Lulzbot Mini

This page is an overview for the operation of the Lulzbot Mini 3D printer in the MOST lab. The Mini is utilized to develop open-source technology and aid with the development of low-cost scientific tools. Additionally this page is to help new MOST researchers learn about the printer and how to collect energy usage information.

The new Lulzbot Mini offers automatic bed leveling, to ease with first layer adhesion, and automatic nozzle cleaning which helps with the first layer as well. This is an ideal printer to get started on as most of the issues with printing are print adhesion related. Additionally the smaller build volume of the Mini will help prevent prints from warping.

Printable Materials

The Lulzbot Mini can print most non-flexible 3mm filament straight out of the box with a full list of materials on the printer product page here under "specifications". While all filaments can be used the Lulzbot edition of Cura has preset slicing profiles in the quick print settings for the following most common materials.




Software Used

The printer can be controlled using the slicing software (Cure) or it can be controlled with pronterface through the same user interface. Pronterface does offer start and stop times for the print which can be beneficial for cost analysis of printed parts using the kill-a-watt energy meter.

The lulzbot edition of cura allows preset machine settings and slicing profiles for all Lulzbot printers and is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. Cura Lulzbot Edition

Pronterface only controls the printer and does not slice stl files, but it is also available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.


Before Starting

Familiarize yourself with the printer and the general terms of 3D printing as well as the quick start guide for the Mini which can be found in the lab, or online here

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