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* lay down the Yin and Yang attribute cards (might be better to do that while waiting for session to start as a stimulant)
* lay down the Yin and Yang attribute cards (might be better to do that while waiting for session to start as a stimulant)
* quickly explain the spectrum and ask participants to help you justify where the various currencies fit on the spectrum (place them)
* quickly explain the spectrum and ask participants to help you justify where the various currencies fit on the spectrum (place them)
==Table of Contents==
* The Permaculture of Money: observe the flow of currency, find ways to capture and retain it, aim for inputs=outputs, share surplus
* Ying Yang spectrum
* Da Vinci Tai Chi dance altogether (make sure to reverse the moves when in front of the group)
* Tell a few stories (as time permits) , especially High Middle Ages, Ancient Egypt and Argentina
* Make Money exercise:  Catalog Offers/Request on cards for all to see; write out IOU cheque vouchers, circulate for a bit, debrief
* Detailed explanation of Gift Circles, Timebank and Seedstock
* the 4 components of CC success (to avoid the 80% failure rate since 1983)
* Real live example of CC design using a participant's project

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* the story of Seedstock and Transition Towns currencies
* the story of Seedstock and Transition Towns currencies
* optionally: the story of chiralkine (quantum) money
* optionally: the story of chiralkine (quantum) money
* create real money (pass blank notes around) and go through step by step how real money is created out of thin air
* catalog creation
* matchmaking
* go through the design process systematically using a real and local example that participants can relate to


Revision as of 07:15, 10 December 2012

How to put on a "Design your own Currency" Workshop

Learning Objectives

  • participants will be able to identify, differentiate and determine the appropriate uses of a gift currency, a time currency, an unredeemable token currency, a redeemable proxy currency and a tax-collection currency
  • participants will feel enthousiastic about the growing field of community currencies while realizing it is still very experimental
  • participants with a design background (PDC?) will be able to design a currency as a component of wholistically solving a real problem they are familiar with

Prepare before the workshop

  • samples of all the various types of community currencies (and some proxy yang currencies)
  • prepare Yin and Yang attribute cards (ed note: insert content of the cards here or in a separate wiki page)


  • form a semi-circle so everyone can see the center of the circle
  • Ask participants to throw whatever currency they have on themselves into the middle of the circle (throw your own collection in)
  • lay down the Yin and Yang attribute cards (might be better to do that while waiting for session to start as a stimulant)
  • quickly explain the spectrum and ask participants to help you justify where the various currencies fit on the spectrum (place them)

Table of Contents

  • The Permaculture of Money: observe the flow of currency, find ways to capture and retain it, aim for inputs=outputs, share surplus
  • Ying Yang spectrum
  • Da Vinci Tai Chi dance altogether (make sure to reverse the moves when in front of the group)
  • Tell a few stories (as time permits) , especially High Middle Ages, Ancient Egypt and Argentina
  • Make Money exercise: Catalog Offers/Request on cards for all to see; write out IOU cheque vouchers, circulate for a bit, debrief
  • Detailed explanation of Gift Circles, Timebank and Seedstock
  • the 4 components of CC success (to avoid the 80% failure rate since 1983)
  • Real live example of CC design using a participant's project


  • anecdotes about Bernard Lietaer the co-designer of the Euro, Michael Linton the local and global pioneer
  • the story of the High Middle Ages
  • the story of Ancient Egypt
  • the story of stamp scrip in USA and Austria
  • the story of Argentina 2002
  • the story of LETS and Timebanking
  • the story of Seedstock and Transition Towns currencies
  • optionally: the story of chiralkine (quantum) money


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