What is Appropedia?

Appropedia is a living library of appropriate technology information which began in April of 2006. Appropedia is a wiki, a type of website which allows anyone to add, remove, or edit content. Registration is encouraged but not required for contributors.

Content on Appropedia

Appropedia includes and welcomes contributions of several types of content:

  • Project histories and project how-tos
  • Textbook-style information, tables, and figures
  • Photographs and illustrations
  • Information for finding supplies and help
  • Links and information on other organizations

Posting encyclopedic content on Appropedia is discouraged, as wikipedia is a more-used resource for this style of article.

People who make Appropedia possible

Founder and sysop

Other administrators

Technical Assistance to Appropedia


A whole community of contributers and visitors makes appropedia work.

Praise and attention from organizations, media, and websites

Engineers Without Borders has listed Appropedia as a useful tool.

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