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Maza Wanawake Kwanza Growers Association (1).jpg

Did you know 2015 is International Year of Soils?

Just a short quote from Indian environmental activist Vandana Shiva W : "The joint crises of climate change and biodiversity erosion can both be addressed by planting gardens everywhere—full of biodiversity; full of the celebration of life, well-being, and abundance. Gardens of hope everywhere. Farms that give real food. We will continue to create the other world that we are sowing—seed by seed, inch-by-inch of soil, person by person, community by community—until all of this planet is embraced in one circle of a resurgent life and resurgent love. We will not give up." Vandana Shiva, commondreams.org / wikipedia


Communigrow still needs more 'friends'. If you live locally and might be interested in this local food project please get in touch, December 8 [1]


Communigrow - Kent Community Supported Agriculture


include include the current transformation to create a viable educational resource on food and farming run by the local community of Larkfield, Ditton and the Mallings. Creating and producing new ways to learn about the age-old process of growing fresh food and eat it!


How Local Food may lessen the impact of climate change

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"...there are many reasons to support local food. Just know that a “local above all” strategy is not foolproof. Ask questions, weigh options, and you can be a climate-friendly consumer." [1]

Other topics

e.g. learning, teaching, sharing, land based experiences, food, farming, conservation, local fair trade, organics, biodynamics, permaculture, natural agriculture, volunteering, social enterprise

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(sample entry)

Why it’s green to be vegetarian: Farmed animals produce more greenhouse gas emissions (18%) than the world’s entire transport system (13.5%). [2]

See also


Interwiki links

Wikipedia: Local food, Low Carbon diet, High carbon and low carbon food choices, Community Supported Agriculture, Food miles

External links



  1. Buying Local: Do Food Miles Matter?, HarvardExtensionHub, November 19, 2012
  2. Vegetarian Society's Silent But Deadly campaign, launched in September 2007
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