What is AC-voltage

AC-voltage is voltage without a Plus and Min

AC-voltage symbol NO plus min power.PNG

Other Names for "AC-voltage"

  • Current power or voltage
  • sine wave power or voltage
  • Inverter type of power or voltage

AC-voltage safety

Voltage under the 24 volt does not give dangerous electric shock.

What is low voltage

Other Names for "low voltage"

  • Shock free power or voltage

What is DC-voltage

DC-voltage haves a Plus and Min.

DC-voltage symbol Plus min power.PNG

Other Names for "DC-voltage"

  • DC power or voltage
  • Battery type of power or voltage
  • Plus-min power or voltage

Electric DC polarity PLUS and MIN

Electricity basics: Marked plus wire

Markt plus

  • red is always plus.
  • painted line on the plus wire, no line on the min.
  • Plus wire is square, round wire is min
  • sharp edge is plus, round wire is min
  • knot is plus, no knot is min
  • mark on the plus wire and so on, the plus wire is special or not normal than a normal wire.
  • and so on, the plus wire is special or not normal than a normal wire.

These must be in good working order to save your electric material:

  • The voltage
  • The amperage
  • The PLUS and MIN position
  • The type of power AC or DC
  • The type of low voltage coax connector
  • protect your plug and connector against mechanical puling force
  • take your time to check these 6 items

Side and middle electric connection

sign on power output or this sign sign on power consumption or this sign harmful for output ? harmful for power consumer ?
Inside MIN outside PLUS.PNG Outside PLUS inside MIN.PNG Inside MIN outside PLUS.PNG Outside PLUS inside MIN.PNG no no
Outside MIN inside PLUS.PNG Inside PLUS outside MIN.PNG Outside MIN inside PLUS.PNG Inside PLUS outside MIN.PNG no no
Inside MIN outside PLUS.PNG Outside PLUS inside MIN.PNG Outside MIN inside PLUS.PNG Inside PLUS outside MIN.PNG no YES !
Outside MIN inside PLUS.PNG Inside PLUS outside MIN.PNG Inside MIN outside PLUS.PNG Outside PLUS inside MIN.PNG no YES !
Plus min power.PNG DC NO plus min power.PNG AC no YES !
NO plus min power.PNG AC Plus min power.PNG DC no YES !

electric ampere

amp. on

power output

or this amp. amp. on

power consumer

or this amp. harmful

for output ?

harmful for

power consumer ?

500mA =0.5A 500mA =0.5A no no
400mA =0.4A 500mA =0.5A YES ! no
500mA =0.5A 400mA =0.4A no no

electric voltage

volt output volt consumer harmful for output ? harmful for power consumer ?
12V 12V no no
9V 12V no does not work good
3V 12V no does not work
12V 9V no YES !

adapter with different connectors

Protect you power supply

On the left power supply output in the right power receiving device


Inside outside size.PNG

Plus and min

Power supply with connecting adapters.PNG

Adapter connectors





Shortcut type plug mark
2,5 2,5 YES! 2,5 mono =
3,5 3,5 YES! 3,5 mono =
0,75 2,35 no S =
1,40 3,5 no H Nokia
1,7 4,0 no I =
1,8 4,8 no J =
2,1 5,0 no D =
1,5 5,5 no N =
2,5 5,5 no G =

What is electrical-short ?

Electrical short is when the plus and min are in contact with each other

This is harmful for the adapter or battery.

electrical-short with (dis)connecting device

Some smaller connectors shortcut the power supply if you (dis)connect .

(dis)Connect the connector to the device if there is NO power on the plug.



Connecting device.PNG

Car cigarette lighter plug

A Car cigarette lighter plug must have the plus in the middle and the min on the outside.

Some female Car socket in some truck have 24 volt.

Car cigarette lighter DC Plus and Min.PNG

See Also

external links

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