Something useful here: Jaffee, D., Howard, P.H., 2010. Corporate cooptation of organic and fair trade standards. Agric Hum Values 27, 387–399.


Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International(FLO)

Key Objectives

  • minimum price
  • additional Fairtrade premium to be invested in projects for social, economic, and environmental developement
  • possible pre-financing
  • strong partnership between trade partners
  • symbiotic long-term trading relations
  • minimum and progressive criteria to make sure conditions for production and trade of product are socially and economically just and environmentally conscience.

United Nations Fair Trade


  • Traceable flow of products
  • Transparency in exchange of money
  • Compliance with national labor laws and the Conventions of the International Labour Organization
  • Compliance with basic environmental standards

International Labour Organization

  • conventions-legally binding international treaties
  • recommendations-non-binding guidelines

Fundemental Conventions

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