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  • In the final third of the video, the timing is not perfect and there are words I (LucasG) can't hear too well.
  • Also, the English is translated back from the Spanish (reverse engineered so to speak), so it's not exacly as the original.

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Translations (.SRT files)


1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,378 has file to help other translators, or leave comments there!

2 00:00:03,121 --> 00:00:08,713 This is the Hexayurt that we built at the Engineers Without Borders annual gathering and Practical Action camp.

2 00:00:09,682 --> 00:00:14,625 Here you see the details of construction of a plywood hexayurt.

3 00:00:14,625 --> 00:00:23,353 It's a 150 degrees angle cut in a piece of 2 x 4 and screwed from the outside.

4 00:00:23,453 --> 00:00:33,262 Here's the other size of block which we use, look down here, it's 120 degrees. It holds walls together.

5 00:00:33,726 --> 00:00:46,757 And let's go outside. Outside there's a 120 degrees block which joins the wall with the roof.

6 00:00:46,787 --> 00:00:49,787 And there are 150 blocks which join the roof pieces together.

7 00:00:50,329 --> 00:00:59,157 And outside you can see who pieces overlap. Can you see the overlapping?

8 00:00:59,157 --> 00:01:06,956 Overlapping means we use a screw through two layers of plywood and into the block.

9 00:01:07,081 --> 00:01:08,249 So we overlap the edges.

10 00:01:08,243 --> 00:01:11,243 And we overlap this edge too.

11 00:01:11,352 --> 00:01:14,352 This is far from being a perfect way to make it waterproof.

12 00:01:14,496 --> 00:01:18,266 But you can do it without adding any additional component or adding any deep complexity to the system.

13 00:01:18,340 --> 00:01:23,401 For this to work we must cut the wall pieces a bit shorter than we would do normally.

14 00:01:23,756 --> 00:01:26,756 So these instead of being 8 foot long are cut to 7 feet and 4 inches,

15 00:01:27,176 --> 00:01:33,092 which gives you additional space needed to make sure the roof is underneath (?) the wall

16 00:01:33,593 --> 00:01:39,996 you make this with 12 OSB panels and 4 pieces of 4x8 (I think it's 2x4) and a bunch of screws

17 00:01:40,945 --> 00:01:42,743 back inside

18 00:01:43,282 --> 00:01:46,282 see what I mean ... (...) ...

19 00:01:48,607 --> 00:01:51,607 just at the top there's a detail

20 00:01:53,303 --> 00:01:58,245 see how we trimmed the pieces to make a hole

21 00:01:58,658 --> 00:02:05,797 see this angle here? we simply trimmed a small piece off the side of the plywood, from one side and from the other so they fit together to (...)

22 00:02:06,521 --> 00:02:09,521 so each piece of plywood ...

23 00:02:10,145 --> 00:02:13,145 overlaps over the next on and then we trim them so they fit together this way

24 00:02:13,404 --> 00:02:16,404 it's a bit tricky and we'd like to do a (...) properly later

25 00:02:16,721 --> 00:02:19,721 but this is the basics of a plywood hexayurt

26 00:02:22,653 --> 00:02:25,653 thank you

27 00:02:26,307 --> 00:02:29,307 i hope you can figure out the details on your own

28 00:02:30,936 --> 00:02:33,936 150 to hold the roof

29 00:02:34,052 --> 00:02:37,052 120 to join the wall to the roof

30 00:02:37,178 --> 00:02:44,647 you can see the screws that go through the roof and go into those blocks (...)

31 00:02:44,647 --> 00:02:46,904 and that's all there is to it

32 00:02:47,017 --> 00:02:48,606 the walls are full panels with 6 inches cut off one side

33 00:02:48,732 --> 00:02:50,928 the pieces for the roof are half a panel, overlapped

34 00:02:51,463 --> 00:02:53,587 an that's the plywood hexayurt

35 00:02:53,720 --> 00:02:54,804


1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,378 has file to help other translators, or leave comments there!

2 00:00:03,121 --> 00:00:08,713 Este es el Hexayurt que construimos en la reunión anual de Ingenieros Sin Fronteras y campamento de Acción Práctica.

3 00:00:09,682 --> 00:00:14,625 Aquí ves los detalles de la construcción de un Hexayurt de conglomerado.

4 00:00:14,625 --> 00:00:23,353 Es un ángulo de 150 grados cortado en una pieza de 2x4 pulgadas y atornillado desde fuera.

5 00:00:23,453 --> 00:00:33,262 Aquí está el otro tamaño de bloque que usamos, mira ahí abajo, de 120 grados, que sostiene unas paredes con otras.

6 00:00:33,726 --> 00:00:46,757 Y vamos fuera. Fuera hay un bloque de 120 grados que une la pared con el techo.

7 00:00:46,787 --> 00:00:49,787 Y hay piezas de 150 grados que unen las piezas del techo entre sí.

8 00:00:50,329 --> 00:00:59,157 Y por fuera puedes ver cómo las tablas se superponen unas con otras. ¿Puedes ver la superposición?

9 00:00:59,157 --> 00:01:06,956 La superposición significa que ponemos un tornillo a través de dos capas de conglomerado, directamente hasta el bloque.

10 00:01:07,081 --> 00:01:08,249 Así que superponemos los bordes.

11 00:01:08,243 --> 00:01:11,243 Y superponemos este borde también.

12 00:01:11,352 --> 00:01:14,352 Esto está lejos de ser una manera perfecta de lograr que sea estanco al agua.

13 00:01:14,496 --> 00:01:18,266 Pero ocurre que puedes hacerlo sin añadir ningún componente adicional ni añadir ninguna complejidad profunda al sistema.

14 00:01:18,340 --> 00:01:23,401 Para que funcione, tienes que cortar las piezas de las paredes un poco más cortas que como las cortarías normalmente,

15 00:01:23,756 --> 00:01:26,756 así que éstas en lugar de tener 8 pies de largo, tienen 7 pies y 4 pulgadas,

16 00:01:27,176 --> 00:01:33,092 y eso te da el espacio adicional que necesitas para asegurarte de que el techo está por debajo [?] de la pared

17 00:01:33,593 --> 00:01:39,996 fabricas esto con 12 piezas de OSB y 4 piezas de 4x8 y un puñado de tornillos

18 00:01:40,945 --> 00:01:42,743 volvemos al interior

19 00:01:43,282 --> 00:01:46,282 mira lo que quiero decir ... [...] ...

20 00:01:48,607 --> 00:01:51,607 justo en la parte más alta hay un detalle

21 00:01:53,303 --> 00:01:58,245 mira cómo hemos recortado las piezas para hacer un agujero

22 00:01:58,658 --> 00:02:05,797 ¿ves este ángulo de aquí? simplemente cortamos una pequeña pieza del borde del tablón, de un lado y del otro, de manera que encajan uno con otro para [...]

23 00:02:06,521 --> 00:02:09,521 así que cada pieza de madera ...

24 00:02:10,145 --> 00:02:13,145 cruzas cada pieza de madera sobre la otra y luego las recortas para que encajen una con la otra de esta manera

25 00:02:13,404 --> 00:02:16,404 tiene un poco de truco y pensamos hacer un [...] bien hecho más tarde

26 00:02:16,721 --> 00:02:19,721 pero eso es lo básico de un hexayurt de conglomerado

27 00:02:22,653 --> 00:02:25,653 gracias

28 00:02:26,307 --> 00:02:29,307 espero que puedas "figure out" los detalles por tu cuenta

29 00:02:30,936 --> 00:02:33,936 los de 150 sostienen el techo

30 00:02:34,052 --> 00:02:37,052 los de 120 unen la pared al techo

31 00:02:37,178 --> 00:02:44,647 puedes ver los tornillos que atraviesan el techo y se meten en esos bloques [...]

32 00:02:44,647 --> 00:02:46,904 y eso es todo lo que hay

33 00:02:47,017 --> 00:02:48,606 las paredes son paneles completos con 6 pulgadas recortadas de un lado

34 00:02:48,732 --> 00:02:50,928 las piezas del techo son medio panel superpuestas

35 00:02:51,463 --> 00:02:53,587 y ese es el hexayurt de conglomerado

36 00:02:53,720 --> 00:02:54,804

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