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== mass gainer ==
{{open access}}
=[[Back Yard and Commercial Rabbit Production|A Complete Handbook on Back-Yard and Commercial Rabbit Production]] (Peace Corps, 1982, 92 p.)=
==Marketing rabbits==

The body building diet has shown to be essentially the most challenging steps to success for all natural weight lifting fan. For sure, you know it's the most important factor in expanding new muscle but after a body building diet whilst still being having adequate money remaining to the leopard-skin thong you have had your eye on can be quite a challenge for everyone! (Ok I need that visual to get away from my head!).

Here's 5 amazing methods for helping your diet plan and still having good enough money remaining to your 401k:

Marketing is the number one problem with rabbit raisers in the Philippines today. In theory, the demand is great considering the current population explosion and world wide food shortages. In actuality, the demand for rabbit meat is either too high or too low for the rabbit producers to supply.

Budget Tip # 1: Use A Grocery List
Presently, the lack of statistical data concerning the feasibility or the marketability of rabbit meat plagues the backyard and commercial rabbit entrepreneur. Hopefully, in the future, with the involvement of national government agencies and private organizations in rabbit production as an alternative protein source, there will be studies conducted on the various potentials and/or detriments of this field for the entrepreneur to utilize as guidelines. Until these needed studies are conducted, we truely are pioneers in the field of rabbit production.

Marketing prospects should be located and developed promptly when one engages in rabbit production. The '''FIRST''' market for meat is the family, neighbors, towns and cities within the locality. Rabbit meat can then be sold in dressed form to hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, and open markets. Rabbit barbecue can be sold by sidewalk vendors. But if we are to succeed at all we must successfully market the '''IDEA''' of eating rabbit meat to '''ALL''' strata of the population...not only to the middle and upper class but, to the strata that compose the majority of the populace... the grass roots. '''WE''' must in fact convince ourselves before convincing others!

By-products of rabbits such as fur, tails, paws, and manure are certainly added income. In fact, more money will be made in marketing by-products than in the sale of meat alone.

Would not it be good if your local foodstuff had its very own <span class="plainlinks">[http://how2gainweightfast.org/mass-gainers/ <span style="color:black;font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none!important; background:none!important; text-decoration:none;">mass gainers</span>] Aisle"? Think about it shelf after shelf of raw meat, fresh vegetables as well as 6-packs of testosterone!

Ok you can vision, right? But alternatively, go jampacked with an inspiration for HOW you might attack those grocery aisles by bringing along a listing of each of the foods you should aid your diet plan and never buy on impulse stick to your list!
=== Cutting and packaging rabbit meat ===

After slaughtering the animal (see later chapter on simplified tanning) and washing the carcass thoroughly, hang it to drain. Wipe excess water with a clean cloth and pack meat attractively in a cellophane bag. Record weight on the bag with a pentel pen (Fig. 29, A and B).

[[Image:P60.JPG]]<br />FIGURE 29 - Inexpensive meat packaging method:

Budget Tip # 2: Buy Cabohydrate supply In Big Amounts
A. Fold hind legs into chest cavity leaving liver and kidneys exposed.

Chill the carcass in a refrigerated cooler. Arrange the carcass on a cooling rack so that moderate air movements and suitable temperature within the cooler will reduce the internal temperature of the carcass to no less than 2.22°C and to no more than 4.44°C within 24 hours.

Hanging by the hind legs for chilling may cause a carcass to be drawn out of shape so that the pieces will not fit satisfactorily into a cartoon. Some processors chill carcasses in wire trays, arranging them so the pieces will be of a proper shape for packaging.

All natural bodybuilder's kitchen pantry must be stored with the appropriate complex carbs in addition to fortuitously you can get potatoes, brown rice, oats and also beans in large quantities.
[[Image:P61A.JPG]]<br />FIGURE 29 - B. Place in cellophane bag and record weight.

[[Image:P61B.JPG]]<br />FIGURE 30-Common cuts of rabbit meat.

Hotels, restaurants, hospitals, clubs, and other establishments usually purchase the whole carcass with the liver intact. Their chefs prefer to cut them to meet their own requirements. Housewives usually prefer the cut-up packaged product. Cut up the fryer rabbit with a knife; using a cleaver may splinter the bones. Common cuts from fryer carcasses are illustrated in figure 30; in large commercial processing plants, a bandsaw is used. For sale in supermarkets, a paraffined box with a cellophane window makes a neat, sanitary package for the chilled rabbit carcass. If the package is to be handled considerably or the meat is to be frozen, use a box without the cellophane window, but wrap the meat or the box in a special wrapping to prevent freezer burns and loss in palatability.

If for example the bulk bins are usually not readily available, by all means choose the larger sized containers if they're for sale. Refill! A full kitchen packed with the essentials is crucial.
A box 22 ½ mm long, 10 mm wide, and.164 deep is suitable for a fryer carcass weighing 750 grams to 950 grams. Again arrange the cut attractively. Include the heart, kidneys, and liver.

If you sell to the home trade or furnish butchers with meat that is to be consumed locally, a cellophane bag will suffice or you can make a neat, sanitary, and inexpensive package by arranging the pieces of fryer and a spring of parsley on a paper plate and covering them with a piece of clear cellophane or other wrapping materials.

Budget Some words of advice # 3: Buy Generic

=== Crating and shipping live rabbits ===

You can ship rabbits almost any distance with safety, if they are in good condition, properly crated, and provided with food and water. Do not ship them in extremely hot or cold weather. Always use well-ventilated crates that are long enough to permit the rabbit to lie down. Use straw for bedding. Crates with slanting tops discourage stacking. Consult the quarantine laws in your area (Fig. 31).

Search for VALUE! Brand loyalties certainly are a subject put to rest as many store brand items are simply just as good as the highly marketed name brand foods just CHEAPER!
[[Image:P62.JPG]]<br />FIGURE 31 - (Left) bag with holes for transporting rabbits short distances - up to 24 hours. (Right) crate with grass manger in the center for long distances.

Put only one animal in each compartment of the shipping crate. Animals to be in transit 24 hours or less need only a small quantity of feed and water. If the trip is longer, more feed and water are needed. It is wise to attach to each crate a bag of feed and a printed request to feed and water the animals once a day. Plenty of fresh water and feed should be accessible to the rabbits at all times. For rabbits in transit, use the type of feed given in the rabbitry. As an alternative, any root crop or vegetable such as sayote placed in the crate will provide enough feed and moisture for several days travel, and eliminates the possibility of spilling feed and water supplied in containers.

Label the crate clearly, advising against exposing the animals to sun or rain. Notify the purchaser when rabbits are shipped.

Budget Tip # 4: Fruits & Veggies Are The Close friends
You can make shipping crates from packing boxes. It is good business, however, and effective advertising, to ship rabbits in durable crates that are neatly built, light weight and attractive. Furnish ample space in each compartment and be sure that wire netting keeps the rabbits from gnawing the wood.

Many fruits plus vegetables and fruits incorporate more vitamin supplements in comparison with refined food and they are a wholesome and also inexpensive staple for a body building <span class="plainlinks">[http://how2gainweightfast.org <span style="color:black;font-weight:normal; text-decoration:none!important; background:none!important; text-decoration:none;">how to gain weight</span>] diet.
=== How to assess sales prospects ===

To find out how your product will sell, gather and analyze the following information.


Grow to be chums along with your produce expert at the local grocery and order the most beneficial current deals.
1. Geographical information. Area of country, the terrain, the climate, distance between main population centers. Things that will influence demand for your product. In other words..."who needs it?"

2. Population. What is its size, age range, and concentration?

3. Income. What is the level of income, who has the income (distribution) and who might need your product?

Budget Tip # 5: Shop The  Outer Ring
4. Natural resources. Is it limited or not yet developed? (this is especially important in determining earnings from staple agricultural and other products.)

5. Industrial development. What is the extent and stage of industrial development plans at present and for the future? Amount of foreign investment?

'''Market Potential'''

Don't forget once I said how great it will be if each market had its very own  Bodybuilder Aisle"?
1. Demand: What is the current and future demand for the product?

2. Domestic production: Who is now making the product, where are they located, and what are their plans for future expansion?

3. Imports for product: Increasing, decreasing? Need information on imports by volume, value, and country or origin.

Well, you know what? It Will!
4. Dominant price range for the quality: choose the range with the largest potential sales.

5. What are the prices for the importer? the wholesaler? the retailer?

6. Is there market control by traditional suppliers? Acceptability of new products by buyers?

In reality, virtually the whole  outer ring  on the store will be a  body building diet aisle !
'''Market Requirements'''

1. Need to conform to a standard or grade and a procedure for approval of grading system.

2. Special packaging because of climate, ship conditions, government regulations or local tastes and prejudices.

Some tips about what I mean

1. How much markup and commission is expected for importer / manufacturer / commission / agent / distributor / etc.?

2. Normal distribution patterns.

Contemplate your own local retail store and also what is actually based around the perimeter of the store. Probably this is where you'll find your dairy, meats, vegetables, fruit, and fresh fish all of which tend to be necessities of a healthy body building diet, right?
3. One firm with exclusive distribution rights or several representatives in various locations?

4. One large shipment or several smaller ones to meet quota.

5. Advertising support? Source?

Highly processed and junk  foods are generally found in the middle aisles so continue with the outer ring  whenever possible and you can't go wrong.
'''Sales Promotion'''
1. What media are available for advertising the product? newspaper / magazines / radio / t.v. / cinema / word of mouth?
2. What is the cost of advertising? Which would give the most benefit for the cost?
3. Where are there suitable trade fairs / exhibits to display rabbits? Cost of participation.
4. What forms of advertising do customers respond to best?
=== The economics of rabbit production ===
Every rabbit raiser is a businessman whether he raises a few or a hundred rabbits. For success, he must put money, time, and talent into the project for some expected return. Economists describe this business operation in this way:
1. Land and building<br />2. Hutches, watering and feeder troughs.<br />3. Feeds<br />4. Other overhead.
1. Livestock<br />2. Rabbit meat<br />3. Rabbit by-products<br />a. fur<br />b. paws<br />c. tails<br />d. manure<br />1) Fertilizer<br />2) Methane gas
Rabbit production is one backyard industry that promises a bright future. Why' Because almost 99 per cent of the rabbit is useful - the meat for food, the fur for [[clothing]], paws and tails for trinkets, and the manure for soil improvement and for new energy source... bio or methane gas.
The returns from rabbit raising vary from place to place and from time to time. So rabbit producers may either expand or close down their projects on the basis of local and national demands.
However, rabbits are perhaps the most economical and profitable of all kinds of livestock. They can utilize inferior feeds and still provide quality meat and fur. Moreover, with a better quality feeding program, they can increase bunny production thus allowing a higher profit margin for the producer.
A good rabbit raiser strives to raise as many bunnies as possible from one doe within a year or during her productive life. Good management includes the wise selection of initial breeding stock and the determination of how much time and capital is to be invested in the project. It also includes good care of the does, bucks, bunnies and paying alert attention to housing, cages, sanitation, and record keeping.
Here is an example of profit potential for one doe and a kindling of six bunnies.
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
1. At 4 months of age, 6 fryers slaughtered 6 kilos @ PI2.00/K
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
P 72.00
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
2. Fur - tanned skins sold 6 fryers @ P6.00................................
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
3. Manure - 1/3 of total feed - 82 ÷3 = 27 kilos @ P.25 or about.3. cubic. Ft/doe/year...............................................................
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
4. Paws and tails 30 pieces @ P1.20 each.......................
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
'''GROSS TOTAL.'''..............................................................
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
P 150.75
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
Minus cost of commercial feed @ P-/K..............................
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
'''NET GAIN '''(for one doe)..........................................................
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
<u>P 51.75</u>
If bunnies are all sold live at 4 months of age the following computation is applicable:
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
1. Six bunnies @ P40.00 each
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
P 240.00
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
2. Manure
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
P 246.75
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
Minus cost of commercial feed (see above)
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
|- valign="TOP"
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
| rowspan="1" colspan="1" valign="TOP" |
<u>P 147.75</u>

Revision as of 14:11, 23 September 2011


A Complete Handbook on Back-Yard and Commercial Rabbit Production (Peace Corps, 1982, 92 p.)

Marketing rabbits

Marketing is the number one problem with rabbit raisers in the Philippines today. In theory, the demand is great considering the current population explosion and world wide food shortages. In actuality, the demand for rabbit meat is either too high or too low for the rabbit producers to supply.

Presently, the lack of statistical data concerning the feasibility or the marketability of rabbit meat plagues the backyard and commercial rabbit entrepreneur. Hopefully, in the future, with the involvement of national government agencies and private organizations in rabbit production as an alternative protein source, there will be studies conducted on the various potentials and/or detriments of this field for the entrepreneur to utilize as guidelines. Until these needed studies are conducted, we truely are pioneers in the field of rabbit production.

Marketing prospects should be located and developed promptly when one engages in rabbit production. The FIRST market for meat is the family, neighbors, towns and cities within the locality. Rabbit meat can then be sold in dressed form to hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, and open markets. Rabbit barbecue can be sold by sidewalk vendors. But if we are to succeed at all we must successfully market the IDEA of eating rabbit meat to ALL strata of the population...not only to the middle and upper class but, to the strata that compose the majority of the populace... the grass roots. WE must in fact convince ourselves before convincing others!

By-products of rabbits such as fur, tails, paws, and manure are certainly added income. In fact, more money will be made in marketing by-products than in the sale of meat alone.

Cutting and packaging rabbit meat

After slaughtering the animal (see later chapter on simplified tanning) and washing the carcass thoroughly, hang it to drain. Wipe excess water with a clean cloth and pack meat attractively in a cellophane bag. Record weight on the bag with a pentel pen (Fig. 29, A and B).

FIGURE 29 - Inexpensive meat packaging method:

A. Fold hind legs into chest cavity leaving liver and kidneys exposed.

Chill the carcass in a refrigerated cooler. Arrange the carcass on a cooling rack so that moderate air movements and suitable temperature within the cooler will reduce the internal temperature of the carcass to no less than 2.22°C and to no more than 4.44°C within 24 hours.

Hanging by the hind legs for chilling may cause a carcass to be drawn out of shape so that the pieces will not fit satisfactorily into a cartoon. Some processors chill carcasses in wire trays, arranging them so the pieces will be of a proper shape for packaging.

FIGURE 29 - B. Place in cellophane bag and record weight.

FIGURE 30-Common cuts of rabbit meat.

Hotels, restaurants, hospitals, clubs, and other establishments usually purchase the whole carcass with the liver intact. Their chefs prefer to cut them to meet their own requirements. Housewives usually prefer the cut-up packaged product. Cut up the fryer rabbit with a knife; using a cleaver may splinter the bones. Common cuts from fryer carcasses are illustrated in figure 30; in large commercial processing plants, a bandsaw is used. For sale in supermarkets, a paraffined box with a cellophane window makes a neat, sanitary package for the chilled rabbit carcass. If the package is to be handled considerably or the meat is to be frozen, use a box without the cellophane window, but wrap the meat or the box in a special wrapping to prevent freezer burns and loss in palatability.

A box 22 ½ mm long, 10 mm wide, and.164 deep is suitable for a fryer carcass weighing 750 grams to 950 grams. Again arrange the cut attractively. Include the heart, kidneys, and liver.

If you sell to the home trade or furnish butchers with meat that is to be consumed locally, a cellophane bag will suffice or you can make a neat, sanitary, and inexpensive package by arranging the pieces of fryer and a spring of parsley on a paper plate and covering them with a piece of clear cellophane or other wrapping materials.

Crating and shipping live rabbits

You can ship rabbits almost any distance with safety, if they are in good condition, properly crated, and provided with food and water. Do not ship them in extremely hot or cold weather. Always use well-ventilated crates that are long enough to permit the rabbit to lie down. Use straw for bedding. Crates with slanting tops discourage stacking. Consult the quarantine laws in your area (Fig. 31).

FIGURE 31 - (Left) bag with holes for transporting rabbits short distances - up to 24 hours. (Right) crate with grass manger in the center for long distances.

Put only one animal in each compartment of the shipping crate. Animals to be in transit 24 hours or less need only a small quantity of feed and water. If the trip is longer, more feed and water are needed. It is wise to attach to each crate a bag of feed and a printed request to feed and water the animals once a day. Plenty of fresh water and feed should be accessible to the rabbits at all times. For rabbits in transit, use the type of feed given in the rabbitry. As an alternative, any root crop or vegetable such as sayote placed in the crate will provide enough feed and moisture for several days travel, and eliminates the possibility of spilling feed and water supplied in containers.

Label the crate clearly, advising against exposing the animals to sun or rain. Notify the purchaser when rabbits are shipped.

You can make shipping crates from packing boxes. It is good business, however, and effective advertising, to ship rabbits in durable crates that are neatly built, light weight and attractive. Furnish ample space in each compartment and be sure that wire netting keeps the rabbits from gnawing the wood.

How to assess sales prospects

To find out how your product will sell, gather and analyze the following information.


1. Geographical information. Area of country, the terrain, the climate, distance between main population centers. Things that will influence demand for your product. In other words..."who needs it?"

2. Population. What is its size, age range, and concentration?

3. Income. What is the level of income, who has the income (distribution) and who might need your product?

4. Natural resources. Is it limited or not yet developed? (this is especially important in determining earnings from staple agricultural and other products.)

5. Industrial development. What is the extent and stage of industrial development plans at present and for the future? Amount of foreign investment?

Market Potential

1. Demand: What is the current and future demand for the product?

2. Domestic production: Who is now making the product, where are they located, and what are their plans for future expansion?

3. Imports for product: Increasing, decreasing? Need information on imports by volume, value, and country or origin.

4. Dominant price range for the quality: choose the range with the largest potential sales.

5. What are the prices for the importer? the wholesaler? the retailer?

6. Is there market control by traditional suppliers? Acceptability of new products by buyers?

Market Requirements

1. Need to conform to a standard or grade and a procedure for approval of grading system.

2. Special packaging because of climate, ship conditions, government regulations or local tastes and prejudices.


1. How much markup and commission is expected for importer / manufacturer / commission / agent / distributor / etc.?

2. Normal distribution patterns.

3. One firm with exclusive distribution rights or several representatives in various locations?

4. One large shipment or several smaller ones to meet quota.

5. Advertising support? Source?

Sales Promotion

1. What media are available for advertising the product? newspaper / magazines / radio / t.v. / cinema / word of mouth?

2. What is the cost of advertising? Which would give the most benefit for the cost?

3. Where are there suitable trade fairs / exhibits to display rabbits? Cost of participation.

4. What forms of advertising do customers respond to best?

The economics of rabbit production

Every rabbit raiser is a businessman whether he raises a few or a hundred rabbits. For success, he must put money, time, and talent into the project for some expected return. Economists describe this business operation in this way:


1. Land and building
2. Hutches, watering and feeder troughs.
3. Feeds
4. Other overhead.


1. Livestock
2. Rabbit meat
3. Rabbit by-products
a. fur
b. paws
c. tails
d. manure
1) Fertilizer
2) Methane gas

Rabbit production is one backyard industry that promises a bright future. Why' Because almost 99 per cent of the rabbit is useful - the meat for food, the fur for clothing, paws and tails for trinkets, and the manure for soil improvement and for new energy source... bio or methane gas.

The returns from rabbit raising vary from place to place and from time to time. So rabbit producers may either expand or close down their projects on the basis of local and national demands.

However, rabbits are perhaps the most economical and profitable of all kinds of livestock. They can utilize inferior feeds and still provide quality meat and fur. Moreover, with a better quality feeding program, they can increase bunny production thus allowing a higher profit margin for the producer.

A good rabbit raiser strives to raise as many bunnies as possible from one doe within a year or during her productive life. Good management includes the wise selection of initial breeding stock and the determination of how much time and capital is to be invested in the project. It also includes good care of the does, bucks, bunnies and paying alert attention to housing, cages, sanitation, and record keeping.

Here is an example of profit potential for one doe and a kindling of six bunnies.

1. At 4 months of age, 6 fryers slaughtered 6 kilos @ PI2.00/K

P 72.00

2. Fur - tanned skins sold 6 fryers @ P6.00................................


3. Manure - 1/3 of total feed - 82 ÷3 = 27 kilos @ P.25 or about.3. cubic. Ft/doe/year...............................................................


4. Paws and tails 30 pieces @ P1.20 each.......................


GROSS TOTAL...............................................................

P 150.75

Minus cost of commercial feed @ P-/K..............................


NET GAIN (for one doe)..........................................................

P 51.75

If bunnies are all sold live at 4 months of age the following computation is applicable:

1. Six bunnies @ P40.00 each

P 240.00

2. Manure



P 246.75

Minus cost of commercial feed (see above)



P 147.75

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