(removed phrase "and require minimal maintainance" from bikes and horses)
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===Bikes and Horses===
*'''Description:''' This picture is showing three of Parras's most popular means of transport, two of which can be considered AT: Biking and Horses
*'''Justification:''' Both methods eliminate the use of external sources as fuel (besides food).
*'''Issues:''' Some may consider using beasts of burden as an unacceptable method for getting around.  Using animals for transportation can be extremely labor and time intensive as well as expensive.  Long distance travel using animals can be difficult.
*'''Location:''' By the church on Andres Viesca.

Revision as of 14:39, 19 June 2006

Covered bike racks at Fabrica La Estrella

  • Description: There appear to be hundreds of bicycles hung on a series of these racks just inside the entrance to the fabrica (factory). The bicycles are unlocked. The racks, I'm told, were manufactured in Torreón.
  • Justification: Active non-motoroized transportation offers benefits to its users' health, the community at large, and earth's climate. See Parras Sustainable Transportation Presentation. Covered bike racks, specifically, offer bicyclists greater status (as people worthy of finding a dry seat when they go to use their bike), and make bicycle parking a more emphazied part of the landscape. Improving the status of bicyclists is particularly important in Parras, as the bicycle is identified as a poor person's vehicle, and they are afforded little respect on the road. Drunk driving is rampant on weekends. It happens that on the morning of 4 June 2006, a bicyclist was run over early in the morning. In such accidents, as in this case, the driver most frequently does not stop. If covered bike racks are to truly improve the status of bicycles, however, they must be installed outside of the factory, as in this location they are intended to serve the the lower-class labor force of the factory exclusively, and are invisible to the greater community.
  • Issues: The factory: labor practices, wastewater, etc. Long distance travel using bikes can be difficult. Also, bikes require frequent maintenance, whereas cars require less frequent but more costly maintenance.
  • Location: At the intersection of 16 de Septiembre and Ramos Arizpe.

Parrasfactoriabikerack.jpg Parrasfactoriabikerack-close.jpg


  • Description: Triciclo para vender unos refrescos. These tricycles are common in Parras and are frequently used as mobile stands to sell food, beverages, or other goods. They are also used as cargo vehicles. They are almost always painted yellow. The fellow pictured below said they are available at local Ferreterias (Hardware Stores).
  • Justification: Active non motoroized transportation offers benefits to its users' health, the community at large, and earth's climate. See Parras Sustainable Transportation Presentation.
  • Issues: The beverages offered may not be the most healthful. I am not sure if they are locally produced.
  • Location: This photo was taken at the plaza con la biblioteca.



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