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A '''alternative ICE fuel generator''' is a generator that can generate [[alternative fuel]]s usable in [[internal combustion engines]] from ambient resources (eg air, water), using nothing but [[electricity]]. A common application where these fuels can be used are with personal vehicles (eg cars). <ref>[http://h2o.localal.com/ What is a hydrogen generator]</ref>
A '''ICE fuel generator''' is a [[generator]] that can generate [[fuel]]s from ambient resources (eg air, water), and/or commonly available materials (ie wood, plant matter, feces) using techniques as the application of heat or the use of [[electricity|electric energy]]. The fuels discussed here are suitable for use in [[internal combustion engine]]s. A common application where these fuels can be useful is [[sustainable transport]] (ie personal vehicles). <ref>[http://h2o.localal.com/ What is a hydrogen generator]</ref>

==Types of generators==
==Types of generators==
Generators exist for a wide array of different fuels. These include hydrogen, oxyhydrogen, liquid nitrogen and compressed air. Popular generators for hydrogen and oxyhydrogen are of the "dry cell"-type.
Generators exist for a wide array of different fuels. These include compressed air, hydrogen, oxyhydrogen, nitrous oxide, wood gas, syngas, biogas, methane, liquid nitrogen, bioalcohols, plant oils.
===Compressed air===
Compressed air generators are often merely called air compressors and are often already imlemented on [[Air_car|new cars running this fuel]] (eg Tata OneCAT, ...). Therefore a separate generator is not required. If the vehicle does not come equipped with a compressor, they can be easily found in any town, as compressors are also used to inflate tires, ...

Most of these generators usually use [[Electrolysis of water]] to produce the hydrogen. Several commercial companies have build hydrogen generators suitable for domestic and larger-scale use.<ref>[http://www.itm-power.com/html/technology.php ITM Power hydrogen generator]</ref><ref>[http://vadaenergy.com/shop/index.php?cPath=47_50 Vada Energy Hydrogen generator]</ref><ref>[http://automobiles.honda.com/fcx-clarity/home-energy-station.aspx Honda/Plug Power Inc.'s Home energy station, a hydrogen generator by Honda; suitable if electricity is used instead of natural gas; Honda is working on this]</ref><ref>[http://www.switch2hydrogen.com/h2.htm United Nuclear's hydrogen generator system]</ref>. In addition, amateur builders have also made low-cost hydrogen generators that can be used at home.<ref>[http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2427934/how_to_builld_an_hho_dry_cell_make_hydrogen_fuel_generator_plans/ DIY Hydrogen fuel generator]</ref><ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX-vbcaEEWA DIY Hydrogen fuel generator 2]</ref><ref>[http://www.alternative-energy-resources.net/HHO-generator.html DIY Hydrogen generator 3]</ref><ref>[http://www.goodideacreative.com/h2_sys2.html DIY hydrogen generator 4]</ref>The amateur devices however are usually insufficient to generate enough hydrogen for use in a vehicle. This, as according to Jim Heathcote, a high-efficiency larger-scale hydrogen generator as ITM Power's Green Box can generates power at around 60% efficiency. This makes that of eg 10000kwH of power, only 6000kwH is converted to hydrogen. This would provide for about 7200&nbsp;km in ITM Power's converted Prius (roughly the half of what a conventional family drives with a car).<ref>Natuurwetenschap & Techniek, March 2009</ref> Despite the fact that the DIY generators are thus usually insufficient, they do provide a good [[proof-of-concept]]. The commercial units may be used in practice, yet are still quite pricy (around 10000$ for high-efficiency generators) and the power required to run them can eventually come at a hefty price as well. perhaps that the entrance of new devices such as [http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2008/oxygen-0731.html Daniel Nocera's low-cost hydrogen generator] may make the generators more usable in practice. Also, the possible [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_cell#Fuel_cell_economics replacement of platinum] with sulpher/iron or other materials could create a much cheaper hydrogen generator. Besides new hydrogen devices relying on new catalysts, [[Synthetic biology]] too is coming up with low-cost approaches on making hydrogen. However, at present it has not yet produced a viable organic hydrogen generator.<ref>[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-163896478.html Synthetic biology and hydrogen]</ref><ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/jun/19/chemistry.agriculture Synthetic biology to make hydrogen]</ref><ref>[http://pbd.lbl.gov/synthbio/aims.htm Synthetic biology at Berkeley Lab]</ref><ref>[http://arpa-e.energy.gov/FundedProjects.aspx ARPA-E Affordable Energy from Water and Sunlight project]</ref><ref>[http://www.physorg.com/news165836803.html Hydrogen from urine]</ref><ref>[http://docs.google.com/View?id=dcwtr665_289chrbh7cc KVDP's letter to Geraldine Botte]</ref><ref>[http://www.outlookseries.com/N8/Science/3753_Shanwen_Tao_Heriot-Watt_University_Carbamide_Power_System_Fuel_Cell_Turns_Urine_Electricity_Water_Shanwen_Tao.htm Hydrogen from urine: the Carbamide Power System Fuel Cell]</ref>
{{Main|Hydrogen as fuel}}
Popular generators for hydrogen and oxyhydrogen are of the "dry cell"-type. Most of these generators usually use [[Electrolysis of water]] to produce the hydrogen. Several commercial companies have build hydrogen generators suitable for domestic and larger-scale use.<ref>[http://www.itm-power.com/html/technology.php ITM Power hydrogen generator]</ref><ref>[http://vadaenergy.com/shop/index.php?cPath=47_50 Vada Energy Hydrogen generator]</ref><ref>[http://automobiles.honda.com/fcx-clarity/home-energy-station.aspx Honda/Plug Power Inc.'s Home energy station, a hydrogen generator by Honda; suitable if electricity is used instead of natural gas; Honda is working on this]</ref><ref>[http://www.switch2hydrogen.com/h2.htm United Nuclear's hydrogen generator system]</ref>. In addition, amateur builders have also made low-cost hydrogen generators that can be used at home.<ref>[http://www.metacafe.com/watch/2427934/how_to_build_an_hho_dry_cell_make_hydrogen_fuel_generator_plans/ DIY Hydrogen fuel generator]</ref><ref>[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NX-vbcaEEWA DIY Hydrogen fuel generator 2]</ref><ref>[http://www.goodideacreative.com/h2_sys2.html DIY hydrogen generator 3]</ref>The amateur devices however are usually insufficient to generate enough hydrogen for use in a vehicle. This, as according to Jim Heathcote, a high-efficiency larger-scale hydrogen generator as ITM Power's Green Box can generates power at around 60% efficiency. This makes that of eg 10000 kwH of power, only 6000 kwH is converted to hydrogen. This would provide for about 7200&nbsp;km in ITM Power's converted Prius (roughly the half of what a conventional family drives with a car).<ref>Natuurwetenschap & Techniek, March 2009</ref> Despite the fact that the DIY generators are thus usually insufficient, they do provide a good [[proof-of-concept]]. The commercial units may be used in practice, yet are still quite pricy (around 10000$ for high-efficiency generators) and the power required to run them can eventually come at a hefty price as well. Perhaps that the entrance of more efficient hydrogen generators such as [http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2008/oxygen-0731.html Daniel Nocera's low-cost hydrogen generator]<ref>[http://www.suncatalytix.com/tech.html Sun catalytix spin-off of Daniel Nocera's work]</ref><ref>[http://arpa-e.energy.gov/FundedProjects.aspx ARPA-E funding Sun Catalytix]</ref> may make hydrogen use more feasible in practice. Also, the possible [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuel_cell#Fuel_cell_economics replacement of platinum] with sulpher/iron or other materials could create a much cheaper hydrogen generator. Besides new hydrogen devices relying on new catalysts, Biological approaches can also be used to make hydrogen (the hydrogen made using this technique being called "biohydrogen"). The devices used for this are called [http://www.appropedia.org/File:Microbial_electrolysis_cell.png Microbial Electrolysis Cells (MEC's)].<ref>[http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-163896478.html Synthetic biology and hydrogen]</ref><ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/jun/19/chemistry.agriculture Synthetic biology to make hydrogen]</ref><ref>[http://pbd.lbl.gov/synthbio/aims.htm Synthetic biology at Berkeley Lab]</ref><ref>[http://arpa-e.energy.gov/FundedProjects.aspx ARPA-E Affordable Energy from Water and Sunlight project]</ref><ref>[http://www.physorg.com/news165836803.html Hydrogen from urine]</ref><ref>[http://docs.google.com/View?id=dcwtr665_289chrbh7cc KVDP's letter to Geraldine Botte]</ref><ref>[http://www.outlookseries.com/N8/Science/3753_Shanwen_Tao_Heriot-Watt_University_Carbamide_Power_System_Fuel_Cell_Turns_Urine_Electricity_Water_Shanwen_Tao.htm Hydrogen from urine: the Carbamide Power System Fuel Cell]</ref>
===Hydrogen peroxide===
Hydrogen peroxide can be made using a [http://http://www.appropedia.org/File:Microbial_electrolysis_cell.png microbial electrolysis cells (MEC)]. <ref>Conversion of Wastes into Bioelectricity and Chemical by Using Microbial Electrochemical Technologies by Bruce E.Logan, Korneel Rabaey</ref>

[[File:AT_HHO_generators.JPG|thumb|right|150px|The AT oxyhydrogen generators]]
{{Main|Oxyhydrogen as fuel}}
[[File:Maritime ICE systems.png|thumb|right|150px|Maritime oxyhydrogen ICE systems]]
Oxyhydrogen generators are another type of generator that produces oxyhydrogen. Oxyhydrogen is more energetic than hydrogen and therefore seems more popular to produce at home. Several amateurs have submitted building plans. <ref>[http://autofuelsaving.com/info/building-oxy-hydrogen-generators-using-fruit-canning-jars/ DIY Oxyhydrogen generator]</ref><ref>[http://hhogeneratorkits.com/ Oxyhydrogen generator kits]</ref><ref>water4gas HHO generator</ref><ref>[http://www.alternative-energy-resources.net/HHO-generator.html DIY HHO generator 2]</ref><ref>[http://www.dangerouslaboratories.org/ Dangerous Laboratories oxyhydrogen generator]</ref><ref>[http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Epoch_Energy_Technology_Corp Epoch HHO generator]</ref><ref>[http://pesn.com/2007/09/29/9500450_BobBoyce_Electrolizer_Plans/d9.pdf Bob Boyce electrolyzer]</ref>
Oxyhydrogen generators are another type of generator that produces oxyhydrogen. Oxyhydrogen is more energetic than hydrogen and therefore seems more popular to produce at home. Several amateurs have submitted building plans. <ref>[http://autofuelsaving.com/info/building-oxy-hydrogen-generators-using-fruit-canning-jars/ DIY Oxyhydrogen generator]</ref><ref>[http://hhogeneratorkits.com/ Oxyhydrogen generator kits]</ref><ref>
water4gas HHO generator</ref><ref>http://www.dangerouslaboratories.org/ Dangerous Laboratories oxyhydrogen generator</ref><ref>[http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Epoch_Energy_Technology_Corp Epoch HHO generator]</ref><ref>[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Oxyhydrogen_booster.JPG Sketch of a HHO booster that can probably be made into a single-fuel system]</ref><ref>[http://pesn.com/2007/09/29/9500450_BobBoyce_Electrolizer_Plans/d9.pdf Bob Boyce electrolyzer]</ref>

===Liquid nitrogen===
{{Main|Nitrogen generator}}
{{Main|Synthesis gas as fuel}}
At present, few liquid nitrogen generators are available and few home builders have made liquid nitrogen generators. Despite this, some commercial companies are offering liquid nitrogen generators.<ref>[http://www.stirling.nl/sp/sp3.html Liquid nitrogen generator 1]</ref><ref>[http://www.elan-2.com/ Liquid nitrogen generator 2]</ref><ref>[http://www.cryomech.com/CRYOREFRIGERATORS/liquid_nitrogen_plants.htm Liquid nitrogen generator 3]</ref>
[[Syngas]] can be produced at large facilities (no small-scale devices exist) using CO² and hydrogen. It hence requires a hydrogen generator as well to first produce this gas. Syngas can be made using a CR5 (or Counter Rotating Ring Receiver Reactor Recuperator)

===Nitrous oxide===
===Nitrous oxide===
See [[Nitrous oxide]]
See [[Nitrous oxide]]

===Compressed air===
Compressed air generators are often merely called air compressors and are often already imlemented on [[Air_car|new cars running this fuel]] (eg Tata OneCAT, ...). Therefore a separate generator is not required. If the vehicle does not come equipped with a compressor, they can be easily found in any town, as compressors are also used to inflate tires, ...
Unlike plant oils (which are typically extracted (pressed from crops), [[bioalcohols]] (except for [[biobutanol]]) are made using bio-organisms which are added in a tank/basin together with plant parts (either non-edible or edible plant parts). This tank can hence be regarded as a ICE fuel generator. See also [[cellulosic ethanol]]. Sometimes, a still is needed to increase the ethanol level in the liquid and make it suitable as a (vehicle) fuel.
===Plant oils===
See [[Plant oils as fuel]]
Methane can be produced using the Sabatier process (see [[Methane]]) or using a [[methane digester]]s.<ref>[http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_library/MethaneDigesters/MD4.html Methane digester]</ref> For the production method using the Sabatier process, [[oxyhydrogen]] could be used which can then be derived of oxygen (creating hydrogen) and then combined with CO<sub>2</sub> to form the methane. Appearantly, Zach West's bubbler could be used for this in combination with Bob Boyce's electrolyser.<ref>[http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/ZachWest.pdf Zach West's "electrolyser" (basically a bubbler)]</ref> Methane is already produced commercially using the Sabatier process for transport purposes. For example by [[SolarFuel GmbH]]/Audi AG.<ref>[http://www.solar-fuel.net/fileadmin/user_upload/pi-2011-SolarFuel-ContractsignedAudi.pdf Audi AG/SolarFuel GmbH procuding methane using Sabatier process]</ref> Finally, methane can also be produced using [http://http://www.appropedia.org/File:Microbial_electrolysis_cell.png microbial electrolysis cells (MEC's)].
[[Biogas]] can be produced using [[biodigester]]s.
===Wood gas===
See [[Wood gas as fuel]]
===Liquid nitrogen===
{{Main|Nitrogen generator}}
At present, few liquid nitrogen generators are available and few home builders have made liquid nitrogen generators. Despite this, some commercial companies are offering liquid nitrogen generators.<ref>[http://www.stirling.nl/sp/sp3.html Liquid nitrogen generator 1]</ref><ref>[http://www.elan-2.com/ Liquid nitrogen generator 2]</ref><ref>[http://www.cryomech.com/CRYOREFRIGERATORS/liquid_nitrogen_plants.htm Liquid nitrogen generator 3]</ref>

==See also==
==See also==
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== Interwiki links ==
== External links ==
* [[Wikipedia:Alternative ICE fuel generator]]
* [[Wikipedia:Alternative ICE fuel generator]]
* [http://peswiki.com/energy/Directory:Home_Generation#Core_Technologies ]
== External links ==
* [http://www.alternative-energy-geek.com/hydrogen-energy.html What is Hydrogen Energy]
[http://www.alternative-energy-geek.com/hydrogen-energy.html What is Hydrogen Energy]

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[[Category:Green vehicles]]
[[Category:Green vehicles]]
[[Category:Vehicle modification]]
[[Category:Vehicle modification]]
[[Category:Energy storage]]

Revision as of 07:19, 10 February 2013

A ICE fuel generator is a generator that can generate fuels from ambient resources (eg air, water), and/or commonly available materials (ie wood, plant matter, feces) using techniques as the application of heat or the use of electric energy. The fuels discussed here are suitable for use in internal combustion engines. A common application where these fuels can be useful is sustainable transport (ie personal vehicles). [1]

Types of generators

Generators exist for a wide array of different fuels. These include compressed air, hydrogen, oxyhydrogen, nitrous oxide, wood gas, syngas, biogas, methane, liquid nitrogen, bioalcohols, plant oils.

Compressed air

Compressed air generators are often merely called air compressors and are often already imlemented on new cars running this fuel (eg Tata OneCAT, ...). Therefore a separate generator is not required. If the vehicle does not come equipped with a compressor, they can be easily found in any town, as compressors are also used to inflate tires, ...


Popular generators for hydrogen and oxyhydrogen are of the "dry cell"-type. Most of these generators usually use Electrolysis of water to produce the hydrogen. Several commercial companies have build hydrogen generators suitable for domestic and larger-scale use.[2][3][4][5]. In addition, amateur builders have also made low-cost hydrogen generators that can be used at home.[6][7][8]The amateur devices however are usually insufficient to generate enough hydrogen for use in a vehicle. This, as according to Jim Heathcote, a high-efficiency larger-scale hydrogen generator as ITM Power's Green Box can generates power at around 60% efficiency. This makes that of eg 10000 kwH of power, only 6000 kwH is converted to hydrogen. This would provide for about 7200 km in ITM Power's converted Prius (roughly the half of what a conventional family drives with a car).[9] Despite the fact that the DIY generators are thus usually insufficient, they do provide a good proof-of-concept. The commercial units may be used in practice, yet are still quite pricy (around 10000$ for high-efficiency generators) and the power required to run them can eventually come at a hefty price as well. Perhaps that the entrance of more efficient hydrogen generators such as Daniel Nocera's low-cost hydrogen generator[10][11] may make hydrogen use more feasible in practice. Also, the possible replacement of platinum with sulpher/iron or other materials could create a much cheaper hydrogen generator. Besides new hydrogen devices relying on new catalysts, Biological approaches can also be used to make hydrogen (the hydrogen made using this technique being called "biohydrogen"). The devices used for this are called Microbial Electrolysis Cells (MEC's).[12][13][14][15][16][17][18]

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can be made using a microbial electrolysis cells (MEC). [19]


Oxyhydrogen generators are another type of generator that produces oxyhydrogen. Oxyhydrogen is more energetic than hydrogen and therefore seems more popular to produce at home. Several amateurs have submitted building plans. [20][21][22][23][24][25][26]


Syngas can be produced at large facilities (no small-scale devices exist) using CO² and hydrogen. It hence requires a hydrogen generator as well to first produce this gas. Syngas can be made using a CR5 (or Counter Rotating Ring Receiver Reactor Recuperator)

Nitrous oxide

See Nitrous oxide


Unlike plant oils (which are typically extracted (pressed from crops), bioalcohols (except for biobutanol) are made using bio-organisms which are added in a tank/basin together with plant parts (either non-edible or edible plant parts). This tank can hence be regarded as a ICE fuel generator. See also cellulosic ethanol. Sometimes, a still is needed to increase the ethanol level in the liquid and make it suitable as a (vehicle) fuel.

Plant oils

See Plant oils as fuel


Methane can be produced using the Sabatier process (see Methane) or using a methane digesters.[27] For the production method using the Sabatier process, oxyhydrogen could be used which can then be derived of oxygen (creating hydrogen) and then combined with CO2 to form the methane. Appearantly, Zach West's bubbler could be used for this in combination with Bob Boyce's electrolyser.[28] Methane is already produced commercially using the Sabatier process for transport purposes. For example by SolarFuel GmbH/Audi AG.[29] Finally, methane can also be produced using microbial electrolysis cells (MEC's).


Biogas can be produced using biodigesters.

Wood gas

See Wood gas as fuel

Liquid nitrogen

At present, few liquid nitrogen generators are available and few home builders have made liquid nitrogen generators. Despite this, some commercial companies are offering liquid nitrogen generators.[30][31][32]

See also



External links

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