Title of the device or system

Project developed by Aditya Trifaley

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This is a Bamboo Joint model that can be used in building bamboo houses, rooms or any sort of suspended pavilions. One side of a Bamboo can be fixed in this joint and the other can be fixed to a different bamboo joint. This model can be modified for different sizes of bamboo and different angles and uses. This part is easy to modify, easy to print and costs less and can be used extensively for construction purposes.  
Bamboo joint 1.jpg

Bill of Materials

  1. 3-d printed Bamboo Joint
  2. Bamboo for construction.

OpenSCAD and STL files can be found here: Bamboo joint for building houses

Tools needed for fabrication of the OSAT

  1. MOST Delta RepRap or similar RepRap 3-D printer
  2. A File, only if needed to file the printed part.

Skills and Knowledge Necessary to Make the OSAT

  • Basic Open Source CAD skills
  • 3-D printing skills

Technical Specifications and Assembly Instructions

  1. Download the STL file from the link given in the Bill of Materials.
  2. Convert the STL to a gcode file using Cura .
  3. Print the file using Cura or any other related software.
  4. Once the part is printed, remove it from the bed.
  5. The part can directly be used for its purpose without any other finishing.
  6. Put one end of the bamboo in one of the holes of the printed part and the other end of it to a different bamboo joint/connector wherever required during construction.
  7. There are 3 such connections to this piece and so three different bamboos can be connected to the joint.
  8. The CAD and STL files are uploaded and can be easily modified according to the dimensions and angles as required for the construction.
  9. The print time is anywhere between 3-8 hours depending on the size of the joint and the print speed given and the assembly time is at the most 5 minutes.

Common Problems and Solutions

  • The only problem is that the hanging cylindrical holes on both sides need to be given support during printing or they may not print correctly.

Cost savings

  1. Cost of printing is not more than 4$.
  2. A commercial equivalent is not available.


  • Concept was inspired from this article. [1]
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