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A history of collaboration

Appropedia has a strong history of collaboration.

Lonny started Appropedia in April 2006, focused on appropriate technology, assisted by other people from Humboldt State University's Campus Center for Appropriate Technology.

In May 2006 he started a conversation with Chriswaterguy via his Wikipedia userpage.[1][2] Chriswaterguy was focused on appropriate technology articles in Wikipedia, but by June 2006 he was convinced to join forces at Appropedia. Appropedia now covered broader issues of international development and sustainability - a logical development due to the large amount of overlap and synergy between these topics. It also developed a policy of complementing Wikipedia, referencing encyclopedic material there, and focusing instead on project information, original research, how-tos, networking and anything else not suitable for Wikipedia.

A note left on another site[3] led Curtbeckmann to join Appropedia, bringing energy, new ideas and different perspectives. He put a lot of energy into gaining permission to port quality content from other sites, leading to an acceleration in Appropedia's content growth and profile. Likeminded people and organizations were happy to give permission to use their material (see below).

Goodsignal worked away in the background, doing technical work. (since when?)

Contact with WikiGreen in late December 2006 led to an enthusiastic response from Ericblazek[4], and a very quick decision to join forces. (Chriswaterguy logged on one day to find that the merger, which he had supported, had been agreed upon and implemented by those on the other side of the planet, largely while he was asleep.) It was decided to use the name Appropedia, at least for the time being. This brought an enormous amount of content, the work of Ericblazek and (what's the name of other WG person?), ported with permission from various publications.

Since then Appropedia has made connections with more and more people and organizations:

  • A long-running discussion with Village Earth led to their wiki merging in March 2006. This was the original wiki on appropriate technology.
  • Sustainapedia, a planned website by a group of people with a similar vision and much ambition, led by Ryan Legg (User:On2Leggs) and Jim Harris of Cleantech. The Sustainapedia and Appropedia teams quickly agreed to collaborate, and are now working out the details.
  • How To Live Wiki, the site of Vinay Gupta, known for the Hexayurt, merged much of its material into Appropedia in March 2006.

Other exciting conversations are ongoing, with highly regarded organizations on the verge of joining this collaborative community. We look forward to being able to mention them here soon!



  • Who do we have approval to credit?
  • Do in alphabetical order to avoid favoritism? Or Foundation partners first, then complete list incl foundation partners?

Content has been contributed by many organizations and individuals. These include:


One national Engineers Without Borders organization is moving towards merging their wiki with ours, and both sides are excited about this - but we'll be a little discreet and not mention which country till it's confirmed and official. We are engaging in conversations with EWB in different countries as well, and hope for cooperation with all such groups.

Related but different wikis. We have agree to link to relevant materials on each others' sites:

Wikis engaged in ongoing conversations:

  • Greenlivingpedia - who has given us some great pointers about serving the mainstream as well as hippie and super-geeky people; SustainapediaNW, TipThePlanet.

We also wish to thank the organizations who share a principle of openness, and allow their content to be reproduced here without our even asking. These include:

  • FAO
  • SODIS?


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