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Pluronic f-127 is very viscous material with interesting properties that is been used in bioprinting. Pluronic hydrogel is relatively expensive material, costing $100 for a 100 ml container. This page is aimed to explain the fabriaction of this hydrogel in few steps.

Equipment or Bill of Materials

  1. Pluronic powder 250 grams for $52
  2. Ice
  3. Hot Plate

Operation & Procedure

  1. DIW is measured and stored in 4 C for couple of hours in a beaker.
  2. 40% weight of the pluronic powder is measured.
  3. The DIW is put in a container of ice cubes ( ice packs) and a magnetic bar is added to the beaker.
  4. The ice bath with the beaker is put on the hot plate and the hotplate is set to stir at 700 rpm.
  5. Pluronic powder is gradually added to the beaker.
  6. The Ice bath temperature is controlled by keep adding ice to the bath till the pluronic powder is fully dissolved. Depending on the initial DIW volume, this may take hours.
  7. Finally, hydrogel is stored at refrigerator where it will be in form of liquid. After bringing back to the room temperature, it will start to return to the form a viscous hydrogel.
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