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===Comic Strip===
===Comic Strip===
Described and embedded as a larger framed image.


Revision as of 16:59, 8 May 2012

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The 2012 Spring semester class of Engr370 Energy, Technology and Society continued the 2011 Humboldt State University Paper Towel Diversion Project. Phase II of the project culminates in a memorandum of understanding supported by documented research. This document asks participating stakeholders to take a vested interest in the project. The memorandum is not meant to be contractual but rather a step towards an easy facilitation of the project through understanding and agreement to the proposed elements of the project. The document is supported by further research into an effective paper towel collection system and a community based social marketing plan to change social norms on the campus. Teams were developed to work on each component and contribute to the final document. The following is a detailed outline of the project development and a summary of the final product.

Purpose and Context

Describe with text and maybe an image.

Phased Approach

Describe with text our recommendation to take a phased approach, starting with one of four options for the first phase and collecting feedback to adapt and implement a second phase. In addition, describe with text that we also provide suggestions for signage and other community based social marketing.

Phase 1 - Pilot

Describe with text that four alternatives, a combination of two different scales of collection and two different methods of collection, for the pilot are described below.


Describe with text what scale means exactly. Somewhere along the side we should have images of maps embedded with captions that apply for the scales.

37% mandate

Describe the details of what the 37% mandate entails.

24% voluntary

Describe the details of what the 24% voluntary entails. Describe that the % is based on last year's study and might not reflect the interests of the custodial staff now.


Describe with text what method means exactly.


Describe with text and maybe images the details of the dump method.


Describe with text and maybe images the details of the slash method.

Comparison Phase 1 options

Introduce the comparison with words. Table of the comparison overview.

HSU LCA Project Overview

Access to "ICE Summary Table" to create diversion scenarios or perform quick LCA's
Waste Stream Diversion Table

Land-filled waste emits Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) and transporting waste to a landfill consumes considerable energy. In 2000, Humboldt County’s landfill was capped and closed; consequently, landfill-bound waste is trucked an average of 187 miles (374 miles round trip) to either the Dry Creek Landfill in White City, Oregon or the Anderson Landfill outside of Redding, California.

Our LCA uses the Waste Stream Diversion Table to examine the energy and carbon associated with Humboldt State University's (HSU) paper towel waste stream and the impacts of continuing with business as usual and various diversion scenarios to Humboldt Waste Management Authority’s (HWMA) proposed anaerobic biodigester.

Two or three of the resulting charts embedded as thumbnails.

The linked LCA page should have the

  • Results and charts (evaluate comparisons)


Brief text description of CBSM that links to our research on successful CBSM programs


Text description of signage (including that it is approved) Image(s) embedded as thumbnails along the side. These should be uploaded large so that they can be used later.

Comic Strip


Transcript:After you finish washing your hands you don’t just look for the composting bin you look for a challenge. Under the bright lights of the bathroom you find your shot and score one for the team. The fans go berserk. When it comes to composting your paper towels, you are the king of the court. Even though you may go unnoticed you are more than willing to be a team player in the pursuit to divert our waste stream. Media:PaperTowelFinished.mp3


Maybe describe some of our other ideas... but not sure about linking.

Memorandum of Understanding


In particular, this MOU is intended to:

• Continue to support sustainable waste reduction methods for HSU • Increase waste diversion efforts on campus • Reduce disposal costs on campus • Enhance HSU students’ waste reduction awareness • Support and enhance social and environmental responsibility and action at HSU.


Land-filled waste emits Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), and transporting waste to a landfill consumes significant energy. In 2000, Humboldt County’s landfill was capped and closed; consequently, landfill-bound waste is trucked an average of 187 miles (374 miles round trip) to either the Dry Creek Landfill in White City, Oregon or the Anderson Landfill outside of Redding, California.

Paper towel waste has been identified as a section of the HSU waste stream that, with minimal effort, can create large reductions in energy and GHGs. If HSU were to divert 37% of our paper towel waste to HWMA’s proposed anaerobic biodigester, the amount of energy generated from that paper towel waste would offset the energy consumed in transporting the remaining paper towel waste to a landfill. This diversion would reduce HSU’s paper towel waste stream carbon footprint by 27% or 9 metric tons of carbon annually. Supporting data can be found in LCA.

Paper towels are an untapped component of HSU’s waste stream that could be put to a more beneficial use than landfill. HSU’s paper towel stream could be diverted to HWMA’s organics diversion program in order to make a high quality soil amendment and eventually adding electricity generation. Our project focuses in on this “low-hanging fruit”, in order to aid HSU on its path towards sustainability. By reducing its waste, HSU meets state and local policy initiatives and incurs the benefits of reduced disposal costs. It also can serve as a model project to illustrate a larger picture towards reducing Humboldt County’s dependence on out-of-area landfills and in providing a new local energy source.


•HWMA will create a regional example of best practices for handling organic waste streams, building infrastructure capacity to accept those waste streams and provide regional policy leadership for waste reduction strategies.

•In a manner that is in compliance with custodial working condition agreements, HSU custodial services will collect paper towels from appropriate campus facilities and move them to designated collection bins outside of buildings; this will be implemented with a pilot study on a volunteer basis from individual custodians.

•HSU Sustainability Office, Campus Recycling operations is responsible for ensuring transport and/or aggregation of waste paper towels going to HWMA organics diversion program.

•Due to budget constraints, extra collection receptacles for collecting towels in all the buildings of campus in which those particular custodians have volunteered to be part of the pilot will be phased in according to available budget.

•Due to budget constraints, social change marketing and signage in order to promote paper towel diversion practices and decrease contamination of paper towel waste will be phased in according to budget.

•HSU may decide to start eliminating paper towels in bathrooms and start installing air dryers to meet waste and cost goals. If this or another method of reducing paper towel use is implemented, involved parties will be notified and discussions held, if warranted.


Similar research or projects

| Name of the project
| URL of a the project
| If it is about paper towels specifically type Yes. If it is not, type No. 
| If it is at a University, type Yes. If not, type No.
| If it involves a biodigestor, type Yes. If not, type No.
| Type Research for a research project or Implemented for an implemented project.
| Describe it.
Name URL Paper towels (Yes/No) University (Yes/No) Biodigestor (Yes/No) Research/Implemented Description
Paper Towel Composting at Arabica Coffee House in Portland, Maine http://www.arabicacoffeeportland.com/ Yes No No Implemented Implemented at this bustling coffee house in the Old Port area of downtown Portland, Maine, as a part of their sustainable business model.
Paper Towel Composting as a part of lunch/food/paper products composting program. http://www.ecocycle.org/schools/greenstarschools Yes No No Implemented Implemented at participating Green Star schools in Boulder County, Colorada as a part of a Zero Waste Initiative.
Paper Towels are a part of City of San Francisco's Acceptable Green Waste Materials for Composting http://sunsetscavenger.com/residentialCompost.htm Yes No No Implemented Implemented by city of San Francisco (one of the first cities in the U.S. to mandate composting for all restaurants, businesses, and private residences) in an effort to reach zero waste by 2020.
Paper Towel Composting in Residence Halls at UC Berkeley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn8zLXucugE, http://www.facebook.com/rspberk Yes Yes No Implemented Implemented in one (large) residence hall. Paper towels are being composted. It was a single student driven project. Implementation was immediate, little prior project planning. Norton Mitchell is the contact.
Paper towel composting in Chico State bathrooms http://csuchico-dspace.calstate.edu/bitstream/handle/10211.4/388/11%2023%202011%20Eli%20Goodsell.pdf?sequence=1 Yes Yes No Research They have a campus-wide compost program and want to integrate bathroom paper towels into it
Paper towel composting in Bathrooms across American University campus as part of zero waste policy. http://www.american.edu/finance/sustainability/Waste.cfm Yes Yes No Implemented Paper towel composting throughout campus restrooms. Waste Audit conducted by students indicated that by composting paper towels 13% of the universities waste could be diverted from the landfill. Implemented in 2011
Going "off-grid"and Sustainability at Royal Roads University,BC Canada http://www.royalroads.ca/NR/rdonlyres/E50DE048-206F-433A-AD1D-9EAEF6B4F4A7/0/SUSTAINABILITYPLAN4.pdf Yes No No Research It is about making a more sustainable campus and reducing our environmental impact. A part of their plan is to go "grid-positive".

Project Organization

The project was divided up into four core groups with a supervisor representing each group. The groups work independently on particular tasks. Team supervisors assist groups with work flow and maintain communication between groups. The whole project is overseen by Lonny Grafman, class instructor.

Team Cuties Team G&J Team Radical Researchers Team Button Pushers
Tanja Hopmans, Supervisor Katie Harris, Supervisor Joel Bisson, Supervisor Joel Bisson, Supervisor
Aaron Gallo Nicole Caputo Robbie Di Paolo Julian Keesee
Scott Kavanaugh Scott Guy Max Vecchitto Eric Haas
Jeremy Battles Josh Case Kyle Stammerjohn Robert Camacho
Ian Norton Ben Fliegler Roger Tuan
  • Team Cuties are researching and creating a community based social marketing program to support the project.
  • Team G & J are writing and presenting a memorandum of understanding to project stakeholders.
  • Team Radical Researchers are developing a paper towel collection system.
  • Team Button Pushers are analyzing the collection system.



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