Version française ci-dessous (Traduction Olivier C 23:57, 12 December 2008 (UTC)) (temporarily out of date due to changes on Feb 21, 2009. CurtB)Reply[reply]

This is purely a informal proposal. Ekopedia has not approved or rejected it at this stage. --Chriswaterguy 19:48, 12 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Ekopedia and Appropedia are adopting a deep and adaptable partnership. Ekopedia and Appropedia share the vision of a positive collaboration witch could leads to a projects merge. Both projects will walk, step by step in the direction of the merge.

Here is our projects collaboration roadmap proposal:

  1. Step 1: Compatible licensing
    1. We define a compatible licensing definition (like CC-BY-SA-3.0 + FAL).
  2. Step 2: content sharing and translation
    1. French pages on Appropedia are ported to Ekopedia.
    2. English pages on Ekopedia are ported to Appropedia.
    3. French pages on Ekopedia are translated to English pages at Appropedia
    4. English pages on Appropedia are translated to French pages at Ekopedia
  3. Step 3: links creation & taxonomy
    1. Interlanguage links are established between the wikis, in both directions.
    2. is forwarded to Appropedia
    3. is forwarded to Ekopedia
    4. we choose what do to with other languages
  4. Step 4: projects merge
    1. develop similar taxonomy.
    2. Project name choice.
    3. Legal issues (do we keep both organizations...)

We (contributors & founder of Appropedia and Ekopedia) agree that this is our common vision and will work all together in getting this vision done with this adaptable roadmap.

-- This version of the language adapted from Jean-Luc's comments on the talk page on Feb 21, so Olivier's translation link above is out of date at this moment in time. CurtB 18:27, 21 February 2009 (UTC)Reply[reply]

See also

Appropedia:Memorandum of Understanding/OLPC

Traduction Olivier C 23:57, 12 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Ceci est purement un avis informatif. À ce stade, Ekopedia ne l'a pas approuvé ou rejeté. --Chriswaterguy 19:48, 12 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Ekopedia et Appropedia sont en train d'adopter un profond mais adaptable partenariat:

  • Les pages francophones de Appropedia seront transferées à Ekopedia et les liens seront directement redirigés vers Ekopedia.
  • Les pages anglophones de Ekopedia seront transferées à Appropedia et les liens seront directement redirigés vers Ekopedia.
  • Des liens multi-langues seront établis entre les wikis dans les 2 directions.
  • Nous travaillerons ensemble pour développer une taxonomie et imaginer comment collaborer plus encore.
  • Nous examinerons les bénéfices d'une collaboration au niveau des Fondations - La Appropedia Foundation et la Fondation Ékopédia machine trans..


Comment gérer les autres langues? Les partage-t-on d'une manière similaire selon la base (site) ayant actuellement le plus de pages?

Traduction Olivier C 23:57, 12 December 2008 (UTC)Reply[reply]

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