
The Canaripedia is being ported into English and generalised.

The idea is to collect questions and answers, around basic issues, about each "place". It could be the Canary Islands, each island - or your place. The basic issues are people, territory, water, food, energy, transport. This information would be objective like in wikipedia, but centered around questions related to appropriate technology, developement, etc like in appropedia. One defining quality of information is it would be in easily understood units: it's difficult to grasp millions of kilograms of food per year, and easier to talk about grams per person and per day.

A wiki is a practical place to start this, but it's not the most convenient way. Extra "features" are needed to signal areas that need more questions - and questions that need rephrasing, sources, information or recalculation. Perhaps it's a matter of using tricks already available in wikimedia (the software that runs wikipedia and appropedia), or maybe it's better to develop specific software for this.

The current intention is to port Canaripedia below this introduction, translating it into English and generalising it. After that, a person or team who wants to work on it using another territory could make a localised copy of the pages, and start filling them in. If that work is done in English, then more people would be able to help, both with the information and with the features that would be needed and the software that might be used or developed.

Thanks for your help and comments! LucasG 12:12, 11 June 2011 (PDT)


Localpedia's aim is to compile a list of questions and objective answers about this territory's real resources and possibilities, in terms of water, food, energy and other basic systems, to then convert the data into understandable magnitudes ("grams of potatoes produced by person and per day").

That way, anyone can stand firmly on real and understandable data to think about how to face crises or en how to contribute to creating abundance.

More details in:

If you want to contribute:

  • Ask or comment about the project at frequently asked questions. That will help clarify why and how.
  • Review or add to to-do list.
  • Most important. In each of the following sections, include your own questions, sources and answers. Of course, you don't have to know the answer to ask the question. If you don't know what to ask or whether your answer is "valid", comment freely, as this is a wiki and we can improve it later. Be bold!

Sections ($$$ver todas las secciones, pero sin poder editarlas, en una sola página):

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