument that measures [[#WIND VELOCITY|WIND VELOCITY]].  (Syn:  [[#ANEMOMETER|ANEMOMETER]])
:F - indicateur de vent
:S - anemometro
(wind).  A type of [[#WINDMILL|WINDMILL]] that extracts [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] from the wind to produce electricity by driving a [[#GENERATOR|GENERATOR]].  It generally has two or three narrow [[#BLADES|BLADES]] that turn at a high speed, often using gearing to multiply the number of revolutions per minute up to a range required by the generator.
:F - eolienne generatrice
:S - generador eolico
(wind) (arc).  The action of turning the [[#WINDMILL CAP|WINDMILL CAP]] into the [[#WIND|WIND]].  This is done either automatically or manually.  (Pronounced to rhyme with finding.)
:F - virer
:S - venteamiento
(wind) (meas).  A specification used to indicate the resistance of a [[#WINDMILL TOWER|WINDMILL TOWER]] to the force of the wind.
:F - puissance eolienne nominale
:S - clasificador de la carga eolica
=====WIND MACHINE=====
(wind).  Any of several types of wind-driven devices that are used to extract useful [[#POWER|POWER]] from the wind.
:F - eolienne
:S - maquina eolica
:F - mesure du vent
:S - medicion eolica
(wind).  In a strictly technical sense, only those wind-powered [[#MACHINES|MACHINES]] that drive [[#MILLS|MILLS]] to grind grain.  However, the term is generally used to describe [[#WIND MACHINES|WIND MACHINES]] of all kinds.  A windmill is powered by wind pressure, and usually has a slowly turning [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] with two or more [[#BLADES|BLADES]] attached to it.  The blades are turned by the wind, thus rotating the rotor and the [[#WIND SHAFT|WIND SHAFT]].  In this way, [[#WIND ENERGY|WIND ENERGY]] is  converted to mechanical energy.  Some typical windmill applications include  water  pumping, milling or threshing, and electricity generation.
:F - moulin a vent, eolienne
:S - molino de viento
=====WIND POWER=====
(wind) (meas).  Power available from the wind that can be used by various types of [[#WIND MACHINES|WIND MACHINES]].  It can be expressed as: P = E(.5)[[[#DAV|DAV]].sup.3], where:
::A = [[#SWEPT AREA|SWEPT AREA]] in square meters
::V = [[#WIND VELOCITY|WIND VELOCITY]] in meters/sec
::P = power in [[#KILOWATTS|KILOWATTS]]
::D = air density in kilograms/cubic meters
::E = [[#EFFICIENCY|EFFICIENCY]] of the device expressed as a percentage
:F - puissance du vent
:S - potencia eolica
(wind).  A water-lifting device driven by a [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]].
:F - pompe a energie eolienne
:S - bomba de aeromotor
=====WIND ROSE=====
(wind) (meas).  A two-dimensional graph that shows monthly or yearly mean [[#WIND SPEEDS|WIND SPEEDS]] as well as a distribution of wind speeds.  It usually indicates the speed and the percentage of time that the wind blows from eight to 16 different directions.
:F - rose des vents
:S - rosa de los vientos
=====WIND ROTOR=====
(wind).  (See:  [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]])
:F - rotor d'eolienne
:S - rotor eolico
=====WIND SHAFT=====
(wind).  The metal rod attached to and turned by the [[#ROTOR|ROTOR]] to provide mechanical [[#POWER|POWER]].
:F - arbre d'eolienne
:S - eje eolico
=====WIND SPEED=====
:F - vitesse du vent
:S - caudal del viento
(wind) (meas).  A two-dimensional graph that shows the total time or the percentage of time that the wind blows at each [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]] at a particular location.  It differs from a [[#WIND ROSE|WIND ROSE]] in that it can give a grand total of wind speeds, regardless of their directions.
:F - distribution des vitesses du vent
:S - distribucion del canal del viento
=====WIND TURBINE=====
(wind).  (See:  [[#WIND MACHINE|WIND MACHINE]])
:F - turbine A vent
:S - turbina eolica
(wind) (meas).  The speed of air movement measured in miles per hour or meters per second.  The amount of [[#POWER|POWER]] available from the wind depends in part on the [[#WIND SPEED|WIND SPEED]] or velocity.  It is a peculiarity of [[#WIND POWER|WIND POWER]] that the [[#ENERGY|ENERGY]] available increases as the cube of the wind velocity.  Wind velocity may be measured by an [[#ANEMOMETER|ANEMOMETER]].
:F - vitesse du vent
:S - velocidad del viento
(prod).  [[#FLUIDIZED BED GASIFIER|A FLUIDIZED BED GASIFIER]] process, which produces a low or medium [[#BTU|BTU]] gas from a wide variety of coals.
:F - procede de Winkler
:S - proceso de Winkler
=====WOOD ALCOHOL=====
(alc).  (See:  [[#METHANOL|METHANOL]])
:F - alcool de bois
:S - alcohol metilico
=====WOOD GAS=====
(prod).  (See:  [[#PRODUCER GAS|PRODUCER GAS]])
:F - gaz de bois
:S - gas metilico
=====WOOD STOVE=====
(biocon).  A stove that uses wood and most wood residues as fuel.
:F - poele a bois
:S - estufa de lena
(alc) (impl) (wind) (arc).  [1]  A type of [[#CONDENSER|CONDENSER]] used in [[#ALCOHOL STILLS|ALCOHOL STILLS]].  It is a coiled metal tube that leads from the still to a container holding cool water.  It increases the rate of [[#CONDENSATION|CONDENSATION]] and therefore the purity of the alcohol produced.  [2] A cylindrical gear that supports a helical thread.  It frequently is used in [[#WINDMILL WINDING|WINDMILL WINDING]] gears.
:F - [1] serpentin; [2] vis sans fin
:S - tornillo sin fin
(alc). The liquid portion of [[#MASH|MASH]] that has not yet been inoculated with [[#YEAST|YEAST]].  It is a brewing term that describes the mash when it is between the [[#BREWING MASH|BREWING MASH]] stage and the [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]] period.
:F - avoi
:S - mosto no fermentado
== X ==
== Y ==
=====YAW AXIS=====
(wind).  The vertical axis about which a [[#HORIZONTAL AXIS WINDMILL|HORIZONTAL AXIS WINDMILL]] rotates to align itself with the wind.
:F - axe de lacet
:S - eje vertical
(alc) (bio).  A single-celled micro-organism that can change simple sugars into [[#ETHANOL|ETHANOL]] and carbon dioxide by [[#FERMENTATION|FERMENTATION]].  Yeasts are one type of [[#FUNGI|FUNGI]].
:F - levure
:S - levadura
(ani) (impl).  A contrivance that joins together a pair of draft animals, especially oxen, and which generally consists of a crosspiece with bow-shaped pieces that fit over the shoulders of the animals.
:F - joug
:S - yugo
== Z ==
=====ZERO TILL=====
(agri).  An [[#ENERGY-CONSERVING|ENERGY-CONSERVING]] method of agriculture that requires little or no plowing or turning of the soil.
:F - labourage nul
:S - cero arado
=====ZONAL WIND=====
(wind).  Winds that blow approximately along the local perallel of the [[#LATITUDE|LATITUDE]].
:F - vent zonal
:S - viento zonal
=====ZONE HEAT=====
(heat).  A central heating system in which different temperatures may be maintained in two or more of the areas being heated.
:F - chauffage par zone
== Conversion Tables ==
|acres||43,560||square feet
|acres||4,047||square meters
|acres||1.562 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||square miles
|acres||0.004047||square kilometers
|acres||4840||square yards
|atmospheres||76.0||cms of mercury
|atmospheres||29.92||inches of mercury
|stmospheres||10,333||kgs/square meter
|atmospheres||14.70||pounds/square inch
|British thermal units||0.2530||kilogram-calories
|B.t.u.||3.927 X [10<sup>-4</sup>]||horsepower-hours
|B.t.u.||2.928 X [10<sup>-4</sup>]||kilowatt-hours
|calories||1.1622 X [10<sup>-6</sup>]||kilowatt-hours
|centimeters of mercury||0.1934||pounds/square inch
|cubic centimeters||[10<sup>-6</sup>]||cubic meters
|cubic centimeters||6.102 X [10<sup>-2</sup>]||cubic inches
|cubic centimeters||3.531 X [10<sup>-5</sup>]||cubic feet
|cubic centimeters||1.308 X [10<sup>-6</sup>]||cubic yards
|cubic feet||1,728||cubic inches
|cubic feet||0.02832||cubic meters
|cubic feet||2.832 X [10<sup>4</sup>]||cubic centimeters
|cubic feet||7.481||gallons
|cubic feet||28.32||liters
|cubic feet/minute||472.0||cubic cms/second
|cubic feet/minute||0.1247||gallons/second
|cubic feet/minute||0.4720||liters/second
|cubic feet/minute||62.4||pounds water/min
|cubic inches||5.787 X [10<sup>-4</sup>]||cubic feet
|cubic inches||1.639 X [10<sup>-5</sup>]||cubic meters
|cubic inches||2.143 X [10<sup>-5</sup>]||cubic yards
|cubic meters||35.31||cubic feet
|cubic meters||264.2||gallons
|cubic meters||[10<sup>3</sup>]||liters
|cubic yards||7.646 X [10<sup>5</sup>]||cubic centimeters
|cubic yards||27.0||cubic feet
|cubic yards||46,656||cubic inches
|cubic yards||0.7646||cubic meters
|cubic yards||202.0||gallons
|cubic yards||764.6||liters
|cubic yards/min.||0.45||cubic feet/second
|cubic yards/min.||3.367||gallons/second
|cubic yards/min.||12.74||liters/second
|degrees (angle)||60||minutes
|degrees (angle)||0.01745||radians
|degrees (angle)||3,600||seconds
|dynes||1.020 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||grams
|dynes||2.248 X [10<sup>-6</sup>]||pounds
|ergs||9.486 X [10<sup>11</sup>]||B.t.u.
|ergs||7.376 X [10<sup>-8</sup>||foot-pounds
|ergs||2.390 X [10<sup>-11</sup>]||kilogram-calories
|ergs||1.020 X [10<sup>-8</sup>]||kilogram-meters
|ergs/second||1.341 X [10<sup>-10</sup>]||horsepower
|foot-pounds||1.286 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||B.t.u.
|foot-pounds||1.356 X [10<sup>7</sup>]||ergs
|foot-pounds||5.050 X [10<sup>-7</sup>]||horsepower-hours
|foot-pounds||3.241 X [10<sup>-4</sup>]||kilogram-calories
|foot-pounds||3.766 X [10<sup>-7</sup>]||kilowatt-hours
|foot-pounds/minute||1.286 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||B.t.u./minute
|foot-pounds/minute||3.241 X [10<sup>-4</sup>]||kg-calories/min
|foot-pounds/minute||2.260 X [10<sup>-5</sup>]||kilowatts
|foot-pounds/second||7.172 X [10<sup>-2</sup>]||B.t.u./minute
|foot-pounds/second||1.818 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||horsepower
|foot-pounds/second||1.945 X [10<sup>-2</sup>]||kg-calories/min
|foot-pounds/second||1.356 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||kilowatts
|gallons||0.1337||cubic feet
|gallons||231||cubic inches
|gallons||3.785 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||cubic meters
|gallons/minute||2.228 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||cubic feet/second
|grams||0.03215||troy ounces
|grams/cubic centimeter||62.43||pounds/cubic feet
|grams centimeters||9.297 X [10<sup>-8</sup>]||B.t.u.
|horsepower-hours||1.98 X [10<sup>6</sup>]||foot-pounds
|horsepower-hours||2.737 X [10<sup>5</sup>]||kilogram-meters
|horsepower-hours||2.684 X [10<sup>6</sup>]||joules
|inches of mercury||0.03342||atmospheres
|inches of mercury||1.133||feet of water
|inches of mercury||345.3||kgs/sq meter
|inches of mercury||70.73||pounds/sq foot
|inches of mercury||0.4912||pounds/sq inch
|inches of water||0.002458||atmospheres
|inches of water||0.07355||inches of mercury
|inches of water||25.40||kgs/square meter
|inches of water||0.5781||ounces/square inch
|inches of water||5.204||pounds/square foot
|inches of water||0.03613||pounds/square inch
|kilograms||1.102 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||short tons
|kilogram-calories||1.558 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||horsepower-hours
|kilowatts||4.425 X [10<sup>4</sup>]||foot-pounds/minute
|kilowatts-hours||2.655 X [10<sup>6</sup>]||foot-pounds
|kilowatts-hours||3.6 X [10<sup>6</sup>]||joules
|kilowatts-hours||3.671 X [10<sup>5</sup>]||kilogram-meters
|meter-kilograms||9.807 X [10<sup>7</sup>]||centimeter-dynes
|miles||1.609 X [10<sup>5</sup>]||centimeters
|ounces/square inch||0.0625||pounds/square inch
|pints (dry)||33.60||cubic inches
|pints (liquid)||28.87||cubic inches
|pounds of water||0.01602||cubic feet
|pounds of water||27.68||cubic inches
|pounds of water||0.1198||gallons
|pounds of water/min.||2.669 X [10<sup>-4</sup>]||cubic feet/second
|pounds/cubic foot||0.01602||grams/cubic cms.
|pounds/cubic foot||16.02||kgs/cubic meter
|pounds/cubic foot||5.787 X [10<sup>-4</sup>]||pounds/cubic inch
|pounds/square foot||4.882||kgs/sq meter
|pounds/square foot||6.944 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||pounds/square inch
|pounds/square inch||0.06304||atmospheres
|pounds/square inch||703.1||kgs/square meter
|pounds/square inch||144.0||pounds/square foot
|quarts (dry)||67.20||cubic inches
|quarts (liquid)||57.75||cubic inches
|quadrants (angle)||90||degrees
|quadrants (angle)||5,400||minutes
|quadrants (angle)||1.571||radians
|square centimeters||1.076 X [10<sup>-3</sup>]||square feet
|square centimeters||0.1550||square inches
|square centimeters||[10<sup>-6</sup>]||square meters
|square centimeters||100||square millimeters
|square feet||2.296 X [10<sup>-5</sup>]||acres
|square feet||929.0||square centimeters
|square feet||144.0||square inches
|square feet||0.09290||square meters
|square feet||3.587 X [10<sup>-8</sup>]||square miles
|square feet||0.1111||square yards
|square inches||6.452||square centimeters
|square inches||645.2||square millimeters
|square meters||2.471 X [10<sup>-4</sup>]||acres
|square meters||10.764||square feet
|square meters||3.861 X [10<sup>-7</sup>]||square miles
|square meters||1.196||square yards
|square miles||640.0||acres
|square miles||2.7878 X [10<sup>7</sup>]||square feet
|square miles||2.590||square kilometers
|square miles||3.098 X [10<sup>6</sup>]||square yards
|square yards||2.066 X [10<sup>-4</sup>]||acres
|square yards||9.0||square feet
|square yards||0.8361||square meters
|square yards||3.228 X [10<sup>-7</sup>||square miles
|temp (degs C) + 237||1.0||abs temp (degs K)
|temp (degs C) + 17.8||1.8||temp (degs F)
|temp (deqs F) - 32||5/9||temp (degs C)
|tons (long)||1,016||kilograms
|tons (long)||2,240||pounds
|tons (metric)||[10<sup>3</sup>]||kilograms
|tons (metric)||2,205||pounds
|tons (short)||907.2||kilograms
|tons (short)||2,000||pounds
|tons (short)/sq. foot||9,765||kgs/square meter
|tons (short)/sq. foot||13.89||pounds/square inch
|tons (short)/sq. inch||1.406 X [10<sup>6</sup>]||kgs/square meter
|tons (short)/sq. inch||2,000||pounds/square inch
<div align="center">
This publication was made possible, in part,
through the generous support of
the United States Agency
for International Development
and the United Nations Education,
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Tel:  703/276-1800 * Fax:  703/243-1865
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Copyright [C] 1982 Volunteers in Technical Assistance
All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher.
Manufactured in the United States of America.
Designed by Margaret Crouch.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1       
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Renewable energy dictionary
Bibliography:  p. 479
1.  Renewable energy sources--Dictionaries.  2.  Power
(Mechanics)--Dictionaries.  I.  Volunteers in Technical
TJ163.16.R48    1982    333.79  82-50309
ISBN 0-86619-161-5
== Preface ==
Soon after beginning a major program in renewable energy in 1979, VITA (Volunters in Technical Assistance) found that many of the technical terms commonly used in renewable energy literature were not understood by many of the laypeople for whom the information was meant.  VITA also realized that it was no easy task to find definitions  for many of these terms.  There were specialized glossaries for the various areas of renewable energy, but there was no one source devoted to defining renewable energy terminology.  The Renewable Energy Dictionary is designed to meet this need.
This encyclopedic dictionary is comprised of up-to-date and authoritative definitions of terms used in renewable energy.  Definitions are presented in the clearest and most concise language possible without detracting from their technical accuracy. They are thoroughly cross-referenced for ease of use.
The terms that were selected for this dictionary are primarily those not commonly defined in their renewable energy context in conventional dictionaries.  Some of the terms are now considered to be archaic. Mostly related to wind energy, they are included because of their usefulness in developing an overall understanding of the field.
VITA's 22 years in international development and technology transfer have brought a sensitivity to the need in developing countries for technical materials in languages other than English.  This dictionary is translated into French and Spanish in an effort to help meet this need.
In addition to 1,000 entries in each language, many with illustrations, the dictionary includes comprehensive conversion tables and a bibliography.
Our research indicates that this is the only published reference work of its kind available.  We feel it is a significant resource for those working with renewable energy technologies and concepts.
This document is being distributed by CD3WD and added to by Appropedia.
== Acknowledgements ==
No work of this scope and magnitude could be completed without the assistance and contributions of many individuals.  Along with Dr. William Sorsby, our primary contributor, we wish to acknowledge the invaluable contributions made by VITA Volunteers who gave their time freely to make this book a reality.  Our deepest thanks go out to:  Dr. Sam Baldwin, Thomas J. Beckman, Richard A. Boettcher, Jean-Claude Bruffaerts, Jerome E. Dobroski, George S. Erskine, H. Speer Ezzard, Hal Finkelstein, Dr. Peter B. Hammond, Robert W. Hawthorn, James L. Hogan, and Dr. Norbert J. Kreidl.
We also wish to thank the following members of VITA's technical staff for their reviews, contributions, and constant support: John M. Downey, Alan Wyatt, Dr. Gary L. Garriott, Stephen H. Hirsch, Fred Hopman, William R. Breslin, Dr. William A . Gross, Richard J. Fera, O. Christopher Ahrens, Balla Sidibe, and Hector Reyes, and research assistant Vandana Malhotra.
Special thanks go to artist Christopher P. Schmidt for the excellent illustrations.
Finally, we acknowledge the editorial and production contributions of Kristine Stroad Ament, Julie Badger, Margararet Crouch, Bonnie Duley, Gregory James, and David Jarmul, who put the whole thing together.
== Translations ==
This dictionary was translated into French and Spanish by Berlitz International Translation Service.
== Bibliography ==
Abbott, Ira H. and A. E. Von Doenhoff. Theory of Wing Sections. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1949.
Abelson, Phillip H., ed. Energy: Use, Conservation and Supply. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1974.
A Glossary of Energy Terms in Appropriate Technology. Norman, Oklahoma: Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma, 1975.
Angrist, Stanley W., ed. Direct Energy Conversion (3rd. ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1976.
Anderson, Bruce and Michael Riordan, The Solar Home Book; Heating, Cooling and Designing with the Sun. Harrisville, New Hampsh ire: Cheshire Books, 1976.
Anderson, Russell E., Biological Paths to Self-Reliance. Environmental Engineering Service. New York: Von Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1979.
Application of Solar Technology to Today's Energy Needs. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Energy. 1978.
Backus, Charles E. Solar Cells. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1976.
Beedell, Suzanne. Windmills. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1975.
Bente, Paul F. Bio-Energy Directory. Washington, D.C.: Bio-Energy Council, 1980.
Block, C. and W. Jezewski. Illustrated Automobile Dictionary in Six Languages. Boston, Massachusetts: Kluwer-Boston, Inc., 1978.
Beeckman, W. B. Elsevier's Wood Dictionary (vol. 3: Research, Manufacture, Utilization). New York: Elsevier-North Holland Publishing Co., 1968.
Clark, Wilson. Energy Survival: The Alternative to Extinction. New York: Doubleday and Co., Inc., 1975.
Clason, W. E. Elsevier's Dictionary of Measurement and Control. New York: Elsevier-North Holland Publishing Co., 1977.
Clean Fuels from Biomass and Wastes, Symposium II, January 1977. Chicago: Institute of Gas Technology, 1977.
Coe, Gigi. Present Value: Constructing a Substantial Future. Friends of the Earth. San Francisco, California: State of California Office of Appropriate Technology. 1979.
Clegg, Peter D. and Ralph Wolfe. Home Energy for the Eighties. Charlotte, Vermont: Garden Way Publishing Co., 1979.
Collazo, Javier L., ed., Encyclopedic Dictionary of Technical Terms (3 vols.). New York: McGraw-Hill Books, Inc., 1980.
Congdon, R. J. Introduction to Appropriate Technology. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Books, Inc., 1977.
Crawley, Gerald M. Energy. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1975.
Dancy, Rev. Harold K. Manual on Building Construction. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1977.
Daniels, Farrington. Direct Use of the Sun's Energy. New York: Ballantine Books, Division of Random House, Inc., 1964.
Darrow, Ken and Rick Pam. Appropriate Technology Sourcebook (2 vols.). Stanford, California: Volunteers in Asia, 1976.
Davis, C. V. and K. E. Sorenson. Handbook of Applied Hydraulics. New York: McGraw-Hill Books, Inc., 1968.
Duffie, John A. and William A. Beckman. Solar Energy Thermal Processes. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1974.
Earl, Derek E. Forest Energy and Economic Development. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975.
Eccli, Sandy, ed. Alternative Sources of Energy: Practical Technology and Philosophy for a Decentralized Society. New York: Seabury Press, Inc., 1974.
Energy Alternatives: A Comparative Analysis. Norman Oklahoma: The Science and Public Policy Program, University of Oklahoma, 1975.
Energy Audit Workbook. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Energy, 1979.
Energy Information Data Base: Subject Thesaurus. Washington, D.C.: Technical Information Center, United States Department of Energy, 1979.
Energy Microthesaurus. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, 1976.
Fact Sheet #18--Alternative Energy Sources: A Glossary of Terms. Washington D.C.: United States Department of Energy, 1981.
Fisher, R. and B. Yanda. The Food and Heat Producing Greenhouse: Design, Construction and Operation. Santa Fe, New Mexico: John Muir Publications, 1979.
Fraenkel, Peter. Food from Windmills. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1977.
Fraenkel, Peter. The Power Guide: A Catalogue of Small-Scale Power Equipment. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1979.
Freeman, Christina and Leo Pyle. Methane Generation by Anaerobic Digestion: An Annotated Bibliography. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1977.
Freese, Stanley. Windmills and Millwrighting. North Pomfret, Vermont: David and Charles, Inc., 1971.
Fry, L. John. Practical Building of Methane Power Plants for Rural Energy Independence. Santa Barbara, California: L. J. Fry, 1974.
Fuel From Farms--A Guide to Small-Scale Ethanol Production. Solar Energy Data Bank. Golden, Colorado: SoIar Energy Research Institute, United States Department of Energy, 1980.
Golding, E. W. The Generation of Electricity by Wind Power. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1977.
Gray, T. J. and O. K. Gashus. Tidal Power. New York: Plenum Publishing Corp., 1972.
Hackleman, Michael and David House. Wind and Windspinners. Sangus, California: Earthmind, 1974.
Handbook of Homemade Power. The Mother Earth News Staff, New York: Bantam Books Inc., 1974.
Hand, Jackson. Solar Heating and Cooling. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, Inc., 1978.
Havens, David. The Woodburner's Handbook. Brunswick, Maine: Harpswell Press, 1975.
Hays, Denis. Enerqy for Development: Third World Options. World Watch Institute. New York: Unipub, 1977.
House, D. The Compleat Biogas Handbook, Aurora, Oregon: At Home Everywhere, 1978.
Hunt, V. Daniel. Energy Dictionary. New York: Von Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1979.
Jequier, Nicolas and Gerar Blanc. Appropriate Technology Directory. Paris: Development Center of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1979.
Klass, D. L. Energy from Biomass and Wastes: 1979 Update. Chicago: Institute for Gas Technology, 1980.
Kondo, K. Elsevier's Dictionary of Automobile Engineering. New York: Elsevier-North Holland Publishing Co., 1977.
Lee, Kaiman. Encyclopedia of Energy-Efficient Buildinq Design: 391 Practical Case Studies (2 vols.). Newtonville, Massachusetts: Environmental Design and Research Center, 1977.
Lee, Kaiman and Jaqueline Masloff. Kaiman's Encyclopedia of Energy Topics (2 vols.). Newtonville, Massachusetts: Environmental Design and Research Center, 1979.
Leckie, Jim et. al. Other Homes and Garbage. San Francisco, California: Sierra Publications, 1975.
Loftness, Robert L. Energy Handbook. New York: Von Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1978.
Mages, Loren J. Electric Generating Systems. Indianapolis, Indiana: Theodore Audel, 1970.
Mantell, C. L. Batteries and Energy Systems. New York: McGraw-Hill Books, Inc., 1970.
Mazria, Edward. The Passive Solar Energy Book: Expanded Professional Edition. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Books, Inc., 1979.
McCullagh, James, ed. Pedal Power: In Work, Leisure, and Transportation. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Books, Inc., 1977.
McGuigan, Dermot. Harnessing Water Power for Home Energy. Charlotte, Vermont: Garden Way Publishing, Inc., 1978.
Merrill, Richard and Thomas Gage, eds. Energy Primer: Updated and Revised Version. New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1974.
Meynell, Peter-John. Methane: Planning a Digester. New York: Schocken Books, Inc., 1978.
Mole, W. M. International Glossary of Hydrology. World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, New York: Unipub, 1974.
Neville, Richard C. Solar Energy Conversion. New York: Elsevier-North Holland Publishing Co., 1978.
Pachauri, R. K. Energy and Economic Development in India. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977.
Parker, Sybil. Encyclopedia of Energy (2nd. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1980.
Park, Jack. Simplified Wind Power Systems for Experimenters (2nd. ed.). Sylmar, California: Helion, 1975.

Park, Jack. The Wind Power Book. Palo Alto, California: Cheshire Books, 1980.  
This is a measurement (meas) term used in the field of solar (sol) energy. The term "Solar Radiation" is defined in the "S" section of the dictionary. The primary translation of this term into French is "absorptance," though in some French documents, the term "coefficient d'absorption" may be found. The translation of this term into Spanish is "coeficiente de absorcion."

Putnam, P. C. Power from the Wind. New York: Von Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1974.
== Definition of Abbreviations ==

Proceedings of the United Nation Conference on New Sources of Energy, New York, New York: Unipub, 1961.  
'''Agri''' Relating to agriculture.

Qeed, T. B. and R. M. Lerner. Methanol: A Versatile Fuel for Immediate Use. Washington, D.C.: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1973.  
'''Alc''' Alcohol production or alcohol fuels.

Qeynolds, John. Windmills and Watermills. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1970.  
'''Ani''' Relating to animal power.

Qoss M. H. and R. H. Williams. Our Energy: Regaining Control. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1980.  
'''Arc''' Archaic. Terms that are outdated but are still useful.

Sachs, Peter. Wind Forces in Engineering (2nd. ed.). Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press, Inc. 1972.  
'''Auto''' Relating to internal combustion engines or automobiles.

Schlegel, H. G. Microbial Energy Conversion. Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press, Inc.  
'''Bio''' Relating to the field of biological science or a biological substance.

Shefter, Y. Wind Powered Machines. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical lnformation Service, 1974.  
'''Biocon''' Relating to bioconversion. Includes methane and woodfuel.

Shelton, Jay and Andrew Shapiro. The Woodburner's Encyclopedia. Waitsfield, Vermont: Vermont Crossroads Press, 1976.  
'''Chem''' Relating to the field of chemical science or a chemical substance.

Stafford, D. A. Methane Production from Waste Organic Matter. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 1977.  
'''Constr''' Relating to construction methods, materials, and structures.

Stoner, Carol H. Producing Your Own Power: How to Make Nature's Energy Sources Work for You. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, Inc. 1974.  
'''Elec''' Relating to the production and use of electricity.

Sullivan, F. P. and N. C. McNerney. Energy Reference Handbook (3rd. ed.). Rockville, Maryland: Government Institutes, Inc.  
'''Fos''' Relating to fossil fuels.

Tweney, C. F. and L. E. C. Hughes, eds. Chamber's Technical Dictionary (3rd. ed., revised, with supplement). New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1958.  
'''Gen''' General terms, which may apply to various areas of energy, particularly renewable energy technologies.

Todd, David Keith, ed. Water Encyclopedia. Syosset, New York: Water Information Center, 1970.  
'''Geo''' Geothermal power concepts and applications.

Van Buren, Ariane and Leo Pyle, eds. A Chinese Biogas Manual. Translated from Chinese by Michael Crook, London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1979.  
'''Heat''' Relating to heating or the use of heat for space heating and to produce other forms of energy.

Veziroglu, T. Nejat, ed. Alternative Energy Sources: Proceedings--Miami International Conference on Alternative Energy Sources. Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere Publishing Corp., 1978.  
'''Hydr''' Relating to water and the application of water power. Also closed hydraulic systems, which may use fluids other than water.

VITA Construction Manual and Technical Bulletin Series, Washington, D.C.: Volunteers in Technical Assistance, Inc.  
'''Impl''' Implement. Tools, utensils, or devices that work in conjunction with other equipment.

Vivian, John. Wood Heat: New and Improved Edition. Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Rodale Press, Inc., 1978.  
'''Meas''' Measuring instruments, scales, or types of measurement.

Water Pumping Windmill Designs: A Hand Book. Bombay, India. Tata Research Institute, 1981.  
'''Ocean''' Methods or devices for extracting energy from the ocean.

Watt, Simon. Chinese Chain and Washer Pumps. London: Intermediate Technology Publications, 1977.  
'''Prod''' Relating to producer gas.

Wood and Energy. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Energy, 1980.  
'''Refrig''' Relating to refrigerants or methods of refrigeration.

Wood Conserving Cookstoves: A Design Guide. Washington, D.C.: Volunteers in Technical Assistance and Intermediate Technology Development Group, 1979.  
'''Sol''' Relating to the field of solar energy.

Yule, John-David, ed. Phaidon Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Oxford: Phaidon Press, Ltd., 1978. {{open access}}
'''Wind''' Relating to wind power or other aspects of air movement.

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Latest revision as of 13:21, 23 October 2023

How to use this Dictionary[edit | edit source]

This encyclopedic dictionary is comprised of up-to-date and authoritative definitions of terms used in renewable energy. This dictionary is thoroughly cross-referenced for ease of use and to provide for the most thorough understanding of each term.

The terms are organized alphabetically. Each term is printed in bold type and capital letters. Some terms are hyperlinked to pages with more information. The term is followed by a parenthetical classification reference. Some terms have more than one reference, which helps to clarify the ways in which they can be used.

Some words within the definition are also in capital letters. These are words that are defined elsewhere in the dictionary. Subsequent use of these words within the same definition is in lower case letters.

Each alphabetic section and each word is followed by an edit link. Clicking this will allow editing of the definition, inclusion of a link or adding a new word that follows alphabetically the word which you edit. Make sure to follow the same format as the previous word.

At the end of each definition are translations of the term itself into French and Spanish. The preferred usage is listed first, with secondary or less common usages following. The preferred term is the one that appears in the other language section.

For example:

ABSORPTANCE (sol) (meas). The ratio between the SOLAR RADIATION absorbed by a surface and the total amount of solar radiation that strikes it.

F - absorptance; coefficient d'absorption
S - coeficiente de absorcion

Second reference

This is a measurement (meas) term used in the field of solar (sol) energy. The term "Solar Radiation" is defined in the "S" section of the dictionary. The primary translation of this term into French is "absorptance," though in some French documents, the term "coefficient d'absorption" may be found. The translation of this term into Spanish is "coeficiente de absorcion."

Definition of Abbreviations[edit | edit source]

Agri Relating to agriculture.

Alc Alcohol production or alcohol fuels.

Ani Relating to animal power.

Arc Archaic. Terms that are outdated but are still useful.

Auto Relating to internal combustion engines or automobiles.

Bio Relating to the field of biological science or a biological substance.

Biocon Relating to bioconversion. Includes methane and woodfuel.

Chem Relating to the field of chemical science or a chemical substance.

Constr Relating to construction methods, materials, and structures.

Elec Relating to the production and use of electricity.

Fos Relating to fossil fuels.

Gen General terms, which may apply to various areas of energy, particularly renewable energy technologies.

Geo Geothermal power concepts and applications.

Heat Relating to heating or the use of heat for space heating and to produce other forms of energy.

Hydr Relating to water and the application of water power. Also closed hydraulic systems, which may use fluids other than water.

Impl Implement. Tools, utensils, or devices that work in conjunction with other equipment.

Meas Measuring instruments, scales, or types of measurement.

Ocean Methods or devices for extracting energy from the ocean.

Prod Relating to producer gas.

Refrig Relating to refrigerants or methods of refrigeration.

Sol Relating to the field of solar energy.

Wind Relating to wind power or other aspects of air movement.

FA info icon.svg Angle down icon.svg Page data
Part of Renewable energy dictionary
Keywords renewable energy
Authors Eric Blazek, Lonny Grafman
License CC-BY-SA-3.0
Derivatives Kamusi la nishati hai/A - C
Language English (en)
Translations Portuguese, Chinese
Related 9 subpages, 10 pages link here
Aliases Renewable Energy Dictionary
Impact 248 page views (more)
Created January 10, 2007 by Eric Blazek
Last modified October 23, 2023 by StandardWikitext bot
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