
Search Phrases

  • 3d welding
  • rapid prototyping aluminum "weld"
  • rapid prototyping aluminum
  • Alloy effect weld


"3d Welding and Milling: Part I–a Direct Approach for Freeform Fabrication of Metallic Prototypes"

  • Steel
  • Heated Bed *possible Cooled bed..Al*
  • Conducted Face Milling at end of each layer
  • Microstructures change depending upon vertical displacement due to heat accumulation
  • Heat accumulation affects layer thickness

"3d Welding and Milling: Part II—Optimization of the 3d Welding Process Using an Experimental Design Approach"

  • Mild Steel
  • Found that the wire feed rate and voltage are more important than the distance from tip and gas concentration
  • Methods to follow: Unidirectional and "Zig Zag"
  • 0.9 mm diameter bead "0.035 inch"
  • Single Bead experiments. Studied parameters

"Rapid Prototyping of 4043 Al-Alloy Parts by VP-GTAW"

  • Height of bead decreased with an increase of current.
  • Bead width increases with increasing current
  • Height and width of bead decrease with increase of welding speed.

"A Novel Control Approach for the Droplet Detachment in Rapid Prototyping by 3D Welding"

  • Arc welding
  • Oscilate frequency to release the ball of molten material to the substrate

"Rapid manufacturing of aluminum components"

  • Polymer-Aluminum powder composite and burnt out polymer during manufacturing
  • used rigid inert skeleton hollow body

"Analytical studies on thermal behaviour and geometry of weld pool in pulsed current gas metal arc welding"

  • As conductivity of the substrate increases, the melting of the substrate increases
  • Weld pool geometry is largely determined by weld penetration and heat of arc

"Development of a direct metal freeform fabrication technique using CO2 laser welding and milling technology"

  • Increase in table speed, decrease in bead thickness and width.
  • Decrease in table speed, increase in bead thickness and width.
  • increase in wire feed rate, increased bead thickness and width.

"Effect of heat sink on microstructure of three-dimensional parts built by welding-based deposition"

  • Conducted P V curves
  • Bead width decreases with volume of heat sink
  • Smaller heat sink, higher temperature reached but faster cooling rate. affects microstructure.

Alloy Effect

"Aluminum Alloys--Contemporary Research and Applications: Contemporary Research and Applications"

  • 1100 Used for other low alloy weld. low strength, can withstand more cold working
  • 4043 reduces hot-tearing by controlling cooling rate.
  • Extreme cooling rates cause hot-tearing
  • 5356 created for high strength and hot tearing.


  1. Y.-A. Song, S. Park, D. Choi, and H. Jee, “3d Welding and Milling: Part I–a Direct Approach for Freeform Fabrication of Metallic Prototypes,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1057–1062, Jul. 2005.
  2. Y.-A. Song, S. Park, and S.-W. Chae, “3d Welding and Milling: Part Ii—Optimization of the 3d Welding Process Using an Experimental Design Approach,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1063–1069, Jul. 2005.
  3. H. Wang, W. Jiang, J. Ouyang, and R. Kovacevic, “Rapid prototyping of 4043 Al-alloy parts by VP-GTAW,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 148, no. 1, pp. 93–102, May 2004.
  4. B. Zheng and R. Kovacevic, “A Novel Control Approach for the Droplet Detachment in Rapid Prototyping by 3D Welding,” J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., vol. 123, no. 2, pp. 348–355, Mar. 2000.
  5. T. B. Sercombe and G. B. Schaffer, “Rapid Manufacturing of Aluminum Components,” Science, vol. 301, no. 5637, pp. 1225–1227, Aug. 2003.
  6. V. K. Goyal, P. K. Ghosh, and J. S. Saini, “Analytical studies on thermal behaviour and geometry of weld pool in pulsed current gas metal arc welding,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 209, no. 3, pp. 1318–1336, Feb. 2009.
  7. D.-S. Choi, S. H. Lee, B. S. Shin, K. H. Whang, Y. A. Song, S. H. Park, and H. S. Jee, “Development of a direct metal freeform fabrication technique using CO2 laser welding and milling technology,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 113, no. 1–3, pp. 273–279, Jun. 2001.
  8. Z. Jandric, M. Labudovic, and R. Kovacevic, “Effect of heat sink on microstructure of three-dimensional parts built by welding-based deposition,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, vol. 44, no. 7–8, pp. 785–796, Jun. 2004.
  9. A. K. Vasudevan and R. D. Doherty, Aluminum Alloys--Contemporary Research and Applications: Contemporary Research and Applications. Elsevier, 2012.
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