
Localpedia is a generalisation of Canaripedia. More comments on what needs to be done, at the talk page.

Localpedia's aim is to compile a list of questions and objective answers about any specific territory's real resources and possibilities, in terms of water, food, energy and other basic systems, to then convert the data into understandable magnitudes ("grams of potatoes produced by person and per day").

That way, anyone can stand firmly on real and understandable data to think about how to face crises or en how to contribute to creating abundance.

More details in:

If you want to contribute:

  • Ask or comment about the project at frequently asked questions. That will help clarify why and how.
  • Review or add to to-do list.
  • Most important. In each of the following sections, include your own questions, sources and answers. Of course, you don't have to know the answer to ask the question. If you don't know what to ask or whether your answer is "valid", comment freely, as this is a wiki and we can improve it later. Be bold!

Sections (see all sections in one page without being able to edit it):

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