Appropriate technology is technology that is appropriate to the environmental, cultural and economic situation it is intended for. It usually describes technologies which are suitable for use in the majority world (or "developing nations").

Appropedia is the "appropriate technology wiki" (and more) and many of the pages on this website could be said to be about appropriate technology. Appropriate technology is not about defining a particular technology as appropriate for all situations, but about principles for choosing the best technology for a given situation.

The focus of this portal is on links to Appropedia categories that include examples of technologies suitable for the majority world.

Category tree

Sample pages

Principles of appropriate technology

Open Source Appropriate Technology

South-North knowledge transfer

Appropriate technology for refugees

Hexayurt Project

Rope pump

Treadle pump

Small Scale Vegetable Oil Extraction

Solar Drying in Morocco

Grameen Phone

CCAT pedal powered innovations

Stubs - please help improve:

Back-happy tap-stands

Appropriate technology feeds

AfriGadget Blog

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Agroinnovations Blog

See also

Template:Get involved

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