
News and comment


Bangladesh sets new world record – five million high quality Compact fluorescent lamp Ws distributed to Bangladeshi homes, [1] July 26

Island's disappearance attributed to global warming, [2] March 25

"It is predicted that 18 percent of our coastal area will be submerged and 20 million people will be displaced. Are our political parties aware of these issues?" [3] March 25

Bangladesh, India: The Relationship Between Water Crisis And Migration, [4] by Rezwan, February 19. Sowmya Suryanarayanan at Strategic Foresight opines that the lack of freshwater resources in Bangladesh “is a massive threat and will remain a primary reason for cross border migration in the future.”


An ordinary citizen highlights the crusade of some local media to save the rivers of Dhaka from pollution, [5] September 21

2009 SEED Award Winners, [6] May 12

"Solar conversion of traditional kerosene hurricane lamps". A national NGO in partnership with a local NGO and a cooperative have developed an innovative device called "SuryaHurricane", a low-cost solar lantern made from recycled parts of the conventional and much used kerosene lantern.

"Generating local economy through regenerating local resources". A cooperation between a national NGO, a research institution and a small-sized business aims to avoid bio-diversity losses and degradation of the agricultural lands, by recycling waste from rice-growing for the production of cement that will be used in the production of low cost housing materials.

News sources


Initiatives by topic


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Climate action

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Communities online


Environment quality

'Let's Clean Bangladesh' – a regular program of The Dhaka Project - Wikipedia: Floods in Bangladesh, Water supply and sanitation in Bangladesh, Water management in Dhaka


Small-scale fish farming in Bangladesh - Solar cooking resources in Bangladesh

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Social inclusion

The Dhaka Project

Towards sustainable economies

Grameen Bank



Wikimedia Atlas of Bangladesh


Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies

Interwiki links

Wikipedia: Bangladesh

External links

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