
  1. Download files [here], choose your optimal print settings (e.g. what you think gives you the best looking part and max strength) and then print 3X large horizontal, 3X small horizontal, and 3X small vertical using PLA from any vendor you like.
    1. .amf holds positional coordinates and rotational coordinates for any imported .stl file(s). Thus, you should "Load model file..." and print in the orientation and qty. as opened. This is critical as we already konw these orientations work.
    2. .ini is the profile. The provided .ini contains all parameter settings for getting a good quality slice file. We have intentionally left layer thickness, print temperature, print speed, flow %, and bed temperature blank. These are the variables you can play with. This .ini is to be used for all specimens - it has already been shown to work on 3 deltas.
    3. If for some reason the .amf's don't work the .STL files are attached.
  2. Put your specimens in a bag with your name and course labelled on/in the bag
  3. Input your variable parameters with your name to the course data speadsheet in a single line [here]

Requirement / note / ideas for students:

Basic inputs to start with:

  • Layer Thickness: 0.2mm
  • Temperature: 175C
  • Flow: 100%
  • Speed: 80mm/s
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