First meeting agenda

Post stuff here, and if you're coming, mark what days are good for you to talk here (we'll pick a date first, then a time). Meeting will be on IRC, on freenode's #appropedia channel. That's here for webchat if you don't want to install an IRC client just for the meeting.

  • Goal - what are we trying to do here?
    • Post your ideas here.
    • Form partnerships between OSN-involved groups
    • Disseminate OSN knowledge - make all our work available to each other and the world - perhaps create a directory?
    • Bring new contributors into the various groups
    • Create a study group on OSN that will tackle a different topic, monthly, for a year - set up the infrastructure here Mchua
  • Who are we targeting?
  • Date - decide on a firm date (or a few date ranges pending on location) for the conference
  • Location - come up with a list of places to ask, things to ask for, and poeple who will take point on asking each location
  • Budget - decide whether...
    • We want to provide food (if so, how much, what kind?)
    • We want to provide swag (tshirts buttons stickers etc)
    • We want to make attendees pay (or suggested-donation)
  • Schedule - decide...
    • How tightly scheduled we want things to be
    • Do we want all sessions to be ad-hoc announced at the beginning, or do we want one or two "starter attractions" (Mr. Foo and Ms. Bar will be running workshops on Shiny Things X and Y... propose your own!)
    • Keynotes?
      • I'd rather not. It sets up some people as "way more special than others" and I'd like to not have VIPs. Mchua
    • A sprint or competition?
      • These can be fun - a rocket pitch competition where you got a random grab bag of words, 30 minutes, and 2 minutes to present a business plan for an OSN-type activity that uses the random words in your project's name - in random teams - to break the ice. Mchua
      • Sprint time is also fun - ditto the grab bag of random words, but teams have 24 hours to come up with something actually useful (whereas the business plan rocket pitch deal is totally whimsical) to one of the existing projects.
  • Registration - decide whether
    • We want attendees to register in advance (how far?)
    • We will accept-walk-ins
    • We will accept people who can only come part-time
  • Who wants to do what? (Point-person-pointing time!)
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