There is no such thing as garbage—only wasted resources.

All carbon-based waste is a potential source of energy, through biogas, waste to oil, gasification or turning it into briquettes to burn in an improved cook stove or heater. Waste vegetable oil can be used as fuel for vehicles directly or turned into biodiesel.

Sewage is a source of nutrients, and treating it as merely a disposal problem misses an important opportunity. After the energy is extracted with a biogas digester, the sludge can be used (with suitable precautions) in agriculture. Composting toilets are another solution, which produce a greater bulk of rich compost compared to the biogas digester, but do not produce energy.

Municipal waste is typically a mess of all kinds of resources:

  • food waste that can be composted. This requires education (starting in schools) and a cultural shift.
  • plastic, glass and metal that cannot be recycled, due to soiling, or being the wrong type.[1]
    • plastics of the wrong type which cannot be recycled—there are processes for converting such materials into second-grade material to make useful products.
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  • miscellaneous items, e.g. items soiled with food.[2]
    • In future it may be practical to use paper and plastic items soiled with food in a waste to energy incinerator(SWERF—Solid Waste Energy REcycling Facility).

Industrial ecology

Industrial ecology is a practice of no waste in industry - every output is used in some way, rather than being allowed to become waste. The same can be said for office waste, where specialist office recycling companies can recycle everything from Paper to furniture and [e-waste].

See also

External links

  • Waste for Life, a loosely joined network of scientists, engineers, educators, designers, and cooperatives working together to develop poverty-reducing solutions to specific ecological problems.


  1. In future we can expect the use of bioplastics, which can be more safely recycled, composted or used in a waste to energy process.
  2. Can the householder can tell what is suitable for recycling and what isn't? A guide to household recycling, with pictures and authoritative information, would be very helpful.[expansion needed]
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