
This page comprises a literature review of 3D printing with electrically conductive materials.

"Rapid prototyping of electrically conductive components using 3Dprinting technology"

  • made of plaster-based powder bound layer-by-layer by an inkjet printing of a liquid binder
  • impregnated by a dispersion of carbon nanofibers (CNF) in epoxy resin
  • Surface resistivity of the model below 800 Ω/sq has been obtained when impregnated by a mixture containing less than 4 wt.% CNF. Volume resistivity of the molded and hardened CNF dispersion used for model impregnation have also been measured and a value less than 200 Ω cm has been obtained at 3 wt.% CNF content
  • carbon-black or metal powders increases the viscosity of the infiltrant so that it is not able to impregnate the 3D model structure
  • the average diameter of the fibers is 100 nm and typical length is 50–200 μm



  1. J. Czyżewski, P. Burzyński, K. Gaweł, J. Meisner, Rapid prototyping of electrically conductive components using 3D printing technology, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 209, Issues 12–13, 1 July 2009, Pages 5281-5285, ISSN 0924-0136, 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2009.03.015. (
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